Category Archives: Opinion

Poverty by Gregg Motley

Gregg Motley. President of the Regional Economic Development, Inc. Submitted photo.


Economic development is not about the rich getting richer. It should be about lifting all sectors of our economy by giving everyone a chance to succeed. That includes supporting education, health care and charities that target short-term help to those in immediate need. As individuals, we should also look charitably on our neighbors in need and help as we can in safe and productive ways according to the resources we have been afforded. An economy cannot be considered successful that leaves a segment of the population behind.

There is good news on the poverty front. According to a 2019 article entitled “Global Extreme Poverty” by Max Roser and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, 1.9 billion people worldwide lived in extreme poverty in 1990; by 2020, estimates are that the number was 479 million, a 74.8% drop over the last 30 years. Estimates are that the number will stabilize and be about the same in 2030.

Looking back further, the article observes that 94% of the world lived in extreme poverty in 1820; now, that number is 9.6%. The big winner has been Asia. The losers? Sub-Sahara Africa and the Middle East; both regions have lost ground to poverty. All other regions have improved their poverty percentage. There is no question that the wave of freedom initiated in the 18th century, including the American and French Revolutions, have had a positive, long-term economic impact on the world. For the first time in modern history, a high percentage of the world had the power of self-determination.

What about Bourbon County, Kansas? In 1990, the rate was 19.7%, well above the State number of 11.5% and higher than all surrounding counties. By 2010, the number had lowered to 15.9%, which was still above the State average of 13.2%, but below neighboring counties. Since then, the number has gone up and down significantly, cresting at 20.9% in 2012, and mitigating to 15.6% by 2019; that number leaves us below the surrounding counties to the South, but remains above the State percentage at 11.3% and Linn County at 12.0%.

What can we do about poverty in Bourbon County from an economic development perspective? First, we need to define the size and nature of the demographic. Who are they and where do they live? Only then can we make sure that all new development and investments in Bourbon County have elements that help the impoverished, not further isolate or marginalize them.

Additionally, we need to support charitable and governmental programs and outreaches to those below the poverty line, including health care and education, both public and private. Community development must consider all segments, geographies and entities within out county and encourage positive investments in the totality.

As we begin the process of a third party analysis of Bourbon County, we will be mindful of the whole county. We need everyone to come along with us if our community is to be the best that we can be.

Nothing Personal by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

The world watches, abhorred that a bully is at work, not just a normal, schoolyard bully, but an evil bully who cares not about the sanctity of life. We applaud as other nations criticize Vladimir Putin’s actions because I’m afraid in many ways, we Americans have become desensitized to evil. Yesterday, a friend shared that his daughter-in-law’s parents are hunkered down in Ukraine. Another prayer list from Fort Scott listed a family member in the same boat. My son Adam is there, bringing humanitarian aid in and taking orphans and the wounded out to Romania. Once it becomes personal, this slaughter takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it? At some point, we need to be bothered. Prayerfully bothered. In Revelation 3:15-16, Jesus speaks through the apostle John to the church of Laodicea: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. What was going on there that angered the Lord? I’ll tell you what: The church members had become numb, lethargic, desensitized to evil, and Jesus clearly was displeased. Is there a chance that we are of the same mindset? Or are we zealous, abhorring evil, as God wants us to be? Christians, beware. When we turn on our televisions, do we…

  • Tsk-tsk, another slaughter of human life!”
  • Tsk-tsk, the Russians are raping the Ukrainian women.
  • Tsk-tsk, the statistics on abortion are alarming.”
  • Tsk-tsk, how many F-words can Yellowstone use before I opt to watch something else?”
  • Tsk-tsk, a few more Afghanistan rescues; too bad I can’t do something to help.”
  • Tsk-tsk, homeless people have taken over our cities. Glad I don’t live there!”

A few days ago, Peter and Melinda, the heads of The Gems of Mazatlán, a philanthropic organization that raises money for the five local orphanages, called to share that one of the orphanages had no working toilets. An underground pipe, once repaired with plastic bags, was leaking. I had told Peter that my Fort Scott friend had sent money with me, instructing me to use it at whichever orphanage needed it the most. Eenie-meenie-minie-mo. All are understaffed and underfunded. This need, however, was urgent. Peter called and asked if the money could be used for the pipe repair. It would cover only about 1/6 of the cost, but it was a start. I was frustrated. That particular orphanage is affiliated with one of the largest denominations in the world, yet there never is enough money. We volunteers have renovated, painted, sewn, repaired, pruned, and met all of its manual-labor needs for the past few years. The Gems of Mazatlán had even hired a teacher when Covid restrictions forbade the kids to go to school. How could such a large denomination become so desensitized to the needs of these youngsters and not step in to help? Oh, I don’t know, Patty. Probably the same way you didn’t go to the orphanage to work last week because you had a challenging tennis match. Or probably the same way you were in too big of a hurry after your pedicure to stop and give money to the man on the street with no feet. Or probably the way you… Yea, once it becomes personal, this takes on a whole new meaning.


Winds of Life by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom

Wind is a natural movement of the air and it can be a powerful invisible force to be reckoned with. A few years ago on a warm sunny day, my husband and I headed east to Missouri on a bike ride. On the return trip, we encountered a strong southerly crosswind so Jimmy had to lean the Suzuki Boulevard heavily to the left just to keep it upright. He used counter pressure against the relentless high winds. A gentle breeze is always preferred, but you don’t always get what you want. We had no control over the weather, so he had to make appropriate maneuvers in order for us to make it back home in one piece. I knew I could trust my husband to get us safely home because he’d experienced rough rides before and knew how to handle them.

The apostle Paul experienced dangerous storms at sea in Acts Chapter 27. He and 275 others encountered strong headwinds that made it difficult to keep the ship on course. They had several days of rough sailing as they beat into the wind with great difficulty. They also encountered typhoon-strength winds and had to let the ship run before the gale. Even though the unstoppable storm raged several days, an angel told Paul not to be afraid and to take courage. They eventually shipwrecked on an inhabited island, but no lives were lost and the islanders treated them well.

Smooth sailing is not always on life’s appointment book. Spiritually speaking, I’ve had to batten down the hatches to do my part in keeping my ship from splintering into a million pieces. And that’s why it’s important to know and believe in the Master of the Wind. We can trust God to get us safely through the troubled waters when the breeze turns into an unexpected gale. “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord” (Psalm 112:7 AMP). I like the word “fixed“ because it means fastened securely in position; stable, rooted, or anchored. My part is to fix my heart on Jesus and believe the truth of His Word. Feelings are fickle, so I can’t be fixed on them. Believers are well prepared for a difficulty or crisis when they’re anchored in the Lord and trust confidently in His Word.

One of my favorite songs in the 1953 Lillenas hymnal is “I‘ve Anchored in Jesus,” written by L.E. Jones. The lyrics for verse one and the chorus are: “Upon life’s boundless ocean where mighty billows roll, I’ve fixed my hope in Jesus, blest Anchor of my soul. When trials fierce assail me as storms are gathering o’er, I rest upon His mercy and trust Him more. I’ve anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I’ll brave. I’ve anchored in Jesus, I fear no wind or wave. I’ve anchored in Jesus for He has power to save. I’ve anchored in the Rock of Ages.”

If Christians wait until the crisis hits to batten down the hatches, we’ve wasted valuable prep time. We have to live ready for a storm, not in fear but, anchored in trust and confidence in the Captain who’s never lost a ship. Jesus is our counter pressure against the fierce winds of life. Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians is for us today: “I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong” (Ephesians 3:16,17 NLT).

The Key: When the breeze turns into a gale, lay hold of The Anchor and ride it out.

Morale by Gregg Motley

Gregg Motley. President of the Regional Economic Development, Inc. Submitted photo.

This intangible, invisible characteristic can mean the difference between success and failure, profit or loss, winning or losing and growth or shrinkage. Community morale is so important, and while largely unseen, someone new or visiting a small town can sense it in the air. Do you believe in Bourbon County and the communities therein, or have you been burned and disappointed so many times that you are apathetic? How a critical mass of our citizens answer that question can make or break us.

This point was hammered home to me when I read a recent article in the Wall Street Journal about the war in Ukraine. The whole world is wondering why a country five times bigger, far better equipped, and with nuclear capabilities cannot rapidly subdue this upstart country, established in 1991. I believe the answer is morale. The article contained a video in which captured Russian soldiers were interviewed, saying they did not know they were going to invade Ukraine, did not know why they were fighting, and when they asked their commanders, they were told to “Shut up and move forward!” Imagine the drop in morale when bullets started flying and their friends were dying around them.

Contrast that with the rag-tag Ukrainian military, many of which recently enlisted and have no fighting skills. They are defending their homeland, and are inspired by their political leaders who are donning helmets and heading towards the front. The morale and resolve of these men and women are making a huge difference in the outcome.

During my seven years in Bourbon County, I have been impressed with the community spirit and morale of many fellow citizens, and inspired by their resolve. In particular, the business community is active and vibrant, with a surprising large number of new businesses opening in recent years. If you doubt it, attend a chamber event, such as the Thursday morning Chamber Coffee, and you will be amongst an active, motivated group who love where they live and what they are doing; they genuinely enjoy being around each other.

I know that we have many problems, some within our control, others outside our influence. Several national megatrends are working against us; however, this is our home and this is the only life with which we are gifted. I encourage you to be part of the solution, rather than cursing the mistakes of the past and challenges of the future. Purposeless negativity does not help. Do not let others limit you and what we can be together.

I ask you to invest in the morale of Bourbon County. Put on your big boy/girl pants, get out of your safe little world, help with solutions, and be the kick in the morale someone else needs. Don your helmet, and head to the front; we are all counting on you.

A Noble Sacrifice by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

Lent is upon us, reminding me of my time in Catholic School when we would stand beside our desk and announce what we were giving up. My friends’ answers— “Candy,” “My bicycle,” “Ice cream,” “Bonanza” —paled in comparison to mine. Naturally, no one was dim-witted enough to say “Nothing,” especially when it was a spiritual opportunity to one-up each other. And yes, I was competitive like that. I apologize. Probably because of jealousy, my noble sacrifice never received the acclamations it deserved, even though mine seriously eclipsed everyone else’s. I would give up the one thing I craved, the one snack upon which I was dependent for happiness: salt on ice cubes. Had my classmates not eaten for 40 days, their sacrifice wouldn’t come close to mine. They, unlike me, had no idea what withdrawals were all about. For the entire Lenten season, it was all I could do not to sneak an ice cube since the entire procedure took such little effort. Five simple steps to Paradise: (1). Remove the ice tray from the freezer. (2). Pull the silver lever to loosen the cubes. (3). Place the ice into one of those colored aluminum cups. (4.) Add salt granules. (5). Lick away. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. The first year I proudly broadcast my answer in class, not-a-little-agitated Sister looked at me like I was a whack-a-doodle, told me this wasn’t a joke and had me sit down. (Are you understanding my embarrassment here? I mean, who’s going to double-cross God by fibbing when grace points are involved?) Even I had standards…well, sort of. Anyway, I went home and told my poor mother what happened, hoping for some consoling words. “Well, Patty Ann, I’m sure Sister _________ didn’t mean it to embarrass you.” (Not the first time I had heard those words from Mom, I assure you.) Anyway, a friend recently sent me Pope Francis’s suggestions for other Lenten sacrifices that are just as noble as my salt-on-ice cubes offering: Fast from hurting words and say kind words. Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude. Fast from anger and be filled with patience. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope. Fast from worries and have trust in God. Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity. Fast from pressures and be prayerful. Fast from bitterness and fill your hearts with joy. Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others. Fast from grudges and be reconciled. Fast from words and be silent so you can listen. I wish I would have thought of Pope Francis’s idea when I was in fourth grade. It would have saved me a lot of embarrassment. Then again, in all honesty, at that age, these wouldn’t have been as difficult to forego as my ice cubes were. Now, however, well, that’s a different story.

Banana Peeling 101 By Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom

When I discovered that I’d been peeling my bananas the hard way all my life, I was flabbergasted. I was discussing this shocking revelation with Levi, my son-in-law, and he said, “Yeah, peel it like a monkey.” I was knocked down a peg or two when I realized that all the monkeys around the world knew something I didn’t. I immediately changed my method of peeling a banana. However, I had to really concentrate on the new way because I was so used to starting at the stem. Old habits can be hard to break, but it’s possible if you want to change bad enough. What’s weird is that my parents must have peeled their bananas the same misguided way and taught me to do the same thing!

We subconsciously learn customs and traditions and, most of the time that’s great, but sometimes it’s not. Spiritual traditions of the heart are more critical to evaluate than other diverse traditions. I don’t want to be stubbornly set in my ways if they’re nothing more than unscriptural traditions of personal preference. I want the eyes of my heart to be flooded with the light and love of God‘s truth.

I’m not suggesting that Christ-followers question their beliefs that are firmly established in God’s Word. I’m merely challenging us to ask ourselves why we hold to certain traditions that are not founded in the Bible. The Holy Spirit always leads believers into truth, which is liberating and life-giving. Unfortunately, some people stubbornly reject the truth that God reveals to them. We must give ourselves and other believers the freedom to be who they truly are in Christ as we all study and practice the holy scriptures.

In the Book of John, Chapter 8, the Pharisees and teachers of religious law brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus. They said, “The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” Jesus said, “All right, but let the one who’s never sinned throw the first stone!” One by one, all the accusers walked away. Jesus then asked the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?“ Her response was “No, Lord.“ Then Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.“ Changing the woman’s life was more important to Him than throwing stones. Jesus was the talk of the town that day because He told the scribes and Pharisees to clean up their own backyard. I want to drop the rocks of judgment and condemnation and just walk away and let Jesus do what only He can do.

When I do my best to follow Jesus, I won’t have the prideful desire to judge others. Keeping a close watch on my love walk will keep me out of the judge’s bench. “…I always try to maintain a clear conscience before God and all people” (Acts 24:16 NLT). I want to generously extend mercy and point others to my loving heavenly Father. “God is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins. He has showered His kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding” (Ephesians 1:7,8 NLT).

Spiritual traditions can be comforting to some, but they can also be suffocating to others. Let’s be careful not to throw any unfounded stones of tradition on another believer. Everyone is a unique individual who needs to live and breathe authentic freedom in Christ.

The Key: Know how to peel your own banana before you teach someone else.

The Big Picture by Gregg Motley

Gregg Motley. President of the Regional Economic Development, Inc. Submitted photo.


The dramatic globalization that has taken place in the last few decades means that what happens in China, India, Europe, etc., affects all 3,143 counties in the United States, including Bourbon in Kansas. The most obvious example is COVID-19, which most experts agree originated in Wuhan, China; our county lost 45 residents.

Additionally, we have many manufacturing and retail businesses in Bourbon County that rely upon the import/export supply chain, which has experienced disruptions in recent months. These events impacted the profit of local companies and the earnings of our citizens. One Bourbon County manufacturer had presold a custom product for nearly $500,000.00, only to have the completed item delayed for weeks by a couple of parts that are normally readily available at a cost of about $600.00. Rural Kansans cannot say that global markets do not matter.

How does the United States (“US”) stack up when compared to global markets? Looking at Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”), which is the sum of the value of all products and services produced by an economy in a year, the US became the world leader in GDP in 1890 at about $13 billion, passing China and Great Britain. We have been number one every year since then, and by 1907, we had doubled our nearest rival. Between World War I and the Great Depression our economy was often three times bigger than the number two nation.

After World War II, our biggest economic rival was the Soviet Union; this lasted until 1977 when Japan overtook them to rank second. Japan stayed in second place until passed briefly by Great Britain in 2001; China took over second place in 2009. At that time, the US economy produced 10 times more than the Chinese economy.

What about today? We are number one at $21 trillion; China is number two at $14 trillion. China has exploded in growth in the last twenty years, and is expanding at a rate to pass the US within the next two decades.

Looking at the largest companies in the world in 2019, of the top 20 in market capitalization, the US has produced 13; second place is China with three. No other country in the world has produced more than one. Apple is number one on the list at over $2 trillion in value; for perspective, that is almost 10% of the annual GDP of the US.

The same list 30 years ago contained only six US companies, with Exxon coming in at number five on the list as the largest domestic company at $63 billion. Japan was the global leader with 13 companies in the top 20. Interestingly, no company on the list in 1989 is still on the list in 2019; apparently, innovation and value creation are still important, and, while totalitarian states like China can create efficiencies, the US system remains the most potent producer in the world. There is no need to change our economic system, unless it is less government intrusion into free markets.

China and other emerging economies bear watching, but the US is still strong and competitive worldwide. Stay informed and listen to reports coming from your representatives in government; rural America has much at stake.

Hope, Patience, Prayer by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

Romans 12:12. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

A few years ago, I had flown to Mazatlán to help Dave make the 24-hour drive back to Fort Scott. This time we remembered where most of the faulty toll road signs were located, saving ourselves our typical, “Where are we and how do we get back on the highway?” frustration which had, in the past, cost us a few additional hours of travel.

It was my turn to drive. About 30 miles from the border, Dave and I began discussing which of the two entry points we should use: Columbia, smaller and less popular but fifteen minutes further, or Nuevo Laredo, closer but much larger. When a truck with Texas plates passed us, I took it as an omen to follow that driver. We would trust the Texan to know the quicker route.

He opted for Laredo. Following him gave me great comfort because the various signs were confusing, not to mention the curves and turns and multiple stop lights. The only thing we knew was that the United States was to the north, the right.

But then the lead car turned left. Not the way to the border. Probably the way to the drug cartel. We were now on our own. Hope. Patience. Prayer.

Three stop lights later, I rolled down my window and asked the driver in the next lane if he could point us to the border. “Follow me,” he said, and I did. My husband noticed the man was driving on an emergency spare tire, a dangerous way to enter America, if you ask me. Several stop lights later, our new amigo exited his car and ran back to my window. “Go right at the next corner,” he said, and with that, he pulled into an XOXO, the Mexico version of Quik Trip. “Poor guy limped along as far as he could to help us,” I told Dave. “Or that’s where he was headed the entire time,” I was told.

Someone was cranky. Still, Hope. Patience. Prayer.

I made a right turn, and there we were—completely lost. No matter what U.S.-tagged car I trailed, none were headed to Texas. Zigging and zagging, I managed to tick off several Mexicans who typically are used to drivers making illegal U-turns. By now we had spent an hour on this, our “quicker” trip, and my hope, patience and prayer had disappeared.

About the time I was ready to park our van in the middle of the street and make Dave drive, we rounded a corner, and there they were: toll booths. We were close. Handing the lady my pesos, I asked, “United States?” I’m sure she wanted to answer, “No, Dummy. It’s France,” but Mexicans don’t have the same propensity to sarcasm like we Americans– or perhaps she noticed I was close to tears–so she smiled and said, “Si.”

I would like to tell you that was the end of my lesson in hope, patience and prayer. Not even close. For over an hour we jockeyed with hundreds of other cars, vying for the quickest toll booth, only to end up with Barney Fife for our border agent. After answering his “Do you have any fruits or vegetables?” question with, “Yes, we have some apples,” we were told, “That’s not good.” We were to open all our doors so he could inspect what other contraband or people we had hidden in our vehicle.

I threatened to jump out of my car and warn the unfortunate drivers who had picked my lane to choose any booth but this one, but Dave told me that we were close to crossing the border and if I showed my true colors, we were going to get arrested, so I needed to be patient.

Let’s see. Get arrested or show patience. I’d call it a tie.

A Long Row to Hoe by Carolyn Tucker

Carolyn Tucker. Submitted photo.

Keys to the Kingdom


A lot of us can look back over the past year and say, “Last year was a long row to hoe.“ I was reflecting over the last several months and thought, “How did I do that?” And in my heart I heard, “You didn’t, I did.” In review, I realize I was carried by angels and radically loved and cared for by my heavenly Father. We must never forget all the goodness and blessings God pours out on us. “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me” (Psalm 103:2 NLT). I’m nobody special; God will do the same for any believer who asks and trusts Him to handle tough situations.

If you feel like throwing down the hoe and calling it quits, remember there are two nail-scarred hands on top of yours as you work through hardship row. Jesus is the One with all the strength you need when life hands you a bushel basket of trouble. “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble“ (Psalm 46:1 NLT). Believers are enabled by God’s grace and power to plow through rocky soil. When you partner with the Master Gardner in those unknown fields, you’ll find comfort, peace, and joy in that sweet spot with Him. Being held safely during the storms that beat upon your life is a blessing that transcends human comprehension.

When you’ve had a difficulty and then experienced God’s comfort, you’re better equipped to help someone else through the same ordeal. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us” (2 Corinthians 1:3,4 NLT).

One day I saw two slugs, side by side, inching their way up the siding of my house. They were slugging it out, slowly persevering their way to the top. They were determined not to stay down and wallow in the muddy earth. I liked their attitude: “I set my mind and keep it set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth“ (Colossians 3:2 AMP). This shell-less snail duo demonstrated patient endurance above and beyond the call of duty. Without legs, it was no easy feat to climb up the side of a house. I’d never been inspired by a couple of slugs before, but God used them to teach me a lesson. “That’s no hill for a climber,” is a good motto for believers.

If you’ve got a difficult task to do, or situation to deal with, you can set your mind to make it through to the end of the row. Jesus is not interested in seeing how much you can take, He’s interested in seeing how much you will let Him take. He is your burden bearer, Counselor, and Mighty God!

God will strengthen His children with hope, endurance, and patience when going through troubles. Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, made certain His followers understood they would never be alone during turbulent times. He said “…And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age“ (Matthew 28:20 NLT).

The Key: By working side by side with God, you can hoe to the end of your row.

Altruism by Gregg Motley

Gregg Motley. President of the Regional Economic Development, Inc. Submitted photo.


This is not a word we normally use in daily conversation, but according to Rick Boxx of Unconventional Business Network, it is one of the keys to economic success. Altruism is expressed when our actions are for the purpose of benefitting someone else or some other organization at a cost to oneself. Altruism has many benefits to businesses, communities, and individuals, according to a 2013 study by the University of Wisconsin as cited by Mr. Boxx in his daily email on February 15, 2022.

Further, Boxx references a Fast Company article that lists the benefits to companies populated by altruists. It makes sense that these giving people help fellow employees excel, work harder, and are less likely to quit their jobs. An altruistic community member will volunteer for not-for-profit work, donate money to local causes, or support the less fortunate in their neighborhoods. I loved it when several ambitious ladies on our local Chamber board organized a clean-up and spruce up of the Fort Scott historical district last year. Would anyone doubt that these activities make a community or a company better?

Our selfless actions do not have to be big; small efforts like stopping to pick up trash blowing across a parking lot or stuck to a barbed wire fence make a difference. A little over 12 years ago when I started working in Southeast Kansas, I loved it when I got the index finger wave from the top of the steering wheel of an approaching vehicle; it made me feel accepted and a part of the community. In the city, the only waves I got from other vehicles were with a different finger.

I am concerned that rural America is being overrun by a wave of selfishness. It is only natural that when a community is shrinking, resources become scarce and competition for what remains grows. Whether it is the “good old boy” hiring system, hoarding limited resources, or disrespecting the property of our neighbors, businesses and communities lose when the only person that matters is the one in the mirror.

Cities, counties, businesses, etc., all have a personality. It does not take long for one to discern if the entity they are encountering is self-centered or has the best interest of others at heart. Who wants to live in a community or work in a business that tolerates an environment of mistrust and selfishness?

Each one of us can contribute to an environment that is conducive to the economic development we need to stem the tide of population decline and rising taxes. I encourage you to decide which effort, big or small, to which you will commit your time, talent and treasure and make a difference in Bourbon County. We all need your altruism.

A Soulmate Snafu by Patty LaRoche

Last year, Dave and I celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary. Because of Covid-19, there was no romantic dining or even an overnight stay in Kansas City. But that was okay. Months ahead, I had found the perfect card to hand Dave when we awoke the morning of the special day.

I loved the simplicity of this card. “Your husband…your friend…your soul mate”—all tender words letting Dave know that our love was very much alive and would last forever.

That’s not to say we had not been through some valleys. It had not been forty-seven years of bliss. We had made many mistakes in failing to honor God first. We had blamed and argued. We had gone to bed angry. I had used silence to make my point, put the kids ahead of Dave’s needs, stubbornly insisted on my way and forgotten to laugh. But somehow, we had endured, forgiven and stayed the marital course. We were friends. We were soulmates. The card said it all.

That morning, I hid away in the bedroom where I wrote something tender in Dave’s card. That’s when I read the insert: “With sympathy as you say good-bye to the man who shared your life.” I read it three times.

WHAT??? How was this possible? How had I confused a sympathy card with an anniversary one?

Within a minute of staring at the writing, hoping, I guess, that it would morph into something endearing, I started laughing. After sharing it with Dave who pretended to find it funny, I knew that he had to wonder how such a blunder, even for me, was doable.

I have no explanation. I buy cards ahead of time and pull from my collection for whatever occasion is celebrated. Not this card. It was taken from the stash ahead of time and hidden in my drawer. Obviously, I assumed it said something different than it did (and yes, the fact that it started with “your” husband instead of “my” husband should have been my first clue). Had I just taken the time to double-check my assumption, this never would have happened.

My failure was a minor one. No one was hurt by my mistake, but many times that’s not the case. We make costly assumptions all the time, causing us to judge. The person with the handicap sticker who shows no visible impairments. The rude waitress. The beggar on the street corner talking on his cell phone. Read the New Testament. Incorrect assumptions about what the Messiah would be like caused most people not to give Jesus a chance. I have friends who assume there is no God because they can’t see proof. Others believe they will make it to Heaven because they are “good people.”

Any assumption, funny or serious, warrants the time it takes to be validated…which makes me question which of my grandkids probably received an anniversary card instead of a birthday one.

Mississippi Squirrel Visits Missouri By Carolyn Tucker

Carolyn Tucker. Submitted photo.

Keys to the Kingdom



I recently made a trip to Anderson, Missouri to attend a ladies’ meeting at the Banner Church. I had volunteered to help Charlene, her mother, and her aunt with the setup for the evening gathering. When we brought stuff into the Life Center, we must have left the outside double doors open too long. After working a while, someone said, “There’s a squirrel!” He scurried around for a few seconds and then dashed into an adjoining classroom. I swiftly closed the doors to the room in order to contain him while Charlene found and told her husband/pastor that a squirrel was running loose in the church. Dennis nonchalantly came downstairs and quickly formulated a simple plan. We would open the outside double doors, arm three of us with push brooms, and then open the classroom doors so the squirrel could easily exit the building.

Prior to opening the squirrel’s door, Charlene felt it was important to remind us that squirrels can run up your britches leg. Dennis opened the door and the squirrel made a run for it; but it was in the wrong direction. He headed straight for me. That squirrel went totally berserk, jumped over my broom and darted up the stairs, banged his head into the glass door and zoomed back down the stairs. Someone was yelling, “Get it, get it!” as I sprinted up the stairs and opened the glass door. That half-crazed squirrel ran around the tables at breakneck speed, darted back up the stairs and burst through the open door. You might think this is just a wild tale from Ray Stevens’ hit song, but I can prove it happened because every bit of it was recorded on the surveillance camera!

I come from a long line of laughing people on both sides of my family, so I have a natural inclination to see humor in things most people don’t notice. Whenever someone told my Mom a comical real-life story and got to the punch line, she’d cackle like a chicken laying an egg. Laughing is good for our health and God makes that clear in His Word. “A merry heart does good, like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Proverbs 17:22 NKJV). A joyful heart will brighten and strengthen your day. The Bible has examples of people who laughed — even God laughs. “And Sarah said, ‘God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me’” (Genesis 21:6 NKJV). Abraham and Sarah named their son “Isaac” which means “He (God) Laughs.” Abraham fell on his face and laughed (see Genesis 17:17).

We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy” (Psalm 126:2 NLT). What’s on the inside shows on the outside. As kids, we sang: If you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it, if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands (or stomp your feet). I once heard a preacher say that some Christians look like they’ve been baptized in dill pickle juice. In the Old Testament, we find that there’s a time for laughing. “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to cry and a time to laugh…“ (Ecclesiastes 3:1,4 NLT). Believers should take our laughter medicine every day. Studies show that 30-second belly laughs are good for your immune system. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is let loose and laugh.

My Mom used to say, “You might as well laugh as cry.” I’ve found that to be pretty good advice. I actually laugh and cry all at the same time when something is extremely funny.

The Key: Go ahead and laugh like a hyena or, at least, grin like an opossum.