FSCC Board Minutes of April 29

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
April 29, 2024

PRESENT: Ronda Bailey, John Bartelsmeyer, Jim Fewins, Bryan Holt, Chad McKinnis, and Doug Ropp

ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler-President, Juley McDaniel-Board Clerk, Seth Carter, staff

Chairman Holt called the meeting to order at 9:01 am in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Ropp, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for one hour beginning at 9:01 am to discuss personnel matters of non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussion of identifiable personal information of non-elected personnel. The board invited
Dr. Kegler and Dr. Seth Carter to join.

OPEN SESSION: At 10:02 am a motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Bailey, and carried by
unanimous vote to return to open session.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Ropp, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session at 10:02 am for 45 minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel as it
relates to discussion of identifiable personal information of non-elected personnel. The board invited Dr. Kegler and
Dr. Seth Carter to join.

OPEN SESSION: At 10:47 am a motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by
unanimous vote to return to open session. Ropp left the meeting.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session at 10:48 am for 20 minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel as it
relates to discussion of identifiable personal information of non-elected personnel. The board invited Dr. Kegler and
Dr. Seth Carter to join.

OPEN SESSION: A motion was made by McKinnis, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to return
to open session at 11:10 am.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
11:11 am by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman Clerk

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