Chiggers: How to Prevent and Stop the Itch

Cassidy Lutz
K-State Research and Extension 
Family and Consumer Science Agent 
Southwind District 
211 W. Butler 
Yates Center, KS 66783


Being outside during the summertime can feel like a constant battle against nature and all the creepy crawly things. Mosquitos, ticks, and chiggers are some of the hardest pests to fight during this time of year.

Submitted graphic.

A recent wild blackberry picking excursion left me covered in chigger bites and desperate for a solution to the uncontrollable urge to scratch. After doing some research, I found the following information from Mississippi State University Extension.

Chiggers, also called redbugs, have lots of myths surrounding them and how to go about treating their bites. These tiny bugs crawl up to the highest point on a plant and wait for an animal or person to walk by. When they fall onto a person, they typically land on shoes or lower pantlegs and begin to crawl up the body looking for a place to bite. Their ideal feeding grounds are on thin skin, which is why children and women make the perfect targets. They go for soft, light, and moist areas of the body where sun and weather haven’t made the skin tough and dry.

Contrary to what many think, they do not burrow into the skin. Instead, they attach at the base of a hair follicle and inject digestive fluid into the skin. The fluid dissolves skin cells, chemically boring a hole into the skin. Our bodies’ reaction to the saliva and digestive enzymes is to blame for the incessant urge to scratch.

Another common myth about treatment is how to “dry them out”. The best solution to fight these pesky bugs and the reactions they cause is to bathe in hot, soapy water as soon as you can. Many do not notice bites immediately after being outside as they can take a while to settle down and attach. So even if you think you don’t have any or only notice a spot or two, you can prevent a full feast by washing them away quickly. If left alone, chiggers can continue to eat for several days. To help combat the itching sensation, treat bites with calamine lotion or an antihistamine cream, or oral medication. Avoid harsh substances like nail polish or bleach as those can cause further irritation to the skin. If the bites are severe enough, physicians can prescribe anti-itch creams.

Chiggers do not carry diseases like ticks do. They are just incredibly annoying. Any infection that arises from chigger bites is likely due to excessive scratching, so it’s important to fight the urge to scratch. Children are more prone to scratching so clip fingernails to a short length, repeatedly apply calamine lotion, and use antihistamines suitable for their age to help them heal more quickly.

To help reduce the likelihood of running into them, avoid tall grassy and brushy areas. If that’s not possible, wear long pants, boots, and a lightweight long-sleeved shirt. Tuck pant legs into tall socks and apply a permethrin-based insect repellent to clothing – not directly to your skin.

Had I known all this before my recent berry-picking experience, I would have taken some precautions and probably prevented some discomfort. For more information, contact Cassidy Lutz at or by calling 620-625-8620.

Bo Co Commission Agenda for July 31

Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832

Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701


July 31, 2023 5:30 p.m.


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute followed by Prayer
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 7/24/2023
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $130,054.08
    3. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $1,099,433.01
  1. Public Comments
  2. Department Updates
    1. Public Works
  3. Budget Discussion
  • Jim Harris-Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(2)
  • Clifton Beth-Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(1)
  1. Justin Meeks-Executive Session KSA 75-4319(b)(2)
  2. Commission Comments
  3. Adjourn Meeting




Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.


K-State to host Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day Aug. 3

Event highlights factors that affect cattle production

Hunter Nickell
Southwind Extension District
Livestock Production Extension Agent
1006 N. State St.
Iola, KS 66749
Office: (620) 365-2242
Cell: (620) 473-3298

PARSONS, Kan. – Outside forces have made managing forage even more important in cattle production, says Kansas State University beef systems specialist Jaymelynn Farney.


High input prices, weather events, insect invasions…they’re all important topics that affect cattle producer’s profits.


Farney said those are topics that will highlight the annual Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day in Parsons on Aug. 3. The field day will be held at the Southeast Research and Extension Center (25092 Ness Road in Parsons) beginning at 8:30 am with registration.


The rest of the program includes an afternoon trip to the field to view a broomsedge control demonstration plot and discussion on interseeding warm season annuals into cool-season perennials. Farney said the field day also includes several indoor presentations, which will be recorded and posted online at


Presentations and presenters include:

  • Let’s Talk about Flies and Ticks, Cassandra Olds, K-State.
  • Herd dispersal and getting back into production the “Ins and Outs” – Scott Lawson, Oklahoma State University.
  • Different forms of supplement for stocker steers on pasture – Farney.
  • Pasture management (or recovery) during drought – Dale Helwig, K-State Cherokee County Extension.
  • Cull cow demonstration – Wendie Powell, K-State Wildcat Extension District


The field day is free to attend and includes lunch. This year’s field day sponsors include Frontier Farm Credit, Producers Coop, and Zoetis.


Those interested in attending are urged to contact Aly Volz by 620-820-6133 or online at to help organizers with a meal count by August 1.




K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county extension offices, experiment fields, area extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan. For more information, visit K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.




For more information:

Jaymelynn Farney



Agenda for Fort Scott City Commission On August 1





August 1, 2023 – 6:00 P.M.


  1.   Roll Call:
  2.     VanHoecke       K. Harrington      E. Woellhof        M. Guns         M. Wells
  3.   Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation

III.    Approval of Agenda:

  1. Consent Agenda:
  2. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 25, 2023
  3. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1341-A — $213,912.62
  4. Request to Pay – Bennett, Inc. via Earles Engineering & Inspection, Inc. – 2022 CDBG Sanitary Sewer Project – Project No. 23-409 (22-306) – Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 3 – $553,602.60
  5. Approval of Drinking Establishment City License Renewal – Pizza Republic – 17 S. Main Street – Bret Holder
  6. Approval of Ordinance No. 3748 – Amending Chapter 10.04 of the Fort Scott Municipal Code to Incorporate Standard Traffic Ordinances for Kansas Cities – 2023 Edition
  7. Approval of Ordinance No. 3749 – Adding Section 10.05 Regulating Public Offenses Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Fort Scott, Kansas; Incorporating by Reference the Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities, 39th Edition, “With Certain Omissions, Changes, and Additions; Prescribing Additional Regulations; and Providing Certain Penalties.


  1.    Public Comment:

Sign up required.  Comments on any topic not on agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at Commission’s discretion.


  1. Old Business:


  1. Approval of the date of September 5, 2023, at 6:00PM for City of Fort Scott Budget Hearing – B. Hart
  2. Consideration of MOU with Bourbon County Health in All Policies Task Force and select a representative – TABLED FROM JULY 25, 2023
  3. Selection of date for Certified Local Government Program (CLG) Work Session in August with Katrina Ringler, Commission and Community


VII.    Appearances:

  1. Rob Hansen – Son of American Legion Car & Motorcycle Show:  Saturday, September 16, 2023 – Temporary Street Closure of 3rd Street between Main and National – 8:00AM – 1:00PM


VIII.   Public Hearing:  None


  1.  New Business: 
  2. Consideration for purchase of fire truck – D. Bruner
  3. Amendment 1 to Brick Street Policy – M. Wells
  4. Consideration of bids for Evergy Infantry Substation Sanitary Sewer Relocation Project – J. Dickman
  5. Consideration to set deadlines for City Commission meeting agenda practice and procedure


  1. Reports and Comments:
  2. City Manager Comments:
  3. Engineering Comments:
  4. Commissioners Comments:
  5. VanHoecke –
  6. Harrington –
  7. Woellhof –
  8. Guns –
  9. Wells –


  1. City Attorney Comments:


  1.  Executive Session:


XII.     Adjournment:

What’s Happening in Fort Scott

What’s Happening in Fort Scott! July 28th Weekly Newsletter

The above photo is of the Farmers’ Market which is held every Tuesday from 4-6pm and Saturday’s from 8am-12pm, located at Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort!



Fort Scott National Historic Site

Daily Guided Tours: 10am & 1pm

Special activities all this weekend! See link below.

Visit your National Park!

Trolley Tours of Fort Scott

50-minute narrated historical tour

Every Friday & Saturday on the hour

Fridays 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

Saturdays 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

$6 adults, $4 12 & under, leaves from the Chamber

Click this link: The Artificers

August pottery class/workshop

schedule, a creative space for all ages!

Click here for all the FUN activities at the

Museum of Creativity, something for all ages!

BINGO hosted by the American Legion Post 25 every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month unless it falls on a holiday. Doors open at 6pm and Bingo starts at 7pm at Memorial Hall.

Fort Scott Public Library Summer Schedule has ALOT of fun things to do! Click here to see!

The Lavender Patch Farm will be open many days throughout the month of July, click here for specific hours/dates.

7/28 ~ Otis Nixon Youth Baseball Camp, $20/per participant, ages 7-15, call Steve Anthony at 620.215.2392 for more info!

7/28 ~ Special Olympics Golf Tournament Horse Race, come out and be part of the gallery, starting at 5pm, Woodland Hills Golf Course!

7/28 ~ GRAND OPENING of the Splash pad and Sensory Park! Music, food trucks, and so much fun for all ages, RIBBON CUTTING is at 5:30pm with the opening of the splash pad to follow, Skubitz Plaza, click here for more info!

7/28 ~ Friday Night Concert in the Park will be held at the First United Methodist Church this week for a special Branson Show, concert starts at 6pm, click here for more info!

7/28 ~ Uniontown Live Music Event Featuring Country Singer Rick Hite, Ice Cream Social starting at 6:15pm, music @ 7pm, Uniontown Park, click here for more info!

7/28 ~ Book Signing Meet & Greet at Fort Scott Munitions featuring Jessica Lynch Former POW Iraq 2003, books will be available on site for purchase, starts at 3pm, click here for more info.

7/28 ~ Absolutely Country, Definitely Gospel Faith’s Journey in Concert at First United Methodist Church, 6pm, click here for more info!

7/29 ~ Rumble on the Bricks, family friendly car meet on Skubitz Plaza, all vehicles are welcome, 3pm, click here for more info!

7/29 ~ BBCO Golf Scramble for Special Olympics Kansas, starting at 7am, awards/raffle prizes/ and silent auction will be later in the evening,

click here for more info!

7/31 ~ Sports Physicals and Immunizations at Bourbon County Health Department, call the health department to schedule an appointment time, or click here for more info!

8/2 ~ Mammography Event hosted by Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, no appt or referral needed, 7am-7pm, click here for more info!

8/2 ~ Wednesday Writers at Hedgehog.INK! Bookstore, all are welcome with an interest in writing, 1:30-3pm, click here for more info!

8/3 ~ Chamber Coffee and Ribbon Cutting hosted by Laree + Co, 3 S. National Ave, 8am

8/4 ~ Backroom Art Gallery 1st Friday at Hare & Crow, 118 S. Main, 1-9pm, click here for more info!

8/4 ~ First Friday at the Artificers, 8 N. National, stop by browse art/have light refreshments/enjoy good company, 5-8pm, click here for more info!

8/4-5 ~ Sales Tax Holiday Weekend, customers receive a discount equal to the sales tax of 9.4% on purchase, see flyer below for details.

8/5-6 ~ Woodland Hills City Championship, $65 per person, Men’s (18-50)/36 holes, Women’s/18 holes, Senior 55+/27 holes (completed on Saturday), Juniors 12-17/18 holes, click here for more info!

8/5 ~ Grand Re-opening and Lillian’s 7th Birthday at Laree + Co, enjoy treats/food trucks/door prizes/vendors, 10:30am-3pm, click here for more info!

8/5 ~ First Saturday Story Time at Hedgehog.INK! Bookstore, come enjoy a guest reader and an activity, 2:30-3:30pm, click here for more info!

8/5 ~ End of Summer Craft Creations, River Room, 8am-5pm, click here for more info!

8/5 Keith Meech Benefit, Fort Scott Elks Lodge, 12pm Scottish Doubles Pool Tourn, 3-5pm Pulled Pork Sandwich Meal, 5-6pm Live Auction, click here for flyer.

8/6 ~ Champions Forever Event by Advance Bourbon County, Fort Scott High School, 7-10pm, click here for more info!

8/10 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by Old Fort Genealogical Society, 221 S. National Ave, 8am

8/12 ~ Poverty Paradigm by Core Community of Bourbon County, Tickets are $10, all are welcomed and encouraged to attend, Fort Scott Middle School, click here for more info!


8/24 ~ Chamber Coffee and Ribbon Cutting at Structure by Margo, 19 S. National Ave.

8/26 ~ Todd Royce Comedy at Memorial Hall, 7-10pm, click here for more info.



Boutiques-Antiques-Flea Markets & more!

Click here for Chamber member

specialty shopping & other retail in

Downtown & other areas of the community.

Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue

Calendar of Events

Special Event Features

THANK YOU Chamber Champion members!!

Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.

Book Signing with Jessica Lynch Former POW Iraq 2003, Fort Scott Munitions!

Friday Night Concert in the Park

will be held @ First United Methodist Church tonight, July 28th, 6pm!

Click here for info.!

Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of the Splash Pad and Sensory Park! Come out and enjoy music, food trucks, and so much fun for ALL ages!

Sports Physicals & Immunizations at Bourbon County Health Department!

Mammography Event hosted by Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas!

Keith Meech Benefit – Pulled Pork Dinner – Live Auction – Raffle!

Grand Reopening and Expansion of Laree & Co on August 3

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member

Laree + Co….

Save the Date!

Join us for a Chamber Coffee & Ribbon Cutting

to celebrate the Grand Reopening & Expansion of

Laree + Co, Downtown Fort Scott!

Thursday, August 3rd, 8am

3 S. National Ave.

PLUS, exclusive access to shop before the

public reopening event on Saturday, August 5th!

*Door Prizes

*Breakfast Charcuterie Board

*Juice & Coffee

Laree + Co is also hiring for a full-time Sales Manager and 2 Sales Reps. If you or anyone you know is interested in these position, they can click here to apply!

Click here for the Laree + Co Storefront Facebook Page!

Click here for the Laree + Co Facebook Page!

Click here for the Laree + Co Community FB Group!

Click here for the Laree + Co website!

New Uniontown Teachers: Walker, Rucker, Ostrander, Onelio

This is part of a series on new teachers in Uniontown School District.

Enrollment for the district ends today from noon to 7 p.m.

Open House is August 15, from 4-6 p.m.

The first day of class is August 16.

There are 10 new teachers, one new junior/senior high school principal, Robert Onelio and a new School Resource Officer, Nick Trim.
Jacy Walker. Submitted photo..
Jacy Walker is a new sixth grade teacher at West Bourbon Elementary School.

She earned a  Bachelor’s Degree at Fort Hays State University and was a para educator for four years while taking classes.

This is her first year as a teacher.

“The best thing about teaching for me is being able to build long lasting relationships with all my students and watching them all become better versions of themselves everyday! ” she said.
“I think as a first year teacher there will probably be lots of challenges I face throughout the year,” she said. “But some that I anticipate and really want to work on ahead of time will be my pre-planning and time management in the classroom.”

Walker is the assistant Uniontown High School Girls Basketball coach, and also coaches in the youth basketball program.

Her family includes:  husband Tyler Walker and five daughters: Maya, Kennedy, Blayke, Berkley, and Jymma.
Laykn Rucker. Submitted photo.
Lakyn Rucker, will be a new first grade teacher at West Bourbon Elementary School.
She graduated from Ottawa University, with a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Elementary Education.
Rucker was a preschool teacher in Nevada for a year and then came to St. Mary’s Catholic School where she I taught kindergarten the last two years, she said.
For Rucker, the best part about teaching is seeing a student’s growth throughout a years time. “It is so rewarding,” she said.
She and husband, Riley,  have three children – Chate, Huxley, and Korbyn.
“When we aren’t working or chasing our kids around from one event to another, we enjoy being outside and spending time with our
family and friends,” she said.
Amanda Ostrander. Submitted photo.
Amanda Ostrander is a new preschool teacher at West Bourbon Elementary.

She received her education from  Fort Hays State University and has taught five years, with experience in special education and second grade.

“Forming relationships with my students and their families is the best thing about teaching,” she said . “(and)Finding ways to make learning fun!”

A challenge for her is “finding time for myself and finishing up all the additional courses I want to take.”
Her family includes her husband, five kids, and three dogs.
Abby Onelio. Submitted photo.

Abby Onelio will be teaching junior high and high school Spanish.

She earned a bachelors degree from Pittsburg State University in 2002; a Masters from Fort Hays State University in 2021 and has
five years teaching Spanish and English as a Second Language at Arkansas City High School.

“The best part of teaching for me is helping students to grow, improve and overcome obstacles,” she said.

For her, the biggest challenge for the upcoming school year will be so many big changes all at once, she said.

“My family and I are looking forward to becoming involved in the Uniontown and southeast Kansas community,” Onelio said.

She is married to Robert Onelio, the new 7-12 principal at Uniontown. They have four kids–Mia, 19; Gabe, 18; Natalia, 16; and Eva, 11.

Bo Co Coalition Agenda for August 2

We will have our regular General Membership meeting on Wednesday, August 2, in the Conference Room at the Scottview Apartments, 315 S. Scott

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Agenda


August 2, 2023



  1. Welcome: 



  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:



  1. Program:  Narcon training presented by April Jackson.  The September program will be presented by Cynthia Tucker, Community Coordinator for Loving Grace.



  1. Open Forum:



  1. Adjournment:  The next General Membership meeting will be September 6.


Counterfeit Religion by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche. 2023

Counterfeit religion is not in short supply.  Too many church-goers have been tricked into believing that they are going to Heaven because they do good works or fake behaviors that deceive.  They are in trouble.  There is no relationship with God.  There is no “new creation” after they claim they accepted Jesus into their lives.  There is no fruit blooming as a demonstration to others that they have matured in their walk with the Lord.

Oh, they go through the motions.  They take brownies to an ailing neighbor.  They bow their heads in prayer and are slightly bothered when someone takes God’s name in vain.  They promise to pray for hurting friends and volunteer at the church food bank.  Their Bibles lie open on their coffee tables, and they host prayer groups in their homes.  Still, no heart change exists.  There is no desire to become holy, even though 1 Peter 1:16b makes no bones about it when he repeats what God told the Israelites:  You shall be holy, for I am holy.

Before you decide to throw in the spiritual towel, please know this:   A pretend Christian is not a struggling Christian.  The latter describes every one of us; we all sin and mess up.  (Thank you, Jesus, that I’m not alone in this.)

But notice the clarity of God’s demand.  There is no “consider holiness” or “think about acting holy” or “hope you find holiness before you die.”  No such luck.  God wants more.  You. Shall. Be. Holy…

If you’re like me, you’re squirming.  Wouldn’t it be better if we were told just to “try a little harder” or “be nice” or “figure out a way to make people like you”?  Asking us to be “HOLY” seems a little too much, don’t you think?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter what we think.  It matters what God thinks, and that is the goal He has set for each of us.  We must pray for God to help us resist temptation and choose purity, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where we are displeasing our Creator, and study the Bible to know what is expected.

Counterfeit/pretend religion deceives.  It keeps us in acting mode.  We play the part well, while hiding the real us from others.

  • Our Cheshire grins, saved for neighbors or pew-mates, belie the alley-cat fights dominating our homelife.
  • A daily fix of Facebook draws us into quarrels as passions are ignited over differing political opinions or self-righteous, judgmental calls.
  • We belt out “Amazing Grace” from the first row of pews but once inside our car, tune our radios to secular music about sex and booze.
  • We cry out to God when an emergency arises but completely ignore Him once our prayers are answered.

Counterfeit Christians want the most of God with the least effort.  They desire to keep one foot in their daily pleasures and one foot in spiritual considerations.  James 4:4 addresses such a contradiction: Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Our goal needs to be to draw closer to God. But here’s the awesome part—that’s God’s goal too!  He is waiting with open arms for us to ask for His help to make us holy.  We are not left floundering, hoping we get smacked upside our heads with a halo.  All we have to do is ask with a sincere heart, “Heavenly Father, please teach me how to be holy.”  That’s my prayer.  I hope it’s yours too.




The Artificers In August  


The Artificers In August

August is almost here! Check out the calendar below for all the

classes and events happening this next Month!

Register for Classes Here!

Summer Review

All of your Favorite master and guest artist are sharing a show this First Friday! Come in during August 4th to have a last chance to see all their work together!

Classes Are Available On The Website!

All of the classes for the rest of the year are up on our website!

Go check them out and get in before everyone else!!

Check out all of our awesome classes here!

Obituary of Chester Bower

Chester “Chet” Eugene Bower, age 79, resident of Fort Scott, KS, died Tuesday morning, July 25, 2023, in his home after battling cancer. He was born on November 6, 1943, to Jesse and June Dunbar Bower.

He graduated from Uniontown High School in 1961, and married Linda Morilla in 1965. He worked the majority of his career in bridge building construction and after retiring, worked in house construction for a few years.

For the last 20 years he has enjoyed gardening and selling produce to the community through the Fort Scott Farmer’s Market.

He was a member of the Community Christian Church.

Throughout the years, he enjoyed coaching baseball, hunting, fishing, camping, playing cards, and spending time with his grandkids.

Survivors include his wife, Linda of the home; his son, Jerod Bower, Devon, KS; his daughter, Belinda Smith (Nathan), La Monte, MO; five grandchildren, Paige Stainbrook, Brenna Bower, Jenna Smith, Ethan
Smith, and Tyler Smith; and one sister, Roberta Rickman.

He was preceded in death by his father, Jesse Bower; his mother, June Dunbar Bower; four sisters, Mabel Bower Green, Margaret Bower Rhodes, and  two infant sisters; and five brothers, Jay Bower, Floyd Bower, Perry Bower, John Bower, and Leroy Bower.

There was cremation.

Rev. Dusty Drake will conduct memorial services at 11:00 AM Saturday, July 29 th , at the Community Christian Church. The family will receive friends from 10:00 AM until service time at the Church.

Memorials are suggested to Show-Me Christian Youth Home or Community Christian Church and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main St., Fort Scott, KS
66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at