Category Archives: Bourbon County

Bourbon County Election Candidate Forum Wednesday, October 25

Join us for the 2023

Election Candidate Forum

Wednesday, October 25th

Doors open 5:30pm for Meet & Greet w/Candidates

Forum beings at 6pm

(will also be on Facebook Live ~ Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce page)

Candidates in the races below have been invited to attend & participate in the forum.

City of Fort Scott Commission

FSCC Board of Trustees

Southwind Extension District



City of Bronson City Council

City of Uniontown City Council

City of Redfield City Council

Thank you to our Chamber Champions for your support!

Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Community Connection Panel is Oct. 25 at the Empress Event Center

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Community Connection Panelist Luncheon on Wednesday, October 25th, from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Empress Event Center, 7 N. Main St. Chamber members and the community are invited to attend for updates by the City of Fort Scott, Bourbon County, Fort Scott Community College, USD-234, USD-235,

and Bourbon County REDI.

The event is free to attend but registration is requested. Box lunches are available by pre-order for $10 and those need to be ordered by October 23rd at 10am. Those planning to attend may RSVP here.

There will be a 7-minute update from each of the following panelists, ending with time for questions:

City of Fort Scott City Manager Brad Matkin

Bourbon County Commission Chair Jim Harris

FSCC President Jason Kelger

USD-234 Superintendent Destry Brown

USD-235 Superintendent Vance Eden

Bourbon County REDI Executive Director Rob Harrington

Moderators for the event will be Bailey Lyons of Lyons Realty Group,

2023 Chamber Board Chair.

Contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 620-223-3566 for more information or visit

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members
shown below!
Facebook  Twitter
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Shop, Swine and Swig Coming to the River Room Today

Shelby Defebaugh is a vendor and the organizer of the Shop, Swig and Swine event. Pictured: some of her creations. Submitted.

A holiday vendor event is happening today, October 19, at the River Room from 5 to 8 p.m.

Shop, Swig, and Swine is being organized by Shelby Defebaugh, who is a vendor herself. “I make pens, lanyards, keychains and wristlets. Customization is welcome,” she said.

“In August I started organizing the event,” Defebaugh said. “When you are a vendor… you become like a community.” And several vendors were interested.

Shelby Defebaugh. Photo by Brian Wade.

The River Room is located at the corner of National Avenue and Oak Street on Fort Scott’s north end. The event is from 5-8 p.m. with no cost to attendees.

Brickstreet BBQ is located at the corner of Oak Street and National Avenue on Fort Scott’s northside. The River Room Event Center is located on the second floor.

“I know everyone is busy,” she said. “I felt like a Thursday evening, when you get off work, go shop with girlfriends and grab some food to take home.”

The Flying P Ranch is a vendor at the Shop, Swig and Swine event, from its Facebook page.

The name “Shop, Swig and Swine” is because “You can shop, and have adult beverages and Brickstreet BBQ will have a concession bar and food,” Defebaugh said.


Defebaugh said she wanted to thank Cathy Bishop,  event coordinator at the River Room, and the Fort Scott Tribune for their help with the event.

Amanda Emmerson is a vendor at the event, from its Facebook page.

Vendors pay $40 per booth.

Sammie Gathercole’s S/L Studio is a vendor from Shop, Swig, and Swine Facebook page.

However, she is giving booth space for free to the Fort Scott High School Art Club for a fundraiser which is a  Christmas scene photo.

Vendors for the event:
Better in Bourbon
Flying P Ranch
Seint Make up
Blissful Aesthetics
FSHS Art Club
Couchman Acres
Sunshine Boutique
KC Design
Farmer Blake
Doggy Style
Gyp & Jo
Cathy Bishop
The Hamilton’s Artisan Bakery
SL Studio
Write On
Buckin A Ranch
Rope Baskets
Little Candle Factory
Peace Acres Freeze Dried Candy
Over The Hill Signs
Red Aspen
Brickstreet BBQ
Sassy Cactus
C3 Designs
doTerra Essential Oils

For more information about the event:


Unapproved Minutes of the Uniontown City Council on Oct. 10


The Regular Council Meeting on October 10, 2023 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00PM by Mayor
Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Josh Hartman, Amber Kelly, and Bradley
Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Danny Taylor, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan,
City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.

Region H Multi-Hazard, Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Plan – Clerk Johnson communicated with Bourbon County Emergency Management that we adopted resolution to continue in June, 2022, and sent updates to the city’s portion of the plan. There has been no acknowledgement of the communication. She will followup.

Motion by Hartman, Second by Ervin, Approved 5-0 to enter into executive session pursuant to data relating to
financial affairs or trade secrets of second parties matters exception, KSA 4319-(b)(4), in order to discuss economic
development that pertains to private financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and
individual proprietorships, the open meeting to resume at 7:20, include Sally Johnson.
Open meeting resumed at 7:20PM. No action taken.



Treasurer Bolinger present the September 2023 Treasurer’s Report. Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds
was $385,053.49, Receipts $46,930.23, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $33,645.50, Checking Account Closing
Balance $395,312.22. Bank Statement Balance $404,186.79, including Checking Account Interest of $82.69, Outstanding
Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $8,874.57, Reconciled Balance $395,312.22. Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit
$33,433.01, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $19,939.88, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $33,710.66, Total All
Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $482,395.77. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $713.64, and Utility CDs
$682.57 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $1,396.21. Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the
month of September 2023, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0. September
Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond &
Interest $1,624.00; for Total Transfers of $3,026.00. Net Income for the month of September $10,258.73, Year-to-Date
Net Income $51,760.25. Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $90,189.41 (73.8%), Expenditures $84,841.97
(53.0%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $28,217.64 (76.5%), Expenditures $23,385.57 (56.8%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue
$109,050.40 (69.6%), Expenditures $98,075.55 (43.6%); General Fund YTD Revenue $150,127.90 (100.2%),
Expenditures $120,383.02 (65.0%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $6,100.03 (81.8%), Expenditures $3,713.22
(31.8%). The October 2023 estimated payables in the amount of $35,838.69 were presented.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda as amended:
 Minutes of September 12, 2023 Regular Council Meeting
 Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables

City Superintendent Rich on vacation.
Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan reported that he hasn’t seen any progress yet on 404 Washington, they have until
December 1 to complete exterior. The dead tree at 505 Wall has been removed. 201 Fulton, 303 Third, 401 Sherman,
201 Franklin, 307 Washington, and 306 Washington grass/weeds were discussed. Coyan will talk to or send letters as
needed. Clerk Johnson will get contact information for 201 Fulton and 201 Franklin for him. There are broken limbs
hanging in a tree on the easement between 406 and 408 Fulton.

Clerk Johnson reported on the KRWA webinar she attended regarding Lead Service Line Inventory and workshop on
Alcohol Beverage Control. She also handed out information on PFAS class action suit and Cybersecurity.

Councilman Ervin – nothing
Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing
Councilman Hartman – nothing
Councilwoman Kelly – would like council salary put on agenda next month. Clerk Johnson is to present a draft ordinance
on amount and regulations for council pay.
Councilman Stewart – nothing
Mayor Jurgensen – nothing

Electrical in Park – 30AMP outlets have been requested for use for food trucks not during an event.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to set the fee for use of 30AMP outlets at $15

Street project – contractor will be in town October 12 to visit with Rich about the project and plan to begin on October

Council asked to have procurement policy on next month’s agenda to review and amended, if needed.

Mural Grant – we have received the second payment from grant.

Placemaking Project – Blue Cross Blue Shield will be sending us the grant application that has to be filled out online.

Multi-use of the court was discussed. Specs for the project for bid request was discussed. Johnson will draw up bid
invitation, have reviewed,
and then sent out to area contractors.

Pond Project – signed contract has been received. We can request bids. They do not have to be sealed bids. Johnson
will order the weed barrier needed. Weeds coming through current weed barrier was discussed. Johnson will ask Don
George, KDWPT, what herbicide is acceptable.

Messaging System – council reviewed the information on several different systems and will not pursue at this time.

Moved by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 8:39PM

Minutes of the Oct. 10 Bo Co Commission Meeting

October 10, 2023                                                                                                                 Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present for a special meeting to discuss healthcare.


Teri Hulsey, Clint Walker, Anne Dare, Mark McCoy, Deb Martin, and Rachel Walker were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim Harris opened the meeting with the flag salute followed by a prayer led by Mark McCoy.


Jim explained that the board is here tonight to discuss healthcare, and will begin with an executive session followed by general discussion. The public will have an opportunity to speak after the general discussion and Jim asked those interested to sign up and remain professional and courteous.


Clifton Beth made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include all three Commissioners and Justin Meeks and will return at 5:42. Nelson Blythe seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 5:42 with action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion that we support, along with other taxing entities in the county, an entity that Legacy Health has brought to the county and has been working with for many months, which is Amberwell, to provide ER services in Bourbon County soon if not as close to as possible after January 1, 2024. The amount that Bourbon County would need to contribute is $500,000 contingent upon a signed MOU along with them coming and providing the services. Justin Meeks clarified that if other taxing entities don’t agree to fund, the county’s share would go up. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton stated that assuming other taxing entities are on board we will have an emergency room and that will be made possible with a large financial commitment to the project by Legacy Health. Clifton said he would address some of the questions that have been posted online and stated that we do not qualify as a Critical Access Hospital and stressed the point that Girard and multiple other rural hospitals that are surviving are Critical Access Hospitals. Clifton explained that Critical Access Hospitals are essentially made whole at the end of the year by the federal government. Clifton said that if a hospital is opened, we still wouldn’t qualify as a Critical Access Hospital. REH, Rural Emergency Hospital, was discussed with Clifton saying that as of a month ago there still was not a hospital in the country with that designation. To qualify for REH Clifton said you had to be a functioning hospital in 2020 and that Via Christi, himself, Legacy Heath, and Amberwell have all been working trying to get the designation and will continue to work with representatives at the federal level to try to obtain. REH gives a $2,000,000 subsidy plus around a 3% bump in Medicare payments. Clifton also addressed rumors that Via Christi was leaving due to Legacy raising the rent and stated that for the last year or more Via Christi has had free rent. Clifton said that to his knowledge Legacy is charging way less than the standard rate to their new tenants. Clifton said assuming everybody can collaborate we will have an emergency room, but stated it would take licensing as any new entity would have to get multiple licenses from the State of Kansas which is a process. Clifton said his hope is they are able to get it done quickly and that we will have little to no lag, if any, in emergency room care in Bourbon County. Jim read the following prepared list: since 2010 113 rural hospitals have closed, 46% of rural hospitals are losing money, 86 % of rural hospitals in Kansas are losing money, the ER in Fort Scott has not paid rent in 24 months, the ER in Fort Scott has lost over $1,000,0000 a year. Jim said they are working with other taxing entities to come up with a solution. Jim said if we do not get the REH designation we will have to come up with some other ideas and present it to the voters on some things we could or could not do. Jim said to have an ER in Bourbon County the county, city, state, or federal entities would have to subsidize it. Jim said he has seen the discussion about sales tax and stated we are a long way from that, but it could happen next year. Clifton said that we can’t arbitrarily charge a sales tax and explained that it would have to be placed on the ballot for the public to decide. Jim stated hopefully we receive the REH and it doesn’t come to having to vote on a sales tax, but wants everybody to understand that to maintain an ER somebody has to subsidize it. Jim said we have to move forward and build our cash reserves in case we do not receive the REH. Clifton said they have reached out to multiple agencies who were not interested in opening an ER or hospital and that Amberwell is willing to come and is already highly successful in rural healthcare. Building a new hospital is a comment Clifton has seen and stated that isn’t necessarily a bad idea but the rules and regulations to build a hospital are not the same as building a house, would cost in the ballpark of $20,000,000, and would take at least two years which would leave us without a hospital. Clifton said the public can write their Senator and House of Representatives and let them know of our issues, that we need the REH designation, and that we all want to make the hospital successful. Nelson said he wants to build cash reserves by saving money in every way possible and use it for essential county functions and nothing else. Jim said Amberwell is well thought out, has two hospitals and six clinics, and would be a blessing for Bourbon County.


Clint Walker said he feels that the state needs to expand Medicaid because rural hospitals are in trouble and people can’t pay their bills. Anne Dare asked for the total amount of the subsidy that would need to be paid and Clifton said it would be $1,500,000. Anne asked if anybody has talked to Linn County about buying in because they still rely on our emergency room. Anne stated she knew there is information that cannot be released, but suggested having townhall meetings and creating task forces to be more communicative with residents. Anne asked how long Amberwell has been an entity and where they are based out of. Clifton said it seems like he read they have been around 5 or 6 years and they are from Atchison. Jim said they have a hospital in Hiawatha as well and clinics in other cities. Anne questioned if they had functioning emergency rooms at their hospitals, and Jim replied yes.  Anne said it was mentioned on Facebook about keeping pilot funds to use to portion of the county’s share of the healthcare subsidy. Mark McCoy said he was here tonight on his own behalf and not representing REDI. Mark said he had a concern with a taskforce because people can’t keep things private which can be detrimental when in the process of making deals in any business. Mark stated the plethora of people on Facebook making comments are keeping businesses out because the majority of comments are negative and nobody wants to come here if it’s a negative place. Mark said the cost of operating the old Mercy building with utilities, maintenance, up-keep, and the roof and HVAC issues that come with a building that is at least 20 years old is astronomical. Mark asked if the taxing entities were Bourbon County, the City of Fort Scott, the school districts, and community college and Clifton said yes, we would ask all those to contribute. Mark said EMS does a good job and that a lack of an ER would put a strain on them. Mr. McCoy stated an emergency room is important to Bourbon County and Fort Scott as well as businesses and said it would be in the best interest of businesses to contribute.  Mark said that REDI stands ready and will participate but cannot give an exact dollar amount tonight.  Matt Sanders asked how we can keep an ER from failing like the other 80% in the state and said he agrees with Anne’s suggestion of reaching out to Linn County. Matt asked if there was any term length to the agreement and asked if they were to leave tomorrow do, we get our money back. Matt stated he thinks we are putting a lot of faith in obtaining an REH designation, and that he agrees we need an ER but doesn’t think the taxpayers should have to pay for it.


Clifton said REH is our ultimate goal and that it would cost us as a county $500,000 if we don’t have an ER for EMS for another ambulance and staff, so we would have to spend this amount regardless and he personally would rather spend it to have an emergency room to save people’s lives. Jim said if we receive the REH that would be a federal subsidy, if we do not it would be up to the Bourbon County people if we want an ER and how we would pay for it. The idea of a sales tax was discussed since everybody, including those individuals just traveling through, would pay it. If a 1% sales tax were voted on by the residents and passed that would be $1.00 on every $100 spent and it was asked if a life is worth $1.00. It was questioned how the county would come up with $500,000 and the Commissioners stated we could pull the money from several funds, and it would be a matter of not doing things such as working on the courthouse building, replacing windows, or switching software companies next year.


Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:33. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.




___________________, Chairman

___________________, Commissioner

ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Deputy Clerk

10/16/2023                                     Approved Date


Bo Co Commission Minutes of Oct. 2

October 2, 2023                                                                                                                   Monday, 5:30 p.m.


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Jim Harris and Nelson Blythe and the County Clerk present.


Mark McCoy, Teri Hulsey, Clint Walker, Rachel Walker, and Jason Silvers were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim Harris opened the meeting with the flag salute followed by a prayer led by Mark McCoy.


Nelson made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 9/25/23 and approval of payroll totaling $416.24. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.


There were no public comments.


Eric Bailey, Public Works Director, presented a list of culvert installations for September for approval. Eric stated they are still working on Yale Road and are compacting, leveling, and adding water to make a better subbase. The asphalt crew is currently on 233rd Street and will have one pass to complete tomorrow then they will be moving to Garland. Eric said they are watching the budget numbers very closely to see what additional asphalting can be completed this year. Jim said he walked Jayhawk Road and the chip and seal was excellent and said the crew did a good job. Eric informed the Commissioners of a retirement lunch on Friday for Charlie Elliott who is retiring after 32 years with the county. Jim made a motion to allow all three Commissioners to attend a retirement luncheon for one of our employees at the public works building next Friday, October 6th. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Nelson said somebody approached him about adding stop signs at 85th Street and Kansas Road to make the intersection a four-way stop. Nelson said it seems reasonable to him because when you are on Kansas Road headed west you can’t really see anything and it isn’t due to a lack of tree trimming it is just the terrain. Jim suggested Eric look at the intersection and make a recommendation.


Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk, gave an update stating they are gearing up for the General Election on November 7th. The deadline for registering to vote to be able to participate in the General Election is October 17th. Jennifer asked if the Commissioners would be holding a meeting on October 9th since the courthouse will be closed in observance of Columbus Day. Nelson said he doesn’t have a problem holding a meeting and Jim replied they normally don’t hold meetings due to staff not being here to help. Jim said he doesn’t want to have any staff ruining their day off to have to come in for three hours when they could be traveling or with family. Jim made a motion to not hold a meeting on October 9th due to Columbus Day and will hold a regular meeting on October 16th unless something comes up. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Jennifer presented a Real Property Relief application for Jerry and Annette Leighty for their property at 202 Holbrook that was destroyed by fire. Jennifer said the fire happened on May 17th and that the home was completely destroyed and has since been demolished and is now a vacant lot. Jennifer said since the fire happened before August 1, they can do an abatement on the taxes she just needs to know the percentage that you want to abate.

Mark McCoy asked about early voting dates and Jennifer said early voting will start at the courthouse on October 26th during the hours of 8:30-4:30 and will close on November 6th at noon.

Jim made a motion to apply the abatement for 202 Holbrook for a Real Property Relief application for a six-month period. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Susan Walker, CFO, spoke of a draft letter notifying all employees of open enrollment for insurance that was submitted to the Commissioners for approval. Susan said we have been offering benefits with Aflac and Globe Life and we shouldn’t have due to the state contract language. Susan said employees will be able to continue their coverage if they choose to but it would not be deducted through their payroll and that Don Doherty is willing to visit with each of the employees that this affects. Susan said they want to still offer disability insurance and that after looking at all the benefits Assurity was the best company. The best cancer insurance was offered through Prosperity and is guaranteed issue. Northwestern Mutual is an assortment of other life insurance options that Don Doherty would offer through us. Susan said she needs approval to be able to use those companies as payroll deductions and to also send out the open enrollment letter. Jim asked if these all meet the state regulations, and Susan said yes do they. Jim made a motion a to allow Susan and the County Clerk to work together to send out a cover letter to employees to explain what changes they will have in their current additional insurance that will not be payroll deducted in the future to meet the state regulations and to let our employees have an option to purchase the listed insurances. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Jim requested an executive session. Jim made a motion to go into a 15-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include both Commissioners and Justin Meeks and will return at 6:01. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Jim made a motion to resume normal session at 6:01 with no action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton Beth arrived at the meeting.


Justin Meeks asked the Commissioners to amend the agenda to add an executive session.


Clifton made a motion to add an executive session before the Commission comments. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include all three Commissioners and Justin Meeks and will return at 6:11. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 6:11 with no action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Nelson informed Clifton of the discussion of making the intersection at 85th Street and Kansas Road a four-way stop and that Eric is going to review and come back with a recommendation.

Clifton said there have been rumors about the emergency room closing and that Via Christi is being purchased by another entity which Clifton said as far as he knows is just a rumor. Clifton said there is a pretty good chance we will not have an emergency room on January 1st. Clifton said we have not been notified that they are closing but that we know it is a possibility. Clifton stated Legacy Health is working with another healthcare provider to possibly provide services but due to timing and licensing issues they won’t be able to make that happen in a timely manner. Clifton said that for whatever reason Bourbon County has been put on the back burner for healthcare for a long time and it’s something we need to discuss with the public and maybe take matters into our own hands with some kind of large subsidy from the county or cities or in the form of a sales tax or something of that matter. Clifton said he has heard we are already the highest sales taxed county in the state, but that is not true. Clifton said he personally is tired of relying on outsiders to weave our future with healthcare and maybe we should take it in our own hands with a large subsidy. Jim said he agrees with Clifton that it is time we take charge of the matter and let’s do it ourselves and quit waiting on other people to do it. Jim thanked Clifton for his hard work.


Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:18. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.




___________________, Chairman

___________________, Commissioner

ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Deputy Clerk

10/16/2023                                    Approved Date



Bourbon County Commission Amended Agenda for This Evening


Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832









Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

October 16, 2023 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute Followed by Prayer
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 10/2/23 and 10/10/23
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $221,649.43
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $297,503.99
  1. Public Comments
  2. Becky Gray, Community Health Center of SEK- Public Transportation
  3. Diane Striler-Christmas on the Bricks
  • Department Updates
    1. Public Works
  • Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk
  1. Certification of Voting Delegates for KAC Meeting
  2. Early Voting Location
  3. Susan Walker, CFO
    1. 2024 Health Insurance Rates Approval
  4. Susan Walker-Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(1)
  5. Shane Walker- Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(4)
  • Jim Harris-Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(1)
  • Commission Comments
  • Adjourn Meeting




Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.


Amended Agenda for the Bourbon County Commission Today


Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832


Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

October 16, 2023 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute Followed by Prayer
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 10/2/23 and 10/10/23
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $221,649.43
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $297,503.99
  1. Public Comments
  2. Becky Gray, Community Health Center of SEK- Public Transportation
  3. Diane Striler-Christmas on the Bricks
  • Department Updates
    1. Public Works
  • Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk
  1. Certification of Voting Delegates for KAC Meeting
  2. Early Voting Location
  3. Susan Walker, CFO
    1. 2024 Health Insurance Rates Approval
  4. Susan Walker-Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(1)
  5. Shane Walker- Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(4)
  • Commission Comments
  • Adjourn Meeting




Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.


Bourbon County Commission Agenda for Oct. 16


Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832

Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

October 16, 2023 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute Followed by Prayer
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 10/2/23 and 10/10/23
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $221,649.43
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $297,503.99
  1. Public Comments
  2. Becky Gray, Community Health Center of SEK- Public Transportation
  3. Diane Striler-Christmas on the Bricks
  • Department Updates
    1. Public Works
  • Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk
  1. Certification of Voting Delegates for KAC Meeting
  2. Early Voting Location
  3. Susan Walker, CFO
    1. 2024 Health Insurance Rates Approval
    2. Longevity
  4. Susan Walker-Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(1)
  5. Commission Comments
  • Adjourn Meeting





Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.


Accounts Payable 10-6-2023

Payroll 10-6-2023

Candidate Forums slated for October 25 and 26, 2023


Meet and get acquainted with those who will be on this year’s November 6 ballot. Voters will soon empower some of these candidates with the responsibility of supervising the management of funds allocated for maintaining the effectiveness of these entities.


Do you know who spends tax dollars? Yes? No? Without a doubt, the time has come for all voters(taxpayers) in our local communities to know who, how, why our hard-earned tax dollars are being used for our schools and cities. These are the estimated annual budgets: FSCC- $20,000,000; USD 234- $33,800,000; USD 235- $6,300,000; City of Ft Scott- $17,000,000.)


Two “meet and greet” sessions have been scheduled to allow for some relevant interaction.


The first session, hosted by the Ft Scott Chamber of Commerce, is set for October 25, 2023, at the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. The session includes candidates for the FSCC Board of Trustees, USD 234 Board of Education, and the Ft Scott City Commission. Doors will open at 5:30 followed with a time of questions and answers by the candidates at 6:00 pm.


Session two, hosted by the Bourbon County Republicans, will be on October 26, 2023, at the Uniontown City Hall in Uniontown. This will include candidates for the FSCC Board of Trustees, USD 235, and city council candidates from Uniontown, Bronson, and Redfield. The meeting will start promptly at 6:30 and is scheduled to last no more than 2 hours.


The chamber and the BBCO Republicans will receive questions from the public prior to the sessions. Please submit your questions to the appropriate entity.

Submitted by Anne Dare