The Beacon, a local helping agency, recently received a grant for an equipment upgrade for the frozen meat products it distributes to qualified clientele.
The $2,300 dollar grant was received from the Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas for another cooler for the agency, said Board Chairwoman Carol MacArthur.
The grant is for freezer space to serve existing and expanding clientele because more space is needed, she said.
“The products come from Kansas Food Bank, Feeding America, and many generous donations by Bourbon County citizens and organizations,” Director Gary Murrell said.
“More freezer space is needed so that when opportunities arise to buy larger amounts more cheaply, we can do that,” Foord Service Manager Dave Gillen said. “Too, when we alert Kansas Food Bank that we have more freezer space, they will consider that in allocating larger amounts to the Beacon.”
The Beacon is open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, with two exceptions: the second and fourth Tuesdays when the agency is open 4:30-7 p.m. and not in the daytime.
The Beacon provides food services and financial assistance, which could include assistance with prescriptions, travel to work or to a medical facility, rent, utilities, and much more.
Murrell is the director, Gillen is the foodservice manager and receptionist is Patty Mowen.
“The Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas hosts individual charitable funds, created by donors who have a passion for giving back to their community. Grants from the funds assist people throughout Southeast Kansas and many charities beyond Kansas. Call the Foundation, 620 231 8897 with questions about the Community Foundation and its many services available for donors.”