Post 25 is raffling a Taurus G2C 9 mm pistol with two 10 rounds magazines. The money generated on this raffle will support 1 full scholarship for a Boys/Girls State/Cadet Law Program delegate PLUS will cover half the costs of a 2nd scholarship.

Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. Only 100 tickets will be sold.
Winner must be legally able to own a pistol and is responsible for the cost of any background checks.
Reply to this email with your phone number and I’ll put a member with tickets in touch with you.
I can also make arrangements to purchase raffle tickets for those persons who live out of town but wish to support Post 25 programs.
We have an opportunity to purchase T-shirts with the Post 25 Legion logo and you can add on the back of the T-shirt your branch of service, name, office held such as Chaplain. Cost per T-shirt is $20 and can be ordered in sizes Small – 2 XL. T-shirts will ordered through a Fort Scott supplier.
These T-shirts are red are the baseball shirts worn by Fort Scott Post 25 baseball team. The shirts can also be worn on to support RED shirt Fridays as well. RED stands for Remember Everyone Deployed.
In order to order T-shirts, there is a minimum order of 12.
If you wish to order a T-shirt, just reply to this email with your name, T-shirt size and lettering on the back, if any.
Photos of the Taurus and the T-shirts are attached.
Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have,
Carl Jowers. Post 25 Commander.