FORT SCOTT, KS – Last Friday afternoon, a group of local young professionals gathered in a local pizza place for their monthly meeting. The meeting was the Young Professional League of Bourbon County (YPL). Heather Griffith, President, related the mission and vision of YPL is to engage young professionals to advocate for a better community through relationships and creative collaboration. YPL seeks to be a place for young professions who care about the advancement of Fort Scott and creates a place for their voices to be heard.
YPL was established in 2007 and continues to meet the first Friday of every month with varied topics of discussion. Mostly these are centered on economic and social issues within the city and surrounding areas. This also includes community members coming and giving presentations once a quarter about different activities and initiatives in the community.

This past meeting, the two candidates running for County Sheriff came and shared their platform, policy changes they would like to see in the future if they are elected and answered some general questions from YPL members. YPL is hosting a candidate forum October 20th the high school. Candidates who will be on the Nov 4th ballot will be present for comments and questions.
Other general announcements made at the meeting to give you a scope of other activities YPL participate in were: Decorating a pavilion at the Zombie Chase in Gunn Park, serving in the soup line November 5th, prepping for the job fair for high school students in January followed by hosting a chamber coffee later in January.
YPL is always looking for more members and active young professional to join. Dues are only $35 a year and membership is a great way to meet new people and became involved in Fort Scott. If you have further question, you can check out their website by clicking here or you can contact Heather Griffith at her office:
Director of Economic Development
City of Fort Scott