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A Memorable Night with Gordon Parks


The Gordon Parks Museum has been such an inspiring addition to Fort Scott Community College and the community. Recently, the Gordon Parks Museum has graciously obtained new additions to the museum from the Mercy Fort Scott Foundation. The new additions will be revealed at the “Night at The Gordon Parks Museum” event on July 25th.

“This fundraiser event will be a very fun evening with great opportunity to see the grand viewing of our newest addition to the museum, the Gordon Parks collections from the Mercy-Fort Scott Foundation Board. Event participants will also be able to enjoy some great music from Blues Guitarist, Lem Sheppard as he will be performing throughout the night. We will have some great silent auctions items and a 50/50 raffle. This fundraiser event is a great way to help support one of our unique treasures we have in our community, the Gordon Parks Museum.” said Kirk Sharp, Executive Director of the Gordon Parks Museum.

Doors will open for the event at 6 pm Thursday night and Lem Sheppard will begin to perform at 6:30 pm. Heavy hors derves will be served and a cash bar will be available. Tickets to the event will be $15 prior to the event that can be purchased at the museum. Tickets will then be $20 at the door the night of the event. For more information, please contact Kirk Sharp at 620.223.2700 ext. 5850 or email him at [email protected]. You can also follow the museum on Facebook.


The Last Dip’ll Do It by Jimmy Tucker

The Bottom Line

Jimmy Tucker


The Bible is full of accounts where God spoke to people and told them to do things that didn’t make sense. For example, the Old Testament tells us that Naaman had leprosy and Elisha, God’s prophet, told the king of Israel to send Naaman to him. So, in 2 Kings 5:9-14 we read the details of Naaman‘s predicament. In order to receive his healing, Naaman had to obey what he was instructed to do. And that’s where the temptation to doubt and disobey came into the picture. Naaman was expecting Elisha to come out and meet him, wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord and heal him. But no, Elisha sent a messenger out to him and the message was: “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy.”

Naaman didn’t want to wash in the muddy Jordan River. However, he did want to be healed. His officers convinced him to do as the man of God had instructed him. So Naaman obeyed and went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times and his skin became healthy again. I don’t know if Naaman was having doubts by the sixth dip, but he obeyed explicitly — even if it didn’t make a lick of sense to him.

Another time in 2 Kings 6:1-7, we find a bunch of prophets cutting down trees and an ax head came off the handle and fell into the river. This was very disturbing to the wood cutter, because the ax was borrowed. Elisha asked the man where it fell into the water, and he showed him the place. Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the water at that spot. Then the ax head floated to the surface so the man could grab it. That didn’t make sense as far as I understand ax heads and water. But it worked because that’s what the Spirit of God told Elisha to do.

The wedding feast at Cana wasn’t a disaster because the servants obediently filled some jars with water. That didn’t make a lick of sense, but it worked because that’s what Jesus said to do. The blind man washed the mud from his eyes in the pool of Siloam and could then see. That didn’t make any sense, but he was healed because he used his faith and obeyed.

When we come to the end of our time on earth, all the challenges we faced will be forgotten. But before we enter eternity, we’ll want to be sure that we didn’t get distracted from obeying God and fulfilling our assignment.

The Bottom Line: When you need a miracle, do what God tells you to do — even if it doesn’t make sense.

Pastor Jimmy Tucker


Diamond Community Church

10:45 a.m. Worship

Snakes in the Dark by Pastor James Collins

Snakes in the Dark

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.John 1:5

The great philosopher and thinker, Indiana Jones, once said, “I hate snakes.” I couldn’t agree more. I absolutely hate snakes. I really do. I used to say, “The only good snake is a dead snake.” However, that is not even true. Did you see in the news a while back where a man in Texas nearly died when he was bitten by the severed head of a dead rattle-snake. I hate snakes – big ones; little ones; live ones; dead ones; and rubber ones. I hate them all.

Not long after I moved to Fort Scott, I joined the American Legion. We hold our meetings at Memorial Hall which is two blocks from my house. When we have a meeting, I usually walk there. One night, I was getting ready to leave the monthly meeting when one of the guys in the Legion said, “Hey preacher, I read in your newspaper column that you are scared of snakes. You better be careful out there. The copperheads are crawling tonight.” I just laughed and thought, “What a crazy old man.”

I walked outside, and it was dark, but the streetlights were bright enough to enable me to see the sidewalks. So, I started walking. I was almost home, when I saw the biggest copperhead I have ever seen. He was stretched out across the sidewalk. He looked like a python. He must have been ten-foot long. I swear he looked at me and hissed. My heart was pounding in my chest.

I was stuck. The snake was between me and my house. I had to go around him. Then I thought, “There’s probably hundreds of them in the grass, waiting to get you.” But I had no choice. I ran as fast as I could through the grass around the giant copperhead. I ran into the house and screamed, “There’s a giant snake out there that almost killed me.” My wife, Amanda, rolled her eyes at me and said, “Poor baby.”

The next morning, I looked outside, and the giant snake hadn’t moved. It was still there!

I was shocked and amazed. I couldn’t believe the copperhead was still there. I looked closer. Then I realized it was a tree branch. A limb had fallen on the sidewalk. I nearly had a heart attack running from a tree branch.

The next time we had an American Legion meeting, I just drove the two blocks.

The point is: Things are always worse in the dark. When it is dark, we don’t see things like we normally see them. However, there are some things in the dark that are not a tree branch. Things like doubt, discouragement, and demons.

Often, when darkness comes in our lives, we tend to think, “God, I can’t see You. God, I can’t feel you.” When shadows obscure our walk, we believe we are walking alone. We focus on the gloom and forget God. We may even ask, “Lord, Are You still there?”

Even though you can’t see Him, Jesus has never taken His eyes off you. Even though you are walking in the darkness, He is still with you.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Light of the world. He shines in the darkness, and the darkness can’t overtake Him. If you are traveling down a dark path, you don’t have to be afraid of the dark because the Light is with you. In Jesus, we have the only Light that we need to find our way through the darkness of this world.

Are you walking in the Light?

James Collins will be signing copies of his latest book “Don’t Throw The Believer Out With The Baptistry Water: The Best Of The Point Is… Volume 1” today (July 20th) from 10 am until 2 pm at the Fort Scott Public Library’s LibraryCon. For more information about the LibraryCon, please call (620) 223-2882.

FSCC nursing program ranks #2 in Kansas

Fort Scott Community College’s nursing program was recently evaluated by The ranking was based on NCLEX pass rates and net-price as its criterion. gathered data from over 3,000 nursing schools and ranked 1,721 schools across 45 states.

“The formula also gives a 70% weight to NCLEX pass rate and 30% weight to net-price. The result of the calculation is a score between 1 and 100 that reflects the quality of education offered at the school and affordability. If a school has a high NCLEX pass rate and low tuition (or provides a sizeable financial aid), then its ranks will be higher”, says Kim Carlson of

After the full evaluation of data, FSCC RN program came in at #2 out of the 36 programs in Kansas!

“This is a true testament to our program, faculty, staff, administration, and most importantly our students. While this study only shows one year, our program has consistently provided exceptional education that is affordable. We are also able to provide our students and community with competent, work-ready graduates. We are very thankful to be recognized as the second best nursing program in state of Kansas”, says Director of Nursing at FSCC, Jordan Howard.

To see the full list of rankings of nursing programs, go to If you would like more information about the FSCC nursing program, go to or call 620.768.2908.

Governor appoints Director of Kansas Water Office: Earl Lewis



Governor Laura Kelly appointed Earl Lewis as Director of the Kansas Water Office.


“Earl has proven to be a skilled and knowledgeable leader when it comes to water conservation and other important issues related to this precious resource,” Kelly said.


Lewis joined the Kansas Water Office in 1999 working first with reservoir operations and analysis before serving as the agency’s chief technical staff and overseeing agency operations. Before joining the Kansas Water Office, he worked for seven years in the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Division of Water Resources working on water use, water right compliance, water conservation, and interstate litigation.


“I’m honored the Governor has selected me for this position and am excited to join the Kelly administration,” Lewis said. “I look forward to working with the Governor and stakeholders across Kansas to improve our water resources.”


Lewis is a lifelong Kansan and was raised on a farm in Osage County. His family raised row crops, cattle, and ran a custom hay business. He attended both Emporia State University and the University of Kansas, graduating with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kansas in 1992.  He also holds a professional engineering license in Kansas.


Lewis’ appointment is pending confirmation by the Senate.


Governor appoints 13 members to Alzheimer’s Disease Task Force 



In response to Executive Order #19-08, Governor Laura Kelly appointed 13 members to the Alzheimer’s Disease Task Force.



This task force assesses the current and future impact of Alzheimer’s disease on Kansas residents; examines the existing industries, services, and resources addressing the needs of people with Alzheimer’s, their families, and caregivers; and develops a strategy to mobilize a state response to the public health crisis.


“Alzheimer’s disease touches so many lives, and we must do what we can to help patients and their families cope with this tragic ailment,” Kelly said. “I appreciate the interest from all willing to serve on this important task force.”


The appointed task force members:


  1. Jamie Gideon, Haysville – Chair
  2. Cindy Schmidt, Hays
  3. Gina Long, Gardner
  4. Rita Ortolani, Independence
  5. Robert Miller, Wichita
  6. Sarah Duggan, Manhattan
  7. Steve Harader, Wichita
  8. Dr. Joseph G. Schlageck, Overland Park
  9. Janie Krull, Wichita
  10. Dr. Stephen Benson, Wichita
  11. Randy Clinkscales, Hays
  12. Carol Jolly, Topeka
  13. Rob Razo, Topeka


The task force meets monthly or as needed at the discretion of the Chair.


The task force will receive data, research, administrative support and guidance from the following agencies: Kansas Department of Labor, Kansas Department of Commerce, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services shall be primarily responsible for and take the lead in providing support.


The Task Force is directed to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature and Governor in the form of a Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Plan by January 13, 2020, or as appropriate during the intervening period.


Governor appoints Bank Commissioner David Herndon



Governor Laura Kelly appointed David Herndon as Bank Commissioner for the state of Kansas.


The commissioner oversees the Office of the State Bank Commissioner, an office that regulates all state-chartered banks, trust companies, mortgage businesses, supervised lenders, credit service organizations, and money transmitters that do business within the state of Kansas.


“I’m pleased to appoint David to serve as Bank Commissioner,” Kelly said. “His extensive banking and leadership experience makes him an unparalleled choice for this position.”


Herndon, a Shawnee resident, has over 30 years of experience in all phases of management. Currently, Herndon is sole proprietor of CMC Professional Services. Previously, he served as senior vice president at VisionBank. Herndon graduated with a master’s degree in banking from the University of Wisconsin, and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Baker University.


Per K.S.A. 75-1304, the appointed bank commissioner must have at least five years of experience as an executive officer in a state or national bank located in Kansas. While serving as bank commissioner, the commissioner must not be an officer, voting director, employee or paid consultant of any state or national bank or bank holding company, or any affiliate of a state or national bank or bank holding company, or any other entity regulated by the commissioner.


Herndon will serve as Acting Bank Commissioner pending Senate confirmation.

Preschool/Day Care Opportunity Through USD234/New Generation

4-Year Old Preschool

USD 234 in partnership with New Generation is offering a preschool/daycare opportunity for qualifying 4-year old students.

Students will attend preschool geared toward kindergarten readiness for half-day sessions and have the opportunity to also get half-day daycare provided.

For qualifying students, meals and transportation to and from New Generation will be available upon request.

This program is being offered through a grant and will come at no cost to the families who participate.

All students must be 4 years old on or before August 31.

If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, then your child may be eligible:

1. Does your child qualify for our free and reduced lunch program?
2. Are you a single parent?
3. Have you been referred through DCF?
4. When your child was born, was either parent a teen?
5. Is either parent lacking a high school diploma or GED?
6. In the home, is the main language used not English?
7. Does the family qualify as migrant status?
8. Does the child have lower than expected developmental progress, but is not currently receiving special education services?

Applications are available for pickup at New Generation or the USD 234 Board of Education office. If you have further questions, please contact Andrea Scott at [email protected] or call 620-223-8965 and leave a message.

USD234 Minutes of July 8, 2019

Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met on Monday, July 8, 2019, at the Fort Scott Middle School Community Room for their regular monthly meeting.

            President Jamie Armstrong opened the meeting.  The board approved the official agenda.

The old board adjourned Sine Die with reorganization of the new board.  David Stewart was elected president, and James Wood was elected vice president.  The board also approved the consent agenda as follows:

A.    Minutes

B.    Bills and Claims

C.    Payroll – June 20, 2019 – $1,653,129.83

D.    Financial Report

E.     Bond Proceeds Reconciliation

F.     Activity fund accounts

G.    Designation of banks for deposit of school funds

H.    Designation of newspaper for official school publications – The Fort Scott Tribune

I.      Officers for the 2019-20 school year

J.      Recreation Commission board member terms

K.    Resolution for waiver of generally accepted accounting principles

L.     Resolution for rescinding policy statements found in board minutes

M.   Resolution to set dates and times for board meetings

N.    Resolution to establish home rule by Board of Education

O.    Resolution for destruction of records

P.     Resolution for participation in the Neighborhood Revitalization Program Interlocal Agreement

Q.    State mileage reimbursement rate – 58 cents per mile

R.    Set fees for copying of records

S.     Extended trip request for the International Thespian Festival on June 24-30 in Lincoln, NE

One patron spoke in the public forum section.

Stephanie George, KNEA President, presented a report.

Superintendent Ted Hessong provided information on the following items:

·       Climate Survey

·       ELA Curriculum

·       SPED handbook

·       New teacher orientation

·       Nurse contracted position

·       CrisisGo App testing

·       Legislative update

·       ACT testing for 9th graders

Gina Shelton, Business Manager, reported on a grant that will be used to replace milk coolers, gave a bond update, discussed budget work, and extended thanks to Reta Baker with Mercy Hospital for their large donation of office furniture to the district.

Board members selected James Wood as a hearing officer for suspensions and expulsions.  The board approved board policy changes and 2019-20 handbooks.

The board set a budget workshop for July 30, 2019, at 12:00 p.m.  Board members shared comments and then went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel and to discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations.

            Board members returned to open meeting and approved the following employment matters:

A.    Resignation of Melina Lawson, effective at the end of the 2018-19 school year

B.    Resignation of Christy Thomas, central office payroll clerk, effective July 26, 2019

C.    Resignation of Jodi Underwood, preschool center paraprofessional, effective at the end of the 2018-19 school year

D.    Resignation of Melinda Collins, Eugene Ware cook, effective June 25, 2019

E.     Employment of Robyn Kelso as high school assistant principal for the 2019-20 school year

F.     Employment of Emily Elliott as a Fort Scott High School/Middle School vocal teacher for the 2019-20 school year

G.    Employment of Rachelle Thomas as a Eugene Ware fourth grade teacher for the 2019-20 school year

H.    Employment of Krista Gorman as a secondary instructional coach at Fort Scott High School and Fort Scott Middle School for the 2019-20 school year

I.      Employment of Kelcy Schnaufer as a preschool teacher for the 2019-20 school year

J.      Employment of Andrea Heckman as a preschool teacher for the 2019-20 school year

K.    Employment of Dane Cummings as a high school assistant football coach for the 2019-20 school year

L.     Employment of Allison Gorman as a high school assistant softball coach for the 2019-20 school year

M.   Employment of Kathi Hall as a middle school assistant wrestling coach for the 2019-20 school year

N.    Transfer of John Metcalf, middle school paraprofessional, to middle school Student Support Center/PE teacher and middle school assistant wrestling coach for the 2019-20 school year

O.    Employment of Bronson Moylan as a middle school assistant football coach for the 2019-20 school year

The board adjourned.

KDOT: Survey work could delay traffic in Bourbon County



The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) will be conducting pavement surveys along several highways in Bourbon County from Monday through Thursday, July 22-25, weather permitting:

  • K-3, from the Linn-Bourbon county line south to the Bourbon-Crawford county line;
  • K-65, entire route;
  • K-31, from the Linn-Bourbon county line to the U.S. 69 junction;
  • K-7, from the east K-31 junction to the U.S. 54 junction.

Traffic will be reduced to one lane and controlled by a pilot car through the survey area. Motorists should expect delays of up to 10-15 minutes. KDOT encourages motorists to allow extra time in their travel schedule or use an alternate route.

They survey work is necessary to determine the strength of the pavement and roadbed.  While the surface conditions can be measured and visualized, it is necessary to also determine if the pavement is strong and sound underneath the surface. Surveys are being conducted throughout the state on numerous highways from June to November.