Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
November 18, 2024
PRESENT: Ronda Bailey, John Bartelsmeyer, Jim Fewins, Bryan Holt, Chad McKinnis, and Doug Ropp
ALSO PRESENT: Sara Sutton – Interim President, Juley McDaniel – Board Clerk, faculty, staff, community members
Chairman Holt called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm in the meeting rooms of the Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Agriculture Building.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and Holt reading FSCC’s mission statement.
TRIO PROGRAM UPDATE: TRIO Director Holli Mason provided a summary of the TRIO program to the
Board. TRIO is a federally funded grant focused on increasing college graduation and retention rates and/or transfer
rates from a 2 year to 4 year program. The program serves 150 students per year that meet at least one of the
identified criteria (low-income, first generation, or documented disability). The program has to provide tutoring,
advising, assistance with completing FAFSA, financial literacy, and information regarding federal student aid. Most
of the program’s time is spent in individualized counseling for personal, career, and academic information.
Approximately 15 FSCC employees outside of the TRIO employees serve as TRIO mentors. FSCC receives 8% of
TRIO’s budgeted funds in administrative allowance. The program operates on a five year grant cycle, and FSCC
has already reapplied for 2025-2030 with help from Bonnie Houk from Greenbush.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda,
noting that the executive session will be moved to occur between Discussion Items and Action Items.
A. PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY POLICY: The board reviewed a proposed policy regarding peaceful
assembly. The policy will be presented for approval at the next board meeting.
B. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE POLICY: The board reviewed a proposed policy regarding progressive
discipline. The policy will be presented for approval at the next board meeting. Holt clarified an
assumption of human resources’ involvement throughout the process, as well as the need to training of
supervisors on the process.
C. FACULTY QUALIFICATIONS POLICY: The board reviewed a proposed policy regarding faculty
qualifications. The policy will be presented for approval at the next board meeting.
D. CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY: The board reviewed a proposed policy regarding employee
conflicts of interest. The policy will be presented for approval at the next board meeting. In the Annual
Disclosure section the policy references the Board of Regents instead of Board of Trustees, so will need
E. CREDIT HOUR POLICY: The board reviewed a proposed credit hour policy. The policy will be
presented for approval at the next board meeting.
F. PURCHASING POLICY: The board reviewed a proposed purchasing policy. The policy will be
presented for approval at the next board meeting.6
G. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK UPDATES, PART 2: The board reviewed proposed revisions to the
employee handbook. This section will be presented for approval at the next board meeting. Suggested
revisions should be provided before the next board meeting.
H. MEETING STREAMING: FSCC stopped streaming some months ago in an effort to support a
minimally staffed IT Department. The Board discussed the pros and cons of streaming meetings, including
what other public entities and community colleges stream meetings. The Board would like feedback from
other entities that do or don’t stream.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Bartelsmeyer, and carried by unanimous
vote to adjourn to executive session for fifteen minutes beginning at 6:25 pm for the purpose of discussing non-
elected personnel as it relates to discussion of identifiable information of non-elected personnel with action not
expected to follow. The Board invited Sonia Gugnani and Sara Sutton to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to return to
open session at 6:41 pm.
A. Resolution 2024 – 68: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous
vote to approve the Family and Medical Leave Policy.
B. Resolution 2024 – 69: A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Bartelsmeyer, and carried by
unanimous vote to approve the International Student Deposit Policy.
C. Resolution 2024 – 70: A motion was made by Ropp, seconded by Bartelsmeyer, and carried by unanimous
vote to approve Employee Handbook Updates, Part 1.
D. Resolution 2024 – 71: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by
unanimous vote to approve the revised Substance Abuse Policy.
E. Resolution 2024 – 72: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous
vote to approve the revised Program Review Policy.
F. Resolution 2024 – 73: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by
unanimous vote to approve the 3 BCBS health plans as presented, the BCBS dental plan as presented, and
the EyeMed vision plan as presented.
G. Resolution 2024 – 74: A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous
vote to reject the sublease agreement from Southeastern Technical Academy for Rural Students (STARS)
in the interest of having further conversation with STARS.
H. Resolution 2024 – 75: A motion was made by Ropp, seconded by Bartelsmeyer, and carried by unanimous
vote to approve the commercial real estate sales contract for the property at 810 Burke Street.
• ADMINISTRATION – The Board reviewed and heard updates from Academic Affairs, Student Services,
Foundation, Finance and Operations, and the Interim President.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
7:50 pm by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote.