SEK Multi-County Health Department is offering free tetanus shots for individuals affected by the recent flooding. Tetanus shots will be available to impacted residents as well as first responders, volunteers, or any others who have been or will be assisting with recovery and cleanup efforts.
Free tetanus shots will be available by appointment at the SEK Multi-County Health Department in Iola, Garnett, and Fort Scott while flood response continues.
Addresses of these three locations are as follows:
Allen County (Iola): 411 N. Washington Ave. Iola, KS 66749
Anderson (Garnett): 301 S. Vine, Garnett, KS 66032
Bourbon County (Fort Scott): 524 S. Lowman, Fort Scott, KS 66701
Tetanus vaccines are recommended for people of all ages. Adults need a tetanus booster shot every 10 years, but health care providers may recommend a booster sooner due to an injury or other health concerns.
Tetanus bacteria are everywhere in the environment, including soil, dust, and manure. Tetanus is most commonly caused by the bacteria getting into the body through broken skin, usually through injuries from dirty objects. During evacuation and flood cleanup, residents affected by flooding, emergency responders, cleanup workers, or volunteers may be at increased risk for these injuries. For this reason, these people should be sure that they are up to date with tetanus vaccination. This can be done by talking with your health care provider or reviewing your vaccination record.
Tetanus is commonly known as “lockjaw,” and is a serious disease that affects the nervous system and causes painful muscle contractions, particularly of your jaw and neck muscles. Tetanus can cause severe breathing problems and in serious cases, lead to death. There is no cure for tetanus.
Please call the SEK Multi-County Health Department for more information at:
Allen County: (620)365-2191
Anderson County: (785)448-6559
Bourbon County: (620)223-4464
Woodson County: (620)625-2484