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Fort Scott Commission Minutes of March 5



Minutes of March 5, 2019 Regular Meeting #4

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held March 5th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Adamson and Bartelsmeyer were present with Mayor Parker presiding. Commissioners Mitchell and Nichols were absent.

INVOCATION: Pastor Paul Martin, Community Christian Church, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City, our Government and City officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Travis Shelton, Rhonda Dunn, Darrell Parker, Michael Mix, Paul Ballou, Robert Uhler, Dave Bruner, Chad Brown, Rachel Pruitt, Nick Ruhl, Bill Lemke, Michael Hoyt, Paul Martin, Sherry Beerbower, Travis Parker, Alex Swank, Chilia Swank, Brian L. Allen, Billy Keith, Max Fanning, Jeff Fischer, Jason Gorman, Dale Bollinger, Kevin Allen, Stewart Gulagher, Pat Wood, Clayton Miller, and representing the press, Jason Silvers with the Fort Scott Tribune.



  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of February 19th, 2019.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1233-A totaling $286,874.02.

Adamson moved the Consent Agenda. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.




B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute

limit per citizen) – None


Parker moved to open the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


6:15 p.m. Resolution 5-2019 directing the repair or removal of an alleged unsafe and dangerous structure located at 1612 E. Oak Street – Rhonda Dunn, Codes Director, informed the Commission that this house is owned by the Beerbower family and Sherry is here along with her contractor. Rhonda said has given them a list of items that need repaired on this rental house that they own. They need to replace the floors inside, the electrical, drywall, the kitchen, the plumbing and the roof. Some of these items have been repaired. She asked for 30 days to either repair or remove this structure.

Travis Parker, contractor for Sherry Beerbower, said that the weather has prohibited him from working on the roof, but he thinks 30 days is reasonable.

Adamson moved to give the property owner 30 days to either repair or replace this structure. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


Parker moved to close the Public Hearing at 6:17 p.m. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.



  1. Consideration of Resolution No. 6-2019 of the governing body of the City of Fort Scott determining the advisability of issuing Taxable Industrial Revenue Bonds for the purpose of financing the acquisition, reconstruction, remodeling, furnishing and equipment of a commercial facility located in said city and authorizing execution of related documents – Rachel Pruitt informed the Commission that this resolution is for a taxable Industrial Revenue Bond for the development of the building at Wall and National belonging to Jennifer LaRoche. This is just a pass through IRB and there is no financing involved. All the debt is with the LLC company. This IRB allows the development to take advantage of construction materials without paying sales tax. This is a $3,000,000 development.

City Attorney said that there is no exposure to the City. This just helps the developer with sales tax assistance.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve Resolution No. 6-2019. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.

APPROVED RESOLUTION 6-2019 OF THE governing body of the City of Fort Scott determining the advisability of issuing Taxable Industrial Revenue Bonds for the purpose of financing the acquisition, reconstruction, remodeling, furnishing and equipment of a commercial facility located in said city and authorizing execution of related documents – JENNI FROM THE BLOCK – WALL AND NATIONAL PROPERTY.

  1. Consideration of Ground Lease Bids for land at Wastewater Treatment Plant – Michael Mix, Water Utilities Director, informed the Commission that bids were taken for the lease of approximately 101 acres surrounding the Wastewater Treatment Plant. There were four bids received with the high bid from Phil and Joe Wimmer in the amount of $15,500. Approval was recommended.

Parker moved to approve the high bid from Phil & Joe Wimmer in the amount of $15,500 to farm the 101 acres at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of quote for raw water testing for cryptosporidium – Michael Mix, Water Utilities Director, informed the Commission that EPA has mandated extra testing for cryptosporidium to assist with their regulations in the future. This is a non-funded mandate. There are only four laboratories that provide this service. He received quotes from three of the four laboratories and asked approval from the low quote of $11,680.00 from Analytical Services, Inc. of Williston, Vermont. This is budgeted.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the low quote from Analytical Services, Inc. in the amount of $11,680.00. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of Bids for Leak Noise Correlator – Bill Lemke, Water Distribution Supervisor, informed the Commission that after their approval, bids were taken to purchase a leak noise correlator. This piece of equipment will be used to determine water leaks. There were eight bids received. The two low bids did not meet specifications. He asked approval for the next low bid from Subsurface Instruments from DePere, Illinois in the amount of $22,100. This is a budgeted item.

Adamson moved to approve the bid from Subsurface Instruments in the amount of $22,100. Parker seconded. All voted aye.



  1. Director Updates:

Health Care Update – Dave Martin, City Manager, informed the Commission that the City is very fortunate that VIA Christi and CHC both stepped in to provide health care in our community. He has heard good things about both health care providers since they have started providing services.

EMS Update – Dave Bruner, Deputy Fire Chief, informed the Commission that in February there were 166 calls for service with 107 transfers. This included the down time with no emergency room services. EMS is back to doing long distance transfers. The new transit ambulance vehicles are being detailed and will arrive this week. They are renovating the ambulance building and have assistance from some of the inmates. Last week, Bourbon County EMS had their State inspection and all went well. This inspection is good until April 2020.

Waggoner Engineering – Robert Uhler, Community Development Director, informed the Commission that in October of 2018, Waggoner Engineering partnered with Bedco to develop the Strategic Implementation Plan. The actual project started in December of 2018 with a review of all City planning documents, an in person visit and a working session with each director. In January and February of 2019, the preparation of the written strategic implementation plan began. Next week, Rachel Pruitt, Larry Gazaway, and himself will be going to Washington, D.C. to visit with federal legislators regarding Fort Scott.

Fire Truck Purchase – Rhonda Dunn, Director of Finance, informed the Commission on the debt of the City and gave them each a sheet showing the General Obligation Debt and the time frame for each debt.

Pool/Buck Run ½ cent Sales Tax – Rhonda gave the Commission a break down on the ½ cent sales tax that was approved back in 2011 for the renovation of the aquatic center and Buck Run. The original debt was $3,900,000. The remaining debt is $1,305,000 and this will be paid off in October of 2021. The 10 year project shows tax revenue of $6,871,637; debt total $4,277,708; operating cost $2,318,333; and surplus from project $275,596.

Sales Tax Update – Rhonda shared a break down on sales from 2015 to 2019. The annual sales tax collection has increased more than 7% since 2015. The economy and sales are good which has helped keep the mill levy down over the years.

Commissioner Bartelsmeyer said this shows how important it is to buy locally.

EMS Budget – Rhonda said that a public hearing will be held at the March 19th, 2019 meeting to establish the EMS budget. The notice will be published in tomorrow’s paper.

Flag at Skubitz Plaza – Rhonda said that US Cellular had approached the City about putting a cell tower up in the downtown area and they would like to install these though a flag pole. There has been some opposition about the location in Skubitz Plaza. A new location is being determined at this time and it will not be put up in Skubitz Plaza.

  1. City Commission:

Bartelsmeyer Thanked the audience for attending the meeting tonight.

Adamson – Thanked Diane and the girls in the water office for their assistance when she calls them.

Nichols Not present.

Mitchell Not present.

Parker – Thanked the audience also for attending.

C. City Attorney: Bob Farmer read from a prepared letter he gave to the City Commission: “It has been a pleasure and a privilege serving as the Fort Scott City Attorney. It is one of the most rewarding positions of my life. It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this letter to notify you that I am tendering a resignation to be effective March 30, 2019.” He said that he is not leaving his law firm and will still be around to answer questions.

  1. City Manager: Dave said that it has been a privilege to work with Bob Farmer all these years.

ADJOURNMENT: Bartelsmeyer moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 p.m. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on March 19th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.




Fort Scott City Commission Agenda for March 19






MARCH 19, 2019





III. INVOCATION: To be Announced



  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of March 5th, 2019.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1234-A totaling $340,436.350.


  1. APPEARANCE: Bert Lewis – 2019 Prom – Street Closing and Parking Lot Request- April 13, 2019

B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute limit per citizen)


6:00 p.m. Budget Amendment Public Hearing


  1. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit to allow residential living on the 1st floor at the property at 18-20-22 South Main Street

  1. Consideration of Engineering Firm to conduct energy audit

  1. Request of installation of street light at 1st & Goodlander

  1. Consideration of amendment of Cereal Malt Beverage Ordinance to change from 3.2 to 6.0


  1. Director Updates:

Health Care Update – Dave Martin

EMS Update – Dave Bruner

Legislative Report – Robert Uhler

Fire Truck/Finance Discussion – Rhonda and Rachel

  1. Commission:
  1. City Attorney:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


Obituary of Louise Woodworth Crist Prell

Louise Woodworth Crist Prell, beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, passed away peacefully early Wednesday, December 19, 2018, at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, CA.
She was born December 22, 1933, in Evanston, IL, to C. Francis Crist and Alice Woodworth Crist.
Louise graduated from Northwestern University in 1956 with a bachelor’s degree in speech. She taught second grade in Itasca, IL, and married George Alan Prell on July 2, 1958. They moved to Phoenix, AZ in 1960, and had their first three children: Wendy Prell Danbury, Taylor Woodworth Prell, and Christopher Alan Prell; they moved to Tustin, CA, where they had Marjorie (Maggie) Prell Wheeler. Louise and George found a home close to good schools and their chosen church, Trinity United Presbyterian.
Louise was active in family life, enriching her children’s lives through reading aloud, traveling, making art, singing, visiting museums and zoos, and helping with homework.
She and George took many summer road trips to the Midwest with all four children in the station wagon, singing songs, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, playing license plate games, enjoying the scenery, moo-ing at cows, and visiting relatives in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois.
She was an active church member, teaching Sunday School, directing musical productions, playing flute in the church orchestra, helping set up the Samaritan Care Center, volunteering time and household goods to the Refugee Resettlement Committee, and teaching English as a second language through the Laubach Literacy program.
She served as Treasurer for the Forest Home Women’s Auxiliary, and for many years she served as the head volunteer for Opera Pacific, organizing volunteers who raised money, provided transportation for opera stars, and increased awareness and appreciation of opera in Orange County, CA.
All who knew her remember her sweet, generous nature.

Louise is survived by her four children; grandchildren, Jordan, Leanna, Sean, James, Colin and Aidan; and great-grandson, Benjamin.

Family, friends, and others whose lives were touched by Louise are invited to a memorial service at West Liberty Methodist Church, Fulton, KS, on Saturday, March 30, at 11:00 AM, followed by a graveside ceremony at West Liberty Cemetery.

Louise’s ashes will be interred beside those of her beloved husband, George, who had spent many summers at the Taylor family farm across the road, near the final resting place of his parents, Callie Taylor Prell and Edward Prell, and of his aunt and uncle, Alma Taylor Benedict and Henry Benedict, who were longtime residents of the Fort Scott area.
A luncheon reception will follow immediately back at the church.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to World Vision International. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guest book at Local arrangements are being handled by the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main.

Obituary of Grace Hyatt

Grace P. Hyatt, September 3, 1928 – March 14, 2019. Grace Hyatt, of Emporia, Kansas, died at Newman Hospital in Emporia,Thursday.

Grace Pauline Hyatt went to be with her Lord and her husband in Heaven. Her cowboy went to Heaven twelve years ago on Friday. Grace Pauline Carmean was born near Des Moines, New Mexico. Her parents were Dorothy May Meier Hintergardt Carmean and Charles Pearson Carmean. She was named for Grace Longwell who helped with the delivery.

Very, very poor, the family was rich with love in the Land of Enchantment. Between 1928 and 1934, the family moved several times. Grace remembered crawling up on the bed to see her baby sister, Eva, in 1932 in Springer, New Mexico. Shortly afterward, the family moved by covered wagon to Miami, New Mexico. During the Great Depression, many poor families moved by wagons since they did not own vehicles. Grace began school in Miami, New Mexico. The family was back near Des Moines during the Dust Bowl. The Ken Burns documentary placed them at the epicenter of the many dust storms. Charlie “Shorty” had severe asthma but did not move to Kansas until the middle of World War II.

They settled on the old Perkins farm at Xenia, Kansas. Ernest Edward Hyatt of Folsom, New Mexico, and Grace Pauline Carmean of Xenia, Kansas were married at the Bourbon County Courthouse on March 21, 1946. Grace and Ernest were going to be different from everyone when they got married. They took a train from Ft. Scott to Kansas City, Missouri to be married. A three-day waiting period was in effect in Missouri, so they took a bus back to Ft. Scott. The bus had a flat tire in Louisburg and lost a lot of time, much to the annoyance of the passengers and soon to be newlyweds. The courthouse closed at 5 P.M. Grace and Ernest arrived at 4:55 P.M. just in time to be married by Probate Judge George Newell Bainum.

Grace’s earlier years were spent as a homemaker and mother. The Hyatt’s lived their entire married life in Allen and Bourbon Counties except for eight months. They lived and worked on the XT Ranch in Folsom, New Mexico in 1947 where Ernest was raised. The XT Ranch was just down the road from where Grace was raised.

Grace was a Baptist.

She died on Pi Day. She didn’t know about science but sure could bake pies. She was a good cook and also enjoyed crocheting, gardening, canning, music, her coffee, animals and flowers. She had many windmills, reminders of New Mexico. She had one regret; she never did visit Hawaii to get a grass skirt. She was a member of the Bronson Order of Eastern Star #65 and later the Olive Chapter #13 of Ft. Scott for over sixty years, the American Legion Auxiliary and the Kansas Woman’s Day Club.

She was preceded in death by sisters, Eva Brecheisen, Marjorie Schultz; half-sisters, Inez Carmean, Ola May Carmean, Goldie East, Amelia Wasmer and Helen Faucett and half-brothers, Frank Carmean, Chrest Hintegardt and Adolph Hindergardt.

Survivors are Randy and Betty Pierson, Clay and Randielle Houser and Calvin Houser, all of Emporia and many cousins, nieces, nephews and friends all over the world.

Visitation will begin at 1:00 P.M. Sunday, March 17th at the Cheney Witt Bronson Chapel, Eastern Star Services and funeral services will follow visitation.

Burial will follow in the Bronson Cemetery where Grace will be laid to rest beside her cowboy.

Memorials are suggested to the Xenia Masonic Lodge #47 AF & AM, the oldest lodge west of the Mississippi River which continues to do work in the original building in which it was chartered.

A Mr. Stevenson was the wagon master that brought the Carmean ancestors to Bourbon County from Ohio. The town was named Xenia (Z-Knee), Kansas after Xenia (Zinnia), Ohio. In the meantime, the editor of the Xenia News moved as a Free Stater to Lawrence, Kansas and on to what he founded as Emporia, Kansas. Preston Plumb had many connections to Emporia and both Xenias.

Services are under the direction of the Cheney Witt Bronson Chapel, 501 Pine Street, Bronson, Kansas. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Kansas American Legion Day March 15

Gov. Laura Kelly recognized the role that Kansas American Legion members play in supporting Kansas veterans by recently signing a proclamation designating March 15, 2019, as Kansas American Legion Day.

“We appreciate the Governor recognizing the significant contributions made by American Legion Posts as pillars in Kansas communities over the last 100 years,” Kansas Department Commander Dan Wiley said. “Kansas has a special place in the history of The American Legion. One of our favorite sons, Harry Colmery, Past National Commander from Topeka, was the author of the post-World War II G.I. Bill of Rights that lifted the standard of living for an entire generation. We look forward to another century of service positively impacting the lives of veterans and the communities in which they live.”

On March 15, 1919, The American Legion was founded in Paris, France by members of the American Expeditionary Force. Over the past 100 years, The Kansas American Legion has become a preeminent community-service organization in Kansas. It has more than 40,000 family members in over 500 Kansas American Legion posts, units, and squadrons. These Legion entities promote a variety of programs that support the goals of The American Legion.

Kansas Department Vice Commander Chuck Shoemaker has participated in three signings in the Governor’s Office proclaiming the state’s gratitude for American Legion activities.

Article from the Hutchison News, submitted by Carl Jowers.

What’s Happening in Fort Scott, March 15

Care to Share (“The Sharing Bucket”) will be hosting the 5th Annual “TaTa” Ride on June 15th, 2019 and an “AR-15 Gun Raffle”. Raffle tickets are $5 each and on sale now! ATF Regulations apply. Contact Stacey Wright for tickets or more info. (See flyer below)
2019 Spring Job Fair, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce – Employers are hiring! Full-Time & Part-Time positions are available

Tues., April 2nd, from 10am-2pm at the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton

Employers may contact the Chamber to reserve a booth at 620-223-3566.

Employment candidates should be ready, bring resumes, and dress for success

Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
15 Friendship Soup Lunch hosted by First United Methodist Church has been CANCELLED for this month
15 Lenten Fish Fry hoted by Knights of Columbus – Kennedy Gym behind Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church, 705 S. Holbrook

Each Friday from March 8th through April 12th. Doors open at 5pm and we serve until 7pm. Menu includes southern fried catfish, baked white fish, spaghetti, green beans, coleslaw, baked potatoes and french fries, grilled cheese for the kids. Free-will donation or $5 for
take-out box

Fort Scott High School performs “The Curious Savage”, 7pm

A cast of colorful characters, a greedy chase for missing money, and a heartwarming message will intrigue audiences at this Spring play

Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for children. Tickets are available from the high school office at 1005 S. Main, or at Common Ground, 116 S. Main, or at the door
16-17 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at Holmtown Pub – 206 N. National Ave., all weekend

Holmtown Pub is ready for their big day! We’ll be serving traditional corn beef and cabbage and green beer. DJ Rayma will be rocking the patio from 9pm-1am. Wear your green and bring your favorite leprechaun!

St. Patrick’s Day at Sharky’s Pub & Grub – 16 N. National, starts at 9am

– Opens with 9am green eggs & ham breakfast buffet
– Corn Hole tournament at 1pm. $25/team, cash prizes
– Danny Joe, from Danny & the Eastsiders at 2pm
– SEKB Entertainment at 7pm

The Ryan Hall Band performs live at Boiler Room Brewhaus – 10 S. Main
You will not want to miss this show! Fort Scott is privileged to have such a talented musician playing at your local brewery. This is the first time Ryan has played in Fort Scott. He and his band are sponsored, so it is a free concert and has very limited seating, with no reserved tables. Doors open at 2:00, pot luck meal at 5:00 (meet the band) show starts at 7:00
Watch one of Ryan’s YouTube videos here:
16 Sass Monkey performing at Liberty Theatre – 113 S. Main St., 8:30 pm

Sass Monkey is one of the mid-west’s premier party and dance bands featuring music from the 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s. Bring your dance shoes!

Tickets are $30. Purchase online at, our Facebook page, or call the Liberty Theatre Box Office:

Join Walk Kansas 2019 – an 8-week healthy lifestyle challenge!

Walk Kansas 2019 – An 8-Week healthy lifestyle challenge from March 17th to May 11th! Gather your team of six people by March 15th. Register online at or by contacting Joy Miller: 620-223-3720 / [email protected].

Earn 4 Health Quest credits towards State of Kansas health insurance for participating in the program! (See flyer below for more info)

18 Community Book Club – email [email protected] for location, 7-8pm

This month’s book: A Gentleman In Moscow by Amor Towles

19-20 Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library,  201 S. National Ave., 10-11am
19 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center,
19 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
19 KW Cattle Company Bull Sale – 1996 Jayhawk Rd., 12-2pm

KW Cattle Company will host their annual Angus/Hereford Bull Sale (See flyer below)

19 Community Bingo at Country Place Senior Living – 820 S. Horton, 2-4pm

Residents and the public are invited the 3rd Tuesday of each month for Community Bingo

19 Zumba Classes at FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton

Zumba classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday night from 5-6:15pm. $3 per class

Contact Kassie Fugate-Cate: 620-223-2700 for more info

19 City Commission Meeting – City Hall, 123 S. Main St., 6-7pm
20 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,
308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm

Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
TAG (Teen Advisory Group) – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 4-5pm

Exclusively for middle and high school students. We have meetings weekly, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and a craft night each month
Make a difference in your community while having fun at TAG! Each meeting includes food, drinks, and a good time with your fellow teens. Bring your friends!
20 Gordman’s Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting – 2400 S. Main St., 5:30-6:30

Save the date and join us for Gordman’s Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Event! The first 100 guests will get a scratch-off card, and one lucky person will reveal a $50 shopping card! (See flyer below for more info)

Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Briggs Auto of Fort Scott

Location: 1901 S. Main St., in the GM south building
21 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm-1pm
21 Zumba Classes at FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton

Zumba classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday night from 5-6:15pm. $3 per class

Contact Kassie Fugate-Cate: 620-223-2700 for more info

21 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm. Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize
21 Farm Finances 101- Empress Event Center,
7 N. Main, 6:30pm-8pm

Come learn about financial topics such as: Cash Flow Statements, Balance Sheets, Business Analysis Pages, and more. Presented by Ethan Holly, Ag Lender at Landmark Bank

Dinner included. Please RSVP to Southwind Extension District, Fort Scott Office:
620-223-3720 (See flyer below for more info)

Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
22 Lenten Fish Fry hosted by Knights of Columbus – Kennedy Gym behind Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church, 705 S. Holbrook

Each Friday from March 8th through April 12th. Doors open at 5pm and we serve until 7pm. Menu includes southern fried catfish, baked white fish, spaghetti, green beans, coleslaw, baked potatoes and french fries, grilled cheese for the kids. Free-will donation or $5 for
take-out box

23 Next of Kin performing at the Boiler Room Brewhaus – 10 S. National Ave., 7pm-9pm

Next of Kin, Country music band from SE Kansas. Tickets $10.00, available at The Boiler Room Brewhaus, the Chamber and the Visitors Center. Meet the band at the pot luck from 6pm to 7pm

Creating Art Celebrating Age Contest by Presbyterian Village – 2401 S. Horton
Entry Deadline: March 25th, 2019
Open to all area artists 65 and older, amateur or professional. Non juried exhibitors of all ages are welcome to display their art. Artwork may be dropped off March 18th-25th.

Exhibit: March 26th – April 10th, 2019
9am – 5pm, Presbyterian Village, 2401 S. Horton, Fort Scott (Main Lobby)

Reception: April 5th, 2019
3:30pm, in the Dining Room

(See flyer below for more information)

25 Chamber Board Meeting – Papa Don’s, 10 N. Main St., 12pm
26-27 Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library,  201 S. National Ave., 10-11am
26 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center,
26 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
26 Zumba Classes at FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton

Zumba classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday night from 5-6:15pm. $3 per class

Contact Kassie Fugate-Cate: 620-223-2700 for more info

26 Author Talk and Book Signing at Hedgehog.INK – 16 S. Main, 6pm

Meet and greet author Joyce Love. There will be an author talk, Q & A and book signing. Her book will be available for purchase in the bookstore. Light refreshments will be served

27 Breakfast Bingo at Buck Run Community Center, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month – 735 Scott Ave. – 9am-10am

Come drink some coffee and play some bingo at Buck Run.  Staff will provide the bingo cards, the caller, and coffee.  Prizes provided by the Fort Scott Recreation Commission

27 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,
308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm

Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
TAG (Teen Advisory Group) – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 4-5pm

Exclusively for middle and high school students. We have meetings weekly, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and a craft night each month
Make a difference in your community while having fun at TAG! Each meeting includes food, drinks, and a good time with your fellow teens. Bring your friends!
Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by County of Bourbon

Location: 210 S. National (Courthouse)
28 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm-1pm
28 Zumba Classes at FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton

Zumba classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday night from 5-6:15pm. $3 per class

Contact Kassie Fugate-Cate: 620-223-2700 for more info

28 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm.

Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

28 Bourbon County Garden Club Meeting at Hedgehog.INK – 16 S. Main, 6pm
Save the Date:
– March 29 – Lenten Fish Fry hosted by Knights of Columbus at Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church
– March 30 – Gardener’s Auction at Tri-Valley
– April 2 – Job Fair at FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center
– April 2 – Quarterly Downtown Meet & Greet
Click here for full events listing on our website.

Obituary of Robert Howard

Robert “Bob” Howard, age 76, resident of rural Ft. Scott, KS, passed away at home on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, after his battle with cancer.

He was born in Ft. Scott on September 18, 1942. Bob joined the Navy in 1960. He married Judy Saker on March 7, 1964, in Ft. Scott. He was Sailor of the Year at the National Parachute Test Facility in El Centro, CA, and attended USC under a Naval program where he received a degree of Directorship for Motion Pictures. After 20 years of service he retired as a Chief Photographer from Combat Camera Westcoast.

Following his military service, he worked for 28 years as a Senior Service Tech for Noritsu America in Florida, the Caribbean, and Oklahoma. Both his military service and job with Noritsu took him to over 42 different countries. Upon retiring from Noritsu he returned to rural Ft. Scott.

Bob enjoyed playing softball, golf, cards, hunting, fishing, and any other competitive sport. He was a member of Mirza Shrine, Bourbon County Shrine Club and was a driver for Mirza’s Hospital Dads.

Survivors include his wife of 55 years, Judy, of the home; a daughter, Tracy Dahl, Park City, KS; a son, Brian Howard, Orlando, FL; grandchildren Chad Dahl, Wichita, KS, and Sydney Dahl, Valley Center, KS; great-grandson Landon Dahl, McPherson, KS; and sister-in-law, Monto Jo Saker, rural Ft. Scott.

He was preceded in death by his father, Robert Howard; mother, Mildred Logan Howard Miller; and younger brother William “Billy” Howard.

There was cremation.

The family will host a Celebration of Life from 4:00 until 6:00 PM Saturday, March 16th, at the Carriage House, 301 S. Main St., Ft. Scott, KS.

Memorials are suggested to either Shriner’s Hospital for Children, Mirza’s Hospital Dads Transportation Fund, or Care to Share, and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 Scuttlebutt

 Upcoming Events


March 14. Post 25 Color Guard meets at 7 pm in Memorial Hall. All Post members including SAL members are invited to join our growing Color Guard.


March 18. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot at 6:15 am. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


March 19. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot at 6:15 am. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


March 23. Department of Kansas District 2 Convention at Gardner Post 19 starts at 8 am. Districts will meet in Convention for the purpose of conducting its business and electing officers for the 2019-20 membership year which begins on July 1. All Legionnaires in good standing are invited and encouraged to attend District and Department conventions.


March 25. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot at 6:15 am. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


March 26. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot at 6:15 am. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


April 1. Post 25 meet and greet at 6:30 pm in Memorial Hall. Come and enjoy the fellowship of other Veterans. Bring an eligible Veteran to visit our Post.


April 1. Post 25 general membership meeting at 7 pm in Memorial Hall. Our membership meetings are open to all. SAL members are strongly encouraged to attend.


Remember to check out Post 25 on Facebook. It contains current information pertaining to Veterans and their families.



I am pleased to announce that once again Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 leads the Department of Kansas in membership for the week ending March 8. Our 2019 goal was 51 members. Our current membership is at 143% and 73 members. We are 22 members over our goal. By way of comparison, Sterling Post 128 in District 7 is in 2nd place for membership at 123%. Thanks to all members who have made Fort Scott Post 25 a highly visible and active Legion Post in the Department of Kansas.


We welcomed Vernon Hill, Marilyn Matthews and Michael Newberry into Post 25 as new members at our March membership meeting. Michael Johnson also joined the SAL Squadron 25 as a new member.


Recruit a new Legion member and both you and the new member will be entered into a drawing where each of you could win $500. This new member contest runs until May. Bringing in a past member whose membership expired in 2017 or earlier would also count towards the $500 drawing. If you need recruiting brochures or membership applications, please contact me. I’ll make arrangements to deliver them to you. A copy of the membership drive rules is attached.


American Legion Service Officer Myra Jowers will meet with anyone, by appointment, who has questions about filing VA claims, who need a second set of eyes to review their claims or help understand VA documents they have received in the mail. Her service is free and is for anyone, Veteran or family member, who wishes to file a claim or appeal a denied claim. She can be reached at [email protected] or 620.215.1286 to schedule an appointment.


Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle is now in operation. The shuttle is operating on Mondays and Tuesdays.


I anticipate adding a Kansas City VA Medical Center shuttle run starting in April. The KC run will be on either a Wednesday or Thursday. A start date will be set once two more shuttle drivers are cleared by the VA.


Any area Vet needing a ride for a medical appointment should call 785-925-0261 for more information or to reserve a seat. All Vets riding the shuttle must have medical appointments between 9 am and 1 pm and call by 5 pm the day before their appointment to schedule their ride.


We are moving towards starting an American Legion Riders. An organizational meeting will be scheduled in mid-March. The date and time will be based upon ALR District Officers availability. If you are interested in joining the Post 25 Riders Chapter, contact Post Commander Carl Jowers to be placed on a meeting notification list. The requirements to join the ALR are on the attached flyer.


Second nominations for Post 25 Officers for the 2019 – 2020 Legion year will at our April meeting. Any Post 25 Legionnaire who is current on their dues can be nominated for any office. Please give thought to stepping up and being nominated for an office or encourage other members to step up and help guide Post 25’s growth for another year.


Your Post 25 Color Guard continues to grow. Come to the March 14 meeting and learn more about the Post 25 Color Guard. Darrell Spencer serves as the Color Guard Captain.


Legion merchandise can be ordered through Emblem Sales:  Contact me if ordering a Legion cap to insure your cap has the correct lettering.