Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 continues to lead the Department of Kansas in membership at 153% with 78 members.
Post 25 Legionnaire David Bishard has transferred to Post Everlasting. Additional information on funeral services will be provided at a later date.
Your support for the Fort Scott American Legion baseball team is needed. This is our 1st Legion baseball team in several years and we are literally starting from scratch on equipment. Myra and I will match $1.00 for every $10.00 donation. Our fundraising goal is $3,000. Registration, insurance, baseballs and other incidentals are expensive.
Our goal in Fort Scott is to build an American Legion baseball program based on integrity and develop young men of character for our community. and our nation.
Please mail your donation for the Fort Scott American Legion baseball team to
American Legion Post 25
PO Box 25
Fort Scott, Ks. 66701
You can make a donation at If you use GoFundMe, they ask for a platform “service” fee. It is up to you to adjust the “recommended” fee by selecting other.
You can also call me at 620-215-1688 to arrange a local pick up of your donation. No donation too small.
Upcoming Events
June 13. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 25 meets in Memorial Hall at 6 pm this evening. Tonight’s meeting is a “meet and greet” and will be the last one before the Auxiliary Unit is chartered in July. All eligible female family members of veterans are invited to attend.
June 13. American Legion Post 25 Color Guard meets in Memorial Hall at 7 pm this month. The Post 25 Color Guard is open to all Post 25 Legionnaires and SAL members.
June 14. Flag retirement at The Fort NHS at 7 pm. Unserviceable American flags will be honorably retired during the ceremony. This event is open to the public.
Remember to check out Post 25 on Facebook. It contains current information pertaining to Veterans and their families.
VA Shuttle June Schedule
Mondays. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.
Tuesdays. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.
Wednesdays. Fort Scott/Kansas City VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.
The shuttle will make stops in Pleasanton, Louisburg and Ottawa to pick up scheduled riders.
Carl Jowers. Commander
Fort Scott American Legion Post 25
Telephone: 620.215.1688
Email: [email protected]