Juror Tera Schultz holds a piece of artwork prior to the exhibit, in an effort to photograph the art without environmental light reflection. The piece is entitled “Young Soul, Seared Heart” is by Jezeriah Simpson and was awarded second place in the drawing and graphics category.Tera Schultz, Iola, tells the attendees why this piece was chosen best of the show for the 26th Annual Fine Arts Exhibit and Sale Wednesday evening. Shultz was the juror for the event.Deb Halsey left, and Deb Anderson, right, discuss the artwork they are helping to prepare for display at the Bourbon County Art Council’s Annual Fine Arts Exhibit and Sale.
The Bourbon County Arts Council’s 26th Annual Fine Arts Exhibit and Sale has grown over the years, according to the judge who picked the winners.
Schultz judged about four years ago she said.
“There is a lot more artwork this time, 125 pieces,” Schultz said. “Last time it was 80ish pieces.”
This year is a bigger variety as well, she said.
Schultz said she looks for composition, color techniques, and technical skills when she judges art.
This year she felt like the jewelry pieces “were really beautifully done, they were amazing,” she said.
The exhibit continues from noon to 7 p.m. through March 9 at the Ellis Fine Art Center on the campus of Fort Scott Community College, 2108 S. Horton.
Featured below are the first and second place winners of the exhibit.
First place ceramics, Al Letner, Pittsburg.Second place ceramics, Bobbie Kemna, Fort Scott.
First place sculpture, Kenzie Curran, Farlington.Second place sculpture, Maxine Rader, Lamar, Mo.First place mixed media, Robert Schlyer, Rich Hill, Mo.Second place watercolor, Anita Wilson, Thayer.First place watercolor, Jake Marshall, Overland Park.Best of the show, 2-dimension, Carol Melton, Lamar, Mo.First place drawing and graphics, Irene Schomacker, Spring Hill.Second place mixed media, Lonny Vaughn Matlock, Girard.Best of show jewelry, Chris Page, Fort Scott.First place pastel, Chance Fuhrman, Bronson.Second place jewelry, Barbara Gibson, Fort Scott.First place jewelry, John Bartelsmeyer, Fort Scott.First place photography, Linda Teeter, Carl Junction, Mo.Second place pastel, Douglas Linthicum, Lamar, Mo.Artist Kole Wagner stands in front of his winning submission to the art exhibit, which earned second place in photography.
Pictured below are some glimpses of artwork submitted to the exhibition by area artists.
The attendees listen as Juror Tera Shultz gives justification of the winners she selected in the exhibit.
The following are corporate prize sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldston, Landmark Bank, City State Bank, McDonald’s Restaurant, Union State Bank, H & R Block, H & H Realty, Fort Scott Broadcasting, Bernita Hill, Ward Kraft. The best of show prize is awarded in honor of E. C. Gordon.
Juror Tera Schultz is the fine arts instructor at Allen County Community College, Iola.