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Mercy Home Health and Hospice Merger with Integrity Still on Track

Mercy Fort Scott Home Health and Hospice continues to work with Integrity Home Care + Hospice to transition all home health and hospice services within the next several months. Last Thursday, leaders from Integrity met with the Mercy team in Fort Scott to provide an update and implementation timeline. The goal is to make a seamless transfer of all services complete by January 31, 2019.

In July, Mercy announced Integrity Home Care + Hospice would merge locally-based home health and hospice services. Once finalized, Mercy co-workers will change employment to Integrity.

Not all health care happens in a hospital or a doctor’s office, said Becky Davied, Mercy Fort Scott Home Health and Hospice director. “Patients who head home after a surgery or serious illness often require some time to continue healing at home, and chronically-ill patients must manage their conditions at home daily.”

For patients in either situation, having quality health care in their home can be the key to living their best life.

Our patients in southeast Kansas can find comfort in knowing they have one of the best home health and hospice teams caring for them,” Davied added.

For six of the past eight years, Mercy Fort Scott Home Health has received the HomeCare Elite award for being one of the most successful home care providers in the United States. The award recognizes the top 25 percent of agencies based on performance measures including quality of care, quality improvement, patient experience, best practices implementation and financial management.

As a partner, Mercy will become a shareholder of Integrity and a member of the board of directors. While the company’s name will remain Integrity Home Care + Hospice, the logo will include information about its partnership with Mercy. Together, the two systems will become an even stronger home care and hospice team to serve Bourbon County, Kansas, and Kansas residents within a 50 mile radius of Fort Scott.

Home health and hospice care are important to the entire spectrum of health care services, said Reta Baker, Mercy Hospital Fort Scott president. “We want to reassure our current patients and the area residents that home health and hospice services will continue to operate just under a different name.” 

The Fort Scott City Commission Agenda for Oct. 16

The Fort Scott City Commission meets Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 6 p.m. at city hall, 123 S. Main.




III. INVOCATION: Ian Johnson, Student Minister, Community Christian Church



  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of October 2nd, 2018.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1225-A totaling $276,478.78.

  1. Street Closing Request – Community Christian Church – October 31st, 2018 – Annual Trunk or Treat Event



B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute limit per citizen)


6:15 p.m. Resolution directing the repair or removal of an unsafe and dangerous structure and accessory structure located at 15 S. Crawford Street


  1. Update on 523 S. Main Street

  1. Consideration of demolition bid – 1601 E. Wall Street


  1. Director Updates: Rachel Pruitt

Robert Uhler

  1. Commission:
  1. City Attorney:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


The Fort Scott City Commission Minutes of Oct. 2



Minutes of October 2, 2018 Regular Meeting #19

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held October 2nd, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Bartelsmeyer, Nichols, and Parker were present with Mayor Mitchell presiding. Commissioner Adamson was absent.

INVOCATION: Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City and all government and City officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Janet Braun, Travis Shelton, Rhonda Dunn, Bob Guilfoyle, Craig Wilbert, Carl Jowers, Myra Jowers, Justin Meeks, Glen Pearson, Deb Morter, Lindsay Madison, Rachel Pruitt, Jim Runkman, Michael Mix, Dave Bruner, Connie Tidd, Chris Sather, Denise Duncan, Diana Morriss, Deb McCoy, Jerald Mitchell, Rebecca Stufflebeam, Penny Pollock-Barnes, Lindsay Watts, Mark McKenney, Deb Needleman, and Clayton Miller, and representing the press, Jason Silvers, Fort Scott Tribune.

PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITIONS: Presentation of Certificate of Support to the City of Fort Scott from the American Legion – Carl and Myra Jowers presented a Certificate of Support to the City Commission last night on behalf of the American Legion. Mr. Jowers said he and his wife moved here about a year and a half ago and have been extremely busy growing the local American Legion group. They have 100% renewed membership and currently hosted a Chamber Coffee in the basement of Memorial Hall. He thanked the City for their assistance in relocating their office at Memorial Hall while their room is being renovated. He also thanked Rhonda Dunn for all her assistance with Memorial Hall.

Myra Jowers said that she has office hours every Tuesday at Memorial Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to assist veterans with paperwork for the Veteran’s Administration.

2018 Outstanding Court Clerk of the Year Award – City Manager announced that Diane Clay, City Clerk, Court Clerk, attended the Kansas Association for Court Management Fall Conference last week and was awarded the 2018 Outstanding Court Clerk of the Year Award for the State of Kansas. He stated that he has been City Manager for eight years and came to the City with no government experience and Diane has helped him greatly. She helps citizens with their needs and helps hold City Hall together. He presented her with the plaque she was given.


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of September 18th, 2018.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1224-A totaling $284,542.13.

  1. Resolution 40-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 14 S. Margrave – Public Hearing Date – 11/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Parade Permit – Pioneer Harvest Fiesta – October 18th, 2018

Bartelsmeyer moved the Consent Agenda. Parker seconded. All voted aye.




Penny Pollock Barnes – Tri-Yak-A-Thon – Gunn Park – Ms. Pollock-Barnes appeared before the Commission to request the use of Gunn Park for the 6th Annual Tri-Yak-A-Thon to be held on Saturday, October 13th, 2018. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the event will start at 10:00 a.m. The event will include running, kayaking and biking the river and the trails. It is a great way to show off our wonderful park to all the participants.

City Manager asked the Commission to approve this request and he and City Staff will work with her on the sections of the park that will need to be closed off.

Nichols moved to approve the use of Gunn Park for the Tri-Yak-A-Thon to be held at Gunn Park on Saturday, October 13th, 2018 and for City Staff to work with her on closing sections of the park. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.

approveD the use of Gunn Park for the Tri-Yak-A-Thon to be held at Gunn Park on Saturday, October 13th, 2018 and for City Staff to work with her on closing sections of the park.

Chris Sather – Tigers on the Move Event at Riverfront Trails – 10/12/2018 – 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. – Ms. Sather appeared before the Commission to inform them about the Color Run Event which will be held on Friday, October 12th, 2018. She is requesting the use of both Riverfront Trails from 3:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. on that date. Last year they had over 500 participants and look for more this year.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the Color Run Event at both Riverfront Trails to be held on October 12th, 2018. Parker seconded. All voted aye.

approveD the Color RUN Event at Riverfront Trails to be held on OCTOBER 12th, 2018.

Bob Guilfoyle and Craig Wilbert – Craw-Kan – Installation and Building plans for Fort Scott – Craig Wilbert informed the Commission that about a year ago CrawKan began to work with the City on the installation of fiber. They are finishing up in Pittsburg and will be having multiple teams in Fort Scott doing installation of underground fiber.

Bob Guilfoyle updated the Commission on areas of the City where the fiber has been installed and the areas that it will be installed soon. More crews will be brought into town very soon and more installation of fiber will occur. He said that there will be a lot of locates needed for the installation. They are excited to be in Fort Scott and providing high speed internet.

City Manager thanked them for their commitment to Fort Scott. We are excited you are here to provide this service for our residents.

B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute

limit per citizen) – Diana Morriss – Ms. Morriss appeared before the Commission and requested answers to the recent article in the local newspaper regarding Bourbon County Economic Development Council, Inc. (Bedco). She asked if Bedco received funding from the City. She asked what funds are used to purchase land.

City Manager said that Bedco receives $33,000 a year from the City and $20,000 from Bourbon County. This money helps fund the grants they give each year.

Rachel Pruitt also pointed out they receive revenue from land they sell in the Industrial Park.

City Manager said that Bedco does a lot for the City of Fort Scott and Bourbon County.

Ms. Morriss said that she wanted to make sure that it was as transparent as possible.



  1. Discussion of 523 S. Main Street – Rhonda Dunn, Finance/Codes Director, informed the Commission that she took pictures today of this building. She had asked that the windows be secured which has happened. She said that Mark McKenney, a co-owner of this building was present to answer questions.

Mark McKenney said that this is a structurally sound building. It does need a roof and there are some windows that need replaced. He said that the north side of this building has been tuck pointed and repaired. He said that he could have the broken windows replaced in two weeks and a roof put on within a month.

Rhonda Dunn said that she will have this on the agenda in two weeks to see if the windows have been repaired and the progress made.

  1. Masonry Repairs – Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant – Michael Mix, Water Utilities Director, informed the Commission that there are several miscellaneous masonry repairs that need done at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities. The Commission requested at their July 3rd meeting that he obtain quotes from local contractors rather than hiring an engineer and utilizing the sealed bid process. The low bid for the miscellaneous masonry repair projects at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants was from Midland Restoration for a total of $57,100. The flooring project at the Water Treatment Plant low bid was from R-II Concrete for a total of $8,665.00. The total of all the projects is $65,765.00 and is a budgeted item.

Nichols moved to approve the low bids for the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities for a total of $65,765.00. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Use of Riverfront Park – Boos & Brews Haunted Trolley Tour – Rachel Pruitt, Economic Development Director, appeared before the Commission on behalf of Larry Gazaway, who is away at a conference. She asked approval for the use of Riverfront Park for the “Boos and Brews” Haunted Trolley Tours to be held on October 26th, 27th, and 28th. The Fort Scott High School Thespians will be showcasing scary scenes for visitors the Trolley takes to the park. The Thespians will be using this as a fundraiser for their upcoming trip to Scotland. The tours will leave the Boil Room Brewhaus each evening at 7 p.m., 8 p.m., and 9 p.m. and tickets are $25.00 each.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the use of the Riverfront Park for the Boos & Brews Haunted Trolley Tours. Mitchell seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Approval of plaque for Heritage Park in memory of Dola Cress – Lindsay Madison, Director of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, informed the Commission that Geneva & Son Monument Company has designed a sign in memory of Dola Cress to be erected at Heritage Park to honor Dola for all she did for our community. It is a 12 X 18 bronze plaque that will be mounted to the brick wall at Heritage Park. Rebecca Stufflebeam, Dola’s daughter, was present also. The family is paying for the plaque. The plaque reads as follows: “In Honor of Pride and Community, Dola’s Rose Garden – Dedicated 2007 – Dola Rose Cress – Aug 9, 1933 – Nov 19, 2017”.

Mitchell moved to approve the plaque at Heritage Park honoring Dola Cress be put up. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


Lindsay also handed out to the Commission invitations to upcoming ribbon cutting events that will be held:

Hole in the Wall Liquor Store Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting will be held on October 12th, 2018 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Hedgehog.Ink Book Store Grand opening will be held on October 30th, 2018 from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. with the ribbon cutting held at 5:45 p.m.


  1. Director Updates:

Rachel Pruitt – Economic Development update – Rachel updated the Commission on several items:

St. Martin’s Academy – She said that this academy opened this fall and has 18 students and 12 faculty members. The students are active in soccer and were active in the recent Art in the Yard event that was held.

If I Were Mayor” contest – The City is sponsoring a “If I Were Mayor” contest with 7th graders this year. Their report is due by November 18th. There is a $125 prize at the State level and there will also be a local winner who will win lunch with our Mayor. She is excited to see the entries.

Airport Traffic – She updated the Commission with a few airport facts on airport traffic. From 2011 to 2017 there was over a 70% increase in jet fuel sold. From 2016 to 2018 has generated the most significant grown with nearly a 75% increase in jet fuel. The 440 X 75 foot current runway services approximately 20 transient flights a week.

2019 Kansas Association of Airports Conference – She announced that Fort Scott has been chosen as the site for the 2019 K.A.A.C conference. It will be held in June of 2019. There will be approximately 150 people here with 50 hotel rooms. It has previously been held in larger cities like Salina, Manhattan, and Lawrence.

She left them with a quote from Kenny Howard, Airport Manager: “One mile on Highway 69 gets you one mile further to your destination. One mile on Fort Scott Airport runway gets you everywhere you need and want to be.”

Rhonda Dunn – US Cellular Tower & Flag Pole – Rhonda informed the Commission that on special events the City uses a big boom ladder truck to fly the large flag at the edge of Skubitz Plaza. She checked into seeing what the costs of putting a big flag pole at that location and it was between $10,000 to $20,000. She was recently contacted by U.S. Cellular and they would like to put in a cellular tower at the Fort. She submitted two locations to them. It would be an 80’ tower and they were willing to put their tower inside a flag pole so the flag can be hung at all times. This will require Kansas State Historical Association approval and could be a long process. This will save the City money with U.S. Cellular putting in the tower and the flag pole.

Utility Billing Changes – Rhonda informed the Commission that the City is consolidating all water utility billing cycles into one monthly billing cycle. Effective November 2018, all water utility bills will be due on the 22nd day of each month. The new bills will also reflect a one-time change in the amount of days included on the bill, which may be more or less days of usage than your previous bills. After this initial billing, all future bills should reflect approximately one month’s usage. For customers on automated bank draft, the date when your bank drafts funds from your account will change to the due date specified on your bill, or the next business day. If you have online bill pay set up through your bank, you may need to change your payment date to reflect the new due date.

B. City Commission:

Adamson Not present.

Bartelsmeyer Nothing to report.

Parker – Congratulated Diane Clay on her award. She said that she is a very important part of the City and has been here for many years. She also said that she is glad to have the Jower’s working with the American Legion and promoting it.

Nichols He seconded Commission Parker’s comments.

Mitchell Nothing to report.

C. City Attorney: Remarked that he had two items:

He congratulated Diane Clay on her recent award. He said that he has worked with many City Clerks and she is the only City Clerk for Fort Scott who has earned the Master Municipal Clerk status which means she took many education classes when she started.

City Attorney asked for a 15 minute executive session with just the City Commission present to discuss non-elected personnel. There is no action anticipated.

  1. City Manager:

  1. Zombie Chase – City Manager asked the Commission to consider lifting the curfew violation on Friday, October 26th, 2018 until 1:30 a.m. The race starts at 11:00 p.m. and will not be over until after midnight, which is when the curfew time is.

Parker moved to change the curfew time to 1:30 a.m. on Friday, October 26th, 2018 for the Zombie Race. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Mercy Hospital Closing – City Manager said that the City released a press release today on the closing of the hospital. The City appreciates the many years of service the hospital has given our community. The City does have a lot of good things happening in our community and it is unfortunate that this has happened. We need to look forward to the future and determine how we can keep health care here. Reta Baker is committed to working with the City and County.

City Manager informed the Commission that the County is responsible for ambulance service. They were served a letter notifying them they have 180 days to secure another ambulance service for the County. The City is currently looking over the financial costs of this service and may take over the ambulance service. There is a lot of facts to consider first before this is done. The City pledges to work with the County on this service.


Parker moved to move into Executive Session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel to include City Commission and City Attorney. There is no action anticipated. Mitchell seconded. All voted aye.


Parker moved to adjourn from Executive Session at 7:16 p.m. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.



Mitchell informed the public that the City Manager’s Employment Agreement is before them. She asked each Commissioner to say something to the City Manager about his evaluation.

Commissioner Bartelsmeyer thanked him for all the work he has done with the City and his leadership. She said that there is more that needs to be done especially with the streets. With the sales tax sun-setting on the pool and Buck Run, hopefully this will be renewed and applied to streets. She thanked him for his hard work this last year.

Commissioner Parker said she was on the Commission when he was hired. She can’t remember a person who has taken such great strides with the City. It was in dire needs of someone like him. She said he has done a terrific job.

Commissioner Nichols said that the City Manager is very forward thinking and helps move this City forward. He has a great staff that works with him and is very positive.

Mayor Mitchell said she thinks he does a tremendous job. She said that they sometimes don’t speak the same language but they get along great. She hopes that he recognizes that he has a great City Commission behind him.

The City Commission recommended the following items:

3% increase in salary bringing his salary to $107,462.78.

One year added to his contract which will take his employment through August 21, 2023.

If the City Manager should leave, he would be paid for his sick leave and vacation time.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the City Manager Employment Agreement with the above stipulations. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


City Manager thanked the Commission and said that he appreciates the opportunity to serve the City and the City Commission. He said he couldn’t do this job without his good team of employees.


Mitchell moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on October 16th, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.





Obituary of Robert R. Lamb

Robert Ray Lamb, age 88, resident of rural Bronson, KS, died Friday, October 12, 2018, at Medicalodge of Girard, KS.

He was born March 26, 1930, in Bronson, the son of Ray Linus Lamb and Winona Agnes Goodno Lamb. He married Lois Irene Rogers on October 15, 1950, at her family’s home in Bronson.

She preceded him in death on June 17, 2018.

Together, Bob and Lois operated their own dairy farm for many years. Bob loved going to yard sales and farm auctions.

He was an all-around handyman who enjoyed tinkering with mechanical things in his workshop.

Most recently, he regularly attended services at Dry Ridge Baptist Church.

Survivors include two sons, R. W. Lamb, Bronson, KS, and Michael Ray Lamb, Pittsburg, KS; two grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Bob had two sisters, Wanda Braden and Shirley Toon.

Besides his wife Lois, he was preceded in death by his parents.

Pastors Lon Hale, Michael Miller and Mark Davis will conduct funeral services at 10:30 AM Friday, October 19th, at the Cheney Witt Bronson Chapel.

Cremation will follow with private family burial in the Battlefield Cemetery at a later date.

The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Thursday evening at the Bronson Chapel.

Memorials are suggested to either Dry Ridge Baptist Church or Bronson Baptist Church and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Bronson Chapel, P.O. Box 93, Bronson, KS 66716. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Obituary of Albert Pavey

Albert William Pavey, 95, formerly of Fort Scott, passed away early Wednesday morning, October 10, 2018, in the Monterey Park Rehab and Health Center in Independence, Missouri. He was born June 19, 1923, in Fort Scott, Kansas, the son of Pete and Bertha (Hutchinson) Pavey. He married Dorothy L. Green June 27, 1975, in Miami, Oklahoma, and she preceded him in death May 13, 2015.

Albert served in the US Navy during WWII, and he worked at Fairbanks-Morris Water Pump Company, retiring in 1988.

He is survived by several nieces and nephews. In addition to his wife Dorothy, he was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, Percy Pavey, Paul Pavey, Hubert Pavey, and two sisters, Nellie Ticknor, and Alberta Marshall.

Rev. Larry Stevicks will conduct graveside services 2:00 p.m., Monday, October 15, 2018, at the Oak Grove Cemetery under the direction of the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home. Military Honors at the cemetery will be conducted by the Navy Funeral Honor Detail. Memorial contributions may be made to the Oak Grove Cemetery and left in the care of the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home, 15 W. Wall Street, PO Box 309, Fort Scott, KS 66701. Condolences may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Federal and State Agencies Address Rising Use of E-cigarettes


More than 10 percent of Kansas high schoolers use e-cigarettes


TOPEKA – Kansas, along with the rest of the nation, is experiencing an increase in the use of e-cigarettes among youth. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), along with its partners, seeks to raise awareness of the potential harm to those who use this product. According to the 2017 Kansas Youth Risk Behavior Survey, one in 10 (10.6 percent) high school students in Kansas currently use e-cigarettes. And national data show that e-cigarette use among youth increased from 1.5 percent in 2011, to 11.7 percent in 2017. E-cigarettes are now the most commonly used tobacco product among U.S. youth.


This month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released an analysis of retail e-cigarette sales data from 2013-2017. It shows that sales of JUUL, an e-cigarette shaped like a flash drive, grew more than seven-times from 2016 to 2017, and JUUL Laboratories held the greatest share of the U.S. e-cigarette market by December 2017. In September, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the issuance of more than 1,300 warning letters and fines to retailers that illegally sold JUUL and other e-cigarette products to minors.


“Youth use of e-cigarettes is concerning because e-cigarettes often contain nicotine, and nicotine exposure during adolescence can cause addiction and can harm the developing brain,” said Dr. Greg Lakin, Chief Medical Officer, KDHE. “JUUL products contain particularly high levels of nicotine.”


The U.S. Surgeon General concluded in a 2016 report that the use of tobacco products containing nicotine among youth, including e-cigarettes, is unsafe. E-cigarettes produce an aerosol that generally contains fewer toxic chemicals than secondhand smoke from cigarettes. However, it can contain many harmful and potentially harmful substances, including nicotine, heavy metals like nickel, tin and lead, volatile organic compounds, and cancer-causing chemicals. Because e-cigarettes have risen in popularity so quickly, the long-term effects and dangers of inhaling the aerosol from e-cigarettes are still relatively unknown.


The 1998 Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) imposed restrictions on tobacco industry marketing, specifically on advertising targeting youth. Exposure to tobacco product advertising has been shown to influence young people to start using tobacco products. E-cigarette companies, however, were not included in and are not restricted by the MSA. E-cigarette companies are using techniques identical to those used by tobacco companies that have been shown to increase use of cigarettes by youth, and research shows they have been successful in their attempts to reach youth. The 2016 National Youth Tobacco Survey found that 78.2 percent of middle and high school students had been exposed to e-cigarette advertisements from at least one source.


E-cigarettes are not one of the seven medications approved as a “quit smoking” aid by the FDA. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concluded that there is not enough evidence to recommend e-cigarettes for smoking cessation in adults. Many adult e-cigarette users do not stop smoking cigarettes and instead transition to dual use of both cigarettes and e-cigarettes. In 2016, more than half (56.1 percent) of Kansas adults who currently use e-cigarettes were also current cigarette smokers.


The U.S. Surgeon General concluded in a 2016 report that actions should be taken at the national, tribal, state and local levels to address and prevent e-cigarette use among youth and young adults. One of these recommended actions is engaging youth in comprehensive community and statewide tobacco control programs. Resist is a statewide youth-led tobacco prevention initiative that seeks to change youth perceptions of tobacco use, reduce youth exposure to tobacco products and reduce tobacco use rates in Kansas. Resist is sponsored in part by KDHE. For a complete list of resources on e-cigarettes and other tobacco products impacting Kansas youth, please visit

Forks and Corks Nov. 3

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce presents the 15th Annual Forks & Corks tasting event of the year!
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend the 15th Annual Forks & Corks event. Forks & Corks is one of the most popular events among Fort Scott locals and visitors!
Forks & Corks is one of three primary fundraisers the Chamber hosts annually to benefit our mission to support business, build community, and promote spirit.
This is a tasting event where Fort Scott restaurants and caterers are invited to share tasting of several of their popular items. Standard Beverage will be present to provide tasting of numerous wines, beers and liqueurs. Awards will be presented, and the evening will end with a silent and live auction.
Please contact the Chamber at (620)223-3566 if you have any questions.
Tickets to this event are available for purchase through any Chamber Board member, or by visiting Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce’s website. Click here.

Pray For Mercy by Patty LaRoche

2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

Mercy Hospital of Fort Scott, we are told, will close its doors at the end of this year. The news causes many to question how a medical facility that, at one time, was touted as being one of the most respectable, highly-sought providers of medical care in southeast Kansas will no longer exist. Community members are stunned by this decision and saddened for the future of those faithful employees who no longer will have a job.

It is time to pray.

It is time we take this loss to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to perform a miracle. Blaming the powers-that-be or welfare recipients or drug addicts or insurance companies is a natural response (and just a few I have heard), but our best chance to give Fort Scott a chance to resolve this earthly crisis is to pray.

Will you join me in doing that? Today? Right this moment and every time you think of this loss? Will you give God a chance to be God?

You know…

The same God who created the world…and you?

The same God who made it possible for a 90-year old woman to give birth?

The same God who parted the Red Sea for the Israelites and provided manna to them for 40 years?

The same God who delivered Daniel from the snares of the hungry lions?

The same God who joined three faithful men to save them in a fiery furnace?

The same God who sent his son, fulfilling hundreds of Old Testament prophecies, to save this world?

And, if you are reading this article, the same God who has given you another day of life?

God is not surprised by Mercy Hospital’s decision to close. He is not pacing Heaven’s golden streets, wringing His hands, trying to figure out what His next move will be. Quite the opposite, according to evangelist Alan Redpath who wrote the following in the 1950’s: “There is nothing—no circumstance, no trouble, no testing—that can ever touch me until, first of all, it has gone past God and past Christ right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a great purpose, which I may not understand at the moment. But as I refuse to become panicky, as I lift up my eyes to Him and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart, no sorrow will ever disturb me, no trial will ever disarm me, no circumstance will cause me to fret—for I shall rest in the joy of what my Lord is!”

Re-read 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let us not waste our time fretting. Let us humble ourselves and seek God’s face, repent and trust that God waits for us to rely on Him.

Let us pray.

Obituary Of George Holt

George Holt, 83, of Uniontown, Kansas passed away Wednesday evening, October 10, 2018 at Country Place Living in Fort Scott. He was born May 6, 1935, in Uniontown, Kansas, the son of Herbert and Beulah (Neth) Holt. He graduated from Uniontown High School in 1953 where he lettered in football and basketball. He married Esther Ann McKee on March 4, 1956, In Uniontown. To this union were born two sons, Brent and Brad. The boys grew up on the family farm north of Uniontown, where their parents worked the land and raised cattle for sixty-two years.

Survivors include his wife, Esther, of the home, a son, Dr. Brent Holt and his wife Cheryl, of Roanoke, Virginia; two grandsons, Logan Holt (Carolina), and Sam Holt, of Christiansburg, Virginia; three step-grandchildren, Trevor, Sean, and Cara, and one great-granddaughter, Fernanda Alison Holt-Salinas. Also surviving is his sister, Nadyne Walker, of Fort Scott, several nieces and nephews, including two special care-givers, Donna Sifers and Marci Williams. He was preceded in death by his parents, a sister, Marilyn Brown, and his beloved son, Brad, who died in 1989.

Private services are under the direction of the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home, with burial in the Uniontown Cemetery. Memorial contributions are suggested to the Uniontown First Missionary Baptist Church Building Fund, and may be left in the care of the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home, 15 W. Wall Street, PO Box 309, Fort Scott, KS 66701. Condolences may be submitted to the online guestbook at