Category Archives: COVID-19

Emergency Food Assistance : April 29 for Western Bourbon County and May 1 for the Fort Scott Area

Uniontown Baptist Church is located on Hwy. 3  at the west edge of town. It is the site for emergency food distribution on April 29 for Uniontown, Redfield, and Bronson.

During this time of the pandemic when many have lost their jobs due to stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of the illness, the federal government has food coming to those in need.

Distribution points will be in Fort Scott for the Fort Scott area on May 1 and Uniontown , for western Bourbon County, April 29.

Frozen meats and fresh produce are part of the distribution, according to Rebecca Shinn, West Bourbon Food Program coordinator which is organized by the First Missionary Baptist Church.

” Anyone qualifies for Disaster Household Distribution (DHD) boxes however we highly encourage help to go to those families that might not otherwise qualify for TEFAP and who are affected by the COVID-19.”

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. USDA provides 100% American-grown USDA Foods and administrative funds to states to operate TEFAP, according to the TEFAP website.

In Fort Scott, the disaster food distribution will be May 1 at the Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center, 26 N. Main.

Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center, 26 N. Main.

“It will be a drive-through,” Jackie Sellers, program coordinator said.  “From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. people drive by on the north side of the building, Old Fort Boulevard (for the boxes of food).”

Sellers can be reached at 620-223-0750 or 620-249-1440.

Jackie Sellers sits in her office at the Senior Citizens Center, 26 N. Main.

The Disaster Household Distribution will be on April 29, 2020, at the First Missionary Baptist Church from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. This is for all people in the Uniontown, Redfield, Bronson area.

The church is located on Hwy. 3, on the west side of Uniontown.

“This program is to assist all that may not be working now due to COVID-19,” Shinn said. “Also for those who are high risk and can’t get to the store. At this time this program will be available April, May, and possibly June.”

Rebecca Shinn is the coordinator for the West Bourbon Food Program.

The program is offered curbside, she said.

” Honk and we will bring you a box of food. If you can’t come that evening and still want food please call me for another time for pick up,” Shinn said.  She can be reached at  (620) 223-9532.


Governor announces state’s new COVID-19 website

Visit the website at


Governor Laura Kelly on Monday announced the launch of a new and comprehensive State of Kansas website for resources regarding COVID-19.


The site,, is a centralized place for Kansans seeking resources and up-to-date information, as the state responds to, and recovers from damage done by the COVID-19 pandemic. The site is ADA compliant, mobile optimized and will be available in Spanish.


“This comprehensive website will help Kansans connect with vital information as the state moves into reopening and recovery, and still offer guidance on ways to stay healthy and stop the spread of the virus,” the Governor said.


The site includes the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) daily case rates, what to do if you experience COVID-19 symptoms, how to protect yourself and more updated information on state resources in place to help Kansans.  


Kansans also can learn about volunteer efforts taking place statewide.


The KDHE site,, will continue to be updated with COVID-19 related health information. As the state begins to expand beyond the medical portion of the pandemic, the new, more comprehensive site will provide additional resources related to the state’s recovery efforts.  


The new website also features acts of kindness from across the state.


“Seeing the many ways Kansans help one another – especially during this difficult time – is truly inspirational,” Kelly said. “I’m thankful every day for those kind gestures, and we want to do more to celebrate them.”


Visit the website at

Books and Reduced/Free Food Application Added to USD 234 Food Distribution

USD 234 Board of Education Building, 424 S. Main

USD 234 continues to distribute food in the district to its students during this time of the COVID 19 pandemic, and parents are encouraged to fill out applications for free and reduced meals for the next school year.

There will be a book distribution and the free and reduced food applications will be handed out in preparation for next school year on April 27 during the food distribution.

“We do have two items that will be in addition next week,” Gina Shelton,  USD 234 Business Manager/Board Clerk, said.

“First, on Tuesday, weather permitting, we will be distributing to kids books donated by Hedgehog INK and the (Fort Scott) Kiwanis,” Shelton said.   “We know the importance of kids continuing to read and this way they have a ‘new to them’ book to keep their interest.  We will be encouraging parents to read with their kids.  What a beautiful gift to our kids.”

“Second, also on Tuesday, we will be handing out free and reduced applications,” she said. ” The benefit to this school year is that sometimes there are programs where the agencies request a letter from the school of that status.  The true benefit is next school year.  The application includes a 30-day carry over to the next school year so if a parent’s financial status has changed, and we have seen those, they would start the next school year with that status.  This might provide some help as it relates to paying for a child’s meal.  Those that may not have qualified in the past may qualify now.”
(UPDATED 04/23/20)
Help us Help You. We need our families to register to pick up meals. This provides us better information to help us prepare for the numbers being served. You will need to fill out a form for each day.
Where to Register?
For Monday, April 27th Meals – Deadline is noon, Friday, April 24th
For Tuesday, April 28th Meals – Deadline is noon, Monday, April 27th
For Wednesday, April 29th Meals – Deadline is noon, Tuesday, April 28th
Questions we will be asking:
1. Will you be picking up meals?
2. Where will you be picking up meals?
3. How many children aged 1-18 will you be picking up meals for?
4. Adult contact name?
5. Adult contact phone number?
This form should take you no longer than 1 minute to fill out. We need you to complete the form for each day you will be picking up meals.
Distribution Schedule
USD 234 will be doing three (3) distributions the week of April 27th. Children will receive the same amount of meals for the week but will pick them up over 3 days. We will need you to register for each day.
Monday – Child will receive 2 meals per child
Tuesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child
Wednesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child
Call or email Kerrie at 620-223-0800 or
USD 234 FS Week of April 27th – Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
USD 234 will be doing three (3) distributions the week of April 27th
Children will receive the same amount of meals for the week but will pick them up over 3 days.
Monday – Child will receive 2 meals per child
Tuesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child
Wednesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child
1. St. Mary’s– 10:00 am
2. 8th & Burke– 10:15 am
3. 4th & Couch– 10:30 am
4. 5th & Judson– 10:45 am
5. Wall & Judson– 11:00 am
1. 8th & Wilson – 10:00 am
2. 5th & Wilson – 10:15 am
3. 2nd & Andrick – 10:30 am
4. 1st & Cameron – 10:45 am
5. Pine & Caldwell – 11:00 am
1. Emmert & Beach– 10:00 am
2. 1900 Margrave (Church of Christ)– 10:15 am
3. 15th & Ransom– 10:30 am
4. 17th & Crawford– 10:45 am
5. 19th & Huntington (CCC)– 11:00 am
1. Devon Fire Station – 10:05 am
2. Fulton Community Center – 10:30 am
3. Hammond Community Center – 10:45 am
1. Indian & 187th Terr. (Airport)– 10:00 am
2. 69hwy & Deer (Faith Church)– 10:25 am
3. Jayhawk & 240th– 10:50 am
Register using Google Form: USD 234 COVID-19 Food Service.
Form can be found at or call 620-223-0800. You must register for each day you want USD 234 to provide meals.
*There will be NO distributions on Thursday or Friday
*Please maintain social distancing recommendations of 6 feet between individuals.
10:00 am – 11:00 am
High school- 9th street*
Eugene Ware- 4th street*
*Please remain in your vehicle and maintain social distancing recommendations of 6 feet between individuals.


Kansas COVID 19 Update April 21

Bourbon County has six cases.


“The reason the number of cases went from 7 to 6 is because one of the positive cases was living in Bourbon County, but was actually a resident of Woodson County, KS. So, now Woodson County has 5, where they had 4 cases,” according to Rebecca Johnson, administrator of Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department.


For a complete  report click below:

Kansas receives additional PPE supplies, expands COVID-19 testing in Kansas



Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced Kansas has received additional supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) to expand COVID-19 testing in Finney, Ford, Lyon and Seward counties.


“I want to thank our federal partners for their ongoing efforts to help our state response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Kelly said. “I particularly appreciate the assistance from Senator Pat Roberts and Senator Jerry Moran.”


Kansas Department of Health and Environment is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to test and contain recent clusters of positive coronavirus cases in Kansas counties centered around food and meat processing plants.


“In order to fight this pandemic, collaboration at the state, local and federal level is paramount,” Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE Secretary, said. “Expanded testing and additional supplies from the federal level will equip and inform our state and local health officials as they work to protect the health of Kansans.”


The plants in southwest Kansas account for 25 to 30% of the country’s beef processing. “Agriculture is a facet of our state’s most critical infrastructure – Kansas doesn’t just feed the state, we feed the world,” Kelly said. “This is particularly true of our frontline workers in meatpacking plants across the state who process a significant portion of the nation’s supply.”


Since the start of this crisis, the Governor and members of her administration have been in communication with those plants and representatives of their employees.


The facilities have modified several production and shipping systems and have taken proactive measures including temperature and health screenings, enhanced sanitation and social distancing.


In recent weeks, Kansas has struggled to obtain the necessary supplies needed to test and treat coronavirus patients. The State received their allocation of the Strategic National Stockpile in late March. PPE received from the SNS was quickly distributed to counties throughout the state based on population.


Kansas is pleased to be able to deploy this collaborative effort between local, state and federal partners to proactively address these clusters in a strategic response to protect the nation’s food supply and the health of our essential food workers.