Christian Fruitcakes by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker

Christian Fruitcakes


Generally speaking, most people have strong opinions about fruitcake. In the late 1970s, the company I worked for sent fruitcakes to their clients at Christmastime. At the end of the season there were a few left, so I would be given one. I still remember the perfect deliciousness of it — I was in fruitcake heaven! Sadly, a few years later, this particular brand was no longer available. I sampled a lot of dry and awful fruitcakes before I finally found one that came close to Colonial‘s Rainbow Fruitcake. When I visit with friends during the holidays that say they don’t like fruitcake, I always respond, “That’s because you’ve never eaten a good one. I love good fruitcake, but I hate bad fruitcake.”


When King David had the Ark of God brought to Jerusalem, it was a splendid  celebration. David and all the people were praising the Lord with all types of musical instruments, and the king was leaping and dancing before the Lord with all his might.  David blessed the Israelites and, “He distributed to all the people, the entire multitude of Israel, both men and women, one bread cake, one date cake, and one raisin cake to each one. Then all the people left, each to his house” (2 Samuel 6:18-19 MEV). This was the first fruitcake party recorded in the Old Testament. Because this special occasion was celebrated with fruitcakes, maybe that’s why we celebrate the birth of Jesus with fruitcakes. (Thankfully, we do a bunch of other things at Christmas besides eat fruitcake.)


I think Christians and fruitcakes are similar in the fact that some are good and some are bad. Not all fruitcakes are alike. The good fruitcakes get a bad rap because of the bad ones. And not all Christians are alike. Many represent Christ well and some…not so much. Jesus said, “If you know Me, you will know my Father also” (John 14:7 NRSA). Jesus represented His Father excellently. How well do we represent Jesus as we go about our daily lives at home, church, work, and play? Are we doing a good job or a bad job? Believers need to search their heart regularly to see if there’s any bad stuff that needs to be eradicated. We don’t want to be a bad representative of Jesus because that will delude and discourage others from coming to Christ. And it makes us look like a nut.


Being dry is one of the main issues that gives fruitcakes and Christians a bad rating. A dry Christian is often due to a lack of faithful church attendance and neglect of personal Bible study and prayer. A dry fruitcake is simply not worth the effort to chew it. Jesus said, “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth!“ (Revelation 3:15-16 NLT).


A Christ follower’s highest priority should be to live a Christ-like life. Onlookers need to see our actions backing up what we say we believe. The people we rub shoulders with need to see evidence of our faith and the fruit of the Spirit working in our lives. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are essential and never go out of style. If we come up short on any of these ingredients, we can go to our merciful God to ask for help. He’s a good God who’s never in short supply. When we’re running low on essentials, God’s mercies to us are new every morning.


The Key: It’s OK to be nutty as a fruitcake as long as it’s a good one.  It’s those bad ones you have to watch out for.

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