What’s Happening In Fort Scott June 21

2019 Chamber Golf Classic 4-Person Scramble – Woodland Hills Golf Course, 2414 S. Horton, July 26th, Registration: 11am, Tee-Off 12pm

For more information or to register, click HERE

Kids Eat Free Lunch At The Keyhole, noon to 1pm, Mon.-Fri., now through July 26th!! 10th & Main St., across from the Fort Scott High School

Sack lunches will be provided to those under 18. Children check in, no need to give names, and then pick up a lunch of shelf-stable meals. Open to all kids, regardless of income; no need to reside in Fort Scott

Hedgehog.INK is now open on Sundays from 1:00-5:00pm!  Make sure to check out the gardening books on the sale rack in the front of the store – These books are FREE, for a donation to Fort Scott High School Thespians. Funds raised will help send students to the international competition in late June

Benefit Bass Fishing Tournaments & Raffles for Class of ’91 Grad Chad Elmer – Entry fees will go toward’s Chad’s upcoming expenses and prize money. Raffles include fishing and outdoor gear, ammo, an AR15 gun, and more! (See flyer below for complete details)

Horticulture Services in Fort Scott – Krista Harding, Horticulture Agent for the Southwind Extension District, has office hours at the Extension office inside the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday. In an effort to better serve residents of Fort Scott and the surrounding communities, Krista is there weekly to answer questions and offer advice on lawn and gardens, trees and shrubs, flowers and insect. Bring your spotted leaves, strange looking insects or wilted flowers and let her help you! This a free service and is available to all community members. Questions? Call
Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
21-23 Midwest Nationals Baseball Tournament – LaRoche Complex, Dave Regan Stadium

For complete details, visit: https://www.tourneymachine.com/Public/Results/Tournament.aspx?IDTournament=h201811050447401285d27edd5b27742

Red Cross Blood Drive hosted by Community Christian Church – 1919
S. Horton, 9am-1pm

Please call 620-223-5946 to schedule an appointment (see flyer below)

21 Art Walk hosted by the Bourbon County Arts Council – Liberty Theatre Patio,
113 S. Main St., 5-8pm

Join us for an Art Walk hosted by the Bourbon County Arts Council!

If interested in being a vendor contact Debbie Anderson
Email:  drpeppersilly@yahoo.com or phone:  620-224-8650

Visit the BCAC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Bourbon-County-Arts-Council-501555123229545/

21 Friday Night Concert in the Park – This week’s concert will be moved to the First Southern Baptist Church at 1818 S. Main St.

The International Music Day 2019 is a day celebrating music all over the world. Celebrated yearly on this day, it is a time to enjoy music of all kinds and a chance for community to come together with a common love for music.  This is our 1st annual International Music Day Concert event. Featured musicians are: The Hemphill Family Band, The Prairie Sunflower Strings,  and Ryan & Amber Goodbody

The concerts are organized by Ralph Carlson. If you or someone you know is interested in performing, contact Ralph at rscarlson@classicnet.net

Bring your lawn chair as seating is limited

Flicks on the Bricks – sponsored by FS Fire Department & FS Police Department – Skubitz Plaza, 100 Old Fort Blvd., movie starts at sundown

This month’s flick: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Saturday Mornings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products

22 Children’s Miracle Network Kids Carnival – Walmart parking lot, 10am-2pm
(See flyer below for more info)
Fresh peaches coming to Tractor Supply Company – 2420 S. Main St., 11:30am-1pm

Peaches are $27 for a 1/4 bushel box (approx. 12.5 lb.) or $45 for a 1/2 bushel box (approx. 25 lb.).

Reserve your fruit at https://freshfarmsusa.com/ or purchase at the truck! (There is a $4 fee to purchase at the truck)

22 Fort Games at Smallville CrossFit – 13 S. National Ave., 1-4 pm

2019 Fort Games is back for the 3rd year! Fort Games is a same-sex partner fitness competition

For full details, visit Smallville’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/330767534234517/

Cinema Saturdays at the Gordon Parks Museum – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton, 12-2pm

The Gordon Parks Museum will show the films of Gordon Parks on Saturdays this summer starting on June 8 at 12:00 p.m. in the museum on the FSCC campus.  This free event will feature Mr. Parks’ films and one of Kevin Willmott’s films
22 Wade Brown performs live at Boiler Room Brewhaus – 2 S. National Ave., 7-9pm

Tickets are $10, available at the Brewery, 10 S. National, or the Visitors Center/Chamber, 231 E. Wall St. (See flyer below)

Visit Boiler Room’s website: http://www.boilerroombrewhaus.com

22 BCAC Concert on the Patio: Whiskey Raccoons – Liberty Theatre Patio,
113 S. Main St., 8-10pm

Bourbon County Arts Council presents WHISKEY RACCOONS; part of the BCAC Concert Series on the Patio (See flyer below)

Tickets $10 BCAC members, $15 non-members. Contact Teri Floyd at

Watch a Whiskey Raccoons video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=F7cQtDXYoeo

23 Team Trivia at the Boiler Room Brewhaus – 10 S. National, 3-5pm

Exciting, fun and challenging team trivia. Put your team together (maximum of 8 teams, maximum of 5 members on a team)

$5 per person. Cash prizes for winning team. Pre-register at the tap room

24 Summer Reading Alien Parties – FS Public Library, 201 S. National,
Summer Reading Program: Space Travel & Engineering – FS Public Library,
201 S. National, 10am-12pm

With guest Professor Heather Davis

25 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center, 3-4pm
25 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
25 Trinity Lutheran Church VBS – 2824 S. Horton, 1-3:30pm

Join us at Trinity Lutheran for a 2 day VBS!!! June 25 & 27, 1:00-3:30. Snack provided.

VBS Fellowship June 30 following 9:00am service; VBS offerering goes to Care To Share. Please call 620-223-3596 to register. Limited to 50 kids

25 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Tuesday evenings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products

Author Talk and Book-Signing at Hedgehog.INK!

Meet and greet author Ronda Hassig. She will be discussing her book titled “The Greatest Test of Courage”, which follows Edward Mack during World War II. Stationed in the Philippines, his life changed forever on December 7, 1941. Learn about Edward Mack’s story and how his ring found in California in 2007, prompted the writing of his story

There will be an author talk, Q & A and book-signing in her home at 512
S. Judson (former home of Ken and Charlotte Lunt) (See flyer below)

26 Breakfast Bingo at Buck Run Community Center, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month – 735 Scott Ave.

Come drink some coffee and play some bingo at Buck Run.  Staff will provide the bingo cards, the caller, and coffee.  Prizes provided by the Fort Scott Recreation Commission. (Free)

26 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,  308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave.,
Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
Summer Reading Program for Middle & High School Students – FS Public Library, 201 S. National, 4-6pm – Book Club
Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Integrity Home Health & Hospice, co-hosted by Integrity’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s Team
For more on the Walk to End Alzheimer’s event, click HERE
There will be a bake sale during the Chamber Coffee
Location: 902 S. Horton
Krista Harding provides horticulture services at the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday – 210 S. National, 9am-3:30pm

Krista Harding, Horticulture Agent for the Southwind Extension District, has office hours at the Extension office inside the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday. In an effort to better serve residents of Fort Scott and the surrounding communities, Krista is there weekly to answer questions and offer advice on lawn and gardens, trees and shrubs, flowers and insect. Bring your spotted leaves, strange looking insects or wilted flowers and let her help you! This a free service and is available to all community members. Questions? Call 620-223-3720 (See flyer below)
27 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm-1pm
Trinity Lutheran Church VBS – 2824 S. Horton, 1-3:30pm

Join us at Trinity Lutheran for a 2 day VBS!!! June 25 & 27, 1:00-3:30. Snack provided.

VBS Fellowship June 30 following 9:00am service; VBS offerering goes to Care To Share. Please call 620-223-3596 to register. Limited to 50 kids
27 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave.,

Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

27 A Star is Born, or Died – Boiler Room Brewhaus, 2 S. National Ave., 7-9pm

Join Boiler Room Brewhaus on Thursday evenings from
7-9pm for karaoke fun. Cheer on your favorite local star

Fort Scott Chamber Music Series, sponsored by BB County Arts Council and Key Charitable Trust – Fort Scott High School, 1005 S. Main St., 7-9pm

This concert will showcase the restoration of the Steinway Grand Piano, played by competition winning pianist, Baolong Zhang

Featured Musicians:
Baolong Zhang – Piano; Raul Munguia – Violin; Christine Grossman – Viola;  Matt Sinno – Viola; Ben Clinesmith – Cello; Kathleen Clinesmith – Bass

Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
28-30 Midwest Nationals Baseball Tournament – La Roche Complex,
4805 Campbell Dr.
28 Friday Night Concert in the Park – Heritage Park Pavillion, 1st & Main St.,

The concerts are organized by Ralph Carlson. If you or someone you know is interested in performing, contact Ralph at rscarlson@classicnet.net

Bring your lawn chair as seating is limited

Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Saturday Mornings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products
Cinema Saturdays at the Gordon Parks Museum – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton, 12-2pm

The Gordon Parks Museum will show the films of Gordon Parks on Saturdays this summer starting on June 8 at 12:00 p.m. in the museum on the FSCC campus.  This free event will feature Mr. Parks’ films and one of Kevin Willmott’s films
29 Paint and Sip at Boiler Room Brewhaus – 2 S. National Ave., 2-4pm

Class size is limited to 30 painters – Reserve your seat by going to the Brewhaus and paying Barbara $25, or go to Brewhaus’ Facebook page, post your RSVP, and a PayPal request will be sent to you for $25

29 80’s Party at Holmtown Pub – 206 N. National Ave., 8-11pm

DJ RAY RAY will be on the Patio playing your favorite 80’s music. Dress to impress, there will be a prize for the most authentic outfit. Ladies get your hairspray, men find your parachute pants and “Miami Vice” jackets. Some of your 80’s favorite cocktails; B-52’s, Slippery Nipples, Alabama Slammer’s and Blue Lagoons will be served all night long. The party starts at 8pm, June 29th , on the Holmtown Pub Patio!

30 Team Trivia at the Boiler Room Brewhaus – 10 S. National, 3-5pm

Exciting, fun and challenging team trivia. Put your team together (maximum of 8 teams, maximum of 5 members on a team)

$5 per person. Cash prizes for winning team. Pre-register at the tap room

30 Bronson Independence Day Celebration – Bronson Baseball Park,

Starting at 7:30 pm there will be free ice cream & cake, with the fireworks starting at dark. Bring your lawn chairs!

Donations appreciated but not required

July 2 Quarterly Downtown Meet & Greet, hosted by the Chamber – La Hacienda Restaurant, 24 N. Main St.

The Chamber of Commerce hosts Quarterly Downtown Meet & Greets at a different location for Downtown business owners or representatives, or anyone in the community with an interest in Downtown to attend and share thoughts and ideas related to Downtown, and to stay current on new happenings

2 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center, 3-4pm
2 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
2 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Tuesday evenings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products

2 City Commission Meeting – City Hall, 123 S. Main, 6-7pm
3 Summer Reading Performer: Juggler Brian Wendling – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton, 10-11am
3 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,  308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
3 Monthly Grief Support Luncheon hosted by Cheney Witt Chapel – at The Carriage House, 301 S. Main, 12-1pm

Anyone dealing with a loss is encouraged to come and bring a friend.Cheney Witt Chapel will provide lunch at the Carriage House,
301 S. Main.Call 620-223-1186 for more info

3 Bourbon County Coalition Monthly Meeting (public welcome) – located in the basement of the First Baptist Church, 123 Scott Ave., 12-1pm
Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave.,
Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
3 Summer Reading Program for Middle & High School Students – FS Public Library, 201 S. National, 4-6pm – Community Service
3 Uniontown’s 14th Annual Independence Day Celebration – Union State Bank in Uniontown, 204 Sherman St., 6-9:30pm

Union State Bank is hosting the 14th Annual Independence Day Celebration at Uniontown City Park on the 3rd of July! Hot dogs, chips, and water will be served, starting at 7:00. Jump houses, selfie bar, and entertainment will make for an enjoyable evening with friends and family. Fireworks will start at dark. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy the evening!

4 No Chamber Coffee in observance of the 4th of July holiday
4 Horticultural services at the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday – 210 S. National, 9am-3:30pm

Krista Harding, Horticulture Agent for the Southwind Extension District, has office hours at the Extension office inside the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday. In an effort to better serve residents of Fort Scott and the surrounding communities, Krista is there weekly to answer questions and offer advice on lawn and gardens, trees and shrubs, flowers and insect. Bring your spotted leaves, strange looking insects or wilted flowers and let her help you! This a free service and is available to all community members. Questions? Call 620-223-3720

4 37th Annual Burke Street Parade – Starts at 10th & Burke St., 10-11am
4 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm-1pm
4 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave.,

Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

4 A Star is Born, or Died – Boiler Room Brewhaus, 2 S. National Ave., 7-9pm

Join Boiler Room Brewhaus on Thursday evenings from
7-9pm for karaoke fun. Cheer on your favorite local star!

Save the Date:
– July 5 – Patriots Classic Baseball Tournament hosted by FSHS
– July 5 – YPL First Friday Luncheon (Young Professional’s League
– July 5 – Friday Night Concert in the Park
– July 6 – Farmers’ Market
– July 6 – Cinema Saturdays at Gordon Parks Museum
– July 7 – Team Trivia at Boiler Room Brewhaus
– July 7 – Fort Scott Chamber Music Series Concert
Click here for full events listing on our website.

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