Category Archives: Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Saturday Nov. 24
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November24, 2018
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce encourages our community to support SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY on November 24th!
For every $100 spent locally, $68 stays in our community. Money spent out of the area or online with non-local businesses hurts our local economy. Shoppers across the NATION are encouraged to “SHOP SMALL” and support local businesses this season.
We hope you’ll check out our small business merchants during our FORT SCOTT SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY PASSPORT EVENT on Saturday, November 24th, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Shoppers, you can pick up a shopping passport from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, at Iron Star Antiques at 3 N. Main Street. Collect stamps on your passport by visiting participating businesses. Collect 4 or more stamps and return your passport to Iron Star by 5:00 pm to be entered in our prize drawing for $50 in Chamber Bucks certificates.
Downtown Fort Scott businesses are encouraged to register to be included in the passport event, which draws hundreds of shoppers to Fort Scott for Small Business Saturday deals.
If you own a business in Fort Scott and you want to be included on the passport, call the Chamber at (620) 223- 3566 or email: [email protected] by Tuesday, November 20th at 3:30 pm.
Hawkeye Investments Hosting Open House Nov. 16-17
Fort Scott Weekend Events Nov.16
Toy Soldiers Painting Contest: Entries Due Nov. 30
Chamber After-Hours Event: Nate’s Place Today
Special Events Nov. 9-11
City Wide Holiday Open House Nov. 8
Christmas Parade Dec. 4
Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting is Tuesday, December 4, 2018, at 6 p.m.
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces that the annual holiday Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting will be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2018, in Downtown Fort Scott starting at 6 pm. The parade route will take place on Main Street starting at 3rd Street, proceeding to Skubitz Plaza, then exiting northwest towards National Ave.
The 2018 parade theme is “It’s a Cowboy Christmas!”, providing a fun and festive parade for everyone to get into the spirit.
The Chamber is calling all participants. There is no cost for businesses, schools and other organizations to register a float, golf cart, foot unit, band, horse unit, car or other entry into the parade. The parade entry form may be found on the Chamber website,, or may be picked up at the Chamber office at 231 E. Wall Street. Entry deadline is Monday, December 3rd at 1 pm.
Santa will be in Fort Scott for the parade, and Papa Don’s for a meet-and-greet. There will be drawings for prizes, photos with Santa, free hot chocolate in front of J & W Sports, the lighting of the Mayor’s Christmas tree and much more.
The Chamber encourages all to participate in the parade or attend as an onlooker to enjoy this magical night in Downtown Fort Scott.
Chamber After Hours Event Nov. 13: Nate’s Place and Highway 3 are Hosts
Chamber to host After-hours Event at Nate’s Place, co-hosted by Highway 3
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to save the date for an After-hours event Tuesday, November 13th at Nate’s Place of the Lyons Twin Mansions, 750 S. National (at the corner of 8th and National) from 5:15 pm to 7 pm.
Chamber members Nate’s Place and Highway 3 are co-sponsors of the event which will be a fun evening of networking, drawings, and fun.
Nate’s Place will be unveiling their recent kitchen remodel and furnishing upgrades made possible in part by a Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthy Pathways grant.
Highway 3, owned by sisters Erin Vann and Trisha Newton, will be promoting their customized products available on
There will be a two-dollar admission for a Chamber half-and-half drawing.
For more information contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at or 620-223-3566.
Holiday Open House Nov. 8
Forks and Corks Nov. 3