Tag Archives: featured

Young Entrepreneurs Series Spawns An Anonymous Benefactor

Judah Whitson at the cash register at Fort Scott Farmers Market.
Judah Whitson mans the cash register at his family’s booth at the Fort Scott Farmers Market. He makes and sells mini-donuts at five-years-old, with help from his family.

A subscriber who has been reading the Young Entrepreneur Series on fortscott.biz was touched and wanted to support each business with a $50 grant.

The benefactor wishes to remain anonymous.

This is what he wrote:

“I always stop at the local kids’ lemonade stands. When I was growing up in Fort Scott, I remember the postman buying a cup of lemonade from me. For some reason that stayed with me.

“Selling Grit Magazine door to door, making birdhouses and selling them door to door, having a Tribune newspaper route back when you paid for your batch of papers up front, delivered them, and then collected monthly. If anyone stiffed you, you were out the dough. All of those things were great life lessons for me growing up in Fort Scott. That’s why I really like your program of highlighting young entrepreneurs”

If your child has been highlighted in our Young Entrepreneur Series, please contact [email protected] for the grant money.

The Young Entrepreneur Series is featuring youth under 18 years old who have a business in product or services.

To recommend a young entrepreneur in our community, please send contact info, email or phone number to [email protected]


Taco Azul Food Truck Moves to The Twin Mansions

Taco Azul Food Truck has turned the gazebo on the grounds of the Twin Mansions into place to eat their Mexican food. Submitted photo.

The Taco Azul Food Truck has moved to a new site with more seating and shade for their customers.

The menu. Submitted photo.

“We’re excited about this move because there’s more seating, more shade, more room for kids to move around, and altogether a great atmosphere,” Erin Macik said. “Seb set up a really neat outside dining area, and it will be a lovely gathering place for the folks of Fort Scott.”

“Our only regret is that everyone at the Washateria was very accommodating and pleasant to work with, and we’re sad to leave them,” she said.

The reason for the move: technical reasons.

“The generator for the trailer has a carbon monoxide detector and automatically shuts off when levels get high,” she said. “Unfortunately, it was shutting off about every 20 minutes, so we needed to find a place with a plug-in. We were able to install one easily at the mansions, and Seb is starting there today!”

“After a year of planning and setting up, we opened at the Good Ol’ Days festival this year,” Erin said.

Taco Azul at Good Ol Days Festival 2023. Submitted photo.

Seb Macik spent some time teaching in Mexico City before he and Erin were married, and discovered Mexican street tacos during that time.

“Ever since then, he’s been working to make the perfect street taco, and the result is Taco Azul: real-deal Mexico City tacos in Fort Scott, KS,” she said.

Street tacos made by Seb Macik. Submitted photo.

The Twin Mansions are located at 742 National Ave., Fort Scott, they are in the parking lot behind

Regular hours are Wednesday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

“We post the week’s schedule on Facebook every week, and there are slight changes occasionally, but in general, those are the hours we’ll be open,” Erin said.



Taco Azul Food Truck has moved to the Twin Mansions property on National Avenue. Submitted photo. This is the dining area set up at the gazebo on the property.


Spectacular Display and Other Fun Is Planned for July 3 in Fort Scott

A fireworks display. Photo provided by Shawn Pytlowany.

The annual community fireworks display will be July 3 at Fort Scott Community College, 2108 Horton Street. Cars will be lined up on Horton for viewing the display.

Shaunn Pytlowany, lead pyrotechnician with Premier Pyrotechnics will be once again be orchestrating the fireworks display for Fort Scott.

“This is our second year of a multi-year contract,” Pytlowany said.

The display will be shorter this year, but more spectacular.

“We have been asked to provide a 15 minute show, to shorten it, so there will be more going off at any one time,” Pytlowany said. “Which will make it more spectacular.”

Fireworks set up for a display. Photo submitted by Shawn Pytlowany.

KMDO, KOMB, 103.9 radio station will be broadcasting music to listen to while watching the display.

There will be 512 aerials exploded with display heights of between 275 to 600 feet, depending on wind speed and humidity, he said.

Pytlowany and his crew will start setting up the display at 7 a.m. on July 3 and under normal circumstances set up will be complete between 8:30 and 9 p.m.

He has provided displays for local football and soccer games, cities, weddings, family reunions, and at the LaRoche Baseball Complex for the Wounded Warrior Project. The Premier Pyrotechnics company has provided displays for the Kansas City Royals and Chiefs, he said.

He has worked at Premier Pyrotechnics, based in Richland, MO for nine years, but has been fascinated by them for 40 years, he said.

“I was always interested in the design, manufacturing process and of course the explosion,” he said.


Advance Bourbon County, a local non-profit, took over the organizing and paying for the display from the Elks Club this year.

This year the cost of the event is $12,000.

Helping to sponsor the fireworks event is Fort Scott Gun and Pawn Shop, the City of Fort Scott, Tall Grass Building System, the American Legion, the Elks Club, Brian Bowman Construction, Engstrom Construction, the Kiwanis Club and A-1 Towing.


Prelude Fun and Food

There will be local vendors selling food and drinks: Juan Some Grub, Fort Scott High School Swim Team-lemonade tent, Valley Flavor, Tiger Ice Sno Cones, Doggone Dogs, and Los Tres Pollitos, Aaron Judy, one of the organizers said.

Additionally, there will be corn hole and other yard games for people to use, he said.

These will be set up in the area between the FSCC John Deere Department (the old armory) and the 4-H Building on the Bourbon County Fairgrounds.


Fort Scott’s Rules For Fireworks

During the event, there can be no fireworks discharged from 18th Street and Horton Street to 23rd and Horton, according to Fort Scott Police Department  Chief Jason Pickert.

“They cannot be discharged on the community college campus or on the Bourbon County Fairgrounds,” he said.

Fireworks can be purchased until July 4.

Until July 2 they can be discharged from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. On July 3 and July 4 they can be discharged from 7 a.m. until midnight.



New Historic Fort Scott Mural Artist: Cbabi Bayoc

Cbabi Bayoc. Submitted photo.
Cbabi Bayoc, St. Louis, MO,  was selected to paint the latest  downtown Fort Scott mural.
He was selected through a process, established by the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce Downtown Division, to seek the best artist for the mural to highlight the 1st Kansas Colored Infantry historic significance in the Civil War.
The mural will be facing the Fort Scott National Historic Site, which is where this infantry unit was organized for  the Civil War.
This mural will be replaced with a new one depicting African-American troops who served in the American Civil War. The mural wall faces Fort Scott National Historic Site.
Bayoc, 50,  has been creating murals since 2017.
“I have about 25-30 murals in schools and businesses around the St. Louis region and several in outside locations, like the United Church of Christ corporate office in Ohio, the 1619 Freedom School in Iowa and the Family Reunification center in North Carolina,” he said in an interview with fortscott.biz.
“I have never done a military-inspired mural but have always been interested in the Civil War and Reconstruction,” he said.” I am also an Air Force brat, so this is special to me.”
“The only must-haves for (this) mural were three soldiers and their batallion flag,” Bayoc said. “So I designed a mural with a soldier in arms with the American flag, a soldier aiming his rifle across the design and the batallion flag as a backdrop.”
Bayoc will be in Fort Scott the second week of August for approximately a week for working on the mural, he said. At the beginning of the project he will have one or two people helping him.
About the 1st Colored Infantry
“Kansas was the first Northern state to recruit, train, and send Black soldiers into combat during the Civil War,” according to https://www.nps.gov/fosc/learn/historyculture/firsttoserve.htm. “Fort Scott served as the home base for both the 1st and 2nd Kansas Colored Infantry, with both regiments being mustered into federal service on Fort Scott’s former parade ground. The Emancipation Proclamation officially authorized the recruitment of African American soldiers for federal service (although the 1st Kansas Colored had earlier been recruited as a state unit in August 1862). This meant it was now legal for free Blacks and former slaves to fight back against the institution of slavery and seek to abolish it through armed resistance. As virtually every Southern slave code prohibited Blacks from carrying guns, the proclamation had a profound psychological impact across the region.”
Captain William Mathews –a free Black, a businessman and station master on the Underground Railroad –recruited former slaves into the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry Regiment at Fort Scott. He lost his rank when the unit was federalized but later served as an artillery officer.
Taken from the  Fort Scott National Historic Site, courtesy of the Kansas State Historical Society

To keep up to date on the mural creation:


The mural will be dedicated during the Gordon Parks Celebration on the first Friday in October,  said Rachel French, a member of the Chamber Downtown Committee and project coordinator for the mural.

The $5,250 Kansas Office of Rural Prosperity grant awarded for the mural is a matching grant.

“We are fundraising for the match,” French said. “We need to do signage and there will be recognition of donors.”

To donate:


Construction of Downtown Splash Pad Is Moving Forward

Submitted photo of work on the splash pad.

The splash pad project is moving ahead with plans for a summer opening, according to Bailey Lyons, one of the committee members spearheading the project.

The project is located on North National Avenue, across from Brick Street BBQ Restaurant on Skubitz Plaza.

“You may have noticed there has been a lot of recent action at the site of the Splashpad and Sensory Park,” according to a press release from Lyons. “With Playscapes Recreation leading the charge, and the Splashpad and Sensory Park committee heavily involved, much progress has been made in the last few weeks.”
Looking west towards National Avenue, one can see the recent work at the splash pad site. Submitted photo.
The Splashpad and Sensory Park Committee is comprised of Kelly Barr, Katie Hueston, Josh Jones, Lyons, and Meredith Tucker.
They have been actively working on this project for the past year, and have raised over $300,000 in funds and in-kind donations.
From the Fort Scott Splash Pad and Sensory Park Facebook page.

The committee’s mission is to build the first all-inclusive, fully accessible park in Fort Scott, according to the press release.

The full press release is as follows:

“This sensory playground and splash pad will offer children and their families a fun, safe, barrier-free space to play, laugh, interact, and feel like they belong – regardless of their abilities. This project is about community, education, engagement, advocacy, and inclusion.”

“This playground has been intentionally designed with sensory stimulation in mind to maximize play and support the development of all children. The park will include a variety of equipment and activities made to engage as many senses as possible, and appeal to a broad range of ages and ability levels.”

“While the Splashpad and Sensory Park will provide a new, unique, and fun option for able-bodied children to play, it will be the first and only option for many kids in our community who have disabilities and cannot enjoy our other parks. These special kids and their families will no longer be left out or displaced when it comes to enjoying recreational amenities, something that many take for granted.”

The committee has plans to open the splash pad this summer and “is almost to the finish line….through grants, monetary donations and in-kind donations,” according to the press release. “As work quickly progresses towards a grand opening (date to be announced), there are notable changes occuring at the site regularly.”

Here is a list of what has been done:
  •  the pad has been leveled and brought up to grade,
  • elevations have been set,
  • water and electric have been laid to the site,
  • drain lines have been laid,
  • feature footings have been set,
  • piping from the features has been laid,
  • and the vault has been set to house the manifold which will soon be placed.
“Once all of this is wrapped up, concrete will be poured, and the features will be installed after the pads have cured. The committee is still actively working to complete the park with the final piece – an ADA accessible restroom – which they hope will be added in the very near future.”
A portion of the concrete for the splash pad is being poured today, June 27. Submitted photo.
The committee is planning two work days and is  inviting the public to help on-site with the project
In the coming weeks, clean up and landscaping will take place on  Sunday July 9, and/or Saturday July 15.
Those who would like to help, please contact Lyons at (620)224-7795 so that jobs and tools/materials can be coordinated for the work.
Robert Coon, A-1 Towing, donated his company’s personnel and truck to put a concrete vault in place on June 22 for the upcoming splash pad project. The concrete will house the plumbing for the splash pad. Submitted photo.
“The Splashpad and Sensory Park Committee would like to sincerely thank all of the generous donors who have contributed thus far, both monetary and in-kind donations,” according to the press release. “Donors who have given $500 and above are listed below, and will be featured on permanent signage at the park:
Timken Foundation of Canton
BENEFACTORS ($10,000+)
Contributors to YAT/Parks Advisory Board
Alta Davis
No Limits Rehabilitation/Brad & Meredith Tucker
City of Fort Scott
ADVOCATES ($5,000-9,999)
Advanced Bourbon County
Aetna – Better Health of Kansas
Bourbon County REDI
Bourbon County, KS
Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas
Forrest & Julia Sewell
Fort Scott Area Community Foundation
Healthy Bourbon County Action Team
Key Charitable Trust
Lyons Realty Group
Niece Products of Kansas
Steven & Jessica Tucker
SPONSORS ($2,500-4,999)
Bloomfield Foundation In Memory of Tim Bloomfield & His Grandaughter Olivia Bloomfield
Hammerson Ready Mix
Jayhawk Wind
In Honor & Memory of Lillian Rose Kraft
Modern Woodman Fraternal Financial
O’Brien Ready Mix
Joshua & Terra Tecchio-Baseley
Sheridan Nash
Skitch’s Hauling & Excavation
DONORS ($1,000-2,499)
A1 Towing & Recovery
Advantage Metals Recycling
Big Sugar Lumber
Bourbon County Cars
Bourbon County Garden Club
Cheney Witt Funeral Chapel
DelBrenna Jewelry by Megan Neil & Sebastian Ghezzi
Dreamscape Innovations, Inc.
Fort Scott Recreation Department
Highway 3
In Loving Memory of Marsha Lancaster, Longtime Owner of Marsha’s Deli
In Memory of Angelo-Sondra Dellantonia
Janet Braun
Jeff Allen Electric
Landmark National Bank
Lee Sewell-Painter
Legacy Health
Mid-Continental Restoration
Mitch Welch
Pearson Towing
Pete’s of Erie, Inc.
RII Concrete Construction
Sleep Inn
Thomas Concrete & Construction
Valu Merchandisers Co.
W/K Holdings
FRIENDS ($500-999)
Bowman’s NuGrille
Budgetel Inn & Suites – Aaradhya Piyush Mistry
Clifton Chiropractic
Davis & Associates Tax + Consulting
FSHS FFA & Construction Trades
Greyhound Football Legacy Center
The Gugnani Family
The Horton House
John Crain – In Memory of Don & Connie Crain
JW & Diana Endicott
Konantz – Cheney Funeral Home
Liberty Savings Association, FSA
Lyons & Lyons
The Meeks Family
Scott and Melissa Meyers
Museum of Creativity
{Re:freshed} Spa
The Reynolds Law Firm
Riggs Chiropractic of Fort Scott
Stewart Realty
Union State Bank

The donors listed above have contributed $500+, according to Lyons. “In addition to these, there have been numerous donors below the $500 level, and their generosity and support is also much appreciated!”


An artist’s rendition of the splash pad from the Fort Scott Splash Pad and Sensory Facebook page.

The City of Fort Scott is supplying the water to the splash pad.

“The city’s part is to get the splash pad the water supply,” Fort Scott’s Water Distribution Supervisor Bill Lemke said.

Young Entrepreneur: Rinley Holly

This is part of a series highlighting young entrepreneurs in our community.

If you would like to nominate a young entrepreneur, please submit their contact info to [email protected].

Rinley Holly sells to a customer, while her brother Stetson looks on.

Rinley Holly, rural Fort Scott,  is five years old and likes to bake.

Katie, her mom, said she would bake everyday if she could.

Her parents, Katie and Ethan, own Still Waters Farm and sell beef and pork at the farmers market on Saturdays. She is with her family on Saturday mornings, along with her brother, Stetson, 3.

“Last year, she kept asking me to let her sell cookies,” Katie said.

So, Rinley baked and sold her product once last year at her family’s booth at the Fort Scott Farmers Market.

This year when Katie heard that other entrepreneurs were going to be selling products at the farmers market on June 3, “We asked her if she wanted to make some cookies.”

She did, and she has a helper.

“Stetson likes to taste test for her,” Katie said.

Rinley tells the process of making her cookies:

“You make dough, roll it in a ball, and flatten them with a cup, then put them in the oven on a rack,” she said. “Snickerdoodles are my favorite.” She also makes chocolate chip cookies.

Rinley likes to bake, “Cause it’s fun,” she said.

She is planning on attending the Acton Children’s Business Fair, later this year, her mother said, to learn more about the business side.

“Kids develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day marketplace,” according to https://www.childrensbusinessfair.org/fortscott-ks

“We will host children’s business booths at the 2nd annual event that will be held at the Farmer’s Market located at Skubitz Plaza near the Historic Fort on September 30th, 2023 from 8 a.m. to noon.”

The Fort Scott Farmers Market is at Skubitz Plaza, directly in front of the Fort Scott National Historic Site on Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon.

Uniontown Independence Day Celebration: July 3

Fireworks from the Independence Day Celebration in Uniontown 2022. Submitted by Amy Holt.

The Independence Day Bash will be held on Monday, July 3rd in the Uniontown City Park.

“We love celebrating our nation’s independence with our friends and neighbors and hope to see YOU there,” according to Amy Holt, Vice President – Loan Administration at Union State Bank.

The bank has funded the annual event for 18 years.

Events start at 6:30 p.m. with a free hot dog and chips meal, that the bank provides.

Uniontown’s Baptist Church will be selling soft drinks for a camp fundraiser, the Uniontown High School Cheerleaders will have a bake sale and sell glow sticks, and the Old Settlers Day Committee will have a bake sale to raise funds for the annual event in Uniontown on Labor Day.

There will also be inflatables (bounce houses, etc. )for the kids and kids at heart, she said.

There will be live entertainment by Trevor Holman and the Haymakers.

This band is a Red Dirt and Classic Country Band from Southeast Kansas, according to its Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HAYMKRZ/


The fireworks begin at dusk, this time of year around 9:30 or 10 p.m.


Historic Church Property Donated to the Gordon Parks Museum

The former site of the church at Third and Lowman Street, the Learning Tree Sign is seen in center, left.

Fort Scottian Josh Jones purchased the property at 301 Lowman for a philanthropic purpose.

“I purchased it from the owner with the intent to transfer it to the Gordon Parks Museum,” Jones said. “I knew of the historic meaning of the property and wanted to get it to them.”

Left to right): Josh Jones, along with Kirk Sharp, Gordon Parks Museum Director  and Sarah Smith, member of the Fort Scott Community College Foundation. Submitted photo.

On the property once stood the historic African-American Methodist Episcopal Church.

Now it’s the property of the Gordon Parks Museum, thanks to Jones and the Fort Scott Community College Foundation, according to a press release from the museum director, Kirk Sharp.

“The FSCC Foundation Department helped with getting it deeded into their name, the museum is under its umbrella,” Sharp said.

“Jones donated the site on the southeast corner of Third and Lowman streets where the church, attended regularly by Gordon Parks and his family, was located,” according to the press release. “The church was also used in a scene from Parks’ acclaimed film, The Learning Tree.”

AME Church
Gordon Parks, 1950.
Photo Courtesy of and Copyright by The Gordon Parks Foundation

“We are very excited about this donation and can’t thank Josh and the Foundation enough,” said Sharp. “This donation creates this wonderful opportunity to keep this incredible history alive in Fort Scott. This is also the same location that is located on our Learning Tree Film Sign Trail.”

The sign that explains this site is part of the Gordon Parks Sign Trail.

The tentative plans, Sharp said, are to develop the property as a commemorative, low-maintenance park neighborhood-type park with signs, photos, benches and short walls with a history of the church as a tribute.

“The museum will look for possible grants and donations to help fund this project,” he said. “There is currently no timeline as of now for the completion of the tribute project.”

In its heyday, the church, established in 1866, was the hub of Fort Scott’s black community, according to the press release. The church moved from its original location in 1885, occupying a new brick building on the corner of Third and Lowman, where it stood at 301 S. Lowman with a viable congregation for more than 115 years.

A reduction in members and unsafe conditions eventually led to its condemnation and razing in the early 2000s, Sharp said. One of the stained-glass windows and two of the pews are on exhibit at the Gordon Parks Museum.

“The largest congregation was believed to have been in 1888,” he said. “The city directory for that year indicates the membership was 260 and the Sunday school membership was 100.”

The AME church was Fort Scott’s first and oldest black church with Shiloh Baptist being the second.

Change For Fort Scott Aquatic Center on July 1

Swimming lessons at the Fort Scott Aquatic Center  July 2018.

Currently the Fort Scott Aquatic Center has a family swim time designated Monday through Friday for 5:30-6:15 p.m. but that is changing.

“We have noticed a rise in families coming to take advantage of that time and are very pleased to see this,” said Kathi Hall the pool manger.

“Effective July 1, 2023, we are changing the time span of family swim to be 5:30 to 7 p.m. ,” she said.  “The change just affects the unsupervised patrons who are 17 and under. These patrons can go ahead and exit the facility for the day.”

The pool hours are Monday through Saturday from 1 to 7 p.m., Sunday 1 to 6 p.m. On Monday through Friday the change is the family swim will be  from 5:30 to 7 p.m. starting July 1.

Pool parties are from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. when scheduled. Cost is $150 per hour.

Pool rates are:

2 years and younger are free.

3-14 years: $2

15 to 62 years: $3

63+years: $2

A single season pool pass is $65, a family of four season pass is $200 and a $25 per person fee for over four family members. Members must reside in the same household.

Children 10 years old and younger must be supervised by someone 14 years and older, at all times..

Assistant pool managers are Brayden Moore, Kayla Hall, Billie Jo Shoemaker, and Dakota Hall.

Fort Scott’s Independence Day Celebration is July 3

Horton Street will be lined with spectators for the fireworks display on July 3.

Americans traditionally celebrate Independence Day with fireworks and the fireworks season in Fort Scott starts on Tuesday, June 27.

The Fort Scott community fireworks display will be July 3 at dusk from the Fort Scott Community College softball fields, with spectators lining Horton Street for viewing.

There are new organizers this year.

In April, Josh Jones and Aaron Judy, two local businessmen,  found out that the Elks Club was no longer going to provide the fireworks for the annual event.

“They did a good job through the years, but didn’t want to take it on anymore,” Josh Jones said.

Josh Jones.Th

Judy and Jones are the coordinators of the event, through the Advance Bourbon County 501c3 organization.

Helping to sponsor the fireworks event is Fort Scott Gun and Pawn Shop, the City of Fort Scott, Tall Grass Building System, the American Legion, the Elks Club, Brian Bowman Construction, Engstrom Construction, the Kiwanis Club and A-1 Towing.

“Last year it cost about $11,000 for the fireworks show,” Jones said.

Enjoy Some Food While Waiting

There will be local vendors selling food and drinks: Juan Some Grub, Fort Scott High School Swim Team-lemonade tent, Valley Flavor, Tiger Ice Sno Cones, Doggone Dogs, and Los Tres Pollitos, Judy said.

Additionally, there will be corn hole and other yard games for people to use, he said.

These will be set up in the area between the FSCC John Deere Department (the old armory) and the 4-H Building on the Bourbon County Fairgrounds, Judy said.


Aaron Judy from his Facebook page.


For other upcoming community events that Advance Bourbon County sponsors go to:



Fort Scott’s Rules For Fireworks

During the event, there can be no fireworks discharged from 18th Street and Horton Street to 23rd and Horton, according to Fort Scott Police Department  Chief Jason Pickert.

“They cannot be discharged on the community college campus or on the Bourbon County Fairgrounds,” he said.

Fireworks can be purchased from June 27 to July 4.

From June 27 to July 2 they can be discharged from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. On July 3 and July 4 they can be discharged from 7 a.m. until midnight.





A Long-Standing Tradition: 41st Annual Burke Street Fourth of July Parade and Social

Dusty Drake waves to bystanders of the parade in 2022. Submitted photos,

 “Come One, Come All, Let Freedom Ring!  It is once again time to celebrate U.S.A.’s 247th Independence Day with a neighborhood parade on Fort Scott’s Tower Hill better known as Burke Street on the Fourth of July,” according to a press release from Barb Albright.

The  Annual Burke Street Parade kicks-off at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 4, with The Pledge of Allegiance led by Louie Dunkeson,  and kids’  singing patriotic songs. The singing became a tradition  following the September 11 attack on America, in 2001, she said.

But the parade dates back over four decades, 41 years ago.

“The parade began as a neighborhood event,” Albright said. “Today the general public is more than welcome to participate,  bring a lawn chair and sit along the parade route , and partake in the post-parade social.”

Matt Karleskint and daughters, Alli, Lilli and Gracie Jo. Submitted photos.

Following patriotic songs by “Kids on Burke” led by two of the parade founders:  Susan Foster and Jill Gorman; the parade will depart at 10 a.m. from Tenth and Burke Street going south around the Marblecrest Street Triangle and returning north to the point of origin, according to the press release.  Traditionally, cheering spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs for comfortable seating and dress in red, white, and blue. Spectators line the parade route with family and friends.

“Post-parade refreshments will be served and ALL ARE WELCOME to the front yard of “Lady Liberty” and  “Uncle Sam” also known as Margaret and Merl Humphrey, 1024 Burke,” Albright said.  “Margaret is another founder of the event.  Neighbors and friends-of-the-parade donate the cookies, and drinks are provided by this year’s hosts Bryan and Julie Buchta.”

Maya Brown, grand-daughter of Jingles and Diana Endicott. Submitted photos.

A severe storm or lightning strikes cancels the parade and there are no large vehicles allowed due to the many children participating in the festivities.

Parade questions can be answered by Margaret Humphrey 620-223-0388 or Theresa Bahr 620-215-2889.

Parade spectators: Sheryl Bloomfield and Martha Jane Gentry. Submitted photos.


History of the Burke Street Parade

This history information was gathered by Barb Albright from the following sources:   Fort Scott Tribune articles, online Fort Scott.Biz articles, and a co-founder Margaret Humphrey interview.

“Over 40-years ago local Fort Scott resident Susan Stapleton Foster was visiting her brother Dr. Burder Stapleton’s family in Memphis, TN, over the Fourth of July.  She was fascinated with the neighborhood parades celebrating Independence Day, and returned home to share the idea of a patriotic parade with her Burke Street neighbors Margaret Humphrey and Jill Gorman. 

“According to Margaret Humphrey, the first parades were small going north on Burke past Mercy Hospital and turning back to the south.  A few spectators would come out to see the parade pass and send encouraging cheers to the participants.  After the parade there would be neighbors gathering for cookies and conversations.

“Today the Burke Street Parade remains a patriotic tradition thanks to kids on their bicycles, parents pushing baby strollers, men riding lawn mowers, owners walking their costumed pets, folks marching, and last… but not least, the flag-waving spectators along the parade route in their red, white, and blue attire.

As the crowd has grown, so has the refreshment table with many contributors dropping off cookies prior to the parade.  This year’s hosts are 1002 Burke newcomers to Fort Scott, Bryan and Julie Buchta who will be serving post-parade cookies and drinks in the Humphrey’s front yard at 1024 Burke.”



Young Enterpreneurs: The Whitson Brothers

A Farmers Market customer gets help from from left: Malachi, Asher, Maria and Judah Whitson.

This is part of a series featuring young entrepreneurs in our community.

To recommend a young entrepreneur, send contact information to [email protected]

The Whitson brothers, sons of Maria and Clayton Whitson, are entrepreneurs. The family lives on a farm in rural Garland.

Malachi, age 10, Asher, age 7 and Judah, age 5, all create items to sell, but each has a different product.

The boys, along with their parents, had a booth at the Fort Scott Farmers Market on June 3.

“The boys had… sold at my parents festival  (Shead Family Festival, an annual event) the year before but they really enjoyed the opportunity to sell with other kids and actually learn a little more about how businesses work,” said Maria.

The Whitsons launched a family business called The Journey Home which is an umbrella for their whole family’s creations, including their three young sons, according to their mother, Maria. They have two younger daughters.

Book publishing, art, jewelry, cast iron accessories, homeschooling, foraging, homesteading, disaster prep, herbal remedies, are some of the interests of the family business.

Malachi and Asher went to the Acton Children’s Business Fair in April 2022 and developed a business plan and selected a name for their respective businesses.

Malachi Whitson sells his jewelry at the June 3 Fort Scott Farmers Market with his other brothers.

Malachi, owner of Made by Malachi, creates jewelry.

“I can sell personalized bacelets, keychains, but mostly make earrings,” he said. “I like creating. I think up ideas then try them out. If they don’t work out, it’s fine, I can use my mistakes to create something else. ”

Business has been good, he said. He has been selling his jewelry at markets, fairs, festivals and at Root Coffee Shop in Pittsburg.

“I started selling three years ago at the Shead Farm Festival, and now sell at different events, he said. ” Larry and Vickie Shead, who open their farm annually in May to visitors, are the brothers’ grandparents.

Asher Whitson shows his framed art for sale at the Fort Scott Farmers Market on June 3.

Asher is an artist.

“I started my business when I was five,” he said. “I get ideas on Facebook, and use an Apple Pencil I Pad (to create on).”

“Mom asked me if I wanted to do a business and I just started drawing,” Asher said.

He also has sold his artwork at the Shead Farm Festival, the Acton Business Fair, Fort Scott Farmers Market and Root Coffee Shop.

He likes what he’s doing.

“It’s easy and fun to draw and I get money,” he said.

Judah Whitson gets help with selling his mini-donut product at the Farmers Market from his mother, Maria Whitson.

Judah received a mini-donut maker for Christmas.

His first selling of his product was at his grandparents Shead Farm Festival last month

At the June 3, 2023 Fort Scott Farmers Market, he was manning his family’s booth at the cash register, with help, and was all smiles.


Judah Whitson at the cash register at Fort Scott Farmers Market.
Judah Whitson mans the cash register at his family’s booth at the Fort Scott Farmers Market.

Second Children’s Business Workshop Coming In September

The  boys attended the children’s business workshop in April 2022.

Dacia Clark, with the Small Business Development Center, taught the children about developing a business plan, and other marketing basics, Rachel Carpenter with the Healthy Bourbon County Action Team said. The SBDC is housed in the HBCAT office at 104 N. National Avenue.

“Acton Children’s Business Fair provided the curriculum, and HBCAT helped coordinate the efforts,” Carpenter said.

Acton Children’s Business Fair is a culmination of ideas and hard work from great young minds. Kids develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at a one-day marketplace, according to its Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/childrensbusinessfairfortscottks?mibextid=LQQJ4d
The kids will have 3-4 meetings discussing the above ideas, culminating in a business fair. In 2022, the group of children totaled  13, and the hope is that will grown for the fall 2023 workshop, according to the Facebook page.
For registration for the fair which is scheduled for September 30 from 8 a.m. to noon: https://www.childrensbusinessfair.org/fortscott-ks
The logo of Acton Children’s Business Fair from its website.