January 27, 2023
Committee Work continues in the third week of session. It appears that session is off to a slow start, however, there are reports and hearings being conducted in committees. Bills, schedules, and recordings of the meetings can be found at http://www.kslegislature.org/li/.
Government Picking Winners and Losers Last week I talked about a Legislative Post Audit report on tax incentive programs being used to promote business in Kansas. The report pointed out 37% of businesses questioned would have expanded or completed the project without the tax incentives. The report also pointed out the programs do not generate enough tax dollars to pay for the ‘giveaways’.
This week another presentation on government picking winners was presented in the Commerce Committee. Universities are allowing companies who “pay to play” to have access to students and research. Not all businesses have access to these students or research. It used to be that students would intern for companies, but now, some companies have locations on campus.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.