Online Sales Tax Being Considered In Kansas

Senator Richard Hilderbrand, Republican, Senator from Galena, can be contacted by email [email protected] or cell phone 417.529.3262 .

The United State Supreme Court ruled recently ruled that states can now collect online sales tax from out-of-state vendors, according to a press release from Richard Hilderbrand (R-Galena).

“Before the Kansas Legislature moves forward, we must look closely to see how this will impact hardworking Kansans,” Hilderbrand said.

“The Supreme Court opinion on online sales taxes would work like this,” he said. ” Any taxing entity in the U.S; can now collect sales tax from any business that sells online to a customer that resides in their taxing jurisdiction.”

“This will put a huge burden on small businesses that currently sell online,” Hilderbrand said. “They will now have to answer to thousands of taxing entities. They will have to know what each sales tax rate is, and will also be subject to audits from those taxing entities.”

“Because this is an interstate commerce issue, it will be up to our U.S. Congress, and U.S. Senate to address this situation,” Hilderbrand said. “The state will have to decide on whether or not to start collecting taxes on out of state businesses that sell online to Kansas citizens. If the state decides to start collecting that sales tax, it will be another tax increase on Kansas citizens.”

“We cannot place another tax hike onto Kansas taxpayers for the third year in a row.  An implementation of online sales tax must be coupled with a decrease in the overall sales tax rate. It is an embarrassment that Kansans pay some of the highest sales taxes in the Midwest. Our first priority should be to ease the financial burden on families by making Kansas a more affordable state,” according to the press release.”

“In 2017, the legislators passed a $1.2 billion retroactive income tax increase on the citizens of Kansas,” Hilderbrand said. “In 2018. the legislators failed to pass a tax-reform bill that would have allowed the citizens of Kansas to take advantage of the federal revenue windfall.”
“In failing to pass this legislation a significant number of Kansans, who previously benefited from income tax relief by itemizing deductions on Kansas returns, will no longer be able to do so because they will not be able to itemize at the federal level,” he said.
“The result of not passing this bill, is another income tax increase, specifically on Kansas homeowners who claimed the mortgage interest and property tax deductions in years past,” he said.
“The Senate passed this bill 21-19, but it failed in the house on a 59-59 vote. By not passing this tax-reform bill, it will lead to a tax increase of almost $500 million over the next three years,” Hilderbrand said.
“In 2019 the legislators will now be faced with this U.S. Supreme Court opinion and how it will affect our citizens. There are a lot of legislators that want to collect that extra tax and spend it. If that happens that will make it three years in a row that Kansans’ would have had a tax increase. If we are going to be serious about allowing our business’s in Kansas to be more competitive with our neighboring states, we cannot continue to be the highest sales tax state in the midwest.”

“The sales tax rate must be lowered so Kansans can keep more of their money in their pockets instead of being forced to send more and more money to Topeka,” Hilderbrand said.


Shead’s High Tunnel Hoop House In Place and Producing

Vickie Shead stands in front of her new high tunnel hoop house on the family farm, named by the family “The Garden of Eden”.

Following a lifelong dream to experiment with gardening in a controlled environment, Vickie Shead, rural Garland, applied for and received funding to build what is called a high tunnel or hoop house on the family farm.

Vickie Shead shows the growth of a cucumber vine in her hoop house, one of 22 varities of vegetables grown in the controlled environment.

Since getting it up and going this year, there has been a learning curve in gardening.

“I thought I knew about gardening,’ she said. “But I have learned a lot.”

“We realize that this year is a huge learning curve as we have everything to learn about this new way of growing quality, organic produce.  We are very thankful for the grant helping us get started in this adventure in gardening,” Vickie said.

The inside view of the Shead hoop house.

The addition of mesh siding to keep out pests has cut back on much of the insects that normally feed on garden produce, but she has help to work on the insects that do manage to get in.

Her grandchildren.

They help by handpicking insects and insect eggs and also weeding in the high tunnel garden bed.

She also uses low-technology help such as sticky yellow pads, much like flycatchers of old, to aid in getting rid of insects.

One of the ways Vickie Shead helps reduce the insects in the hoop house is with this large sticky yellow flycatcher. One can see it is successful by the number of insects on it. Her grandchildren also help my handpicking insects and their eggs off the produce.

And additionally, they added insect cloth on the sides of the hoop house to lessen insect invasion.

“I needed a controlled environment from the weather and insects,” she said.

The Sheads use no chemicals on their gardens.

The following is an interview with Vickie Shead.

What is a high tunnel growing system?  Where did you get the grant from?
“High Tunnel System Initiative, commonly called a ‘hoop house,’ is an increasingly popular conservation practice for farmers, and is available with financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and can be applied for through the NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service).”
“The seasonal high tunnel system for crops does not include greenhouses or low tunnel systems covering single crop rows.”
What is the grant for?

“The goal is to assist producers to extend the growing season for high-value crops in an environmentally safe manner.”

“NRCS hopes to encourage growers with high tunnels which can aid in improving plant quality, soil quality, reduce nutrient and pesticide transport, improve air quality through reduced transportation inputs, and reduce energy use through local consumption.  It is to be used on cropland where climatic conditions due to heat, cold, severe weather may interfere with the producing of vegetables, fruits, and other consumable crops.”
“The grant allows the producer to choose the company, the size, the style, and method of installation for their high tunnel kit.”
 How much was the grant for?
“When we applied, we received a grant for $6,732 for our high tunnel system.  
However, in order to adhere to the Shead-Spread Farm’s organic standards and future plans, we added to the grant with our own money so that we could comply to organic certification we wish to obtain in the near future.  The additions included: metal framework instead of treated lumber, roll down sides and fans to increase ventiation, end walls with big doors, and shade cloth for temperature control and insect cloth (50% shade cloth) to lessen insect invasion.  These additions have proven to make a wonderful growing environment that we fondly call ‘The Garden of Eden’.”
When did you get it?   When did you get it up?
“The grant was received in the fall of 2016. The 60  x 30 feet Gothic Style High Tunnel wasn’t erected until July of 2017, so this is the Shead’s first growing season. We classify this as the learning season!

It is an on-going project far from finished.  

We have yet to add permanent plumbing, electrical wiring, and rainwater irrigation system, all of which are awaiting financial resources.”
 Why did you seek the grant?
“For many years, the Shead-Spread Farm has provided fresh, organic, nutrient-packed produce from our gardens and orchards.These fruits and vegetables have fed four families (their children and grandchildren) and are used either fresh, canned, frozen, or dried.  We hope to expand the growing season of our organic crops in order to sell our quality fruits and vegetables, along with our dried and powdered products through the local Fort Scott Farmer’s Market, at the farm, and through the internet. “
The Shead’s call their farm The Shead Spread.
“However, we found that because Kansas abounds in insects, growing organic vegetables and fruits is tedious and time-consuming and next to impossible.  We needed a more controlled environment for improving plant quality and climatic conditions.”
“The NRCS High Tunnel Initiative was just what we needed because it helps producers raise crops in a more controlled environment, which reduces insects, protects the plants from wind and storm damage, and lengthens the growing season. “
Who is involved in your work in the high tunnel?
” I am the instigator of the project with my husband, Larry, as the main support and muscles.  However, other family members also help, including many of our 17 grandchildren, who are often by my side as I work.”
The Larry and Vickie Shead farm, Garland.


K-State Offers Kids Cooking Classes in Ft. Scott and Bronson June 26-28

K-State Extension will offer cooking classes this week for area children 2nd through 5th grade.
During each class, all students will prepare and then consume the different dishes.
Ft. Scott Cooking Classes

Summer Cooking Classes by K-State Research and Extension will begin on June 26 and continue through June 28 at the First United Methodist Church basement, in Fort Scott. The classes will include students that have completed 2nd-5th graders and are full with 24 enrolled students. The classes will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m.

Bronson Cooking Classes
The Bronson cooking classes will begin on June 26 and continue through June 28 at the Bronson Community Center.  Classes will be from 2-4: 30 p.m.

For more information

 contact Terri Kretzmeier at [email protected]

No Plant Question is Too Challenging

Krista Harding is a K-State Research and Extension Agricultural agent assigned to Southwind District.

Nineteen years – that’s how long I have been a K-State Extension agent and it has been a very good career for me! I thoroughly enjoy visiting with people and helping whenever I can.

When I began as an agent, I was amazed by the fact that not everyone knew what the Extension service was. I always heard the phrase “Extension is the best-kept secret” and I thought to myself….I’m going to change that!

Unfortunately, nineteen years later, I still frequently visit with folks that have absolutely no idea of the services the Extension office can provide. So many services in fact, it’s too numerous to list. But one of those that I want to draw your attention to is our horticulture services.

Anyone that has a lawn or landscape can benefit from the local Extension office. The weeds you try to keep from growing in your lawn, or the tree that has holes in the trunk, or the spots on your tomato leaves are all areas the Extension office can help you.

We offer you that one-on-one personal service that you cannot get from Google.

From the Extension office, you can obtain information on trees, turf, flowers, insects, gardens, soils and other related topics specific to Kansas. The key point here is – specific to KANSAS.

It is so easy to just turn to the internet to find information. However, many times the information you find is from another state and it is not relevant to our area. Or worse, it is inaccurate.

The Extension office can assist you with any specific plant or insect problem you may encounter – free of charge. Home visits are also available.

There are never any dumb questions when you call the Extension office. My job is to help the public with whatever question or issue they may have and to try to educate them. I may not always have the answer they are looking for immediately, but 99% of the time I can find an answer. We also have access to K-State specialists and laboratory diagnostic services.

This summer, there are three demonstration gardens in the Southwind District for people to view and take notes of plant performance.

Pepper plants are being trialed at the Elm Creek Community Garden in Iola, tomato plants at the Cherry Street Youth Center and squash at the community garden in Fort Scott. The plots are labeled so feel free to stop by and take a look.

I am most excited about the tomato trials at Cherry Street. This is a great learning opportunity for the youth! They are working under the direction of Denise Hastings who is an Extension Master Gardener. The youth will record data and make careful observations of the varieties. At the end of the season, results will be reported to K-State and combined with other data from other trials across the state. All of this data will be used to help update the list of K-State recommended vegetable cultivars.

During the growing season, I am in the Erie office Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Iola on Tuesday and Fort Scott on Thursday.

However, you can always reach me by e-mailing [email protected] or call 620-244-3826.

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Open House for Woodson County Extension

Carla Nemecek is Southwind District Director and agent.

Please join the Southwind Extension District next Thursday, July 28 as we host an Open House to welcome Woodson County to Southwind Family.


Effective July 1, 2018, Woodson County Extension will join the Southwind Extension District. We will celebrate this important merger with refreshments and fellowship on Thursday, July 28 at a come-and-go reception in the Yates Center Office, 211 W. Butler from 2pm-6pm.


Staff and board members will be present at the Extension Office to answer your questions about the District and explain what K-State Research & Extension can do to better serve the residents of Woodson County.


Currently, the Extension programs in Neosho, Bourbon, Allen and Woodson Counties consists of 4 Office Professionals and 8 Agents with specialized expertise in 4-H & Youth Development, Food & Nutrition, Adult Development & Aging, Financial Management, Horticulture, Community Leadership, Livestock Production, and Forage Management.


For more information, please contact Carla Nemecek, Southwind District Director at 620-365-2242.

Medicaid Program Awards Health Care Organizations

State of Kansas Awards Medicaid Contracts to Three Managed Care Companies

Aetna welcomed as new KanCare MCO, Sunflower and United continue service


TOPEKA –  Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Secretary Jeff Andersen and State Medicaid Director Jon Hamdorf are pleased to announce the selection of three managed care organizations (MCOs) that will serve the Kansas Medicaid program, known as KanCare. The contracts include one new organization and two current KanCare companies.


The companies include:

  • Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc.
  • United Healthcare, Midwest Inc.
  • Aetna Better Health of Kansas, Inc.


The MCOs were selected from a pool of six candidates, which submitted bids during a Request for Proposal (RFP) process that concluded yesterday, June 21, when the winning bidders signed their contracts with the State of Kansas, through the Kansas Department of Administration.


“We appreciate the tremendous feedback we have received every step of the way as the contract language was developed,” Secretary Andersen said. “We took into consideration the concerns we received from KanCare consumers, advocacy groups, legislators and other stakeholders. We strive to provide Kansans with a cost-effective and dependable Medicaid program that serves their needs, and the new contracts will further that objective.”


Some of the key improvements in the new contracts include:

  • Greater oversight and accountability
  • Improved response to consumer needs
  • Enhanced care coordination
  • Supported employment pilot for persons with disabilities and behavioral health needs
  • New value-added benefits

Adult dental services will continue.


A multi-step process preceded the 17-member review committee’s evaluation of the six RFP bids. Committee members consisted of KDHE and Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) staff members with experience and knowledge working with the Kansas Medicaid system. The evaluations considered cost and technical capabilities to perform the work outlined. A recommendation was then made to Secretary Andersen, who approved and then forwarded the recommendation to the procurement negotiating committee (PNC) and the Department of Administration for review and approval. Based on that process, the PNC then awarded the contracts.


“KanCare has proven an effective and efficient delivery model for Medicaid in Kansas,” said Governor Jeff Colyer. “We have achieved cost savings, but more importantly, we’ve seen greater preventative care access to improve health outcomes for Kansans.”


Consumers currently enrolled in Amerigroup will have the opportunity to select a new MCO during the open enrollment period, beginning in October. Amerigroup will continue to serve as a KanCare MCO through the duration of the existing contract, which is set to expire on Dec. 31.


“These new KanCare contracts will provide Medicaid waiver consumers with enhanced, comprehensive care and services,” said KDADS Secretary Tim Keck. “We are looking forward to offering them improved care coordination and more work opportunities that will encourage them to grow and thrive while living in their home communities.”


For more information about KanCare, visit For evaluation results and the finalized contracts, visit Consumers who have questions about this change can call 785-766-9012.

Railroad crossing repairs Saturday on K-39

Saturday, June 23, the Union Pacific (UP) Railroad will close and repair its crossing on K-39 east of U.S. 59 in the Stark vicinity.

UP plans to close the crossing to through traffic at 7 a.m. The repairs are expected to be completed and the crossing reopened by 7 p.m. Saturday.

The signed detour for K-39 eastbound traffic is as follows: from the west U.S. 59/K-39 junction travel south on U.S. 59 to K-146, proceed east on K-146 to K-3, and travel north on K-3 to K-39.

Persons with questions may contact Wayne Nelson at the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) office in Pittsburg, (620) 308-7622, or Priscilla Petersen at the Chanute KDOT office, (620) 902-6433.



Symbols Of Sacrifice At The Fort June 30, July 4

Symbols of Sacrifice Commemoration and Fourth of July Activities to be held at Fort Scott National Historic Site

FORT SCOTT, Kansas: As the nation reflects on its freedom on Independence Day, Fort Scott National Historic Site honors those who have lost their lives fighting for this freedom with Symbols of Sacrifice.

The Symbols of Sacrifice commemoration features thousands of American flags displayed in a Field of Honor on the historic Parade Ground. Their purpose is to commemorate the sacrifice of members of the United States Armed Forces who have died in all wars that Americans have fought in.

The flags will be displayed from Friday, June 29, through Friday, July 6.

The park is pleased to welcome musicians Pat and Steve Harry, who will perform a special concert of patriotic music on Saturday, June 30 at 7:00 pm. Following the musical performance, you are invited to participate in an evening cannon firing.

On Wednesday, July 4 at 10:00 a.m. and at 3:00 p.m., the staff at the historic site will honor the fallen through a discussion of the meaning of the Field of Honor, followed by an artillery salute.

At 11:00 a.m., visitors can join a 1840s Infantry Soldier and an Officer’s Wife as they share perspectives on “What Independence Day Means to You?” at 2:00 p.m., or come and witness infantry soldiers as they fire a salute to the 13 original colonies. You are welcome to fall in with the soldiers and assist in taking down the 30-star flag at 4:00 p.m.

The schedule of activities is as follows:


7:00 p.m. – Patriotic Musical Performance by Pat and Steve Harry

8:00 p.m. – Evening Cannon Firing


10:00 a.m. – Honoring the Fallen: A Salute to Sacrifice

11:00 a.m. – “What Independence Day Means to You?” Guided Discussion

2:00 p.m. – 13 Gun Salute: The Pursuit of Liberty

3:00 p.m. – Honoring the Fallen: A Salute to Sacrifice

4:00 p.m. – Flag Retreat

About the National Park Service. More than 20,000 National Park Service employees care for America’s 417 national parks and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities. Learn more at

Obituary Of Dale Hixon

Dale Hixon, age 73, a resident of Ft. Scott, KS, passed away Thursday, June 21, 2018, at Medicalodge of Ft. Scott.

He was born December 3, 1944, in Fort Scott, the son of Vern and Josephine Comstock Hixon. He attended Fort Scott High School.

He married the love of his life, Betty DeCoudres, on December 3, 1967, in Fort Scott. They celebrated their 50th Anniversary on December 3, 2017.

Dale worked on the street department and water treatment plant for the city of Fort Scott and Klein Tools of Moran. He was a member of the Old Forter’s Camping Club and Gold Wing Road Riders Association. Dale enjoyed camping, fishing and attending dirt track racing at the Nevada Speedway. He was a member of Grace Baptist Tabernacle.

Survivors include his wife Betty of the home; a son, Mike Hixon and wife Lori of Ft. Scott; two brothers, Rich Hixon of Ft. Scott; Bob Hixon and wife Shirley of Redfield; three grandchildren, Dana Button and husband Barry of Ft. Scott; DeAnn Hixon and fiance Brandon of Topeka; Clayton Hixon and fiance Alyssa of Pittsburg; two great-grandchildren Alissa and Alex Button of Ft. Scott; and several nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents and son Denton Hixon.

Bro. Allen Pruitt will conduct funeral services at 10:00 AM Monday, June 25, at the Grace Baptist Tabernacle.

Burial will follow in the Memory Gardens Cemetery.

The family will receive friends from 4:00 until 6:00 Sunday afternoon at the Cheney Witt Chapel. Memorials are suggested to the Grace Baptist Tabernacle and may be left in the care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Al Niece Buys The Buffalo Grill

The Buffalo Grill, 3 W. Oak, was purchased in May 2018 by Al Niece.

Al Niece, the owner of Niece of Kansas Inc., purchased the Buffalo Grill, 3 W. Oak in May 2018 from Dean Mann.

“It’s a fantastic building, lots of options are open” for the development of the property, Niece said.

“The building looked too good a building to be left unattended,” Niece said.  “In talking with people in the community and the city, there are not many large eating facilities in the town.”

“When I walked in earlier this year, I was amazed at the condition,” he said.

Conventions, graduations, weddings, Christmas parties “and who knows what else” can use the River Room on the second floor of the building, Niece said. “We’ve already booked events for fall, two weddings and Christmas parties.”

The River Room name will stay the same for the second-floor event space, he said.

“The restaurant will be an additional component to it,” Niece said. “There are a lot of options for that. We don’t know whether we will keep the name Buffalo Grill or not.”

“We are talking to a couple of franchises,” Niece said.

In addition, the business suite on the north-west side of the building is up for rent, with 2,400 square feet of space.

The restaurant will likely be open in the third quarter of 2018 he said.

Jared Leek is the manager of the facility for Niece and can be reached at 620-224-9787.




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