Category Archives: Government

Tiana McElroy Selected as New Bourbon County Attorney

Tiana McElroy. Submitted photo taken last evening by a committee person at the event.

Tiana McElroy, 46,  was selected on July 1 to be the new Bourbon County Attorney, replacing Jacqui Spradling, who resigned.

McElroy has practiced law since August 2004, primarily criminal law, she said.

“I started as the Assistant Bourbon County Attorney in January 2018 and left Bourbon County for Cherokee County at the beginning of this year, (to be its) assistant county attorney,” she said.

McElroy attended Washburn University from 2001 to 2004 earning a Bachelor of Arts in History then a Juris Doctorate.

Her hometown is Leavenworth.

She became an attorney to “make a difference,” she said. “I feel like I’m making a difference, no matter how small.”

Her goal in the new position?

“To make the office more transparent,” she said. “I want the public to trust in the office again.”

“I’ll be full-time,” McElroy said. “I don’t have expectations that it will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. I will be there as needed, but the position is classified as part-time.” She will be in her office five days a week.

She said the position is classified part-time, but she will go before the Bourbon County Commission and request they make the position full-time.

There is a backlog of cases to be tried, according to Bourbon County Counselor Justin Meeks. “Some of it because of COVID,” he said.

McElroy is the mother of two daughters, ages 13 and 16.

“I do not plan on moving to Fort Scott at this time so my children can finish school in Columbus,” she said.  “I am certainly open to moving to Bourbon County once they have graduated from high school.”

The Process of Selecting A New County Attorney

A meeting was held July 1 of the Bourbon County Republicans to select a new county attorney. There were seven candidates who introduced themselves, Chairman Mark McCoy said.

In addition to McElroy,  Meeks, Linus Thuston (the Neosho County Attorney), Jeffrey Williams (a private practice attorney), David Graham ( a practicing attorney), James Brun (recently Linn County Attorney) and Steven Ellis (the mayor of Spring Hill and a practicing attorney) applied for the position.

The party leaders asked questions of each candidate, he said.

The general public was allowed a brief time to speak for or against a candidate then left the meeting, The chair, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer, along with committee people of the party, remained to deliberate, McCoy said.

“The party, I believe, did a complete and thorough job and I am very, very comfortable with the outcome,” of McElroy being selected, he said.

McElroy will begin her duties as soon as the governor approves the selection, McCoy said.

“Today, I will send a certified, notarized letter to the governor’s office,” he said.

McElroy should be in her new position in a few weeks. The county attorney’s office is on the second floor of the Bourbon County Courthouse.

The Bourbon County Courthouse, 210 S. National Avenue.


Bourbon County Commission Minutes of June 25

June 25, 2021                                               Friday 10:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, the County Counselor and the County Clerk present.


Also present were the following: (some were present for a portion of the meeting and some were present for the entire meeting), Jason Silvers with the Fort Scott Tribune, Susan Bancroft, Josh Jones, Greg Motley, Rob Harrington, Charles Gentry, Mr. & Mrs. Clint Walker, Anne Dare, and two employees from Mercy Hospital.


The Commissioners held the special meeting to discuss the donation of the Mercy Hospital building to Bourbon County.  Clifton is having someone look at the roof to see what needs repaired.  The building would be donated to the County along with $600,000 (the money would be donated for the needed repairs), the building would be donated As is.  There are controls & deed restrictions on what the property can be used for a period of 5 years; the following are not permitted… abortion clinic, counseling service which recommends sterilization or abortions, prescribing or dispensing medicines or chemicals for such, a political action group advocating abortions, signs promoting abortions or an adult bookstore, x-rated movie theater, topless bar, or similar establishment.  Justin said if the County gave away the land, the restrictions would have to be followed by the new owners as well. Justin said there is a newer buried gas tank there which is used for the generators.    CHC has some of the land at this location, Justin said the helicopter pad is part of CHC’s portion.  Justin said there are currently tenants there and their leases would have to be honored.  Justin said some title work has been started through Security 1st Title Company; Clifton made a motion to allow the local title company to move forward with the title commitment and that the title company do the closing, Jim seconded and all approved.  Rob Harrington presented the Commissioners with Cooperative agreement and asked that the Commissioners use $1 million of the ARPA funds (Bourbon County will be getting $2.8 million total in ARPA funds) towards a feasibility study. He said this cooperative agreement would be between Bourbon County and Noble Health Corporation to do a feasibility study regarding if it’s feasible to bring a hospital back to the community.  The Cooperative agreement would move forward with the feasibility study; the study would provide a market study, financial and demographic analysis and health data to show if this area can support a hospital.  Rob said if the feasibility study comes back positive then the developer would begin working on opening a new healthcare facility in Bourbon County.  Rob said the $1 million would be given to Noble Health Corporation to hire a 3rd party company to do a feasibility study.  Clifton said the study will cost close to $1.5 million total, which Noble Health will be paying a portion of.  Susan Bancroft said the major planned use for APRA funds is healthcare.  Rob said the feasibility study could later be used to go after grants for the facility.  Lynne said the closing of Mercy Hospital had a negative impact on the community and said he thought there was a good possibility of bringing back a hospital.  Rob said the study should take 3-4 months to complete.  Clifton said they have asked the City to participate in this as well and said if nothing else it will put to bed on whether we can have a hospital here or not.  Justin said they could have until next Tuesday to finalize this and said this is a different style of medical care.  Clifton said cooperate healthcare will not work in Fort Scott.  Noble Health has purchased and is operating 2 hospitals in Missouri; they are bringing back healthcare to rural areas.  Clifton said that Noble Health is not agreeing to bring a hospital here, but are agreeing to partner with Bourbon County to see what will work here, he said it will not be a full-blown hospital.  Clifton said if this works and Noble comes here, they are excited to work with Ascension, CHC and any other local providers.  Rob said this has been a great collaborative effort between Bourbon County, the City and Economic Development.  Justin said that Security 1st can get the commitment of policy next week.  The Commissioners plan to discuss the Mercy donation agreement again on June 29th.  Jim said he hoped this works for our healthcare.  Clifton said this is a community effort and said the community needs to support Ascension, CHC and Noble Health.  Clifton said that Ascension and CHC did a good job during COVID but said it could’ve been better with hospital beds in our area.  Clifton said they were not using property tax money to do this; he said they were using Federal money, he said if they don’t use this money, they would have to use a different way or give the money back.  Justin said the current service contracts would have to be assumed by the Commission and said the current tenants would need to have the same environment they are used to.  Clifton questioned if the County would have to use the current providers; they do not, but must provide the same service.  Justin said he thought that landscaping, mowing and waste management could be done internally.  Jim suggested, if necessary, when the current contracts expire that they look for different providers.  Justin said a current resident for the Mercy building hasn’t finalized their lease agreement with Mercy yet; Mercy is working on the lease.  Clifton said it wasn’t his intention to own the building for a long period of time; Justin said that could happen.  The ambulance service has been subsidized by Bourbon County for many years.


Jim made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy to discuss job performance, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 11:11, Clifton seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Josh Jones).  At 11:12, Clifton made a motion to resume the regular session with no action, Jim seconded and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 15-minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy related to job function, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 11:28, Jim seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Justin and Josh Jones).  At 11:28, Clifton made a motion to resume the normal session with action, Jim seconded and all approved.  Jim made a motion that the County do a joint agreement with the City of Fort Scott regarding hiring an HR director as a shared service, the position will answer to the County Commission, Clifton seconded and all approved.


At 11:29, Clifton made a motion to adjourn, Jim seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
June 29, 2021, Approved Date


Public Health Advisories for Kansas Lake Due to Blue-Green Algae


Awareness encouraged over Fourth of July Weekend

TOPEKA – This Fourth of July weekend, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and Tourism (KDWP) urges individuals who may be on Kansas lakes to be aware of potential blue-green algae and to understand that harmful algal blooms are unpredictable and may develop rapidly.

If you observe a scum, a paint-like surface on the water, small floating blue-green clumps or filaments, or the water is an opaque green, avoid contact and keep pets away.  These are indications that a harmful bloom may be present. Pet owners should be aware that animals that swim in or drink water affected by a harmful algal bloom or eat dried algae along the shore may become seriously ill or die.

KDHE, in conjunction with KDWP, has also issued several public health advisories for Kansas lakes due to blue-green algae.

Active Advisories


Atchison County State Fishing Lake, Atchison County (new)

Brown State Fishing Lake, Brown County (new)

Herington Reservoir (New City Lake), Dickinson County

Gathering Pond at Milford, Geary County (new)

Milford Lake Zone C, Geary County (upgrade 7/1)

Marion Reservoir, Marion County

Agra City Lake, Phillips County (new)

Webster Reservoir, Rooks County

Jerry Ivey Pond, Saline County

Big Eleven Lake, Wyandotte County



Mission Lake Horton, Brown County (new)

Herington City Lake (Old Lake), Dickinson County

Milford Lake Zones A and B, Geary County (new)

Horsethief Reservoir, Hodgeman County (new)

Perry Zone C, Jefferson County (new)

South Lake, Johnson County

Big Hill Lake, Labette County

Marion County Lake, Marion County

Melvern Outlet Pond, Osage County

Overbook City Lake, Osage County (new)

Pomona Reservoir, Osage County (new)

Atwood Township Lake, Rawlins County


Advisories Lifted 7/1/21

Keith Sebelius Reservoir, Norton County


When a warning is issued, KDHE recommends the following precautions be taken:

  • Lake water is not safe to drink for pets or livestock.
  • Lake water, regardless of blue-green algae status, should never be consumed by humans.
  • Water contact should be avoided.
  • Fish may be eaten if they are rinsed with clean water and only the fillet portion is consumed, while all other parts are discarded.
  • Do not allow pets to eat dried algae.
  • If lake water contacts skin, wash with clean water as soon as possible.
  • Avoid areas of visible algae accumulation.

A watch means that blue-green algae have been detected and a harmful algal bloom is present or likely to develop. People are encouraged to avoid areas of algae accumulation and keep pets and livestock away from the water.

During the watch status, KDHE recommends the following precautions be taken:

  • Signage will be posted at all public access locations.
  • Water may be unsafe for humans/animals.
  • Avoid areas of algae accumulation and do not let people/pets eat dried algae or drink contaminated water.
  • Swimming, wading, skiing and jet skiing are discouraged near visible blooms.
  • Boating and fishing are safe. However, inhalation of the spray may affect some individuals. Avoid direct contact with water, and wash with clean water after any contact.
  • Clean fish well with potable water and eat fillet portion only.

KDHE investigates publicly-accessible bodies of water for blue-green algae when the agency receives reports of potential algae blooms in Kansas lakes. Based on credible field observation and sampling results, KDHE reports on potentially harmful conditions.

For information on blue-green algae and reporting potential harmful algal blooms, please visit                                          


KDHE amends travel quarantine list


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has amended its travel quarantine list to include the countries Brazil, Namibia, Oman and Saint Kitts and Nevis. The countries of Bahrain, Chile, Paraguay and Saint Martin have been removed. These changes are effective today, July 1.

A comprehensive list of those individuals needing to quarantine includes visitors and Kansans who have:

  • Traveled on or after July 1 to Brazil, Namibia, Oman or Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  • Traveled on or after June 17 to Kuwait or Mongolia.
  • Traveled on or after June 3 to Colombia or Suriname.
  • Traveled on or after May 20 to Costa Rica or French Guiana.
  • Traveled on or after May 6 to Maldives or Seychelles.
  • Traveled on or after April 22 to Argentina.
  • Traveled on or after April 8 to Uruguay.
  • Traveled between June 17 and July 1 to Saint Martin.
  • Traveled between June 3 and July 1 to Chile or Paraguay.
  • Traveled between April 22 and July 1 to Bahrain.
  • Attendance at any out-of-state mass gatherings of 500 or more where individuals do not socially distance (6 feet) and wear a mask.
  • Been on a cruise ship or river cruise on or after March 15, 2020.

The travel quarantine period is seven days with a negative test result or 10 days without testing, with release from quarantine on Day 8 and Day 11, respectively. Further information on quarantine periods can be found on KDHE’s website.

For those traveling internationally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is requiring testing within three days of flights into the U.S. For further information on this and other requirements, visit their website.

For those who are fully vaccinated (meaning it has been greater than two weeks since they completed their vaccinations) they are not required to quarantine regarding travel if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • Are fully vaccinated (i.e., ≥2 weeks following receipt of the second dose in a 2- dose series, or ≥2 weeks following receipt of one dose of a single-dose vaccine).
  • Have remained asymptomatic since the travel.

Persons who do not meet the above criteria should continue to follow current quarantine guidance for travel.

Additionally, people with previous COVID-19 disease are not required to quarantine following travel if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • Have evidence of a previous infection supported by a positive PCR or antigen test
  • Are within 6 months following infection. If an investigation was done documenting the date that symptoms resolved, or the date isolation measures were discontinued for asymptomatic patients, then the 6-month period can start from that end date. If those dates are not available, then the period will start from the date of the positive laboratory test. A serology or antibody test may not be substituted for a laboratory report of a viral diagnostic test.
  • Have remained asymptomatic since the travel

Persons who do not meet all three of the above criteria should continue to follow current quarantine guidance for travel.

The travel quarantine list is determined using a formula to evaluate new cases over a two-week period, then adjusted for population size to provide a case rate per 100,000 population. This provides a number that can then be compared to the rate in Kansas. Locations with significantly higher rates — approximately 3x higher — are added to the list.

For more information on COVID-19, please visit the KDHE website at

Kansas Poet Laureate Program Announced

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Poet Laureate Program Returns to Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced the return of the Poet Laureate program to the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission (KCAIC).

“Promoting the humanities preserves the legacy of the generations that came before us, inspires the artists of the future, and drives community and economic development,” Governor Kelly said. “KCAIC does great work in measuring, promoting, supporting, and expanding the arts to grow the state’s economy and generate creative industry-related jobs – and I know the Commission will be a good steward of the Poet Laureate program to continue that mission.”

The Poet Laureate program is designed to encourage the appreciation of poetry in Kansas by making high quality poetry freely available to a wider audience. It recognizes a citizen poet of exceptional talent and accomplishment and designates them as the top poet representing the state.

The program is returning to KCAIC after having previously been housed within Humanities Kansas. KCAIC is part of the Community Development Division in the Kansas Department of Commerce.

“As the state’s leading agency in support of all creative disciplines, I’m very excited the Poet Laureate program is making its way back to KCAIC and Commerce,” Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland said. “The arts are a vital part of economic development – they’re how we remind each other why we do the work we do to build our communities and our world. Sharing beauty and perspective with the people of Kansas is a fantastic way to ensure they’re happy to continue living and working in our state, and I’m very pleased that we are resurrecting this program at the Department of Commerce.”

“Kansas has a long and proud history of supporting poetry and producing great poets. Incorporating the Poet Laureate into our programming will allow us to highlight that legacy and build upon its success,” KCAIC Director Peter Jasso said.

To learn more about the Poet Laureate Program, visit the Poet Laureate page at the Department of Commerce website.

The current Poet Laureate of Kansas is Huascar Medina. Medina is a poet, writer, and performer based in Topeka. He currently works as a freelance copywriter and as the Literary Editor for seveneightfive magazine publishing stories that spotlight literary and artistic events in northeast Kansas.

The Poet Laureate program is free of charge to all Kansas non-profit organizations. If you are interested in hosting Huascar Medina as a speaker or presenter, please contact [email protected] for more information.

About the Kansas Department of Commerce

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses.

About the Community Development Division

Established in 2019, the Community Development Division at the Kansas Department of Commerce exists to improve quality-of-life in communities across the state through various programs and services. The Kansas Department of Commerce understands the immense role played by strong communities in economic development and prioritizes investments in people and communities as major contributors to the overall strength of the Kansas economy. To learn more, visit the Community Development page at the Kansas Commerce website

Investor Tax Credit Program Announced

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Applications Open for Kansas Angel Investor Tax Credit Program

~Bipartisan effort will help Kansas recruit innovative new companies, grow economy~

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced applications are being accepted for Kansas startups seeking investment through the Kansas Angel Investor Tax Credit (KAITC) program for 2021. Through bipartisan Senate Bill 66, the Angels program was extended for five years.

“Paired with our pro-business environment and talented workforce, the Angels program will help Kansas recruit dynamic startups to strengthen our growing economy,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “This program will allow Kansas to compete with every state in the nation to attract new businesses, industries, and families. I want to thank the Kansas Department of Commerce and the Legislature for supporting this bipartisan initiative.”

The program offers Kansas income tax credits to qualified individuals investing in new Kansas businesses. Eligible entrepreneurs include those engaged in the development, implementation and commercialization of new and innovative technologies, products, and services.

The KAITC program is administered by the Kansas Department of Commerce, and is designed to encourage investment in new, innovative Kansas startups. Senate Bill 66 extended KAITC for the next five years. Important updates have been made to the program, including changes to credit investment amounts, increased budget appropriations and more.

“As we know from the Framework for Growth, innovation is a vital component in building the economy of the future, and it’s an aspect we can’t ignore,” Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland said. “I’m grateful to Governor Kelly and to our partners in the Legislature for seeing the limitless potential in the Angels program. If you’re looking to create the next big thing, we want you to do it here – and we have this tool to help you make it happen.”

“By ensuring tools such as the Angel Investor Tax Credit are available, we are sending a clear message to the start-up community that Kansas supports innovation and collaboration,” Kansas Representative Stephen Owens said. “Our goal is your goal, to grow strong Kansas companies. I look forward to continuing to work with the Commerce Department and the Kansas Legislature on additional new tools to further bolster growth in entrepreneurship in the next session.”

“I’m excited to see that we’re going to keep investing in this program,” Kansas Senator Robert Olson said. “Angels has created so many jobs and brought so much new investment to Kansas. Continuing with Angels is right for our state.”

Companies must qualify in order to participate in KAITC and receive tax credits. Eligibility requirements can be found at

Startups seeking investment can apply now at, with applications accepted until August 31.

About the Kansas Department of Commerce

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas in 2021 was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award and was named Site Selection Magazine’s Best Business Climate in the West North Central region of the United States.

About the Community Development Division

Established in 2019, the Community Development Division at the Kansas Department of Commerce exists to improve quality-of-life in communities across the state through various programs and services. The Kansas Department of Commerce understands the immense role played by strong communities in economic development and prioritizes investments in people and communities as major contributors to the overall strength of the Kansas economy. To learn more, visit the Community Development page at the Kansas Commerce website.


Mosquito Prevention

Red, Bite, and Blue: KDHE Recommends Mosquito Bite Prevention Over July 4th Holiday

Topeka – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment recommends Kansans take preventive measures against mosquito bites over the July 4th holiday. Five of six regions in Kansas are now at the ‘High’ risk level for West Nile virus. Mosquito surveillance in Reno, Sedgwick, and Shawnee counties has shown an increase Culex mosquitoes which can spread West Nile virus and other viruses that can affect humans and horses. This species of mosquitoes is most active at dawn and dusk.

West Nile virus can be spread to people through bites from infected mosquitoes, but it is not contagious from person to person. Symptoms range from a slight headache and low-grade fever to swelling of the brain or brain tissue and, in rare cases, death. Since 2002 there have been 692 cases and 35 deaths in Kansans from West Nile virus. People who have had West Nile virus before are considered immune. Cases are most common from mid-July through late September.

KDHE has developed West Nile virus risk levels to help guide prevention efforts for both communities and individuals. These risk level reports are updated weekly at from mid-May to October.

KDHE recommends the following precautions to protect against West Nile virus:

  • When you are outdoors, use insect repellent containing an EPA-registered active ingredient on skin and clothing, including DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. Follow the directions on the package.
  • Many mosquitoes are most active at dusk and dawn. Be sure to use insect repellent and wear long sleeves and pants at these times or consider staying indoors during these hours.
  • The elderly or immunocompromised should consider limiting their exposure outside during dusk and dawn when the Culex species mosquitos are most active.
  • Make sure you have good screens on your windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.
  • Get rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out. Keep children’s wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren’t being used.

People should protect their horses too as West Nile virus in horses can be fatal. The virus can cause inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Approximately 33% of horses infected with West Nile virus will die. A West Nile virus vaccine for horses is available and owners are encouraged to vaccinate or booster their animals. In addition, these mosquitoes can transmit heartworms to dogs. Contact your veterinarian to discuss a West Nile virus vaccine for your horses and heartworm prevention for your dogs.

KDHE maintains an Arboviral Disease Surveillance web page that is updated weekly: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides this web page with additional information about West Nile virus and preventing mosquito bites: For questions about West Nile virus or other arboviral diseases contact the KDHE Epidemiology Hotline at 877-427-7317.

Financial Assistance For Childcare

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Childcare Resources for Kansans and Providers

~More Kansas families will be eligible for financial assistance; new round of sustainability grants support childcare providers~

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that, in an effort to improve access to quality, affordable childcare, more Kansas families will now be eligible to take advantage of the Hero Relief Child Care Assistance Program.

First implemented at the beginning of the pandemic to assist essential workers with the costs of childcare, this new round of assistance allows all Kansas workers to take advantage of expanded financial eligibility guidelines.

“Kansas has experienced a record amount of economic activity this year. In order to support our growing economy, Kansans in the workforce need reliable access to quality childcare,” Governor Kelly said. “Expanding the Hero Relief Program helps businesses and parents, and ensures children, our most precious resource, have opportunities to develop in nurturing environments.”

Under the new guidelines, any Kansas worker who makes 250% or less of the federal poverty level is now eligible for childcare assistance. The expansion also includes waiving the family share deduction for essential workers and reducing the deduction for all others. Families also will see an expanded eligibility period from six to 12 months.

The income eligibility chart provides monthly income guidelines for the program:


This program is available to families who need child care for employment as long as the adults in the household are employed an average of 20 hours a week. Some education or training activities also may be supported under the traditional Child Care Assistance Program.

“I am pleased that more families can now take advantage of the Hero Relief Program,” Department for Children and Families Secretary Laura Howard said. “Parents have faced additional challenges because of the pandemic, and it was important to me that we provide meaningful assistance to families.”

For more information and for instructions on how to apply, visit

Governor Kelly also announced today that DCF, in partnership with Child Care Aware of Kansas, is launching the Child Care Sustainability Grant program to aid child care providers in meeting the costs of operating their business. Nearly $50 million will be distributed through the program, with grant awards ranging from $5,000 for family child care programs to $60,000 for large centers.

This support comes at a critical time for Kansas providers. Many have struggled to stay afloat amid increased costs to provide child care in line with CDC COVID-19 mitigation guidelines and, in many cases, experienced a decrease in revenue due to illness. This funding is intended to give them the assistance needed to continue providing the best quality care for the children in their programs.

“At Child Care Aware of Kansas, we take pride in our ability to support child care providers and are very excited to see this funding become available,” Kelly Davydov, Executive Director, said. “Child care is essential for a thriving Kansas economy. When child care providers operate a safe, happy, nurturing environment, families can feel at peace knowing that their child is in good hands.”

“This grant program is the perfect example of how we can use federal relief dollars to support small businesses,” Governor Kelly said. “I want to thank Child Care Aware of Kansas for partnering in continued efforts to boost access to child care and strengthen our economy.”

The Child Care Sustainability grant application will be available via the Child Care Aware of Kansas website starting July 1, and must be received by July 30, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. All child care facilities that are licensed by and in good standing with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment are eligible to apply. Funds may be used for any normal operational expenses, additional expenses the child care program has due to meeting CDC guidance for mitigating the spread of COVID-19, and other activities necessary to maintain or resume the operation of programs.

For more information about the Child Care Sustainability Grants, visit

Funding for these programs comes from federal relief dollars included in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan.

Third Street Ball Park Sewer Repair Begins

Repairs to the collapsing sanitary sewer manhole and pipe located in the outfield of the 3rd Street Ball Park began this week. Radell Construction was contracted by the City of Fort Scott to complete this work. The on-field repairs should be finalized within two weeks. Please note, the ball field will be closed to the public until repairs are complete. No sewer service interruption to customers is expected.

Please contact City Hall with any questions, 620-223-0550.

John Colt, A Sexual Predator, Walked Away From Larned State Hospital

 Resident Missing from Larned State Hospital

SPTP resident John Freeman Colt walked away at approximately 7 a.m. Wednesday morning

Larned – Sexual Predator Treatment Program (SPTP) resident John Freeman Colt, a 42-year-old white male, walked away this morning from Larned State Hospital (LSH) and is currently considered absent without permission. Colt was seen on video walking out of the Dillon Building at approximately 7 a.m. He had shaved his beard and changed his hair and used a fraudulent identity badge to get through the security checkpoint.

A member of the community picked up a person matching Colt’s description. He was taken to the City of Larned and dropped off at the Kwik Shop.  He was seen leaving the Kwik Shop walking north.

“My leadership team at Larned is working closely with local law enforcement to ensure this resident is apprehended quickly and without incident,” Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services Secretary Laura Howard said. “I am in constant contact with the superintendent at Larned and am actively monitoring the situation.”

Colt is 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs 201 pounds, and was last seen wearing a face mask, dress pants, and a dress shirt. He has a tattoo on his upper left arm with the initials BH. The Pawnee County Sheriff was made aware of the situation and activated the local farmer’s alert. The Kansas Highway Patrol and Kansas Bureau of Investigation have also been notified.

LSH and KDADS officials are fully cooperating with law enforcement’s ongoing investigation. New information will be released as it becomes available.

New COVID Variant: Stay Vigilant

Governor Laura Kelly Launches Public Service Announcements Addressing New COVID-19 Variant

~ Governor Kelly and Congresswoman Sharice Davids ask Kansans to get tested and vaccinated to stop the spread of COVID-19 ahead of Fourth of July Holiday~

TOPEKA – With the increased presence of the new Delta variant in the region, Governor Laura Kelly has launched public service announcements (PSAs) asking Kansans to stay vigilant as they travel and celebrate the July 4th holiday. Governor Kelly is reminding Kansans how they can get tested or schedule a vaccine appointment and is asking people to stay safe by continuing to physically distance and wear masks while around unvaccinated people.

“As we all begin to travel and gather with friends and family, it’s critically important to keep our communities and loved ones safe,” Governor Kelly said. “We all have a role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19, especially as new strains emerge. We can all do our part to keep our communities safe by continuing to physically distance and wear masks until we are all vaccinated.”

The PSAs are part of a renewed effort to mobilize Kansans to get vaccinated and for unvaccinated Kansans to get tested to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect themselves and loved ones. According to the CDC, the Delta variant is 60% more transmissible than the B. 117 variant which was previously the dominant strain. The new variant appears to be spreading most quickly in communities that have the lowest vaccination rates.

The Governor will appear with Congresswoman Sharice Davids in the PSAs in the Kansas City area.

“In the Third District and across Kansas, we’ve made progress towards getting more folks vaccinated—but the road to recovery is long, and we have to keep up the momentum,” Representative Davids said. “These vaccines work, and in the coming months, it will be critical to use every resource to get vaccines into arms so that we can put our kids back in school safely, get people back to work, and ensure the continued success of our economic recovery.”

The PSA campaign will continue through the Fourth of July weekend and reinforce ongoing efforts to get Kansans vaccinated against COVID-19.

For more information on where you can be tested for COVID-19 ahead of the holiday weekend, visit:

To learn more about the vaccines and schedule a vaccination appointment, visit:

View the Governor Kelly PSA here. 

View the Governor Kelly and Representative Davids PSA here.

Emergency Food Assistance for Kansans

Governor Laura Kelly Directs DCF to Continue Emergency Food Assistance for Kansans

~Emergency allotments began last spring due to COVID-19 pandemic~

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today directed the Kansas Department for Children and Families to continue emergency food assistance (SNAP) benefits to current program households. The emergency allotment increases a household’s monthly benefit to the maximum allowed for the size of family.

“While Kansas continues its steady return to normal, the pandemic caused challenges for families – and many still need support,” Governor Kelly said. “Extending emergency SNAP benefits is part of our commitment to protecting Kansas children and families during the pandemic and beyond, and ensuring our kids have reliable access to quality, healthy foods.”  

Under Governor Kelly’s direction, DCF Secretary Laura Howard issued a Declaration of Continuing Benefits due to COVID-19 — under K.S.A. 39-708c, et seq. — which directs the agency to continue taking all necessary actions to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the State of Kansas.

DCF estimates the extension will bring an additional $14.5 million in benefits per month to Kansas.

“I appreciate our federal partners for continuing this valuable support for vulnerable Kansans,” Secretary Howard said. “These emergency benefits will help ensure Kansas families have access to healthy groceries as we continue to recover from this pandemic.”

The continuance of the emergency allotment is effective through December 31, 2021, or upon the termination of the federal declaration of a Public Health Emergency, whichever occurs sooner.

No application is necessary to receive the emergency food assistance funds. The distribution will continue to follow the standard alphabetical schedule.

Those that don’t currently receive food assistance but are interested in applying can visit the DCF website at