Category Archives: Government

KDHE adds state to travel quarantine list, removes others



TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has added one state to the quarantine list: Maryland, and removed two states from the list: Colorado and Louisiana. This includes removal of the specific Colorado counties listed previously. This is effective for persons returning today, May 12, and moving forward. A comprehensive list of those individuals in Kansas needing to quarantine for 14 days includes those who have:


Traveled to:

  • • Maryland on or after May 12.
  • • Massachusetts and Rhode Island on or after April 30.
  • • Connecticut on or after April 6.
  • • Illinois or New Jersey on or after March 23.
  • • New York on or after March 15.
  • • Been on a cruise ship or river cruise on or after March 15.
  • • International travel on or after March 15.


Others needing to continue quarantining:

  • • People who have previously been told by Public Health to quarantine because of their cruise ship travel should finish out their quarantine.
  • • People who have previously been told by Public Health to quarantine because of their international travel to China, South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran should finish out their quarantine.
  • • Received notification from public health officials (state or local) that you are a close contact of a laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19.


Please note these quarantine orders do not apply to critical infrastructure sectors needed to continue operations during this pandemic. Public health, including hospitals, clinics, law enforcement, meatpacking supply, etc. need to have the staffing resources to continue serving Kansans. While KDHE strongly recommends these quarantine restrictions for everyone, we do recognize that services need to continue.

KDHE encourages facilities to ensure they have updated their Emergency Preparedness Plans and implement protocols to ensure that no employee comes to work symptomatic.

For more information on COVID-19, please visit the KDHE website at



Aging and Disability Services Receives Support

KDADS Receives More Than $6.7 Million in Additional CARES Act Funding to Support Older Americans Act Programs

TOPEKA – Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) Secretary Laura Howard announced today that Kansas has received more than $6.7 million in U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) grants from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to help communities provide supportive services, meals, caregiver support services and long-term care ombudsman services for older adults.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law March 27, 2020, provided additional funding to states, territories and tribes for the various programs authorized by the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965. KDADS has received $6,785,425 under this grant program, the third part of a congressional economic stimulus bill, and is distributing the federal dollars to fund supportive services, caregiver support services, long-term care ombudsman services, and nutrition services. The funds for nutrition services are in addition to the more than $2 million provided by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) KDADS received in March of this year.

“These funds will go directly toward helping agencies that deliver these vital support services in communities across our state support older adults in staying healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Howard said. “We appreciate their tireless efforts and ability to adapt and scale the increased needs of this crisis as they relate to the needs of our seniors and disabled individuals.”

The OAA Title III programs and services reach more than 300,000 Kansans each year, through community-based, in-home and statewide supports. The need for many of these services has increased as community measures to slow transmission of COVID-19 have closed congregate settings.

The state aging network is using innovative strategies to continue to serve older adults and support communities.

“Many of our local restaurants are struggling to keep their doors open, and we see this as an opportunity to collaborate and begin providing senior meals through an Older Americans Act voucher program with local restaurants in Northwest Kansas,” Northwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging Executive Director Michelle Morgan said. “We see this as a way to provide seniors with needed, nutritious meals while supporting our local businesses during this difficult time.”

Older adults who need assistance can find services and information in their neighborhood or community by calling the Area Agencies on Aging at 855-200-2372 where they will be directed to assistance in their area.

The Kansas Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman continues to advocate for civil and human rights, and support and empower consumers by resolving individual complaints while working to improve and enhance the long-term care system for residents and their families. The office serves individuals residing in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, board and care home, home plus facilities, adult day centers and residential health care facilities.

“Restrictions on visitation have significantly increased demand for ombudsman services, as families seek assistance in ensuring the well-being of their loved ones. This funding will give the Kansas Ombudsman program the ability to expand its virtual presence to residents and their families, to provide personal protective equipment once in-person visits resume and continue to promote the health, safety welfare, and rights of residents in the context of COVID-19,” Kansas Long-Term Care Ombudsman Barbara Hickert said.

Long-term care residents or their family members with questions or concerns related to COVID-19, or who need help facilitating communication with their family members may contact the Long-term Care Ombudsman at 877-662-8362.

There currently is a need for additional volunteers to deliver meals across the state. If you would like to volunteer and do not fall into any of the high-risk categories for COVID-19, please call 855-200-2372.


FS City Commission Special Meeting To Consider Cost Share/Engineer Services

There will be a Special Meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 at the City Hall Commission Room, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701. The City Commission will meet to consider approval to apply for the K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program, and approval for engineering services if needed.

The City Commission meeting will not be open to the public at this time due to the limited number of 10 allowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting will be made available via the City’s Youtube channel at City of Fort Scott.

FS City Commission Special Meeting Agenda for May 13






MAY 13, 2020

10:30 A.M.




  1. Approval to apply for K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program
  1. Approval to use Olsson Associates for engineering if needed for K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program



Minutes of USD 234 Board of Education Meeting May 11

Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met virtually on Monday, May 11, for their regular monthly meeting.

President David Stewart opened the meeting.  The board approved the official agenda.  The board also approved the consent agenda as follows:


A.    Minutes

B.    Bills and Claims

C.    Payroll – April 17, 2020 – $1,375,747.90

D.    Financial Report

E.     Bond Proceeds Reconciliation

F.     Activity Fund Accounts


Stephanie George, KNEA President, presented a report.  Administrators from each building shared information with board members.

Superintendent Ted Hessong expressed thanks to administrators and directors for their leadership throughout the pandemic.  He also discussed competency-based learning, CARES federal money, a return-to-work plan, and the Return-to-School Committee.

Gina Shelton, Business Manager, discussed closing down the financials, CARES federal money, a food service/food distribution update, and insurance renewal.

Board members approved the following items:

·       Roof change order

·       Roof payment

·       2020-21 Calendar

·       2020-21 Fees

·       Greenbush Energy Group Participation Agreement and Hedging Authorization for 2020-21

·       LEA Assurances

The board also reviewed summer projects.

Board members shared comments and then went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel and returned to open meeting.  The board then went into executive session to discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations and returned to open meeting.

The board approved the following employment matters:

A.    Transfer of Rachelle Thomas, Eugene Ware fourth grade teacher, to a fifth grade position for the 2020-21 school year

B.    Transfer of Rhonda Dawson, high school secretary, to high school activities/athletic secretary for the 2020-21 school year

C.    Transfer of Pam Hutchison, high school teacher aide, to high school secretary for the 2020-21 school year

D.    Contract extension for Angella Curran, high school debate/forensics sponsor

E.     Employment of Dalaina Smith as Director of Academics for the 2020-21 school year

F.     Employment of Paulette Howard as a K-12 gifted teacher for the 2020-21 school year

G.    Employment of Courtenay Slinkard as a high school English/Language Arts teacher for the 2020-21 school year

H.    Employment of Reyna Valenzuela as a high school English/Language Arts teacher for the 2020-21 school year

I.      Employment of Larry Amer as a high school art teacher for the 2020-21 school year

J.      Employment of Abigail Helt as high school/middle school choral teacher for the 2020-21 school year

K.    Employment of Danny Larsen as Eugene Ware physical education teacher for the 2020-21 school year

L.     Resignation of Curtis Horton as a high school assistant football coach, assistant basketball coach, and freshman boys’ head basketball coach at the end of the 2019-20 school year

M.   Resignation of Erica Clark as a high school assistant cheer sponsor at the end of the 2019-20 school year

N.    Resignation of Brendon Blackburn as a middle school football coach at the end of the 2019-20 school year

O.    Resignation of Jayci Cosens as a middle school second session intramural coach, 8th grade boys’ basketball coach, and intramural track coach at the end of the 2019-20 school year

P.     Resignation of Steve Williams, middle school boys’ assistant basketball coach, at the end of the 2019-20 school year

Q.    Employment of Kaitlin Arnold as a Winfield Scott first grade teacher for the 2020-21 school year

The board adjourned.



FS City Special Meeting May 12

There will be a Special Meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 at the City Hall Commission Room, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701. The City Commission will meet to consider a Resolution of Support to apply for CDBG funding, approval to apply for K.D.O.T. Cost Share Program, and approval for engineering services if needed.

The City Commission meeting will not be open to the public at this time due to the limited number of 10 allowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting will be made available by calling 620-724-9910, enter access code 515698#, and when prompted state your full name followed by the # tag.

Flags Half-Staff May 13

Governor Laura Kelly orders flags to be flown at half-staff in honor of Office Mike Mosher and Peace Officers Memorial Day


In accordance with Executive Order 20-30, Governor Laura Kelly has ordered U.S. flags to be flown at half-staff on Wednesday, May 13, until sunset in honor of Overland Park Police Officer Mike Mosher.


“Officer Mosher tragically lost his life in the line of duty, while protecting his community,” Kelly said. “He was dedicated to service, and we owe him immeasurable gratitude for his career-long commitment to helping others.”


In accordance with Executive Order 20-30, the Governor also ordered all flags at public institutions throughout Kansas to be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Friday, May 15, in observance of Peace Officers Memorial Day. President Donald J. Trump issued a proclamation on Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week 2020 that called for the lowering of the flag.


“This week, as we honor the loss of one fallen officer, we also must recognize the continued sacrifices all of our law enforcement officers make as they serve and protect,” Kelly said. “We are able to live freely because of the brave women and men who suit up every day to protect our communities.”

Grants To Support Community Responses To COVID 19 in Eco Devo and Meal Programs Offered

Governor Kelly Announces $9 Million in Grants to
Support Community Responses to Coronavirus

Topeka, Kan. – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that more than $9 million in federal funding will be made available to the state’s Community Development Block Grant program to support community responses to the COVID-19 crisis.

The Kansas Department of Commerce will administer the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Response Supplement (CDBG-CV), which is part of the state’s allocation from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

“The Community Development Block Grant program has been a powerful tool in developing communities and expanding economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income Kansans,” Kelly said. “We’re grateful for the opportunity to expand our support to these communities in this time of crisis.”

Grants are available to communities in two categories.

Economic Development
Economic development grants provide communities with funding to help local businesses retain jobs for low-to-moderate income people. Grant funds can be used for expenses such as working capital (e.g., wages, utilities, rent) or to purchase up to 60 days of inventory needed to reopen, once allowed to reopen.

Meal Programs
Meal program grants provide communities with funds for various programs that provide access to nutritious foods during the COVID-19 crisis. Grant funds can be directed toward organizations such as Meals on Wheels, local food banks or to support organizations providing meals for children affected by the loss of school meal programs.

“It’s our intent that by infusing an additional $9 million into communities to support urgent needs, we can help alleviate some of the stress caused by the COVID-19 crisis and allow Kansas to return to business as usual as quickly as possible,” Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “What’s great about the CDBG-CV program is that it allows decision making to happen at the local level by the people who know their communities – and their needs – best.”

Kansas cities and counties can find further details and apply for CDBG-CV grants by visiting

Applications for CDBG-CV open Tuesday, May 12. Funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds have been disbursed.

For current information on COVID-19 in Kansas go to

USDA Grants For Planning Projects For Urban Agriculture

USDA Announces Grants for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

WASHINGTON, May 6, 2020 –The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the availability of $3 million for grants through its new Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. The competitive grants will support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production projects through two categories, Planning Projects and Implementation Projects. USDA will accept applications on until midnight July 6, 2020.

These grant opportunities underscore USDA’s commitment to all segments of agriculture, including swiftly expanding areas of urban agriculture,” Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Bill Northey said. “Such projects have the potential to address important issues such as food access and education and to support innovative ways to increase local food production in urban environments.”

We are proud to be able to offer support though this cross-agency effort,” said Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach. “In creating this grant opportunity, USDA will build upon its years of experience providing technical support, grant funding and research to help farmers and local and urban food businesses grow.”

Planning Projects

USDA is making available $1 million for Planning Projects that initiate or expand efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools and other stakeholders in urban areas and suburbs. Projects may target areas of food access, education, business and start-up costs for new farmers and development of policies related to zoning and other needs of urban production.

Implementation Projects

USDA is making available $2 million for Implementation Projects that accelerate existing and emerging models of urban, indoor and other agricultural practices that serve multiple farmers. Projects will improve local food access and collaborate with partner organizations and may support infrastructure needs, emerging technologies, educational endeavors and urban farming policy implementation.


A webinar, which will be held on June 3, 2020, from 2 to 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, will provide an overview of the grants’ purpose, project types, eligibility and basic requirements for submitting an application. Information on how to register for and participate in the webinar, or listen to the recording, will be posted at

More Information

The Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production was established through the 2018 Farm Bill. It includes representatives from many USDA agencies, including Farm Service Agency and Agricultural Marketing Service, and is led by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. More information is available at

Additional resources that may be of interest to urban agriculture entities include AMS grants to improve domestic and international opportunities for U.S. growers and producers and FSA loans.


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.

FS Lake Advisory Board Meets May 16

The Lake Fort Scott Advisory Board will meet on Saturday, May 16th, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. at the City Hall Commission Meeting Room at 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.

The Lake Advisory Board meeting will not be open to the public at this time due to the limited number of 10 allowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This can be viewed on the City’s YouTube Channel at City of Fort Scott.

Bourbon County Commission Agenda for May 12


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: May 12, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason


9:00 – 9:15 Justin Meeks – Executive Session – Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel

9:15 – 9:30 Jim Harris

9:45 – 10:00 Clint Anderson – Valuation of Valu Merchandisers

10:00 – 10:15 Lora Holdridge, Surveyors by appointment (access to enter building)

11:00 – 11:30 Via Christi, Randy Cason, Update on lease agreement for Hospital building