American Legion Scuttlebutt


American Legion Fort Scott Thompson-Harkey Post 25 is in 1st place in 2nd District membership. This week’s Department membership numbers have Post at 79 members or 103.95%. Post 25 leads 2nd District in membership.  Thanks to all the new members and renewals who made this possible. This is our 4th consecutive year in achieving 100% membership at our Post.

If you have not yet renewed for 2020, please consider doing so. What does your membership do? See the attached Membership Impact Report. It’s a new by the numbers monthly report on what the American Legion does nationally to help Veterans and their families.  Your membership helps the American Legion reach these Veterans.

You can easily renew your membership online at It’s safe and secure and takes less than five minutes.

You can also mail in your $40.00 renewal to the Post 25 Finance Officer.


Darrell Spencer

1183 185TH ST

Fort Scott, Ks, 66701.

I can also arrange to meet with you to pick up your renewal.  I’m retired so I can easily work around your schedule to meet you, but no 3 AM meetings please!

Upcoming Events

December 2. Post 25 meet and greet starts at 630 pm in Memorial Hall.

December 2. Post 25 general membership meeting starts at 7 pm in Memorial Hall.

January 31 – February 2, 2020. Department of Kansas Midwinter Forum at Fort Scott.

 Informational Items 

Auxiliary Unit 25 has been collecting items for newborns at the Topeka VA Hospital. Marilyn Gilmore, Myra Jowers and Carl Jowers delivered the collected items to the Topeka VA Hospital last Monday. Marilyn, Myra and Carl are dual members, in that they are members in both the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary.

With the passage of the Legion Act, any honorably discharged Veteran who has served one day of active duty since December 7, 1941 can now join the American Legion. Invite a Veteran to join our growing and thriving Post. 

Apple Health Records now available to veterans across the US.

Volunteers are needed to put the Legion Room in Memorial Hall back together, Painting is complete, and your help is needed in setting up the room. Just reply to this email or call Carl at 620-215-1688 to volunteer to help your Post.

American Legion Riders (ALR) Chapter 25 is still accepting new members. To join requires membership in one the American Legion Family organizations, Legion, Auxiliary or Sons, plus own a motorcycle/scooter of at least 250 cc’s. Contact me for additional information regarding membership.

Photo of Auxiliary Unit 25 delivering baby items to the maternity wing of the Topeka VA Hospital. Submitted.


Don’t hesitate to contact me with any suggestions or questions you may have about Fort Scott American Legion Post 25.

Carl Jowers. Post 25 Commander.


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