The Bourbon County Arts Council announces its Call for Entries for the 33rd Annual Fine Arts Competition and Exhibit, to be held at the Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center on the campus of Fort Scott Community College, Thursday, March 6th, through Saturday, March 15th.
The mixed media competition is open to artists aged 16 and older. Categories include Ceramics, Drawing and Graphics (Pencil, Pen, Ink), Fiber Art, Glasswork, Jewelry, Mixed Media, Painting (Oil & Acrylic), Pastel, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Watercolor.
A “Theme” category has been added; this year’s theme is “Bridge the Gap”. \
An artist may create a piece in any of the above media categories, as it relates to the theme.
Entry fees are $7.50 per piece for Bourbon County Arts Council members and $10.00 per piece for non-members.
PLEASE NOTE: In the past, artists were permitted to enter a total of five pieces, with 3 pieces allowed in any one category. Due to space limitations and the growth of this exhibit, artists now may submit a total of FOUR pieces, with 3 of those allowed in a single category. Entry deadline and payment are due by February 28th, 2025.
Cash awards totaling greater than $3500.00 will be made, for Best of Show in 2D and 3D, First and Second Place winners in each category, and a Popular Vote winner.
Entry forms may be requested by contacting Deb Anderson at 620-224-8650 or [email protected], or Deb Halsey at 620-224-0684 or [email protected] .
PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer accepting pieces shipped to BCAC for entry into the exhibit.
The schedule for this year’s Exhibit is as follows: Entry forms and payment, as stated above, are due by February 28th. No late entries will be accepted.
Artwork will be received at the Ellis Fine Arts Center on Sunday, March 2nd, between 1 and 4 pm.
Juror critique of the artwork will occur on Wednesday, March 5th; this is closed to artists and the public.
Artists are invited to attend the Chamber Coffee hosted by the BCAC on Thursday, March 6th at 8:00 am at the Ellis Center.
A reception will be held that evening from 6:00-8:00 pm for participating artists and the Jurors; this reception is open to the public as well.
The Exhibit will be open for public viewing on Thursday, March 6th and Friday, March 7th, as well as Monday, March 10th-Friday March 14th from noon until 7:00 pm.
It will also be open Saturdays March 8th and March 15th, from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.
Artists may pick up their work on Saturday, March 15th between 1:30 and 3:30 pm. The Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center is located at 2108 Horton St., Fort Scott, Kansas.