Category Archives: Church news

Presbyterian Church Seeks Office Director

The First Presbyterian Church, Fort Scott.

First Presbyterian Church seeks to hire a part-time Office Director.  This position directs the church office and handles accounting and payroll.  Successful candidates will be organized, proficient in office and computer skills as well as desktop publishing; have experience in basic accounting, and a willingness to play a role in a congregation committed to serving our local community.  Please submit a letter of interest, along with resume and references by email to [email protected].

Adventure in Missions: Tiffiny Durham

Submitted photo. Tiffiny Durham

Over the past 12 years, Tiffiny Durham has worked many different jobs, in many different locations throughout the United States.

These jobs range from a retreat hostess for Outlaw Ranch in South Dakota, a convenience store clerk in Nebraska, a construction worker in Nebraska, a pine beetle tree marker in the Blackhills of South Dakota among others.

“One might call me a wanderer, as I move from place to place,” Durham said. “It is in these places though, that God has used me to provide a smile for someone having a rough day, or to be that ray of sunshine in a darkening and desperate world.”

Because of her current job, she often works on Sundays, so attending church is difficult.

But Durham has been involved in Family Life Assembly of God in Pittsburg, who have a small group Bible study in Fort Scott on Thursday evenings.

She serves on Wednesday evenings at that church, teaching Bible lessons to the children, she said.


Recently Durham feels God has provided her an opportunity for Christian mission work.

“Within this past year, my heart has begun to really change and I am being pulled in a completely different direction: ministry,” she said.

An important scripture verse for her is Proverbs 3: 5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge and he will make your path straight.”

“That scripture is my life verse,” she said. “God gave it to me in college as I got to know Him and have a personal relationship with Him.”

“God has placed me in places where I have been the only believer (in Jesus),” Durham said. “Wherever he puts me, he gave me that verse to let me know I can trust Him, no matter what situation I’m in.”

Trusting in God, she believes God has given her the next adventure; The World Race through Adventures in Missions.

To learn more about Adventures in Missions, click below:

“Starting in June of 2019, God will be using my gifts to provide hope and a ray of sunshine in some of the darkest, poorest parts of the world,” she said. “This program is unique because it is not only a mission trip but a chance to allow God to work through me and help me to grow deeper in my walk with God.”

She will travel with a team to Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Morocco, Ethiopia, Djibouti, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia. 

“We will work in churches and ministries within local communities to preach the Gospel, plant God’s word, minister to women and children trapped in the cycle of prostitution and human trafficking, working in orphanages, and provide help where needed,” she said.

Durham is fundraising for this mission trip and she asks for prayer support.

To learn how to support her click below:

WR fundraising tri fold final

Durham is having a family game night at the First Presbyterian Church on March 22 from 6 to 8 p.m.

“It will be a fun family evening,” she said. “Bring and stay with your kids. You have 15 minutes to try a family game, then a buzzer will ring and you move to the next game.”

There will be a silent auction which will be the fundraiser for Durham.

First Southern Baptist Expands

Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Pastor James Collins stands near the sign on the church property at 1818 S. Main. The congregation will be breaking ground on a new Family Life Center in April-May.

A local church is expanding its’ facility because the congregation is growing.

First Southern Baptist Church, 1818 S. Main,  is building a new building east of the present one, which will be the FSBC Family Life Center.

James Collins is in his third year of pastoring the church, and the church has grown from 12 to 130 people, he said.

“The church was small,” Collins said. “We’ve had tremendous growth.”

“I taught on the Passover last year,” he said. “We didn’t have enough room, so we decided to expand.”

The church’s childrens program includes AWANA on Wednesday evenings.

“We have a big children’s program, 80 kids on Wednesday night,” Collins said. “We needed a place for them.”

AWANA stands for Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed, from 2 Timothy 2:15 in the Bible.

In addition to that growth, the Cornerstone Bible Church, at 6th and Horton, merged with FSBC after its’ pastor left.

Ben Workman, the former pastor of Cornerstone Bible Church, was called to a church in Oklahoma, his home state.

“They wanted to get back closer to home,” Collins said of Workman and his family. “He loved it here but wanted to go and do that.”

That congregation asked Collins to fill in preaching and help look for a new pastor.

After a few months, when the pastor-less congregation felt like God was working in the First Southern Baptist Church congregation, “They wanted to be a part of where God was working,” Collins said.

Approximately 25 people came from the Cornerstone congregation to the First Southern Baptist congregation, Collins said.

An expansion was in the works.

The new building will be two-stories and feature a multi-purpose room, classrooms and a kitchen and measure approximately 80 feet by 120 feet. The multi-purpose room will be used as a fellowship hall and gym. It will be built on the east side of the current church building.

Groundbreaking will be in the spring.
“April or May, hopefully,” he said.

“We are not going into debt,” Collins said. “We are doing the building in phases.”

Fundraisers have been scheduled for the year including a recent pancake feed and the  preparing and delivering of a luncheon meal to Peerless Products.  In May the church will be part of the town-wide rummage sale and there will be a fundraiser at the Bourbon County Fair in July, he said.

Collins believes God led him to Fort Scott.

“I was in the Army as a chaplain,” he said. “I was retiring. I was being considered for a big church in Oklahoma. We were on vacation and a friend said ‘You need to check out Fort Scott.'”

The pulpit committee asked him to come and preach.

“When we got to the city limits of Fort Scott, I felt like the Lord spoke to my heart ‘This is where you are coming’,” Collins said. “I always had a heart to be a small town pastor.”

“The first year and the last year of our four-year-old’s life I had (served in the Army) in Iraq,” Collins said. “It hit me. I wanted to go where I could close the door and take my kids fishing. That was a little bit of my motivation…a slower pace.”

“We are pouring our lives into the community,” Collins said. “We love being a part of Fort Scott.”

He and his wife Amanda have three children: Abby, 14 years old; Tim, 12 and John, 8.







First Southern Baptist Church Happenings

The First Southern Baptist Church, 1818 S. Main, Fort Scott, is planning to build a gymnasium to be used for youth programs, meetings, dinners and as a safe shelter for the surrounding area.

There will be a fundraiser in support of this building program  Saturday, Feb. 2 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

It is the First Annual All You Can Eat Pancake Meal with a serving of ground hog (sausage).

Adult tickets are $5 in advance and $6 at the door. Children under 7-years-old are free.

The church is hosting a study on the book of Revelation on Sunday evenings at 6 p.m.

“We will be going through it verse by verse, chapter by chapter,” said Leeta Walker, a church member. “It’s in our fellowship hall at the north end of the church.

For more information:

620-223-2986 or