Category Archives: Fort Scott Police Department

Text 911 When You Can’t Call

The 911 text console located in the Fort Scott Police Department Dispatch Center. Submitted photo.

The Fort Scott Police Department launched a service to help people who might not be able to talk in an emergency situation.

“Text to 911 Service is a service that is now available for individuals to be able to text 911 calls if they do not have the ability to call,” Traci Reed, Fort Scott Police Department Dispatch Center Manager, said. ” For example if an individual is somewhere and they may not want someone to hear them making the call because of immediate danger, they have the ability to text the information instead of calling, or a caller may not be able to get through on a phone call due to service, but may be able to get through as a text.”

The service, Text to 911, was launched on  April 12, 2018.

“We integrated the NG911 system on this date as well and the Text to 911 was one of the services that were included in the system,” Reed said.

“The Text to 911 benefits the citizens of Bourbon County ensuring the safety of our community, which is our number one priority,” she said. “Citizens know that they not only have the option to call 911 in a time of need but they have the ability to text as well. Text 911 then you send a message just like you do when sending any other text. Our emergency dispatcher types back and forth to the sender requesting information the same as when an individual calls in.

The system is located in the Fort Scott Police Department Dispatcher Center, 1604 S. National Avenue.

The Fort Scott Police Department electric sign stands outsite the department, located at 1604 S. National Avenue.