Bo Co Coalition Minutes of April 6

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Minutes


April 6, 2022



  1. Welcome:  Fourteen members representing ten agencies and two guests attended the meeting.  Billie Jo introduced Elizabeth Schafer as a new board member replacing Nancy Van Etten who has moved from the area.  She also noted that Family Swim pass applications were still available at Beacon and Buck Run; completed applications must be returned to Buck Run by April 29; applications will be approved at the May 3 board meeting.


  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:
  • Elizabeth Schafer, Pioneer Kiwanis, announced that the club has purchased a handicap swing for Gunn Park. They will be hosting the Chamber coffee on April 28 to make the presentation of the swing.  She also reported that CASA continues to be in need of more volunteers.  At present we have twenty volunteers in Bourbon County; we could use as many as fifty.  There is a training involved; interested individuals can contact Elizabeth or Christa Horn for additional information.
  • Sandy Haggard, RSVP, shared information about the “Aging with Attitude” Regional Expo to be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday, April 29, at Community Christian Church, 1919 South Horton. Registration fee is $15.00 for the day; additional information can be obtained by contacting Barbara Stockebrand, 620-625-8620, our local extension office, or
  • Christine Abbott, SEKWorks, introduced Joellene McKeehan. Joellene has been with the organization only a few weeks; she works out of the Paola office.  Christine also mentioned she has funds available for all of her programs; she continues to be in Fort Scott every Monday.  She and Joellene have been attending the various job fairs in the counties.  She also noted that there are over 70,000 available jobs in the State of Kansas.
  • Holly Fritter, SEK Multi-County Health Department, shared information about the upcoming Community Baby Shower to be held on Thursday, June 23, from 10-12, at Buck Run Community Center. There will be door prizes, give-aways, and many other things.  For more information or to help in any way, contact Holly at 620-223-4464 or 417-661-0308.  This is for any Bourbon County resident that is pregnant or has an infant up to six months old.
  • Linda Lawrence, SEK Multi-County Health Department Special Projects, informed members that the Covid boosters are available. Anyone can have the fourth shot; the fifth shot is reserved, at this time, for only those immune-challenged individuals.  Appointments are recommended and available on Mondays and Thursdays.  She also shared that the Health Department will have a table at the Aging with Attitude Expo; they will be sharing information on immunizations for those over fifty.
  • Amanda Gilmore, Lighthouse Aglow, reminded members that they meet on the second Thursday of each month; however, due to Easter, the April meeting will be April 7, 6:30 p.m., at the Fort Scott Inn.
  • Michelle Stevenson, Fort Scott Early Childhood Program, explained the Preschool 2022 Spring Fling, to be held April 7, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. at the USD 234 Preschool. This is the first big collaborative event by the Early Childhood Coalition and is for children and parents of pre-natal through age 6.  She also mentioned that she has a few openings for her program; soon she will be working with ten babies!
  • Patty Simpson, Fort Scott Housing Authority, has some two-bedroom apartments ready for occupancy; she has a short waiting list for one, three, and four-bedroom apartments.
  • Gabby Gire, CHC SEK, noted that she will have a booth at the upcoming Fort Scott Home Show; various vaccines will be given during that time. She will be hosting the first “Tobacco Cessation” meeting in Fort Scott on May 5.  She also shared that CHC is hiring several positions and that the new facility at the old Price Chopper building should be open by the third week in December.
  • David Gillen, Beacon, explained that the Beacon is in a partnership with Walmart through the Feed America association which allows them to have many food items to share with their clients. They also can provide hygiene products, diapers and wipes, and taxi vouchers when needed.


  1. Program: Joshua McCloud, Donor Relations and Community Outreach Coordinator, Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas, and Carla Farmer, Board President, Fort Scott Area Community Foundation.

Josh first made two announcements:  1.  The Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas is presenting a grant writing workshop on April 19; refer to the Foundation website to sign up to participate.  2.  The DCF Job/Resource Fair will be held on May 24, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., at the Pittsburg Memorial Hall.  For more information contact Kelly Stammer at 620-820-6319 or


Josh explained that the Community Foundation is a public charity created by and for the people of our area.  The mission is to encourage charitable giving to benefit the common good and improve the quality of life for those in Southeast Kansas.  He then explained the three different grant cycles for which 501(c)3 organizations, schools, government institutions, and religious institutions can apply:  Dylan Meier Get Busy Livin’ Foundation Youth-Volunteerism Grants, CFSEK General Funds Grant, and Rita J. Bicknell Women’s Health Fund Grants.


Carla then explained the differences between the two entities and ensured than an organization could certainly apply for funding from both foundations.  For more information on the foundations or how to apply for grant funding, visit and



  1. Open Forum:  Gabby Gire, CHC SEK, will present our May program.



 Adjournment:  Next General Membership meeting

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