Community Christian Church hosted the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce weekly coffee Thursday.
The church is celebrating 45 years in Fort Scott.
Pastor Dusty Drake told the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce weekly coffee attendees “the most important treasure of the church is our people.”
Drake said the mission of the church is still to take people to the next step with Jesus Christ.
An upcoming Easter series will be accentuated by the congregation reading the book “Imagine Heaven”, by John Burke, Drake said.
“It explores the near-death experiences of 100s of people and puts together a picture of what happens when clinically dead,” he said.
The experiences line up with what scripture says about life after death, Drake said and Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
Church staff was introduced by Drake.
The staff includes Drake as the teaching and service pastor, Paul Martin as children’s and administrative pastor, Ian Johnson as the youth pastor, Marcy Reynolds adult ministry and pastoral care pastor.
Jamie Beckham is the administrative director and Jennifer Addington is the office receptionist, along with Stacey Atkins.
He welcomed those attending to the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services each Sunday.
Announcements for the week from Chamber attendees:
- “Waterways-Past, Present and Future, the Marmaton River, Mill Creek and Buck Run” will be from Feb. 24 to April 8 at the Beaux Arts Center, 102 S. National Ave.
- A bloodmobile will be located at Ellis Fine Art Center on the campus of Fort Scott Community College Monday, Feb. 26 from 1 to 7 p.m. and Tues. Feb. 27 from 1 to 9 p.m.
- Nicki Traul, representing USD 234 told of the upcoming expansion of the preschool program in the district.
- The Knights of Columbus annual Lenten Fish Fry will be every Friday evening from 5 to 7 p.m. at Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church in the gym.
- Smallville Crossfit will start a beginners class March 5. Check them out on Facebook.
- Rotary Dancing With Our Stars is an annual event for fundraising for local charities and Rotary. The date this year is Feb. 17 at 7 p.m.
- Bourbon County Arts Council show featuring En Power and Light and Flagship Romance date is Feb. 16 at 8 p.m.
- Nominations are being sought for recognition of business people and others for the annual Chamber Awards Dinner, March 15. Contact the Chamber for more information.