FS City Vacancies

The City Clerk is now accepting Letters of Interest for several vacant positions.  City Hall does appreciate the time investment advisory board commission members make; therefore, only serious candidates need submit their OWN letter.  All letters will be verified by the City Clerk and all applicants must appear before the City Commission before they are appointed.  All positions are voluntary and will not be compensated.


CITY COMMISSIONER (1) opening to finish out the remainder of a vacated seat that expires December 31, 2024. The successor to be determined by election in November 2024. DEADLINE MAY 30, 2024, AT 5:00PM.


PARKS ADVISORY BOARD – (1) opening to finish out the remainder of a vacated seat that expires December 31, 2024. The position is a (2)-year term and may be renewed after the upcoming expiration date if you wish to continue to serve on the board and the reappointment is approved. The function of the Parks Advisory Board is to provide suggestions to the City and Manager and the City Commission regarding the parks within the City of Fort Scott. Currently this board meets quarterly or on “as needed basis” for (1) hour on Thursday afternoons at City Hall. The next scheduled meeting is July 11, 2024, at 4:00PM at City Hall.  DEADLINE IS JUNE 28, 2024, AT 5:00PM.


PLANNING COMMISSION – (1) opening to finish out the remainder of a vacated seat that expires December 31, 2026.  The position is a (3)-year term and the candidate for this vacated position must be a City resident. The Planning Commission is under the authority of K.S.A. 12-744 et seq. and City Ordinance No. 3762, for the purpose of recommending and advising the Governing Body of the City on matters pertaining to the planning, zoning and subdivision administration of all legal territory and property inside the Cit limits of Fort Scott. Currently this commission meets bi-monthly (every other month) and “as needed” if necessary for timely matters requiring a decision prior to a scheduled meeting. Meetings generally last (1) hour and are currently held on Wednesday afternoons at 4:00PM at City Hall. Times and dates are amendable to meet the schedules of commission members. The next bi-monthly meeting is scheduled for July 22, 2024, at 4:00PM at City Hall.  DEADLINE IS JULY 19, 2024, AT 5:00PM.


LIBRARY BOARD – (1) opening for a (4)-year term. This board meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Fort Scott Public Library.  For further information about the Library Board, please contact the library director, Jennifer Gum-Fowler at (620) 223-2882. OPEN UNTIL FILLED.


Please submit ALL Letters of Interest to the City Clerk by the deadlines indicated either in person at City Hall, 123 S. Main Street or by email [email protected]PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE CONTACT INFORMATION. All letters will be verified, and all candidates must appear before the City Commission when scheduled by agenda. If letters cannot be verified, they will not be considered. For questions, please contact Lisa Lewis, City Clerk at [email protected] or (620) 223-0550 ext. 507.







Lisa A. Lewis, City Clerk


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