Agenda for the FS City Commission for Oct. 15



City Hall Commission Room – 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

October 15, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.


  1.     Call to Order
  2.     Roll Call

Tim VanHoecke,   Matthew Wells,   Dyllon Olson,   Kathryn Salsbury,  Tracy Dancer

III.       Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Invocation
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Consent Agenda
  4. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1370-A – Expense Approval Report – Payment Dates of September 25, 2024 – October 8, 2024$ 734,821.86
  5. Approval of Minutes for October 1, 2024.
  6. September Financials


VII.    Public CommentSign up required before the beginning of the meeting on register at the entrance of the Commission Room. Public Comments are for any topic not on the agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at the Commission’s discretion.

VIII.     AppearancesMust be scheduled with the City Clerk at least (1) week prior to the meeting             

              you wish to address the Commission. You will be scheduled on the agenda to speak on your topic.


  1. Kathy Dancer – Alley Repairs in Downtown Fort Scott


  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Status of Building at 118 E. Wall Requested documents from owner due per October 1, 2024, extension approved until October 15, 2024.
  3. Consideration to Approve Renewal of the Downtown Historic District and Riverfront Park Common Consumption Area Permit (existing Ordinance No. 3756) – annual permit expires November 21, 2024 – Tabled from October 1, 2024.


  1. New Business


Public Hearing:

  1. Consideration to Approve Ordinance No. 3771 – Floodplain Management Ordinance – Pursuant to 44 CFR Sect. 60.3(d) – Regulatory Floodway Identified, K.S.A. 12-766 and K.A.R. 5-44-1 through 5-44-7 Wyatt, N. Nation, B. Allen


  1. Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 28-2024 – Directing the Repair or Removal of an Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 1721 E. Wall
  2. Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 29-2024 – Directing the Repair or Removal of an Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 323 W. Wall
  3. Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 30-2024 – Directing the Repair or Removal of an Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 1619 E. Pine
  4. Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 31-2024 – Directing the Repair or Removal of an Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure at 1105 E. Scott
  5. Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 32-2024 – Directing the Repair or Removal of an Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure at 402 S. Lowman
  6. Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 33-2024 – Directing the Repair or Removal of an Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure at 418 S. Couch


Action Items:

  1. Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 27-2024 – Operation Greenlight for Veterans – that in observance of Operation Green Light, the City of Fort Scott, Kansas encourages its citizens in patriotic tradition to recognize the importance of honoring all those who made immeasurable sacrifices to preserve freedom by displaying green lights in a window of their place of business or residence from November 4th through the 11th, 2024 – Submitted by Michael Hoyt
  2. Consideration to Approve Healthcare MOU
  3. Consideration to Approve Federal-Aid Fund Exchange Master Agreement
  4. Consideration to Appoint Ann Rawlins to the Fort Scott Planning Commission – Recommended by the Planning Commission on October 2, 2024, to fill the vacant seat of the (7) member Commission.
  5. Consideration of MOU Between City of Fort Scott and Old Fort Genealogical Society (OFGS) for Usage of the Eastern Side, Lower Level of Memorial Hall
  6. Consideration of a Change Order on Project No. 6 U-2455-01 Horton St. & 6th Project – Replace/Repair Inlet and Manholes – J. Dickman
  7. Reports and Comments
  8. City Manager Comments
  9. Engineering Comments
  10.  Commissioners Comments
  11. City Attorney Comments


XII.      Adjourn

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