Post 25 Scuttlebutt 

Submitted by Carl Jowers

A special “Thank You” to those Post members who stepped and donated $300 to purchase wheelchair ramp materials for a local disabled veteran. This is really what the Legion is about: Veterans helping Veterans.   


Post 25 leads 2nd District in membership with 91 members or 122.37%. Our goal for this Legion year was 76.

Thanks to all who made these outstanding membership numbers possible.  Post 25 has more than doubled its membership since 2017.

We can still accept new members for this Legion year. Any honorably discharged Veteran who served ONE day of active duty since December 7, 1941 can now join the American Legion. There are many Bourbon County Veterans who have never been asked to join us.  Ask a friend, neighbor or relative to become a member of America’s largest Veterans organization.

We will be welcoming our newest member, Ken Armenta, at our next meeting. Ken is an Army Vet who served in Vietnam.

Upcoming Events 

March 12. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 25 meets at 600 pm in Memorial Hall.

March 12. American Legion Post 25 Color Guard meets at 730 pm in Memorial Hall. All Post 25 Legion family members can join the Post 25 Color Guard. This includes Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion Squadron members.

March 21.   District II convention at Post 14 in Lawrence. The District Convention is open to all Legionnaires.  

March 28.  American Legion Riders Chapter 25 “Basic Skills Riding Course.”  Starts at 10 am and is open to the public.  Email for more information. An event flyer is attached to this email.

May 15 -17. Department Convention at the Ramada Hotel. The Department Convention is open to all Legionnaires.  


Informational Items 

The American Legion does many great things for America’s Veterans and their families. The “Blue Water Navy Act” which allows Sailors serving on ships off the coast of Vietnam to apply for Agent Orange disability and compensation is a more recent example of the American Legion efforts to help Veterans.  I’ve attached a “By the Numbers” flyer that reflect the American Legion’s impact across America.

If you wish to attend either the District or Department Conventions, please get in touch with me. Any Legionnaire in good standing can attend these events. Only delegates can vote, but one can learn more about the Kansas American Legion by attending. “In good standing” simply means your dues are paid for the current year.



Don’t hesitate to contact me with any suggestions or questions you may have about Fort Scott American Legion Post 25.

Carl Jowers. Post 25 Commander.


FEB2020 Impact Report

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