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FSCC Quit Smoking Program

Fort Scott Community College Announces Advanced Quit-Smoking Program for Employees and Students

Fort Scott Community College, in collaboration with Truth Initiative, announced today the EX Program, an innovative quit-smoking program designed for FSCC employees and students, has started.

The EX Program is a comprehensive, digital smoking-cessation program designed for employers, health systems and health plans to offer to their employees or members who smoke.

The program includes the popular quit-smoking planning tools and online community from the proven-effective smoking cessation program.

According to Truth Initiative, statistics make clear why an innovative, advanced approach is needed:

  • 68 percent of smokers want to quit.
  • 55 percent of smokers make a quit attempt annually, yet only seven percent are successful.
  • Each year a smoker costs an employer nearly $6,000 more than an employee who has never smoked.
  • Since 95% of U.S. adults own a cellphone, and nearly 9 in 10 use the Internet, what better way to reach those in need than to offer an online cessation program,” said Phi Theta Kappa Advisor, Susie Arvidson.

Through the policy adoption and the work required to accomplish it, not only are we creating a healthier environment, but many students have experienced the procedures of policy and education. We are the heart of the institution and being involved in the policy process is important. We are, also, offering educational opportunities including health-related topics and online and face-to-face cessation workshops. We hope that through the opportunities such as the Ex Program, students, faculty, and staff will be offered the tools to better handle the transition of the policy adoption,” said Leslie Damian, Smoke-Free Campus Initiative college leader, and intern.

The Ex Program will be one cessation tool offered as part of the Fort Scott Community College’s Smoke-Free Campus Initiative.

FSCC announced in January that they were one of 18 minority-serving institutions and community colleges to receive funds and technical support from Truth Initiative®, the nation’s largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to making tobacco use a thing of the past.

The project is being led by Phi Theta Kappa, the honor society on campus. Over the past three years, Truth Initiative has partnered with 135 colleges, reaching more than 1.2 million students and 275,000 faculties and staff across 35 states.

To learn more about our work speaking, seeking and spreading the truth about tobacco, visit

Uniontown FFA Freshman Place First

The Uniontown FFA Chapter traveled to Sedan, Kansas on Friday, October 12th to compete in the Southeast District FFA Horse Evaluation competition.

After placing four haltered classes, two performance classes and presenting two sets of oral reasons, Uniontown was named the first place team in the Freshman/Sophomore division.

The team was made up of all freshman including Gwen Fry was the high individual overall, Kristy Beene who was 6th individually, Colton Robinson who was 9th, Addie Martin, Bryce Eck, Jakeob Stewart, Zach Snyder, Thomas Snider, and Connor Gregg.

Submitted by Scott Sutton

Sons Of American Legion Organizes Oct. 20

There will be an organizational meeting for a Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron on Saturday, October 20 at 10 am. The meeting will be held downstairs in Fort Scott’s Memorial Hall and is open to any male descendant of an honorably discharged Veteran.


The Sons of the American Legion Squadron is a part of the American Legion family, but it develops its own local community service programs and projects. The SAL offers an opportunity for the sons and grandsons of Veterans to honor their Veteran ancestor while giving back to the community.


Sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of honorably discharged Veterans are eligible for SAL membership.


SAL membership eligibility can be confusing as I cannot join the SAL though my own military service. My SAL eligibility is through my grandfather’s military service in World War 1. My sons and grandsons can join the SAL through my military service.


If you have any questions about joining the SAL or if you have questions about your eligibility, email me at [email protected] or call me at 904.553.1848.


I look forward to you joining us on Saturday, October 20 as we charter this newest organization supporting the Veterans and citizens of Bourbon County. 

If you wish to join the SAL , but are unable to attend our organizational meeting, please contact me. God, family and work should always come before Legion activities. I will work with you on your membership application.

Feel free to share this email with family and friends who may be interested in the Sons of the American Legion.

Carl Jowers, Commander

Fort Scott American Legion Post 25


Pittsburg Youth Chorale Performs Oct. 20

Pittsburg Youth Chorale presents Pre-Parade Prelude

Pittsburg Youth Chorale, under the direction of M.J. Harper, will perform a pre-parade prelude at 8:30 AM on Saturday, October 20 outside of Root Coffeehouse at 802 N. Broadway.

Warm up your body before the PSU Homecoming Parade with a cup of joe or mug of tea and a scone or muffin.

Warm up your voice with patriotic pieces such as “The Star Spangled Banner” and “TAPS.” Warm up your feet with selections like “Sing, Sing, Sing!”

Performers: Auggie Allison, Ben Bolinger, Sydney Ewing, Eden Darling, Amaeus Hawkins, Quorynn Harris, Angie Miller, Rachael Miller, Zayne Miller, Chloe Riska, and Hayden Turnbull meet Tuesdays 5-6PM at Pittsburg Memorial Auditorium & Convention Center, 503 N. Pine.

If you are interested in booking this ensemble, email [email protected] or call 620-235-7827.

Area singers in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade are invited to join Pittsburg Youth Chorale.

Participants do not need to be enrolled in USD 250 to belong to this ensemble.

To enroll, visit Pittsburg Memorial Auditorium & Convention Center between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, or call 620-231-7827.


Contact: MJ Harper, 620-719-6633, [email protected]

Talking Tigers Place First

Fort Scott High School debater, Oct. 13, 2018.

Congratulations, once again, to the FSHS Talking Tigers! “Take your baby to work” (Open debaters partner with novice debaters) was successful. Fort Scott placed first in sweeps!
In the open division:
Dalton Womeldorff and Shekhar Gugnani placed 1st with a 5-0 record, 16 speaks.
Elizabeth Ngatia and Zoe Self placed 2nd with 5-0 record, 20 speaks.
Mark Adams and Khris Patel placed 3rd with a 4-1 record, 19 speaks.
Rebekah Sweyko and Thade Yates placed 4th with a 4-1 record, 24 speaks.
In the JV division Ash Nave and Jacob Ham placed 8th with a 3-2 record, 25 speaks.
The rest of the team worked really hard, earned some wins, and helped the entire team be successful. Great Job today!

Submitted by Angella Curran

Corporate Tax Deadline Extended

KDOR issues extension on corporate tax deadline


TOPEKA—The Department of Revenue is giving Kansas corporations more time to file returns due to the late passage and complexity of the 2017 Federal Tax Reform legislation.


Corporations filing Kansas tax returns will have an additional 30 days with no penalty, making the new deadline November 15. While the extension applies to filing corporate returns, it does not correspond to the deadline for corporate tax payments, which are required to be submitted on the 15th day of the fourth month following the end of the corporation’s tax year.


“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act significantly changed the landscape of tax law for corporations, and the extra time is designed to give corporate filers more time to ensure accuracy and compliance with the new law,” Division of Taxation Director David Clauser said.


The extension applies to 2017 corporate income tax returns filed by November 15, or within an additional month for an extended 2017 corporate income tax return for corporations that file on a  fiscal year basis.


For more information, please see the notice published on the KDOR website. For questions, please call (785) 368-8222 option 5.


To see the official tax notice, please visit

American Legion Post 25 Upcoming Events:

October 16. Tuesday. American Legion Post 25 Commander Carl Jowers has office hours at Memorial Hall from 9 – 10 am. Carl is available to discuss any suggestions or concerns you may have about Post 25, Veterans issues in general or just to help solve world problems. Carl will meet with you at other times by emailing him at [email protected] or calling him at 904.553.1848 to schedule an appointment.


October 16. Tuesday. American Legion Service Officer Myra Jowers is at Memorial Hall from 9 – 10 am. Myra is available to assist you with questions about your VA claims or paperwork. This free service is for ANY Veteran or family member who may have questions about starting a VA claim or have questions about next steps.


She is not allowed to complete your forms for you, but rather provide guidance and directions in pursuing your claims. She will meet with you at other times by emailing her at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.


October 20. Saturday. Organizational meeting for Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron. Sons and grandsons of current or deceased Legion members are eligible for to join the SAL. Sons and grandsons of honorably discharged Veterans are eligible to join as well.


SAL membership eligibility can be confusing as I cannot join the SAL because I am a Veteran. My SAL eligibility is through my grandfather’s military service in World War 1. My sons and grandsons can join the SAL because of my military service. Email me with any questions about eligibility to join this Legion family program.


We will be meeting downstairs in Fort Scott’s Memorial Hall at 10 am to charter the unit.


The Sons of the American Legion are part of the American Legion family. More information about the SAL is available at


This is an opportunity for the sons and grandsons of Veterans to honor their Veteran ancestor while giving back to the community.


Please reply to this email if I can count on you or a male descendant to join the SAL.


October 23. Tuesday. American Legion Post 25 Commander Carl Jowers has office hours at Memorial Hall from 9 – 11 am. Carl is available to discuss any suggestions or concerns you may have about Post 25, Veterans issues in general or just to help solve world problems. Carl will meet with you at other times by emailing him at [email protected] or calling him at 904.553.1848 to schedule an appointment.


October 23. Tuesday. American Legion Service Officer Myra Jowers is at Memorial Hall from 9 – 11 am. Myra is available to assist you with questions about your VA claims or paperwork. This free service is for ANY Veteran or family member who may have questions about starting a VA claim or have questions about next steps.


October 25. Post 25 Color Guard meets in Memorial Hall at 7 pm. The Post 25 Color Guard is open to all Post 25 members.


October 27th. 2nd District Commander Homecoming in Blue Mound. See attached flyer for details. All Post 25 Legionnaires are invited to attend.


November 9 – 11. Veterans weekend in Fort Scott.

November 9. Friday evening, 5pm:  Reception @ Boiler Room Brewhaus, 2 S. National Ave.

November 9. Saturday, 10am:  Veterans Day Program @ Memorial Hall, 1 E. 3rd St.

November 10. Saturday, 12 – 4 PM. “A Gathering of Veterans” at VFW Post 1165 for fellowship and camaraderie.

November 10. Saturday, 5 pm:  Veterans Day Parade in Downtown Fort Scott.  All Veterans are encouraged to participate. Transportation will be available for those unable to walk in the parade.

November 10. Saturday, 7pm:  1800’s Grand Ball @ Memorial Hall, 1 E. 3rd St.
here to purchase Grand Ball tickets online,
or purchase in person at the Chamber or over the phone at 620-223-3566.

November 11. Sunday, 9am:  Veterans Church Service @ Community Christian Church, 1919 S. Horton St.

November 11. Sunday, 11am:  Veterans Day Service @ US National Cemetery No. 1, 900 E. National Ave.

November 11. Sunday, 12pm:  Lunch @ VFW, 1745 S. National Ave.

Carl Jowers, Commander

Fort Scott American Legion Post 25

Homecoming Invite