Fort Scott Thompson-Harkey American Legion Post 25 Update

At yesterday’s Second District Convention, held by telephone conference call, Post 25’s own Myra Jowers was elected Second District Commander for the 2020-21 Legion Year. Also elected to Second District leadership positions were Post 25 Commander Carl Jowers as Second District Adjutant and Post 25 Adjutant Leslie Montee as the Third Year Second District Committeewoman.

Myra’s eligibility for Legion membership is as a Vietnam Era Air Force Veteran. She was also elected three times as a Post Commander in Florida’s 5th District.  Carl’s eligibility for Legion membership is as a Vietnam Navy Veteran. Leslie’s eligibility for Legion membership is as a Global War on Terror Air Force Veteran.

As a reminder, Post 25 has grown to 100 members since May 2017. We have more than doubled our membership since our, Carl and Myra’s, arrival in Fort Scott a few short years ago. Many of this year’s Legion programs were canceled due to Coronavirus outbreak and the need for social distancing. We had delegates lined up for Boys State and the Cadet Law programs.  Plus, through no fault of the Post, we were unable to host the local or district oratorical competitions.  As we say after our favorite sports teams didn’t win the brass ring, “There’s always next year.” Post 25 stands ready to offer Legion programs to our area children and youth next year.

As Post Commander, one of advantages of the office, is to select the Post 25 Legionnaire of the Year.  I have selected Darrell Spencer as Post 25 Legionnaire of the Year for the 2019 – 20 Legion year. Darrell has stepped up and has done an impressive job as Post Finance Officer. He also answered the call when elected as the Color Guard Captain. I have received numerous compliments on how crisp and professional our Post 25 looks when they present colors at various ceremonies. Plus, Darrell is a Charter Member of the American Legion Riders Chapter 25. He willingly accepted the role as Chapter 25 treasurer and has participated in funeral escorts as a Rider.  I salute Darrell for his selfless service to Post 25 and the Bourbon County/Fort Scott community.

If you are aware of a local Veteran in need during these stay at home times, please let me know. Myra and I stand ready to help them as we can. As we move forward in the new Legion year, let us stay positive and continue to work together to improve our community.

Carl Jowers. Post 25 Commander.

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