Female Self Defense: Awareness, Boundary Setting and Combat

Jill Leiker, Kansas City, center facing the camera, gives combat strategies to females of all ages Saturday at the T.A.K.E. Class at Fort Scott Middle School.
From left: Roger Kemp, initiator of the T.A.K.E. Self Defence Class, Bourbon County Undersheriff Ben Cole, Bourbon County Sheriff Bill Martin, and Kim Schwab, administrative assistant at the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center show a facsimile of the check that was given to the T.A.K.E. Program before the class began on April 27. The sheriff’s office donated $3,000 to the T.A.K.E. Foundation.

Awareness, boundary setting, and combat strategies were given to  The Ally Kemp Education (T.A.K.E.)class participants on Saturday, April 27 at Fort Scott Middle School.

Ninety-eight females from 12 years old and up participated in the first female self-defense class in Fort Scott by the T.A.K.E. Foundation, Leawood.

Jill Leiker, from Kansas City, was the class instructor,

If someone makes you uncomfortable, “look at them, take a step ahead and look again at their face,” she said.

This is the first step to deter would-be assailants, Leiker said.

Then she showed the class some combat strategies.

The class participants practiced the strategies with a partner.

Leiker said women often have an inner voice that tells of impending danger.

“Don’t ever feel silly about telling Law Enforcement, if you have that gut feeling that something isn’t right,” Leiker said. “Listen to that voice, that gut feeling is most of the time correct.”

“An average predator watches you six to 12 times,” she said.

Before the class, Bourbon County Sheriff Bill Martin presented T.A.K.E. Foundation Founder Roger Kemp with a check for $3,000.

“A portion of VIN (auto) inspection fees are paid directly to the Sheriff’s office and by statute can be used at the discretion of the sheriff,” said Bourbon County Sheriff Bill Martin.

“The TAKE program charges a $12 fee for each person who participates,” he said. “Briggs Auto paid the registration fees for anyone stopped by and signed up to attend. Other businesses gave donations to offset any woman having to pay to attend. The amount given to the Kemp  Foundation was $4,787, which included the donation from the sheriff’s office.”

May The Fourth Be With You: Fort Scott Public Library

Join Fort Scott Public Library’s Miss Val and fellow Star Wars® fans for a May the 4th be With You® celebration on May 4, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the library events room.

Make pool noodle light sabers or light saber popsicle holders or craft stick puzzles; bowl stormtroopers over with giant marshmallows; snack on chocolate Darth Vaders and Luke Skywalkers; enjoy a cup of C3P0pcorn while watching a Star Wars DVD, or try your hand at trivia to win a mask. Puzzles, block building challenges, electronic and card games, and other activities will also be provided.

Win prizes, borrow books, and have a great time celebrating the franchise during this special year of closing out the film series with a final movie.

Feel free to dress up in your favorite costume! This event is for all ages and is completely free. Visit the library you must, and May the 4th be With You®!

Kansas Court On Wrong Side

Liberal Kansas Supreme Court wrongly sides with those who stand against the State Constitution

By Trevor Jacobs, 4th District Representative
In the Book of Genesis God speaks and He says that He created man in His image. God tells us in the book of Jeremiah 1:5 that “before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”
No matter what cheap lawyers may say, God, is the Creator of all life and no one has the right regardless of popular opinion to destroy innocent life. Period.

I imagine many, if not all people who know me, know where I stand on the issue of terminating and murdering children in the womb.

So, when it comes down to the recent ruling of the Kansas Supreme Court and their callous opinion that they believe the brutal dismemberment and murder of children is protected by the state constitution, this I strongly oppose and condemn. “I believe wholeheartedly one of government’s fundamental duties is to protect innocent life, not destroy it.”

The KSC is misguided in their delusional decision and they are living a lie in total contradiction if they believe that they are upholding the oath that they had sworn to protect the Constitution of the State of Kansas.

Kansas Bill of Rights…
1. All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which
are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Nowhere in this amendment is there any guarantee or right for anyone to brutally disembowel, dismember, rip apart, and murder a helpless child in the womb.
We the People, must humble ourselves before God and plead for His mercy and grace so that truth and righteousness would be enacted in the land and that the Kansas Supreme Court and those who support this ruling would see the error of their wicked ways and would repent of their sins and get their heart right with God before they stand before Him as their Judge.
As we see clearly in this KSC ruling we cannot place our hope, trust, and future in politicians or lawyers, but we must first seek the face of God and turn to Him as a people.
If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.
May God strengthen you as you stand for what is right.

The Point Is by Pastor James Collins

The Point Is by Pastor James Collins.

Will You Join Me?

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

McKinney, Tx.

There are some faces that will never leave you. Two such, for me, I saw here today.

We arrived very early this morning at McKinney Medical Center. We drove down last night to be with my wife’s parents. My father-in-law, Jack Mills, had to have surgery this morning. After we all prayed, I stayed out in the main waiting room with our kids. Jack went to surgery while my wife, Amanda, her sister, and mother went back to the main surgical waiting room.

The kids had their heads in an electronic device. I had mine in a paperback book. I was about to start chapter two, when a young Hispanic woman with a baby on her hip walked through the sliding glass entry doors. She checked in with the receptionist and sat down across from me.

I didn’t mean to stare, but the woman looked tired. She was a young mother, but she appeared older – almost middle aged. Lines were etched into her face. Eyes that once may have sparkled were dull and sad. She had the kind of eyes that had shed too many tears – as if she had cried so much and had no tears left.

Her baby was gorgeous. She looked to be about ten to twelve-months-old. The baby locked eyes with mine. I made a silly face and she smiled. Her mother noticed my interaction with her child. “Hola,” she said. “Su nombre es Mariana.” I continued to play peek-a-boo with Mariana and said, “Yo not hablo very much bueno Español.” The woman’s face that seemed to have a perpetual frown, smiled at my bad attempt at Spanish. She said, “Her name is Mariana.”

“A beautiful little girl with a beautiful name,” I remarked. “What’s she doing here?”

“She is having her tonsils taken out,” the young mother replied.

“She is awful little to be having that done.”

“Yes, señor. You are right. She has cancer…lymphoma. It has spread to her tonsils.”

I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say, but the nurse came and called them back before I could utter, “I’m sorry.” She picked up Mariana, her diaper bag, and purse and started to walk away. I called to her, “Ma’am.” She turned around and I said, “I will be praying for you and your precious Mariana.” Where there was sadness, a faint smile appeared. She nodded as if to say, “Thank you.” Then she turned and disappeared carrying little Mariana into the bowels of the hospital.

My father-in-law’s surgery went well, and we left the hospital. Our lives go on…and, yet…I can’t stop thinking about a young mother, whose name I don’t know, and her daughter, Mariana. I keep asking God, “Why?” Why would a sweet, innocent baby get cancer? It doesn’t make any sense. I suppose I know why, theologically speaking. We live in a sin-sick, cursed world. However, knowing we live in a fallen world doesn’t ease the ache in my stomach and the anguish in my heart.

Asking God why, is getting me nowhere. So, I have decided to ask God, “Where are You in this?” After all, God is everywhere. So, He must be in this situation. Maybe God put me in a hospital waiting room in McKinney, Texas for me to pray for Mariana and her mother. Maybe God arranged our meeting to give inspiration for the writing of this column. Maybe God wanted me to send a message out to His faithful prayer warriors. Maybe God wants you to pray. Maybe God wants to be glorified through the healing of a sick little girl. Maybe…Just maybe…

The point is: God wants us to pray. Prayer is an act of obedience. God says to pray, and we must act. Does God need us to help Him out? No, but we pray because God has established prayer as part of His plan to accomplish His will in this world. So, I’m going to pray for a miracle healing for Mariana and peace that passes all understanding for her momma.

Will you join me?

Pastor James Collins serves at Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. He can be reached at (620) 223-2986, or through the website www.fortscottfsbc.com.

Pastor James Collins


Security Guards Required by Pastor Jimmy Tucker

The Bottom Line

by Jimmy Tucker

Security guards required

I’ve had guard duty assigned to me many times…by my wife. Occasionally, she would need me to watch our children when they were small. Apparently, I did a pretty good job of guarding them because nothing serious ever happened on my watch. As Christian parents, we have 24-hour duty to guard our families against Satan’s attacks. This responsibility begins by guarding our own hearts and trusting God for protection, blessing, and favor for our loved ones.

In 1 Chronicles Chapter 9, the Israelites were just returning to Jerusalem from their exile to Babylon because of their unbelieving and disobedient lives. The first to return were the priests, Levites, and the temple support staff. All of the priests were heads of their families and were skilled and seasoned servants in the work of worshiping God. The Levites were the musicians and security guards for the House of God.

The security guards were responsible for round-the-clock-surveillance of God‘s Temple, and they opened the gates each morning. The musicians had permanent living quarters in The Temple because they were on 24-hour duty. The Temple of God was a big deal, and not to be taken lightly. We can take this as an example of how we are to guard our hearts and lives.

When the Holy Spirit was given on Pentecost, all believers became the Temple of God. Our body and soul are the Temple of God now. “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19,20 NLT).

The Old Testament security guards respected and protected God’s Temple 24-7. So how are you doing guarding your heart and trusting God for protection, blessing, and favor? If you were the Holy Spirit, would you feel at home in your body? Your body, your health, your family, and all that you have been given are not your own to do with as you please. Your entire being has been paid for by the Son of God’s sacrifice on Calvary.

Each believer has the grave responsibility of guarding his heart. No one else can do this for you. The Bible tells us to guard our heart, lips, mind, etc. “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life“ (Proverbs 4:23 NLT).  If you’re not doing a good job of guarding your heart and trusting in God, you can expect God to discipline you as He did the Nation of Israel. You’ll have to decide to obey God, be responsible, and make the necessary changes to ensure proper surveillance of your body, soul, and spirit (God’s Temple). “Didn’t the LORD make you one with your wife? In body and spirit, you are His. And what does He want? Godly children from your union. So guard your heart; remain loyal to the wife of your youth” (Malachi 2:15 NLT). 

How do you guard your heart? Proverbs 4:20-22 NLT tells us to “…pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to My words.  Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.” You have the privilege and responsibility to open the gate of your heart to the Holy Spirit and His Word every day. “Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (Mark 14:38 NLT).

The Bottom Line: Don’t go to sleep on guard duty, because it’s your responsibility and no one else can do it for you.

Pastor Jimmy Tucker

(620) 223-1483

Diamond Community Church

10:45 a.m. Worship

No Extra Fees For Online Classes at FSCC

picture with a wood style background, laptop graphic in the middle with "online fees" and the no symbol on top. Happy emoji to the right of the computer, thumbs up graphic on the left of the computer.

Fort Scott Community College has done away with extra fees for online classes! You can now take courses online for the same price as taking it in the classroom.


By taking classes online, it allows you more flexibility with your time and less money out of pocket.


You can earn an Associates Degree in Science, Arts, or General Studies right from the comfort of your home.


Scholarships are available for online students as well. You can check that out by clicking HERE.


To see a full list of classes offered online, click HERE.


If you have any questions or are ready to join the Greyhound pack, contact Advising at 620.223.2700 ext. 3630 or come on by!

Cost of Classes

Kansas Resident Tuition Fees Total
Bourbon County $47.00** $55.00 $102.00
High School/Concurrent (outside of Bourbon County) $50.00 $55.00 $105.00
Other Counties $62.00 $55.00 $117.00
Border States (MO, OK, NE, CO, AR) $62.00 $55.00 $117.00
Other States $62.00 $55.00 $117.00
International $128.00 $55.00 $183.00


What’s Happening in Fort Scott April 26 by the Chamber of Commerce

SAVE THE DATE! Mark your calendars for the Spring Town-wide Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 11th.

Businesses are encouraged to advertise on the official garage sale map, which will be distributed to shoppers the week of the Town-wide Garage Sale. The maps will be distributed from local stores and the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce. Costs for an advertisement are $25 and $35.
Ad spaces are limited! Contact the Chamber of Commerce at 620-223-3566 or email: [email protected] to reserve your ad space!
Care to Share (“The Sharing Bucket”) will be hosting the 5th Annual “TaTa” Ride on June 15th, 2019 and an “AR-15 Gun Raffle”. Raffle tickets are $5 each and on sale now! ATF Regulations apply. Contact Stacey Wright for tickets or more info. (See flyer below)
Win a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico! Drawing tickets are $5 each, or 3 for $10. All proceeds go to the Good Samaritan Program, which directly benefits Fort Scott Presbyterian Village residents who have outlived their financial resources through no fault of their own.

Tickets are available at the Chamber of Commerce, 231 E. Wall St. (See flyer below for more info)
Hedgehog.INK now has gardening books on the sale rack in the front of the store – These books are FREE, for a donation to Tri-Valley Horticulture Therapy Program (see flyer below for more info)

First Ever Poetry Contest at Hedgehog.INK for the month of April – Deadline for entry is April 30th

Pick up an entry form at the store, 16 S. Main (see flyer below for more info)

SPONSORS WANTED! The PTO that serves Winfield Scott and Eugene Ware are looking for sponsors to adopt students with Back to School supply packs for the 2019 school year. There are over 200 students that still need help with school supplies.
The PTO will be purchasing all the supplies and bundling them per student and delivering them to the school during open house. The cost to sponsor a student is $25, of which 100% go directly to the purchase of supplies. This is not a fundraiser, but rather an act of love and service.
IF YOU WOULD BE WILLING TO SPONSOR ONE OR MORE OF THESE KIDS, contact Suzanne Griffin: 479-263-4059 or email [email protected] by April 26th. Thank you!

Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
26 Aging With Attitude Regional Expo – Community Christian Church, 1919 S. Horton, 9am-3:30pm

A one-day expo providing inspiration, answers to questions, and information to make the most of life! Keynote speaker is Patty LaRoche (“What Matters Most”)

(See flyer below for more information)

26 FREE BBQ 101 Class sponsored by Southwind Extension District – Bourbon County Fairgrounds Meeting Room, 2102 S. Huntington Blvd., 6-8pm

RSVP: 620-223-3720 (See flyer below for more info)

Friday Night Concert Series Kick Off – First Southern Baptist Church, 1818 S. Main St., 7-8pm

The Friday Night Concert in the Park Series will kick off Friday, April 26th with piano students performing from the Tucker Music Studio

Due to unpredictable spring weather, the concert will take place at 7pm at the First Southern Baptist Church, 1818 S. Main St. The concerts normally take place at the Heritage Park Pavillion at 1st & Main Streets

Civil War Encampment at Fort Scott National Historic Site – 1 Old Fort Blvd.

Fort Scott National Historic Site is hosting the Annual Civil War Encampment April 27 and 28.  Experience artillery, cavalry and infantry troops preparing for battle. Cooking demonstrations will be in the mess hall and the post sutler will be hawking his wares in the sutler store. A Civil War doctor will be promoting period medical practices and reenactors will be discussing surgery of the era, sometimes at the cost of “an arm and a leg.”
27-28 Annual Jim Everitt Memorial Pool Tournament at Holmtown Pub – 206 N. National Ave.

Holmtown Pub will be hosting a 6 and under handicap singles tournament on April 27th, $20 entry fee, and a Jack and Jill Scottish doubles, 11 handicap, tournament on April 28th, $40 per team

Both tournaments will Calcutta at 11am, with play starting at noon. There will be a $5 green fee per team. Registration is open and available at Holmtown Pub. Direct any questions to James Wood (Woody) at 620-224-9687

27 2019 Fort Scott Pickle Ball Spring Open – Pickle Ball Courts, 910 Burke St., 8am-1pm

Men’s & Women’s Doubles at 9am, Mixed Doubles to follow. Tournament format based on registration numbers. Outdoor Pickle Balls will be used. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place medals per division. T-Shirt included

Divisions; 55 & under; 56 & over

$15 for the 1st event and $5 each additional event if registered by April 24th ($20 after that)

27 T.A.K.E. Defense Training for Women and Girls –

T.A.K.E. (The Ali Kemp Educational Foundation) Defense Trainingprovides girls and women of all ages with unique reality-based, hands-on self-defense training. When you attend a class, you’ll receive priceless awareness education and practical application of the skills demonstrated and learned in the session. We will also cover internet safety, community safety, home safety, safe travel and much more. It’s our goal to give you the advantage if you’re ever in a situation that makes you question your safety

For more information and to register, visit the website: http://takedefense.org/

27 Elks Lodge 579 Benefit Golf Tournament for City Fireworks Display – Woodland Hills Golf Course, 2414 S. Horton, 11am-4pm

(See flyer below for more information)

27 Civil War Camp Dance at Memorial Hall – 1 E. 3rd St., 7-9pm

Come dressed in 1860’s Civil War/pioneer attire. All ages welcome. $5 per person at the door. All proceeds go to the Friends of Fort Scott National Historic Site

27 Matt Snook (Team Blake Shelton of “The Voice” at Liberty Theatre – 113 S. Main St., 8:30pm

This show features Matt Snook (Team Blake Shelton of “The Voice”) and friends for Snook’s show, “Country Tonight”. Matt returns to the Liberty Theatre for an evening of Country music and fun!

Tickets are $30. For more info or to purchase tickets, visit online: www.fortscottliberty.com, or contact the Liberty Theatre Box Office: 620-224-9787

28 Team Trivia at the Boiler Room Brewhaus –
10 S. National, 3-5pm

Exciting, fun and challenging team trivia. Put your team together (maximum of 8 teams, maximum of 5 members on a team). $5 per person. Cash prizes for winning team. Pre-register at the tap room

30-May 1 Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library,  201 S. National Ave., 10-11am
30 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center,
30 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
May 1
Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,
308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
1 Monthly Grief Support Luncheon at Cheney Witt Chapel – 301 S. Main, 12-1pm

A Grief Support Luncheon is hosted by Cheney Witt Chapel the first Wednesday of each month at noon. Anyone dealing with a loss is encouraged to come and bring a friend. Cheney Witt Chapel will provide lunch at the Carriage House, 301 S. Main. Call 620-223-1186 with questions

1 Bourbon County Coalition Monthly Meeting  (public welcome!) – Basement of the First Baptist Church, 123 Scott Ave., 12-1pm
1 2nd Annual Combat Warrior Convoy – 1:30 pm

On Wednesday, May 1st we will have our second annual warrior convoy through Fort Scott, honoring our veterans from all branches of the Armed Forces. The overwhelming support our town showed these soldiers last year meant more to them than you will ever know. We would love your help again by simply standing by the street somewhere along the route from Fort Scott Municipal Airport to the E3 Ranch

(Route- We’ll start east on Lake Road, North on 69 Highway, Left on National through town, right onto Old Fort Blvd, left on Wall  street traveling East all the way out of town.)

Feel free to make a sign, wave a flag, salute or just simply wave as we honor these brave men and women. The convoy will start at 1:30pm on Wednesday, May 1st. Keep an eye on @e3foundation Facebook page for up to date convoy information

Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm

Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
TAG (Teen Advisory Group) – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 4-5pm

Exclusively for middle and high school students. We have meetings weekly, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and a craft night each month
Make a difference in your community while having fun at TAG! Each meeting includes food, drinks, and a good time with your fellow teens. Bring your friends!
FSCC Theater Department Presents: Loose Ends – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton, 7:30pm both nights

Before dropping the final curtain on the school year, Fort Scott Community College presents “Loose Ends,” a night of five student- and guest-directed one-act plays (and two monologues) designed to make the audience laugh, cry, think, curse or all of the above

In addition to the short plays, Royalty Mercer, a freshman from Lithonia, GA, will perform two monologues

Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, at the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center
Location: 2108 S. Horton
The Fort Scott Kiwanis and Cheney Witt Chapel are hosting a buffet breakfast from 7:30-8am; Chamber Coffee program begins at 8am
2 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm-1pm
2 “Gardening at Noon”  2 classes presented by Southwind Extension District – Heritage Park, 102 E. 1st St., 12:15-12:50pm

(See flyer below for more information)

2 Kids in the Kitchen – First Church of God, 1115 E. Wall St., 4-5:30pm

K-State Research and Extension is offering a FREE Kids in the Kitchen class for grades 4th thru 6th grade, each Thursday

This class will teach kitchen safety, how to prepare healthy and inexpensive snacks. For more information, please contact Malynda Payne
(620) 768-9459

2 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm

Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

A Star is Born (or Died) – Boiler Room Brewhaus, 10 S. National Ave., 7-9pm

Join us at The Boiler Room Brewhaus on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 for karaoke fun.  Cheer on your local, favorite star!
Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
3 YPL First Friday Luncheon (Young Professional’s League of Bourbon County) – Papa Don’s, 10 N. Main St., 12-1pm

Join us for the YPL First Friday Luncheon, open to YPL members or anyone interested in the organization

3 Friday Night Concerts in the Park – 1st & Main St., 7-8pm

The concerts are held weekly from 7-8pm at the Heritage Park Pavilion on the corner of 1st & Main, Downtown Fort Scott

The concerts are organized by Ralph Carlson. If you or someone you know is interested in performing, contact Ralph at [email protected]

Bring your lawn chair as seating is limited

4 Fort Scott Christian Heights Country Store & Auction, 5K Race / 2 Mile Fun Walk – 1101 S. Barbee St., 7:30am-7pm

See flyer below for more information)

4 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort) –

Saturday Mornings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products

4 BCAC Concert on the Patio: PDA (Charlie Barrale & Julia Parsons) – Liberty Theatre Patio, 113 S. Main St., 8pm

Part of the Bourbon County Arts Council Summer Concert Series

To watch a video, click on this link:


(See flyer below for more information)

4 Charlie Barrale & Julia Parsons at the Boiler Room Brewhaus, 2 S. National Ave., 3-5pm

Southern music duo. Tickets $10 available at The Boiler Room Brewhaus, Chamber and Visitors Center. Meet Charlie and Julia at a pot luck from

5 Team Trivia at the Boiler Room Brewhaus – 10 S. National, 3-5pm

Exciting, fun and challenging team trivia. Put your team together (maximum of 8 teams, maximum of 5 members on a team). $5 per person. Cash prizes for winning team. Pre-register at the tap room

7-8 Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library,  201 S. National Ave., 10-11am
7 Fort Scott Middle School Pizza Hut Nights Fundraiser – 1810 S. Main St.

The middle school fundraiser is always the first Tuesday of each month that school is in session. Tuesday, September 5th will be the first one of the year.  Please plan to eat at Pizza Hut sometime that day and use the FSMS voucher

7 Small Business Procurement Day Event in Topeka, KS – Capitol Plaza Hotel, 1717 SW Topeka Blvd.,

A celebratory event will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Topeka, KS. This free event will provide an opportunity for small businesses to connect with federal agency buyers and contracting officers to determine contracting and procurement opportunities. There will also be a one-on-one Agency-Vendor Engagement Session and training session to learn about resources that will be helpful to the growth and development of small businesses in the procurement market space, including Contracting 101 and FedBid/GSA Purchasing

All categories of small businesses are invited to attend. To register for Procurement Day, visit https://www.center-gateway.com/#/events/event_detail;event_id=53665

7 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center,
7 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
7 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort) –

Tuesday evenings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products

7 Zumba Classes at FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton

Zumba classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday night from 5-6:15pm. $3 per class

Contact Kassie Fugate-Cate: 620-223-2700 for more info

7 City Commission Meeting – City Hall, 123 S. Main St., 6-7pm
7 Poetry Contest Reception at Hedgehog.INK! Bookstore – 16 S. Main St., 6-7pm

A poetry contest reception for April’s poetry contest will be held at the store. Winners will be announced at this time. Light refreshments will be served

7 Community Bingo Night at Fort Scott Middle School – 1105 E. 12th St.

(See flyer below for more information)

8 Breakfast Bingo at Buck Run Community Center –
735 Scott Ave., 9-10am

Come drink some coffee and play some bingo at Buck Run.  Staff will provide the bingo cards, the caller, and coffee.  Prizes provided by the Fort Scott Recreation Commission

8 Google Livestream hosted by the Chamber: “Drive Business Results with Google Ads” – Lowell Milken Center, 1 S. Main St.

Join us for a free Grow with Google livestream during National Small Business Week.  The livestream will focus on teaching the basics of advertising online with Google Ads.

What local businesses can expect from the livestream:
  • Real-time guidance from Google experts
  • Details on different advertising campaign types
  • Instructions on how to increase leads, sales, and brand awareness
  • How-tos for first-time users on choosing goals and measuring success
To sign up, contact Lindsay Madison: 620-223-3566
Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,
308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
8 A Better Visit: A discussion about improving visits with individuals in middle stages of Alzheimer’s – Mercy Hospital, 401 Woodland Hills Blvd.,

This Remote Learning Series is bringing education to the community and providing the opportunity to attend a session close to home. Please join us for this month’s program of A Better Visit: A discussion about improving visits with individuals in middle stages. Call 800.272.3900 to register for any session

Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm

Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
TAG (Teen Advisory Group) – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 4-5pm

Exclusively for middle and high school students. We have meetings weekly, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and a craft night each month
Make a difference in your community while having fun at TAG! Each meeting includes food, drinks, and a good time with your fellow teens. Bring your friends!
Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Woodland Hills Golf Course
Location: 2414 S. Horton
9 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm-1pm
9 Gardening at Noon – 2 classes presented by Southwind Extension District – Heritage Park, 102 E. 1st St., 12:15-12:50pm

Spring has sprung, and it’s time to get gardening! Bring your lunch, a drink, and come learn something new!

Southwind Extension District presents two special “Gardening at Noon” classes: (May 2) All About Herbs and (May 9) Attracting Butterflies

All participants will receive a 25% off coupon to use towards any gardening book in the Hedgehog.INK! Bookstore, located at 16 S. Main St.  Note: Rain cancels events

9 Kids in the Kitchen – First Church of God, 1115 E. Wall St., 4-5:30pm

K-State Research and Extension is offering a FREE Kids in the Kitchen class for grades 4th thru 6th grade, each Thursday

This class will teach kitchen safety, how to prepare healthy and inexpensive snacks. For more information, please contact Malynda Payne
(620) 768-9459

9 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm

Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

A Star is Born (or Died) – Boiler Room Brewhaus, 10 S. National Ave., 7-9pm

Join us at The Boiler Room Brewhaus on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 for karaoke fun.  Cheer on your local, favorite star!
Save the Date:
– May 10 & 11 – Town-wide Garage Sale
– May 10 – Friday Night Concert in the Park
– May 11 – Farmer’s Market
– May 11 – Storytime at Hedgehog.INK!
– May 12 – Team Trivia at Boiler Room Brewhaus
– May 13 – Uniontown Regional High School Tournament
Click here for full events listing on our website.
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Click HERE for a digital copy of the
2019 Fort Scott Area Community Guide & Chamber Membership Directory.


The Fort Scott National Historic Site 2019 Schedule of Activities.

Click HERE for details.

Kansas Rocks Recreation Park

4-Wheeling, Biking, Hiking

2019 Schedule of events.

Click HERE for details.

Bike Share Program

Bike Share Program is now
available to the public!
Click here to view more detail about this amazing program and
for additional information on our website click here!

 Chamber Coffee 

Thursday, May 2, 2019
Breakfast buffet

at 7:30 a.m., program starts at 8 a.m.
This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by
Pioneer Kiwanis and Cheney Witt Chapel
National Day of Prayer Breakfast
Location: FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center,
2108 S. Horton
Visit Fort Scott Pioneer Kiwanis’ Facebook page
by clicking here. Visit Cheney Witt’s web page by clicking here.
Upcoming Coffees:  
May 9 – Woodland Hills Golf Course
May 16 – Fort Scott Paws & Claws
May 30 – Good Ol’ Days Committee @ Skubitz Plaza

Prairie Fire at FSNHS on April 28

Prairie Prescribed Fire Planned at Fort Scott National Historic Site
Fort Scott Kan. – Park managers at Fort Scott National Historic Site, in coordination with Fire Managers with the US Fish and Wildlife Service from Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge, plan to burn the five-acre restored prairie just after 4 pm. Sunday, April 28, 2019.  The ignition will depend upon weather conditions and the burn may be postponed or canceled if conditions are unfavorable.

“We were very excited to be able to implement this project as an in-season prescribed fire (Rx) with the assistance of our interagency neighbors. Our ability to treat the tallgrass prairie at a time of year when fires naturally occur enhances the resilience of the ecosystem and protection of visitors, the infrastructure of Fort Scott National Historic Site, and the city of Fort Scott,” said Betty Boyko, Superintendent, Fort Scott National Historic Site.

Like all prescribed fires, the plans for the tallgrass prairie Rx contain a set of parameters which define (among other things) the expected weather and fuel conditions under which the fire can be initiated. Prior to implementing the burn, fire managers will evaluate current conditions and will only ignite the fire if all of the prescribed conditions are within those parameters.

During typical prescribed fire activity, daytime smoke disperses to the northeast, up and over the highway.  Coordination with the City of Fort Scott, Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office, Kansas State Highway Patrol, and Kansas Department of Transportation is already underway for this prescribed fire.  Smoke impacts or traffic delays on Highway 69 should not occur during the burn.

Bourbon County Local News