At the Bourbon County Commission meeting on May 13, First District Commissioner Brandon Whisenhunt told fellow commissioners he would be in favor of selecting a bi-partisan committee of five volunteers that would consist of individuals who are both pro-solar and against solar to research aspects of the solar farms that are coming to the county, according to the commission minutes.
Third District Commissioner Clifton Beth stated those interested should submit a letter explaining why they want to be on the committee.

Beth said the reality is how do you put the cat back in the bag, because solar panel farms are here, according to the minutes.
Beth said he is 100% against zoning.
Second District Commissioner Jim Harris said a special use permit is just the beginning and it could potentially expand until it is full zoning, according to the minutes.

Harris made a motion to receive applications from concerned citizens who want to serve on a committee to help the commissioners review setbacks for solar panel farms.
Whisenhunt seconded the motion. Harris added that they would accept letters for 30 days and if the people applying are not unbiased, they would start over. All approved the motion.
The Bourbon County Board of County Commissioners is now receiving applications from impartial citizens who want to serve on this committee to help the Commissioners review setbacks for solar panel farms.
The statute that tells of setbacks:
Kansas Statute 58-3801. Creation of solar easements; recordation. Any easement obtained for the purpose of exposure of a solar energy device shall be created in writing. The instrument containing such easement shall be recorded with the register of deeds of the county within which the property affected by such easement is situated,according to: https://www.ksrevisor.org/statutes/chapters/ch58/058_038_0001.html
The Commissioners are accepting letters from citizens who wish to serve on the committee, ” Bourbon County Clerk Jennifer Hawkins said. “There is not a specific application for this committee, those interested should write a letter outlining why they wish to serve on the committee and submit to the Clerk’s Office by June 12, 2024.”
Please submit a sealed letter, clearly marked “committee application”, outlining why you wish to serve on the committee to the Bourbon County Clerk’s Office 210 S. National Ave. Fort Scott, KS 66701 no later than June 12, 2024.

Oops, thank for the correction.