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Halloween Parade Oct. 26 Downtown Fort Scott

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces this year’s Halloween Parade will be held Saturday, October 26th, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in Downtown Fort Scott.

Prior to the parade, starting at 10:30 a.m., there will be special activities including pictures with a spooktacular backdrop at the City Scales building on North Main, face painting by Fort Scott High School thespians, and fun music by local DJ, The Hull Experience.

The parade trick-or-treats merchants along Main Street, starting at La Hacienda, south to 2nd Street, crossing the street then heading north back to Skubitz Plaza. Any businesses or organizations in the community, not located along Main Street, are welcome to set up a table on the sidewalk also providing treats, coupons, or other handouts for kids. Children are encouraged to bring a sack or bag to collect treats along the parade route.

Following the parade, a free hot dog lunch will be served to kids in costumes.

Special thanks to donors 5 Corners Mini Mart, Bids & Dibs, The Hull Experience, FSHS PRIDE & Thespians, Walgreens, and all participating organizations and merchants offering treats. The Chamber would also like to recognize the parade committee Darcy Smith, Chair; Crystal Mason; Vonnie Rickerson; and Angela Simon.

For more information contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 620-223-3566.


Participants Sought For Veterans Day Parade Nov. 9

Veteran;s Day is fast approaching and Live Local Bourbon County is hosting the 2nd Annual Veteran’s Day Parade this year on Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 3 p.m.
We are looking for organizations, groups or individuals like yourself to be part of this patriotic event to help honor our veterans!
You don’t have to have a big fancy float to enter, you don’t even have to have a trailer – we want you to wear your RED, WHITE & BLUE, walk, ride, bring a friend just to be a part of something special!
See the parade entry forms  below or on  Live Local Facebook page, pick one up at the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, or BIDS & DIBBS. We would love to have as many veterans present as possible!!!
Thank you!
Live Local Bourbon County
Board of Directors

Trinity Lutheran Church Oktoberfest Oct. 27

Sausages. Submitted photo.
With the German heritage associated with the Lutheran Church, 23 years ago, Trinity Lutheran Church decided to host an Oktoberfest as a fundraiser for the church.
    In connection with Reformation Sunday, the members serve up some of their grandmother’s or great grandmother’s German dishes.
Three entrees are offered and you get all three — not a choice of one.
Bratwurst, bierocks and Reuben Casserole are the three entrees.
While the first two are traditionally German, the last one, the Reuben Casserole, is one of the most popular of the entrees.
Traditional German side dishes of sauerkraut, potato salad, and green beans accompany the entrees.
And what is a church feed without the infamous “church lady” desserts? Your choice of a piece of pie or slice of cake to end your meal.
Reformation Sunday and Oktoberfest fall on October 27, this year.
The church will serve the food from 4 to 7 p.m.
Tickets are $8.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door.
Children are $4.
For advance tickets call the church office 620-223-3596, 8 to 11:30  a.m. Monday through Friday.
In the spirit of giving, part of this year’s proceeds will go to Care to Share.


Ornithology: Not Just for the Birds

St Martin’s Academy


Ornithology: Not Just for the Birds

St. Martin’s Academy is pleased to open the doors of beautiful Theotokos Hall to the public for a lecture by our Academy President and Co-founder, Mr. Daniel Kerr.  Join us Saturday evening, October 26th from 7-9 pm for drinks, conversation, and a stimulating lecture about birds, ornithology, and the art of seeing.
7:00 pm Doors Open, Cocktail Hour
8:00 pm Lecture, Q&A
9:00 pm Guest Departure for Academy Evening Prayer
*1950 Indian Rd.  Fort Scott, KS 66701
Support St. Martin’s

FSCC Board Meeting This Evening Oct. 21

The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday, October 21, 2019. The meeting will be held in Cleaver Boileau Agriculture Hall at Fort Scott Community College.
Dinner in the Cleaver Boileau Agriculture Hall at 5:00 p.m. followed by regular board meeting at 5:30 p.m.
*** FSCC has transmitted $1.3 million in PELL funds and $939,282 in loans to student accounts to date this semester.


, 4
A. Comments from the Chair, B. Tax Relief Program Presentation Update, City of Fort Scott,
C. Cross Country/Track Program Update,

A. Approval of Agenda,
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on September 16,
2019, 6
C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims,
D. Approval of Personnel Actions,
A. Consideration of Dorm Refinance,
B. Discussion of Board Meeting Technology,
C. Approval of Basketball Game Management Payments,
D. Consideration of Harley-Davidson Tri Glide Bids,
E. Discussion of Emeritus Staff Policy,
A. Letters of Appreciation/Correspondence,
A. Administrative Updates,

• October 21, 2019: Board Meeting
• November 7, 2019: Senior Day
• November 18, 2019: Board Meeting
• November 25 – 29, 2019: Thanksgiving Break – Campus Closed
• December 10 – 13, 2019: Final Exams
• December 16, 2019: Board Meeting
• December 23 – January 5, 2020: Winter Break – Campus Closed
• January 8 – 10, 2020: In-service
• January 13, 2020: Spring Semester begins
• January 20, 2020: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Campus Closed
• January 27, 2020: Board Meeting
• February 17, 2020: Board Meeting
• March 16, 2020: Board Meeting
• March 23, – 27, 2020: Spring Break – Campus Closed
• April 3, 2020: Aggie Day
• April 10, 2020: Good Friday – Campus Closed
• April 20, 2020: Board Meeting
• May 11 – 14, 2020: Final Exams
• May 15, 2020: Graduation
• May 18, 2020: Board Meeting
• May 25, 2020: Memorial Day – Campus Closed
• June 15, 2020: Board Meeting
John Bartelsmeyer, Chair
Alysia Johnston, President
FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective processes; and developing the region’s workforce.
_____ John Bartelsmeyer
_____ Jim Fewins
_____ Bernita Hill
_____ Dana McKenney
_____ Liz Meyer
_____ Robert Nelson


1) Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on
September 16, 2019.
Attached are the Treasurer’s Report and the Bills and Claims Report.
1) Additions
a) Melanie Enloe, Cafeteria Supervisor/Custodian, effective September 11,
b) Kennda Major, HEP Administrative Assistant, effective October 14, 2019
c) Jacoby Hotsenpiller, CAMP Academic Support Services Coordinator,
effective October 14, 2019
2) Separations
a) Cindy Bartelsmeyer, National PASS Coordinator, effective October 1, 2019
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Fewins Hill
McKenney Meyer Nelson
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Training
September 16, 2019
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Jim Fewins, Bernita Hill, Dana McKenney, and Liz Meyer
ALSO PRESENT: Alysia Johnston, President, Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, faculty, staff, and community
Chairman John Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chairman Bartelsmeyer stated he was very impressed with how the
centennial celebration kickoff event went, and he is looking forward to the upcoming dinner celebration and
homecoming game.
TAX RELIEF PROGRAM PRESENTATION: Rachel Pruitt with the City of Fort Scott presented a proposal for
new property-owning businesses to receive tax relief, including a relief schedule. The proposal offers business
owners who are currently leasing to be able to move into property ownership without the immediate property tax
burden. She is hopeful that the measure will encourage small to mid-size businesses to stay and grow in Fort Scott.
The Board requested additional information about how the proposal would specifically impact FSCC.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Hill, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
approve the consent agenda and addendum provided.
A. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Meyer, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the bid
from Crystal Fencing for $10,710 for the equivalent of 238 large round bales and the bed from David
Milner for $4,550 for 700 small square bales.
B. Jason Simon, FSCC Director of IT discussed the use of technology for future board agendas and board
meetings. The Cleaver Boileau Agriculture Hall addition in Burris Hall has streaming capabilities so
meetings could be streamed for the public. Additionally, he reviewed and got feedback regarding android
and Apple options for dissemination of the agendas. Jason will obtain proposals of iPads with a stylus
writing option to present to the board for approval at a future meeting.
C. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKenney, and carried by unanimous vote to approve
disposal of a shed built by students through published sealed bids.
D. A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Hill, and carried by unanimous vote to approve table the
agreement for the use of Frary Field.
E. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Meyer, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the
resolution regarding the Bourbon County Neighborhood Revitalization Program.
F. A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to name the Burris
Hall addition Cleaver Boileau Agriculture Hall.
G. A motion was made by Hill, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the purchase
of gym floor carpet not to exceed the amount of $19,000.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed letters of appreciation/correspondence.
A. ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard reports from Miami County Campus,
and the President.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
7:14 p.m. by Meyer, seconded by Hill, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk

Prayer For Upcoming Elections Oct. 24

There will be an inter-denominational praise and prayer gathering at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24th at the Ellis Fine Arts Center at Fort Scott Community College, 2108 S. Horton.

There will be no promotion of any candidate, no political speakers.

This is gathering people of faith to ask God to bless our community and our nation.

Submitted by Interdenominational Ministries of Bourbon County, Amanda Gilmore, Chairperson

Meet the Hounds


The Fort Scott Community College (FSCC) Women’s and Men’s Basketball will be hosting the first annual “Meet the Hounds” event on October 24, 2019 at 5:30 at Arnold Arena.


The women’s team, led by first-year Head Coach Jordyn Alexander, will conduct drills and a scrimmage after player introductions.


The men’s team, led by Head Coach Michael Cook who is entering his 12th year as the head coach at FSCC, will do introductions, conduct drills, and have a scrimmage directly after the women’s team is completed.  Afterwards, the Men’s team will be selling team posters and have an autograph signing as well.


Come out and meet your Women’s and Men’s Greyhounds as they prepared to start their seasons.  Both teams will have their first contest on November 1st. The women will be at Johnson County for a tournament over the weekend, playing North Central Missouri College on at 3:30pm and Southwestern Community College on November 2nd at 4:30pm. The men will be at home on November 1st in Arnold Arena, playing Little Tribal Priest College at 7:00pm and Baker University JV on November 2nd at 4:00pm.

American Legion Auxiliary Hosts Pampered Chef Fundraiser

Pampered Chef Party
Hosted By: Auxiliary President Sylvia Norris 

I would like to thank everyone for taking the time for supporting a great cause. 

The money we raise will be used to help support varies programs for our disabled veterans. Patriotism and veterans advocacy are so important to the American Legion Auxiliary that for more than nine decades, we’ve been serving, educating and giving to America’s finest—our servicemen and women. 

The American Legion Auxiliary answers the call of Service Not Self. 20 percent of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the various programs the Auxiliary supports, and for every party that is booked, 5 dollars will be donated to our Unit. So please help us to reach our goal. 

Here is the link to the pampered chef party     

American Legion Unit 25 President Sylvia Norris

FSHS Debate Takes 2nd Place in Tournament

Submitted by Angella Curran
This weekend Fort Scott High School debate traveled to the Olathe South Invitational Debate Tournament where they took 2nd Place in Sweepstakes.
In open division:
Zoe Self and Elizabeth Ngatia broke out of prelims undefeated as the top seed and ended up placing 4th after dropping on a split decision in quarterfinals.
Neil Gugnani and Shekhar Gugnani were also undefeated breaking out of prelims as the #2 seed but also dropped in quarters, to the eventual tournament champions, and tied for 4th place.
Madi Toth and Mark Adams had a 4-1 record coming out of prelims, won their quarter final round, but dropped on a split decision in semifinals, to place 3rd.
In the novice division, we medaled two teams: Lillian Collins and Kinsley Davis finished in 4th place, and David Jones and Christian Seals placed 5th.