Category Archives: Government

Long Term Care Supports and Services Liaison Announced by Governor

KDADS Announces Hiring of COVID-19 Long-Term Supports and Services Liaison

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly and Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) Secretary Laura Howard today announced the agency will contract with Kathy Greenlee, former Assistant Secretary for Aging at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and former Secretary of the Kansas Department on Aging.

Ms. Greenlee will work on a half-time basis as the Kansas COVID-19 Long-Term Supports and Services (LTSS) Liaison as part of the administration’s continued focus on nursing facilities and LTSS.

“It’s important to highlight that Ms. Greenlee’s role will not be to do the things that are currently being done today in our state agencies related to long-term care, but to lend her expertise and utilize her national connections to enhance our work here in Kansas,” Kelly said.

Since leaving her seven-year tenure with HHS in Washington, D.C., Ms. Greenlee has continued her work at the national and regional levels as President and Chief Executive Officer of Greenlee Global, LLC. She served as Secretary of the Kansas Department on Aging from 2006-2009.

The role of the LTSS Liaison is designed to be a cross-agency partnership with KDADS, the Kansas Division of Emergency Management (KDEM) and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). The proposed scope of work will include, but not be limited to:

  • LTSS technical assistance for local public health and emergency management, including education on the characteristics and needs of LTSS providers like facility and community-based providers
  • Facilitating cross-agency partnership between state and local organizations, including review and reporting at the state level on best practices
  • Identifying future priority issues and preparedness needs for LTSS consumers and providers
  • Serving as an additional channel of communication between state and local officials and stakeholders

“Kathy Greenlee brings an extensive experience advancing reforms aimed at improving the lives of seniors and individuals with disabilities,” Howard said. “That experience will serve all three agencies very well.  We look forward to the wealth of knowledge she can immediately offer to further our efforts and advance best practices across our facilities and community-based providers.

In Kansas, there are currently 22 COVID-19 clusters in long-term care facilities. These have resulted in 540 positive cases, including 85 deaths.

“Preparedness of long-term care facilities is critical in responding to infectious disease pandemics like COVID-19. Ms. Greenlee’s extensive background and expertise will serve us well as we work to protect the health of Kansans,” KDHE Secretary Dr. Lee Norman said.

Creation of this COVID-19 Long-term Supports and Services Liaison position is the latest effort in Kansas’ focus on vulnerable populations such as those Kansans residing in long-term care facilities.  Long- term care facilities are an essential component of America’s healthcare delivery system. These facilities are unique, as they serve as both healthcare providers and as full-time homes for some of Kansas’ most vulnerable citizens. The state has prioritized efforts towards these facilities, including:

  • In an effort to minimize the impact of outbreaks in these facilities, once a case is detected in either a resident or staff, KDHE and the state laboratory provide resources to test all asymptomatic and symptomatic residents and staff and work with facilities and local health departments on plans to cohort positive cases and staff. This quick detection of any cases, even in asymptomatic people, in combination of proper cohorting reduces the spread of illness within the facility.



Early Childhood System Transformation

Kansas receives grant to transform the Kansas early childhood system 


Governor Laura Kelly and other early childhood leaders from across Kansas announced today that an $8.9 million grant from the Administration for Children and Families has been awarded to continue efforts to strengthen the early childhood system in Kansas. The funding is the first installment of a 3-year renewal of Kansas’s Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five (PDG B-5) initiative.  


“These funds will be imperative in helping to keep up our current momentum as we work to improve our state’s early childhood system,” Governor Kelly said. “This grant is particularly welcome now, as the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an additional degree of stress on early childhood in Kansas. With it, we will continue to fight for the health and safety of children and families in our state.”  


Leaders from the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund, the Kansas State Department of Education, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Kansas Department of Children and Families began this collaborative work with a PDG B-5 planning grant in January 2019. The initial grant funded a comprehensive statewide needs assessment, which illuminated what Kansans need and want from their early childhood care and education system.  


Over 6,100 parents, early childcare and education professionals, civic and business leaders, and community members provided input. Addressing the findings from these efforts is the foundation of a new statewide strategic plan for early childhood, which was finalized earlier this month.   


“After touring the state throughout 2019, it’s clear that although Kansans recognize the importance of high-quality early childhood programs and services, we have work to do,” said Melissa Rooker, Executive Director of the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund. “This grant will allow us to focus on implementation of our strategic plan as we work to strengthen our system and achieve our vision that every Kansas child has the best possible start in life.” 


Funding from this grant will support systems-alignment, infrastructure, and innovation at the local and state level. Kansans can expect to see investments in activities that build a sustainable infrastructure for the early childhood system. 


Visit the Systems Building tab at for more information and to stay engaged in the work to strengthen the early childhood system in the coming years. 


Funds for this project are provided through the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five 90TP0016-01-00 ($4,482,305) was awarded to the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).  The Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund, the Kansas Department for Children and Families, and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment are leading this work with KSDE. This information or content and conclusions should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HHS, ACF, or the U.S. Government.  



Driver’s License Offices Reopen May 12

Kansas Department of Revenue announces plan to reopen driver’s license offices


TOPEKA – Since March 24, 2020, extensions to driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations have been made through Executive Order 20-12 signed by Governor Laura Kelly. While those extensions are still valid, the Kansas Department of Revenue will start to reopen driver’s license offices on Tuesday, May 12, 2020.


Under Ad Astra: A plan to reopen Kansas, presented at the end of April by Governor Kelly, steps will be made to ensure the health and well-being of all who enter Kansas Department of Revenue offices. This includes requiring appointments and screenings before entering offices and implementing all social distancing guidelines.


“Following the procedures of the Ad Astra Plan and data presented by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, we are making concerted efforts to open in a thoughtful and safe manner,” Secretary Mark Burghart said.


“This is done by looking at the county COVID-19 case data and applicable guidelines on social distancing to make the necessary decisions to reopen and possibly temporarily reclose offices.”


Only essential services will be conducted in reopened driver’s license offices. These include:

  • Drivers needing to transfer a license from another state
  • Teen drivers receiving a license for the first time
  • Drivers turning 21 or turning 50 years-of-age
  • Applications for a new state identification card
  • If there is no online access to the customer or other restriction to online service apply by statute, including not having an eye exam within the last 12 months


“It is important to note that Governor Kelly’s Executive Order 20-12, which allows extensions on driver’s license renewals and vehicle registrations, is still in effect,” David Harper, Director of Vehicles said.


“We encourage customers who can perform these services online to do so as we continue to evaluate the reopening of the more than 100 office locations with the partnership of county governments.”


Renewals to Governor Kelly’s extensions must be completed within 60 days of the expiration of the State of Disaster Emergency Proclamation, originally made in March, and extended due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19 to the state.


To schedule an appointment, customers are asked to call their driver’s license office or use the already established scheduling program, Q-Flow, for offices with that availability.


Beginning on May 12, the following offices will reopen by appointment only:


County Office Appointment method
Sedgwick 1873 W. 21st N.

Wichita Twin Lakes


Johnson 30750 W. 193rd Street


Shawnee 3907 SW Burlingame Road



Douglas 1035 N. 3rd Street, Suite 119


Ellis 1222 Canterbury Drive


Riley 8200 S. Port Drive, Suite 105


Thomas 990 S. Range Street, #3


Barton 1400 Main Street, Room 207

Great Bend

Franklin 225 S. Walnut Street


Nemaha 203 N. 8th Street, Suite 2


Crawford 202 E. Centennial Drive, Suite C11A




Moving forward, the reopened office listing is available at


Online renewals of identification cards, driver’s licenses, and vehicle tag renewals can be done online at or in the iKan app available in the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores. Some statutory restrictions apply. For those restrictions, an office visit will need to be scheduled.


To contact the Division of Vehicles about issues relating to a title, registration, or driver’s licenses, phone and email information can be found at


Bourbon County Has No New COVID Cases: Health Department

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, and Woodson Counties

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

May 6, 2020

Allen County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 0
Total Positives Since Testing 0
Deaths 0

Anderson County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 0
Total Positives Since Testing 0
Deaths 0

Bourbon County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 5
Total Positives Since Testing 6
Deaths 1

Woodson County

Current Positive Cases 1
Current Recovered Cases 5
Total Positives Since Testing 6
Deaths 0

Recovered cases are based on dates of onset of symptoms, not on day testing results are received.

KDHE, KU Study COVID-19 Detection in Wastewater



TOPEKA –The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) recently teamed up with the University of Kansas School of Engineering (KU) to determine if genetic remnants of COVID-19 can be detected in wastewater.


The concept originally tested in Massachusetts and the Netherlands, and now throughout the United States, is that people infected with the virus shed it through their urine and feces. The genetic material can be extracted from wastewater and matched against genetic markers keyed to COVID-19. The virus itself does not survive in wastewater, and therefore wastewater is not a significant means of disease transmission.


Detecting the genetic material in wastewater is indicative of COVID-19 being present and may give local health officials knowledge of how widespread it is in their community, allowing them to take proactive measures to mitigate its spread. While drinking water is not part of this ongoing study, it’s important to note disinfection by all Kansas public water suppliers inactivates the virus and drinking water remains safe for consumption.


The Kansas project is still in its preliminary stages. KU collected samples from 12 wastewater plants in Kansas in late April. Some indication of the genetic material was found in the wastewater in 10 of those plants. Results are too variable and uncertain to make actual estimates of the extent of infection in those communities. The results were communicated to officials in cities that participated in the study.


“The initial results do show genetic indications from COVID-19 in wastewater; however, at best, we are at the presence/absence stage of evaluation process,” Tom Stiles, KDHE’s Bureau of Water director, said. “There is much more we need to refine in the methodology to assure quality control and that will start with further testing of samples. We don’t know how quantitative this approach can be, but we are hoping it gives us a means to corroborate our COVID testing of individuals, particularly in counties where positive cases have been low. Additionally, we may employ it as early warning surveillance should the virus come back in the fall or winter to give us a chance to get ahead of it.”


Samples were taken from a large city and a small town, each in five northeast Kansas counties with multiple wastewater facilities and sampled in Lawrence and Topeka. KDHE and KU are still evaluating the results and formulating plans for next steps in using the detection techniques.

Help For Small Businesses in the County With Inventory and Capital


Bourbon County businesses with under 50 employees may soon apply for grant funds because of the financial effects of the pandemic.

These grants will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Rural small businesses should contact the county economic development director, who will apply for the grant.

“We are exploring business needs, outside of Fort Scott City limits, for the CDBG-CV grant opportunity, Hoenor said.  “The goal of the grant is job retention.  We are looking for all business in the county, outside of Fort Scott city limits, with 1 to 50 employees who have been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.  Funding can be used for inventory or working capital needed to reopen or help keep a business operating. “
“The City of Fort Scott will have the opportunity to apply for funding if they have used all their current funding,” she said.

Contact  Hoener at   [email protected]  to get a  business included in the grant application.

Under the Corona Virus Aid and Economic Security Act (CARES), Kansas will receive an additional $9 million in Community Development Block Grant funds to be used exclusively to support projects related to combating the impact of COVID-19, according to a press release from Hoenor.


Hoenor received notice of a public hearing yesterday and attended online.


The following is an email interview with Hoenor regarding the grants for small businesses in the county.

Who is the target for the grant?
There are four proposed activities with this specific grant.  At this point, we are focusing on businesses with fewer than 50 employees.
What benefits will the grant give the applicant?
 Applicants can use the grant funding for inventory or working capital needs.
What is the application process?
 The county will apply for grant funds, identifying a general number of businesses we intend to help in our grant application.
Grant means no payback, right?
We have not seen the specific requirements but grants typically mean they do not have to pay it back unless the recipient does not fulfill the obligations the grant was intended for.
What is the timeline?
We were told the applications process will be online and hope to have available next week.  It will be first come first serve.
Jody Hoenor, Bourbon County Economic Development Director. Submitted photo.


Flags At Half-Staff For Fallen Officer Mosher

Governor Laura Kelly to order flags to be flown at half-staff in honor of Overland Park Officer Mike Mosher


Governor Laura Kelly today announced she will order flags throughout the State of Kansas to be flown at half-staff in honor of Mike Mosher, Overland Park Police Officer who lost his life while on duty Sunday.


Flags will be flown at half-staff on the day of Officer Mosher’s memorial service. The flag order will be distributed once the date is announced.


“I was deeply saddened to learn of Officer Mike Mosher’s death,” Kelly said. “When our officers sign up to protect and serve our communities, they are putting their lives on the line for us. The sacrifices he and his family have made will certainly not be forgotten. Officer Mosher was an outstanding officer, and I offer my sincere condolences to his family during this difficult time.”


Overland Park Police Department: Officer Mosher was a 14-year veteran of the department, a field training officer and a community policing officer. Officer Mosher was involved in an ambush shooting in 2018 and received a Metropolitan Chiefs and Sheriffs Association Officer of the Year award for his actions during that incident. He was also the president of the Overland Park Fraternal Order of Police.


In addition to ordering the flags to be flown at half-staff for Officer Mosher, Governor Kelly today signed Executive Order #20-30, which amends a previous order to add first responders to the list of those who are to be officially recognized through this posthumous honor. The new Executive Order replaces Executive Order #10-12, which was originally signed under Governor Mark Parkinson. The original order did not provide guidance for first responders who are killed in the line of duty. The new order covers members of the law enforcement, fire and emergency response communities.


To view EO #20-30, click here.


To receive email alerts when the governor orders flags to half-staff, please visit

Governor Kelly announces recovery team leadership


As part of her continued commitment to protecting the health and safety of Kansans and the state’s economy, Governor Laura Kelly today announced the appointment of two individuals who will head the team charged with leading Kansas forward in recovery from the far-reaching effects of COVID-19. 


Kelly selected Cheryl Harrison-Lee as the Recovery Office’s executive director and Lyle Butler as the chair.


Harrison-Lee has more than 30 years of experience in strategic leadership positions in a variety of corporate, entrepreneurial, private and public environments. Previously, she served in leadership roles for several cities to include Gardner, Kansas and Orlando and Daytona Beach, Florida.


Last year, Governor Kelly appointed Harrison-Lee to serve on the Kansas Board of Regents.


“Cheryl has a robust, national reputation as an extraordinary manager,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “She made an instant positive impact in her new role on the Kansas Board of Regents, and I have every confidence that she will provide big-picture insight during the recovery effort, while also paying necessary attention to detail.”


“I am honored to support Governor Kelly and the citizens of Kansas as we recover from unprecedented challenging times,” Harrison-Lee said. “I look forward to developing a strategy to help us regain and enhance our future and long-term economic sustainability.”


Butler recently retired from his position as the President and CEO of the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, a position he held since July 2000. He has also served as the Chamber President and CEO in Dodge City, Kansas, and Greeley, Colorado.


“Lyle is a proven coalition builder who will be a strong contributor as we move forward in the recovery from COVID-19,” Kelly said. “He brings years of experience working with the business community and in economic development. We are going to need Lyle’s expertise as we move into the recovery phase of the pandemic.


“In these unprecedented times with numerous challenges facing the citizens of Kansas, I look forward to working with Governor Kelly and her leadership team to provide assistance and guidance to help get Kansas moving forward,” Butler said.


“Both Lyle and Cheryl have a keen understanding of the needs of local communities in Kansas, which will be paramount during the recovery effort and in the statewide distribution of CARES Act funding,” the Governor said.


Kelly will soon announce the remaining members of the recovery team, which will include involvement from members of the Kansas Legislature.