Tag Archives: featured

City Commission approves discussions on Memorial Hall lease

During the Fort Scott City Commission meeting Tuesday evening, commissioners heard from film artists Cameron Cowell and Skip James of Last Farmhouse Films, Inc., who are considering leasing Memorial Hall as their location for an annual documentary film festival.

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“We like Memorial Hall,” Cowell said. “It fits our needs.”

Cowell said he has a passion for film and has always had the dream of starting a film festival in the Midwest.

The commissioners unanimously gave their approval to continue the discussion stages as the film group seeks prices for the renovations Memorial Hall would need, including the sound system and stage additions and other modernizing efforts that may be needed for their purposes, while keeping the current structural appearance as it is.

James said their group has visited numerous locations in small communities trying to find a place to hold the festival each year while hosting other events such as live music throughout the remainder of the year, adding he believes Fort Scott is a great fit and is looking forward to see what transpires.

“I’ve looked high and low in the state of Kansas and have really never been able to come up with a place that I felt was suitable,” Cowell said, saying they wanted  a small community that was easily accessible and not far from Kansas City.

City Manager Dave Martin said the plans of Last Farmhouse Films, Inc., fits in nicely with the city’s own recent efforts to promote the arts in the Fort Scott community.

If they decide Memorial Hall is the fit they believe it is and the leasing is approved, Cowell said they would then move forward with raising their own funding for renovating and looking to local contractors when possible.

“We love Fort Scott…and I think it’s a great community,” Cowell said.

The Fort Scott Commission also used the meeting as an opportunity to recognize members of the community including Fort Scott High School senior Garrett Tatro who was awarded the Prudential Spirit of Community Award for his efforts in supporting literacy by collecting books for children of the community. Tim and Anne Emerson and Jim and Martha Scott were also recognized for raising almost $17,000 to purchase an all-terrain trackchair for wounded veterans, the first such effort to be accomplished in Kansas. The two couples were honored in Topeka as well and have challenged other counties and communities to participate.

The commission also welcomed new commissioner Randy Nichols as he was sworn in to take the position left vacant by Lucas Cosens.

Downtown businesses discuss vacant buildings, parking

While many improvements can be seen in downtown Fort Scott such as in the completion of the Lowell Milken Center and work being done at the old Western Insurance building, much remains to be done as vacant buildings deteriorate.

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During the quarterly downtown business meet and greet event held at Papa Don’s Tuesday morning, City Manager Dave Martin and others in attendance discussed this and other downtown needs that need to be addressed in order to improve the downtown atmosphere.

“Quite frankly, folks, I don’t know what we’re going to do with some of these old buildings downtown that people just went off and left,” Martin said, saying they have fined and even issued arrest warrants for not keeping those vacant buildings up to code, but are not able to take further action against them.

During the Fort Scott City Commission meeting later that evening, Martin said a letter is sent to those whose buildings are out of compliance with city codes, giving them 10 days to comply. If they do not comply, they are given a ticket which demands they come to court. If they do not appear at court, they are invited a second time and are then issued a bench warrant if they again fail appear.

Martin said their goal is not to force owners to pay fines or be placed under arrest, but to get them to comply with the codes. Some codes that are not complied with downtown concern unsafe structures or failure to pick up trash or other debris.

“The buildings in our Downtown Historic District are an anchor to our community and compliment surrounding attractions including the Fort Scott National Historic Site and the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes,” Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lindsay Madison said, saying Fort Scott has a number of great businesses and owners located downtown, but need to attract more.

Martin said some structures such as the former Chop House building are in bad shape, and if the owners do not step in to prevent deterioration, then the city may have to take them down since the city cannot sue the owners to follow ordinances. Martin said certain buildings are at critical points.

Martin emphasized that a lot of great things are currently being done downtown, but that they still need to find others willing to invest in the older downtown buildings who understand what is required to take care of such structures. Madison said there are grants available to those who may be interested in rehabilitating buildings, which she says are well-suited for office spaces, service-based businesses and art venues for example.

Madison said it would be a shame to have to take down any downtown buildings, many of which are historic buildings. She encouraged other business owners or local volunteers to assist owners of vacant buildings who no longer live nearby by helping keep those structures clean by sweeping their entrances, removing weeds in the sidewalk and clearing windows of old fliers.

“Don’t ever think we’re not trying our best to get things done,” Martin said, saying things are being accomplished downtown from behind the scenes. “We have a lot of really good things going on.”

Director of Economic Development Heather Smith gave an update on recent construction, saying work continues at the Western Insurance building to turn it into an apartment building. Already, Smith said they have nearly completed the roof and are working on framework on the fourth and fifth floors.

“Things are going very well there,” Martin said, while Smith explained that it is still on schedule to be complete in the late fall.

Another issue discussed was downtown parking, with business owners expressing frustration at losing customers because they circle the block and fail to find a place to park.

Those owners requested that employees be asked to park in separate lots instead of in front of their or neighboring businesses. Tenants of upstairs apartments also occasionally leave their vehicle parked in front of businesses much of the day.

Smith also proposed encouraging younger shoppers and visitors to consider parking further away from businesses and walking the short blocks, allowing older or disabled visitors to park nearer their destination.

Madison said she will begin working with the city to create a sign to be placed at parking lots such as at Wall and Scott streets, encouraging shoppers to use those areas.

Though it is a good problem to have, Martin said it is also one that needs to be corrected.

YPL holds networking lunch

Just a day after two Young Professionals League members received awards at the Chamber of Commerce dinner, the group of young business people continued their goal of assisting its members by holding a networking lunch during their monthly meeting Friday.

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The April meeting gave attendees an opportunity to mingle with other young business members of the community to learn about their personal and professional lives through a group activity. Participants expressed their appreciation at the opportunity to get to know each other better and build those networking ties.

With the April meeting completing the first cycle of meetings, the YPL will begin the new quarter in May, with their meeting focusing on leadership building exercises before hearing from a guest speaker on a relevant topic the following month.

The YPL also holds a monthly social gathering the third Friday of each month. On April 15, young professionals will be gathering at Nate’s Place after working hours to socialize in a more relaxed setting.

Members are also encouraged to be involved in the community, such as by volunteering to help with the Beacon Soup Line in the fall or the High School Career Day. Community service hours outside of work can be turned in to the YPL, which will keep a tally of the total number of hours for the individuals and the group as a whole.

Young professionals interested in joining the organization are encouraged to attend the meetings or social events. Yearly dues are currently being accepted from both new and returning members.

Chamber recognizes businesses, individuals for their service

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce hosted their Annual Dinner and Awards celebration Thursday evening, with about 200 members of the community attending to show support to the chamber and those businesses and individuals awarded for their service to the community.

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With the theme of Funky Town, speakers such as master of ceremonies Mark McCoy and chamber Executive Director Lindsay Madison emphasized the uniqueness of the city of Fort Scott and its residents and businesses.

“Our community is unique,” Madison said, saying the city’s history, attractions, businesses and people contribute to the area’s “funkiness” that she said can be used to draw others to Fort Scott.

Chairman of the Chamber Board Reta Baker and past recipients presented awards to the 2016 winners, nominated by members of the chamber. Baker said this year they received an increase in nominations as more people participated in the process of awarding individuals and businesses for their service to the community and employees.

Megan Felt of the Lowell Milken Center was named Young Professional of the Year, Melissa Wise of Wise Accounting received the Community Spirit Award, E3 Ranch was named the Agri-Business of the year, Sleep Inn & Suites the New Business of the Year, La Hacienda the Small Business of the Year, Peerless Products, Inc., the Large Business of the Year, and Reta Baker the Business Person of the Year.

Frank Halsey of Mid-Continental Restoration Co., Inc., received the Mayor’s Citizenship Award for his work at the family business as well as his involvement in the community through the creation of the Gunn Park Bike Trails, as a member of the CASA board of directors, the Knights of Columbus and board of directors for the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation.

“Thank you so much for your dedication and your hard work in serving Fort Scott,” Mayor Cindy Bartelsmeyer said to Halsey, who said he likes getting involved because he can learn from others he meets and that he believed there are many others who deserved the award as well.

The esteemed Keystone Award was awarded to Jim and Martha Scott, business owners as well as volunteers in many areas over recent decades such as through the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, tourism, and starting the Forks and Corks: Taste of Fort Scott event, Moonlight and Mistletoe Tour, Friends of the Fort, the Symbols of Sacrifice at the National Historic Site and the Secret Garden Tour and several other organizations and events.

“I can’t think of a better town or a better place to live than Fort Scott, Kansas,” Jim Scott said, saying it is a great place to raise a family and grow old.

The evening also included live and silent auctions of items donated by numerous local businesses and individuals, included but not limited to Nate’s Place, USD 34, Velocity Ammunition, Walgreens, Vinedo del Alamo Winery, J & W Sports Shop, Bids & Dibs, Papa Don’s, Fort Cinema and the Gordon Parks Museum. Numerous other businesses also donated their time and finances to the event.

“We sincerely appreciate all of the community’s support for the chamber and the work that we do for the community,” Madison said.

Mercy Home Health and Hospice shares update at Chamber Coffee

Mercy Home Health and Hospice gave an update of their services during the weekly Chamber Coffee event Thursday, sharing about their history and accomplishments as well as an upcoming event they are providing to the community.

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Community Relations Coordinator Michelle LeChevalier-Szabo said the home health care has been provided to those within an approximate 50-mile radius of Fort Scott since 1976.

For four years, LeChevalier-Szabo said the home health care has made the elite recognition list in its field in the United States, making the top 25 percent of such services. It has also earned four out of five stars for its care when the average for the country is three stars.

“They do a great job of providing high-quality and passionate care,” LeChevalier-Szabo said of the health care employees, which with the hospice care include nurses, physical therapists, social workers, chaplains and outpatient service providers.

The hospice care came along much more recently as it celebrates four years in Fort Scott this summer.

“The team provides really high quality, exceptional service and compassionate care to families and the patients,” LeChevalier-Szabo said, despite the fact they are dealing with families in the midst of a difficult time in their lives.

Mercy Home Health and Hospice is also partnering with Mercy Hospital, Kansas Legal Services, Country Place Senior Living and other local vendors for the National Healthcare Decisions Day event to be held at the Fort Scott Community College Friday, April 15.

“It’s a tough topic and people kind of shy away from it,” LeChevalier-Szabo said, adding their event explores those topics in a fun and informational environment.

But LeChevalier-Szabo said it is important for individuals to know what their options are so their wishes can be honored and so they can appoint someone to speak on their behalf in the event the individual is unable to do so for them self.

The event will provide information and an opportunity to ask questions as it addresses topics such as planning for health care, establishing wishes concerning one’s medical decisions before a crisis arises and other topics including exercise and dementia through a virtual dementia tour.

An attorney, physician, personal trainer and masseuse will be on hand to provide information and services.

3-31 Chamber Coffee

Other upcoming events in Fort Scott in April include:

  • The Young Professionals League will host a networking event during their April meeting Friday at Papa Don’s at noon.
  • Fort Scott Community College is hosting a jazz concert with artist Branford Marsalis Thursday, April 7. Tickets are still available.
  • The 2nd Story Festival of Arts and Ideas will be held in Fort Scott April 8-9, with an entrepreneurial event and panel discussion held Friday evening and pottery, water-color, photography, culinary and book-publishing workshops being held Saturday as well as a guest speaker discussing the business of art.
  • The annual Fort Scott Home Show will be held at the Arnold Arena April 8-9, with events being held 5-8 p.m. Friday, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Bourbon County Landfill to host spring clean up event

With the arrival of spring, the Bourbon County Commission decided Tuesday to hold a spring cleaning event for the county, encouraging residents of Bourbon County to take their trash to the landfill at no cost on April 22-23.

3-31 Earth Day

County commissioners discussed with public works director Jim Harris the issue of trash and large items such as tires and even mattresses being abandoned along the sides of the road throughout the county. To try to counteract that problem, and in honor of Earth Day on April 22, Bourbon County residents will be able to drop items off for free at the dump.

Harris said the county used to work with the local schools on Earth Day when students would clean up areas of town, transporting the trash to the dump. But the county has not participated in recent years. Harris said emphasizing such an event might discourage residents from throwing items away on the side of the road instead.

Each day, Harris said employees of the road department have to spend time picking up trash when they should be working on the roads, costing the county and taxpayers money that could be put to better use.

All normal rules apply to the special event concerning dumping, such as not permitting paint, oil or batteries to be disposed of there. Other items such as tires, appliances and other objects, which normally are charged according to weight, will be accepted from residences, but not commercial businesses.

The landfill will be open Friday, April 22, all day and Saturday, April 23, until 2 p.m. The commissioners said they hope to hold such events more than once a year.

Committee discusses transportation options for Fort Scott

With the approaching end to public transportation provided by the Southeast Kansas Community Action Program, a group of Fort Scott residents formed a committee to look into other options that could accommodate the needs of the city.

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In a meeting held Monday evening, this Community Transportation Committee—made up of representatives from the city, area churches, Mercy Hospital and Fort Scott Community College—discussed options such as continuing to reach out to local churches who could volunteer their church vehicles as a short-term solution to the issue. A local pastor in attendance at the meeting said insurance is a key concern for churches since using them would not be considered church-related.

Kevin Marvin and Lora Strong of Pitt-Taxi transportation services in Pittsburg also attended the meeting and explained how they began their company in 2012 with just one vehicle, since growing to include a number of vans and other vehicles.

Pitt-Taxi provides rides to those within Pittsburg city limits at a set price for one-way and round-trip journeys. Marvin said they are interested in providing such a service in Fort Scott as well since they see a need similar to what they had previously seen in Pittsburg.

“We’d be more than glad to get in here and shoot for the sky,” Marvin said, saying their company is flexible enough that they could make adjustments along the way to make it the right fit for the community.

Marvin said their goal would be to bring one of their vans to Fort Scott two weeks before the SEK-CAP end-date of June 30, and use local drivers to provide rides from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Unlike SEK-CAP, which required a 24-hour notice for rides, Pitt-Taxi could pick up customers within about 15 minutes of being called and said drivers are willing to provide some assistance to riders such as with groceries.

Currently their vehicles are not wheel-chair accessible unless the chair folds and the rider is able to get into the vehicle with minimum assistance, due to insurance coverage.

The prices would likely be the same as in Pittsburg, at $7 for a one-way trip and $10 for a round-trip, which requires no more than a 15-minute wait. At those prices, Marvin said they would need to provide an average of 20 rides per 12-hour day in order to break even.

Because of their need to spread the word of their arrival as well as additional costs in payroll, a vehicle and added insurance, Marvin asked if the cost of rent for their Fort Scott office at the Bourbon County Senior Citizens’ facility could be waived for the first few months. City Manager Dave Martin said the city of Fort Scott would provide $5,000 to the BCSC to be used for rent and utilities of that office until those funds run out.

While bringing in Pitt-Taxi would solve the issue of losing public transportation in Fort Scott—which Deb Needleman emphasized is not a result of lack of funding, but because the current transportation has not fit the needs of the city—the committee said they will continue to look for other means of providing transportation for those who could not afford the fees or need rides at night. Vouchers and volunteer drivers are options.

New projects coming to Fort Scott

Due to the hard work of city leaders, Fort Scott could soon be seeing more projects and improvements being accomplished around town to better roads and sidewalks for travelers’ convenience.

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Already, work continues steadily on National Avenue between 6th and 13th streets, with the project expected to be done by August to improve the drainage and pipelines running along that roadway.

Earlier this month, City Manager Dave Martin said residents and travelers through the city will see even more work being done as the city uses grants and Kansas Department of Transportation funds to improve the streets and sidewalks.

In upcoming weeks, a sidewalk project will begin on the south side of Wall Street between Margrave and Steen streets. Earlier this month, bids came in on the project which will be accomplished with about $175,000 in grant money.

“A lot of people walk on that street,” Martin said, adding there are other areas of town that are in need of sidewalk improvements as well.

The city received a grant in 2014 to improve walking routes to Fort Scott schools by improving and connecting sidewalks, a project of almost $270,000. This Safe Routes to School grant will be used in the areas around the two elementary schools and should be put to bid in November as the city waits for approval from KDOT concerning easements and sidewalk locations.

But improvements will be made for drivers as well as pedestrians in Fort Scott as the widening project of Highway 69 begins in the next month, with contractors already working to determine how to route traffic safely through the area while work is done.

That project will be located between the National Avenue and 23rd Street intersections with Highway 69, with a traffic signal being added at National Avenue, the light at 23rd Street upgraded, a turning lane added and business entrances cleaned up. Because of the extent of the project, Martin said it will likely take a year to complete.

“That’s a big project,” Martin said of the $3.5 million KDOT and Fort Scott project.

Similarly, north and south turning lanes and a new entrance will also be added at the Industrial Park on the south side of Fort Scott to improve traffic flow in that area, an issue KDOT became aware of after the addition of the LaRoche Baseball Complex. Martin said bidding will occur in 2016 for that $1.5 million project.

“It makes it very stressful at times, but that’s a good thing,” Martin said of the work.

Although several projects may be occurring simultaneously, Martin said in just a couple years’ time a significant difference would be made, and with the assistance of grants instead of just taxpayers’ money.

“With the financial situation as it is, it’s a good thing we went ahead and moved forward on these as they did,” Martin said. “Because you just never know what’s going to happen.”

In the meantime, drivers and residents in Fort Scott may have to be patient and remain aware of construction zones.

Fort Scott celebrates Easter weekend

Despite the cold and wet start Saturday morning, Fort Scott businesses and organizations still provided festivities for families in honor of the Easter holiday.

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The Buck Run Community Center again provided their annual Easter Eggstravaganza, giving children an opportunity to color eggs, make crafts, try Easter snacks and participate in other activities.

In just the first hour Saturday morning, about 30 children participated. Director Tom Robertson said each annual event, which includes similar festivities for other holidays such as Christmas, Halloween and Valentine’s Day, brings about 40 children.

This year, the community center partnered with Walgreens, who provided free photo shoots with the Easter bunny at their location once the events at Buck Run were complete. Walgreens employees said usually between 50 and 75 people participate in such photo opportunities.

Though the weather was a concern, families still turned out in their Easter outfits to have their photographs taken with the Easter bunny.

Presbyterian Church hosts Holy Week Chamber Coffee

During this Easter week, the First Presbyterian Church hosted the weekly Chamber Coffee, informing attendees of their special services in honor of the Holy Week as well as other community events they participate in.

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Pastor Jared Witt, who has been at the church for about four years, said the church added two services in honor of Easter, including one held Thursday in honor of Maundy Thursday, or the last Lord’s Supper, as well as a Good Friday service. A spirituality center is also available for anyone who would like to stop by at any point over the weekend.

Throughout the year, Witt also explained that they take three weekends away from the normal church services and instead enter the community to do different service projects such as cleaning or construction work for the city, local organizations or elderly residents, with skilled workers of the church helping organize and lead the projects.

“It’s one thing to sing a hymn near someone,” Witt said. “But a totally different thing to paint together for four or five hours.”

The next project day will be held May 22. While Witt said they likely have enough projects for that day, they will accept ideas for service projects for future work days.

Witt said their elder-run church has seven staff members as well as a number of deacons, who lead the church’s compassion ministry, and elders, who help lead the church body. Currently, they are looking for someone who might be interested in taking on the position of youth minister.

Other announcements during the Chamber Coffee included:

  • This week, a New York archivist is in town to help the Gordon Parks Museum get new prints of the Parks photos on display, which should soon be ready for exhibition once again.
  • The Chamber of Commerce will hold their annual banquet March 31. The event is still accepting items to be sold in the live auction during the event.
  • Musical artist Branford Marsalis will provide a concert at the Fort Scott Community College Thursday, April 7. Tickets at $30 apiece or $20 for students remain available.
  • My Father’s House is in the process of considering expansions for their services such as by adding an emergency shelter and a thrift store as well as a vehicle. Members of the community who might have buildings they could donate or sell at a reasonable price are requested to contact My Father’s House.
  • Work continues to be done on the Riverfront Project as local and out of town groups have participated in the project by picking up debris such as rocks and sticks. Groups are welcome to volunteer their services. The project is also currently waiting to hear if their applications for a lookout tower and shelter are accepted.

Sleep Inn wins 2016 Platinum Hospitality Award

Submitted by Bill Michaud, March 23

The Sleep Inn & Suites hotel of Fort Scott was recently announced as a recipient of a prestigious 2016 Platinum Hospitality Award from one of the world’s largest hotel companies, Choice Hotels International, Inc., franchisor of the Sleep Inn brand.

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“The Sleep Inn – Fort Scott’s commitment to excellence and outstanding guest service has earned it this well-deserved recognition as one of the best hotels among the Sleep Inn brand,” said Steve Joyce, president and chief executive officer for Choice Hotels International. “We here at Choice Hotels are very proud to award this distinguished honor to the Sleep Inn – Fort Scott.”

Platinum Award status represents a tremendous accomplishment for a hotel and its entire staff. Each year, only the top three percent of the hotels in the Sleep Inn brand are eligible to receive this elite distinction.  As a top performing property among the company’s more than 5,200 United States franchised hotels, the Sleep Inn – Fort Scott is among the top performers within their brand.

As one of the company’s top franchised hotels operating under the Sleep Inn flag, the hotel has demonstrated an exceptional focus on guest satisfaction and dedication to providing superior service.  Additional award criteria are evaluated by Choice Hotels through its official property ranking reports.  Sleep Inn – Fort Scott is a national leader within the brand as it has held a Top 5 ranking since it gained eligibility in October of 2015 and is currently ranked as the #1 Sleep Inn property in the US.

For more information or to make your reservation today, visit www.choicehotels.com.

Fort Scott Community College to Host 40th Annual Aggie Day

Submitted by Heather Cutshall, March 22

Fort Scott Community College will host its 40th annual Aggie Day on Friday, April 1. Approximately 1,400 students representing more than 80 schools will compete in the contest, which is facilitated by FSCC’s Agriculture Department. The department offers a variety of programs for students, including agriculture, farm and ranch management and John Deere Tech, as well as activities such as livestock judging, meat judging, collegiate farm bureau and rodeo.

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“Our agriculture instructors and students always look forward to Aggie Day, and we’re especially thrilled because this year marks the 40th anniversary of the event,” said FSCC Agriculture Instructor Ryan Edgecomb. “We are excited to showcase students involved in FFA and 4-H programs across the Four States.”

Students will compete in a variety of areas, including agronomy, entomology, farm management, floriculture, food science, livestock, meat evaluation, milk quality and products, nursery/landscape, poultry and speech. Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams in each contest. Plaques will be awarded to the top three individuals in each contest, and medals will be presented to those earning fourth and fifth place.

Sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition, Honor Show Chow and Winfield, this event is the longest running interscholastic competition in the region.

“It is an honor to have Purina, a company with such great values and reputation, as our sponsor,” said Edgecomb. “We thank them for their support of agriculture and the youths of southeast Kansas.”

Teams should pre-register online at fortscott.edu/aggieday before Friday, March 25. Registration for the event will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, April 1, at the Arnold Arena on the FSCC campus in Fort Scott, Kan.

For more information, please call Ryan Edgecomb, FSCC Agriculture Instructor, at (620) 223-2700 ext. 3280.