Monthly Archives: March 2021
The Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office Daily Reports March 8
February Uniontown 4-H Report
The Uniontown 4-H club met on Sunday, February 14 2021 via zoom. There were 11 members and 3 leaders present. The club recognized all members that participated in 4-H Days, which was held via zoom on Saturday, February 4th.
Senior Reading – Bareigh Farrell – Top Blue.
Intermediate Reading – Kendyl Bloesser – Top Blue, Seth Shadden – Blue, and Hailey Shadden – Blue
Junior Reading – MaKinlee Bloesser – Red.
Intermediate Demonstration/ Illustrated Talk – Austin Maycumber – Top Blue.
Senior Instrumental – Bareigh Farrell – Top Blue
Senior Vocal Solo – Bareigh Farrell – Top Blue.
All participants receiving a top blue are able to move on to Regional 4H Days on March 6, 2021.
Beef tag-in is Wednesday, March 10, 2021, at Bourbon County Fairgrounds from 4 pm – 6 pm. Sheep, Meat Goat, and Swine Tag in: Wednesday, April 28 at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds. Also, Bourbon County Born animals need to be identified at tag-in to be eligible for that class. The next Uniontown 4H meeting is to be held on Sunday, March 14, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by Kendyl Bloesser, Club Reporter
Uniontown City Council Agenda For March 9
CALL TO ORDER AT ________ by _____________________________
ROLL CALL: ___ Jess Ervin ___ Danea Esslinger ___ Josh Hartman ___ Amber Kelly ___ Charles Wehry
Personal Service Insurance, Loren & Matt Korte
Charlene Bolinger – Financial reports
A. Minutes of February 9, 2021 Regular Council Meeting and February 18, 2021 Special Council Meeting
B. Treasurers Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables
Superintendent: Bobby Rich
Codes Enforcement: Doug Coyan
Dog bite
Clerk Report: Sally Johnson
Citywide yard sale – May or August
Meter Deposit Refund –
Councilman Ervin –
Councilwoman Esslinger –
Councilman Hartman –
Councilwoman Kelly –
Councilman Wehry –
Mayor Jurgensen –
Whether to pass on gas daily gas prices in February to customers –
Utility Hearings –
Uniontown City Council Unapproved Minutes of Feb. 18
The Special City Council Meeting on February 18, 2021 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Josh Hartman (by phone), Amber Kelly, and Charles Wehry. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Joe George, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.
To Discuss and make decisions on the following topics:
KMGA February 17, 2021 invoice – Invoice consisted of usual March 2021 estimate prepayment, January 2021 true up, but also included a Collateral Call to reimburse for the $1,000,000 cash collateral required to secure gas to all of their members through the holiday weekend. Our portion of the collateral call is $6,295. Invoice is due by Monday, February 22, 2021 instead of the usual 30 days.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Wehry, Approved 5-0 to pay the KMGA February 17, 2021 invoice in the amount of $10,178.22 by March 22, 2021
How to pay KMGA March Invoice – Council reviewed the usage to date and the daily indexes to date. Clerk Johnson estimates the bill to be $133,678.47 without the collateral call adjusted back off. She will ask KMGA if the collateral call will be adjusted on the next billing and if we could possibly get a month-to-date or weekly statements/invoices to better understand the true financial impact for the month. Council will look at whether to pass on to customers, how much, and in what manner at the March 9, 2021 regular meeting.
Finalize emergency procedures for this gas/extreme weather emergency. Mayor Jurgensen, Councilman Wehry, Superintendent Rich, and Clerk Johnson met on February 16, 2021 with Will Wallis, Bourbon County Emergency Manager, and Commissioner Lynne Oharah.
Bourbon County Emergency Management has cots, blankets, etc needed to set up a warming station. Clerk Johnson had spoken with Bret Howard, Superintendent USD #235, about using the WBE gym for a warming station in the event of loss of gas. It was verbally agreed on. A calling tree has been set up to notify gas customers in the event of loss of gas.
Superintendent Rich informed that manpower would be an issue if this occurred. All gas meters would have to shut off and when flow was reinstated all meters would have to be turned on, bled, and all pilots lit. This would require several people if to be done in a timely manner and each person would have to have to proper tools to complete the task. It was suggested to compile 4-5 tool kits with all the tools that would be needed.
The emergency procedures for a loss of gas event would be:
- Notify Bourbon County Emergency Management and USD 235.
- Notify Governing Body to implement calling tree. If no answer, visit the location. If they have special needs or need transportation they are to call City Hall.
- Shut off meters.
- Help transport citizens to warming station.
- End of event, an adult household member must be present to turn on gas, bleed lines, and light pilots.
Council also approved a public statement:
As many of you have heard, with the extreme cold we have recently experienced, gas prices have skyrocketed. At this time the City of Uniontown is able to pay for the gas we supply to you. However, a portion of this may have to be passed on to you. We have an emergency plan if for some reason our gas supplier is unable to supply us. We appreciate all of the conservation efforts you have put forth and ask that you continue to conserve. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Moved by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 8:40PM
Uniontown City Council Unapproved Minutes of Feb. 9
The Regular City Council Meeting on February 9, 2021 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Josh Hartman, Amber Kelly, and Charles Wehry. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Mark Warren, City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.
Smoothwall firewall & guest internet connections, Mark Warren – Mark started out going over all the technology that has been added. He gave a quick tutorial on the function of the Smoothwall firewall and presented options for allowing access to WIFI by guests.
Motion by Hartman, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to allow guests open WIFI access with acceptance of terms and conditions before connection
Treasurer Bolinger presented the January Treasurer’s Report. Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $401,098.47, Receipts $70,486.17, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $19,809.54, Checking Account Closing Balance $448,749.10. Bank Statement Balance $453,583.25, including Checking Account Interest of $36.11, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $4,834.15, Reconciled Balance $448,749.10. Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $26,921.23, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $17,390.08, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $23,221.60, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $516,282.01. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $36.11 and Utility CDs $0 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $36.11. Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of January 2021, Beginning Balance $225.33, Receipts $197.23, Expenditures $197.23, Ending Balance $225.33. January Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,400.00, from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,622.00, for Total Transfers of $3,026.00. Net Income for the month of January $47,650.63, Year-to-Date Net Income $47,650.63. Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $8,828.46 (8.8%), Expenditures $6,048.52 (4.9%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $3,048.49 (8.8%), Expenditures $1,969.31 (4.5%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $20,260.03 (15.7%), Expenditures $7,280.52 (2.2%); General Fund YTD Revenue $33,588.86 (45.6%), Expenditures $6,834.21 (4.2%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $1,734.33 (29.0%), Expenditures $0 (0.0%). The February 2021 estimated payables in the amount of $46,224.68 were presented.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda including:
- Minutes of January 19, 2021 Regular Council Meeting
- Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables
Mark Warren gave an update on the medical clinic. Building is ready. They are looking for a local nurse practitioner. They will be open three days a week to begin.
Superintendent Rich reported that the steel basketball backboard was received and installed. Clerk Johnson reported that the backboards were donated by the school. A partial payment by the vandal has been received.
The amount of water kept in the tank was discussed. He will keep the tank at a level to accommodate weather and fire protection.
Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan reported that letters regarding the dog bite were sent to the owner of the dog and to the complainant. We have received no response from the Smith Estate regarding the punch list letter from our attorney.
Clerk Johnson stated that the Park Committee would like for their funds to be used for a dedicated pickleball court with a fence at 105 Third St. It was also suggested to consider 210 Sherman St as it already has a cement slab. She will look into measurements for the court and measurements of the lots suggested and the cost of building/fencing a court.
A contract for 2020 financial audit was received from Diehl, Banwart, Bolton.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to accept contract from Diehl, Banwart, Bolton for 2020 financial audit
Clerk Johnson received an inquiry about citywide yard sale. It was decided to have ours the weekend before or the weekend after Fort Scott has theirs. Citywide cleanup was also discussed. It was decided that due to amount of misuse of the service last year that we will not host a citywide cleanup this year.
The Cornhole project based learning group notified us that the target date to complete the project is April 1. Clerk will send a response to have someone from the group and their project teacher contact Superintendent Rich about placement and timing.
A voting delegate needs to be selected for KRWA.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Wehry, Approved 5-0 to appoint Bobby Rich as KRWA voting delegate
A Notice of Conditional Renewal was received from EMC regarding communicable disease exclusion endorsements on the general liability coverage.
Councilman Ervin – nothing
Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing
Councilman Hartman – nothing
Councilwoman Kelly – nothing
Councilman Wehry – nothing
Mayor Jurgensen – nothing
Liquor Sales and Sunday CMB Sales – an ordinance authorizing the retail sale of liquor and an ordinance authorizing Sunday sales of liquor and CMB was presented.
Motion by Hartman, Second by Wehry, Approved 5-0 to adopt Ordinance No. 190 authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquor within the city limits of Uniontown, Bourbon County, Kansas
Motion by Kelly, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to set the biennial occupation tax at $200 on Ordinance No. 190
Motion by Hartman, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to adopt Ordinance No. 191 authorizing Sunday sales of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverage in the original package within the city limits of Uniontown, Bourbon County, Kansas
Ordinance No. 191 must be published two consecutive weeks on the same day of the week, allow for a 60 day petition period, and, if petitioned, put before the voters before becoming effective. If no petition filed, the ordinance will become effective April 22, 2021.
SPARK funding – Clerk Johnson still has not received a ship date on the service window. The $225.33 left in the project account is for reimbursement of expenditures between March and June of 2020. These funds were transferred to the general fund February.
Water Rate Increase – a notice of a 5% rate increase from Consolidated RWD #2 was received. Treasurer Bolinger and Clerk Johnson presented some options on passing the increase on to our customers.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to accept Option B, increase minimum charge 5% (to $25.69 inside city limits, $26.87 outside city limits) and usage charge 5% (to $11.56 inside city limits, $12.10 outside city limits) and adopt Ordinance No. 192 repealing Ordinance No. 188, relating to water rates and amending any previous ordinances or resolutions setting forth water rates for the City of Uniontown, Kansas
Moved by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 8:47PM
Colon Health Screening Offered
NRMC to Offer Free Colon Health Screening
Nevada Regional Medical Center (NRMC) will offer free colon health screening kits Monday, March 8 in honor of Colon Health Month. The free kits will be available in the main lobby of NRMC from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. while supplies last.
Colorectal cancer is one of the 5 most common cancers in men and women in the United States. It is just as common among women as men. Colorectal cancer is also one of the leading causes of cancer death in the United States. Although there are no symptoms in the beginning, colorectal cancer is highly preventable through screening. This type of cancer almost always starts with a small growth called a polyp. If the polyp is found early, doctors can remove it and stop colorectal cancer before it starts.
To help lower your chances of getting colorectal cancer:
• Get to and stay at a healthy weight
• Be physically active
• Limit the amount of alcohol you drink
• Eat a diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and less red or processed meat.
The American Cancer Society recommends screening for colon cancer every year beginning at age 50 for people with no risk factors other than age. Testing is painless, can be done in the privacy of your own home, and it can save your life. For more information or to begin with a consultation, call Nevada Regional Medical Center Professional Practice Clinic at (417) 448-2121.
About Nevada Regional Medical Center
Serving a six-county area since 1937, Nevada Regional Medical Center is a 71-bed acute, intensive and skilled care hospital. Nevada Regional Medical Center has earned recognition as a respected regional medical center for its comprehensive health care services, skilled and caring employees and state-of-the-art medical technology. Staff represent more than a dozen medical specialties, including family practice, women’s services, neurology, urology, psychiatry, orthopedics, wound care services, and general, vascular, thoracic and oncological surgery. Additionally, consultation clinics are held regularly by specialists in oncology, pulmonology, podiatry, ear, nose, and throat and cardiology.
Bourbon County Commission Agenda For March 9
Bourbon County Commission Room
1st Floor, County Courthouse
210 S. National Avenue
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Tuesdays starting at 9:00
Date: March 9, 2021
1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________
2nd District-Jim Harris Corrected: _______________
3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________
County Clerk-Kendell Mason
Call to Order
- Flag Salute
- Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
- Eric Bailey – Road and Bridge Report
- Discussion-Does the county want to take hay bids for Elm Creek
- Health Insurance for 2022
- Discussion regarding Dispatch
- Lora Holdridge – Roads
- County Counselor Comment
- Public Comment
- Commission Comment
Fruit Tree Dormant Oil Application
Winter is still holding on, although I’m optimistic that spring might be within sight. Hopefully we will get some nice warm days here in March since February didn’t have very many to offer us. When we do, have your dormant oil sprays ready for application.
There are a number of dormant sprays used on fruit trees and other plants to control various diseases and insects. However, a dormant oil spray is designed to control scale insects, aphids and mites. Just like the name implies, dormant oils are applied before the tree begins to bud. Dormant oil sprays are important because some pests attack before visible growth even begins. If you have a problem with scale, now is the time to start watching the weather and look for an opportunity to spray.
Scale insects can be seen easily this time of year since there a no leaves. Scale insects are easily overlooked because they are small and immobile most of their lives, and they do not resemble most other insects. Many of them resemble small shells that are oval or circular. Coloring varies but can include white, tan and brown. Plants that should be inspected for scales include apple, pear, other fruit trees, lilac, crabapple, oak, ash, elm, maple, arborvitae, juniper, pine, spruce, euonymus and yew.
Plants are not harmed if only a few scales are present, but scale population can increase dramatically during the growing season. Heavy scale infestations can damage fruit crops, destroy branches and kill entire plants.
Normally sprays should be applied around March 1, especially with peaches and nectarines. Apples are tougher and application may be delayed up to the green tip stage. Temperatures need to be at least 40 degrees so spray has a chance to dry before freezing. If the spray does freeze before it dries, plant injury can occur. Applying the spray during the morning will help insure that it dries properly. It is much easier to achieve good spray coverage if the tree is pruned before spraying.
The Extension office has several publications outlining the fruit spray schedule for the entire growing season.
Now is an excellent time to prune. Pruning can be done in March. Prune on days when the temperature is above 20 degrees to prevent injury. Prune older trees first because older, larger wood tolerates lower temperatures than young trees with small diameter wood.
If your trees are overgrown, out of control and you just don’t know where to begin, stop by the Extension office and pick up a pruning publication. This publication offers step-by-step instructions on pruning overgrown trees and it also has nice diagrams.
Krista Harding is a K-State Research and Extension Agricultural agent assigned to Southwind District. She may be reached at [email protected] or 620-244-3826.
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Thinking About Retirement? What is Your Mental State on the Topic?
Most often financial preparedness comes to mind when we think about retirement. There are a lot of variables that can create a big gray area in knowing if you have put enough back to live comfortably and do the things you have longed to do in retirement.
Feeling financially prepared can relieve a lot of worry and lends to the thought there will be smooth sailing in retirement. However, we may not be giving enough consideration to our mental preparedness toward retirement.
Retirement is an exciting adventure for most. The term liberation comes to mind. There may be a sense of freedom to do what you want when you want and the ability to start tackling your bucket list. It’s a major transition – moving from a structured work life as you are “getting a new life.” Be prepared to be patient with yourself and those in your household who are experiencing this “new life” transition along with you.
Being productive and having purpose is important in retirement. Getting that all figured out is a normal process for retirees. Having some hobbies in place before retirement is helpful in creating that sense of purpose. Give thought to volunteer opportunities that may be available. Be vigilant in concentrating on those undertakings that are important to you. Volunteering can fill a void and foster new relationships and environments to spend productive time. On the other hand, committing to too much can be overwhelming and taxing on your health.
When considering retirement, it is important to be aware of the effects retirement might have on your most meaningful relationships. Being together with your loved ones more frequently can be wonderful but may also be too much at the same time. The key is to talk about your fears, expectations, and concerns with your loved ones and friends ahead of time. Some helpful questions to consider discussing with family members and close friends include:
- When I retire, I picture spending my time doing ______. How do you feel about that? How/when would you like to be involved?
- What would you like for us to accomplish together once I retire?
- How do you picture balancing our personal space/personal interests with participating in joint activities or socializing together once I retire?
Our expectations and assumptions for retirement may not match up with those we plan to spend time with. There may be expectations that more time together will be automatically accepted. That may not be the desired outcome for one of the parties. It’s good to get those out in the open prior to transitioning.
Retirement can be a rollercoaster of emotions and adventures, both fun and nerve-wracking. Not only are you leaving something, you will be starting something new. There will likely be not one but many transitions. Prepare yourself mentally for the unexpected. Realizing that ups-and-downs are likely to happen, and that it is okay, will help in re-establishing your sense of purpose and assist in enjoying retired life.
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Tax Credits Program Announced
Governor Laura Kelly Announces Applications Are Open For Community Service Tax Credit Program
~ CSP provides tax credits to donors to help nonprofit organizations and public healthcare entities fund major community improvement campaigns ~
TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced that applications are currently being accepted for the Community Service Tax Credit Program (CSP).
“The Community Service Tax Program helps local nonprofit and healthcare organizations improve the health and economic wellbeing of their communities by streamlining their fundraising efforts,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “This program will encourage local solutions to local problems and improve the quality of life for Kansans now and into the future. Good luck to all that apply to this exciting initiative.”
CSP assists private nonprofit organizations and public healthcare entities in undertaking major capital campaigns for projects involving:
- Children and family services
- Non-governmental crime prevention
- Youth apprenticeship
- Youth technical training
- Health care
Under this program, the state authorizes nonprofit organizations to offer tax credits to donors making contributions towards approved projects. Organizations are chosen through a competitive selection process. The application window is open through April 30, 2021 at
Proposed projects should be unique or one-time in nature and create a lasting value for charitable organizations. For example, projects might include a capital campaign, major equipment purchase, major renovation, capacity building, etc.
As was the case in 2020, CSP has earmarked $1 million for childcare and early childhood development projects for services to those under the age of 5.
“These tax credits are an incredible opportunity for our state’s nonprofit organizations to create unique, meaningful changes for the people they serve,” Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland said. “Tell us about your initiative, and if it’s a good fit for the CSP program, we’ll provide this significant resource to help make it a reality.”
Applicants may request up to $250,000 in tax credits. Applicant organizations in rural areas (less than 15,000 population) are eligible for a 70 percent credit. Applicant organizations in non-rural areas are eligible for a 50 percent credit.
CSP is administered by the Community Development Division in the Department of Commerce. More information on the program, guidelines, and application process may be found online here.
About the Kansas Department of Commerce
As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses.
About the Community Development Division
Established in 2019, the Community Development Division at the Kansas Department of Commerce exists to improve quality-of-life in communities across the state through various programs and services. The Kansas Department of Commerce understands the immense role played by strong communities in economic development and prioritizes investments in people and communities as major contributors to the overall strength of the Kansas economy. To learn more, visit the Community Development page at the Kansas Commerce website.