Category Archives: Kansas

Larned Suspends Visitation at Correctional Facility Because of Increased Drugs

Visitation Cancelled at Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility


Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility has been experiencing an increase in the presence of contraband drugs in the facility.  This has resulted in one offender death and several offenders being hospitalized as a result of drug use.  Contraband interdiction efforts have been increased.  As a result, all visitation with offenders has been suspended this weekend, May 18 – 19, 2019.



Local KDOT Engineer Celebrates 40 Years

KDOT employees celebrate service anniversaries

The Kansas Department of Transportation expresses its appreciation for employees celebrating state years-of-service anniversaries in June. KDOT is proud to acknowledge them for the long-term dedication they have provided to the state of Kansas.


Those celebrating 40 years:

  • Pamela Fleck, Engineering Technician Specialist, Topeka
  • John Hrenak Jr., Professional Civil Engineer II, Fort Scott
  • Raymond McIntosh, Engineering Technician, Pratt
  • Randy West, District Engineer, Ellsworth


Those celebrating 30 years:

  • Bret Calvin, Engineering Technician Specialist, Latham
  • Ritchie Farrell, Engineering Technician Senior, Concordia
  • Ronald Hornick, Engineering Technician Specialist, Lenexa
  • Jean Istas, Construction Engineer, Aurora


Those celebrating 20 years:

  • Gregory Delaney, Equipment Operator Senior, Coldwater
  • Jason Flax, Network Service Technician III, Hill City
  • Brian Holloway, Equipment Operator Senior, Osborne
  • Sherri Perry, Legal Assistant, Meriden
  • Amy Pope, Field Engineer, Olathe

Those celebrating 10 years:

  • Aaron Burd, Engineering Technician Midpoint, Salina
  • Colby Farlow, Bridge Team Leader, Lawrence
  • Thomas Hussa, Road Squad Leader, Lawrence
  • Mervin Lare, Stormwater Compliance Engineer, Lincolnville
  • Emilie Metheny, Engineering Associate III, Topeka
  • Levi Miller, Equipment Mechanic Senior, Harveyville



Kansas Water Authority RAC Membership Drive Drawing to a Close


Only Two Weeks Left to Apply to be a Vital Voice for Kansas Water Resources


The Kansas Water Office is currently accepting applications from those who would like to participate as a member of one of the 14 Regional Advisory Committees (RACs) which are established by the Kansas Water Authority (KWA). Interested individuals are encouraged to apply soon as the deadline is only two weeks away.


These committees play a key role in advising the KWA on implementation of each region’s water supply priorities as part of the Kansas Water Vision and the Kansas water planning process as a whole. They help identify and provide input on other emerging water resource related issues and concerns. The committee selection process will ensure all of the water users and interests within the region are represented.


Kansans can have a definite lasting impact on the future of water resources through RAC membership. Interested persons can apply at The application deadline is May 31, 2019.



Note to Editor: The Americans with Disabilities Act, (42 U.S.C. 12101) requires the Kansas Water Office to print the reasonable accommodations messages.


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As the state’s water office, KWO conducts water planning, policy coordination and water marketing as well as facilitates public input throughout the state.


The agency prepares the KANSAS WATER PLAN, a plan for water resources development, management and conservation.



Flags Lowered May 15 For Peace Officers

Governor directs flags to be lowered in honor of National Peace Officers Memorial Day


In recognition of the National Peace Officers Memorial Day on Wednesday, May 15, Governor Laura Kelly has ordered flags throughout the State of Kansas to be flown at half-staff from sunup to sundown on May 15. President Donald J. Trump also issued a flag directive honoring National Peace Officers Memorial Day. 


“Each year we recognize law enforcement officers for putting service above self to protect fellow Kansans,” Kelly said. “I have a deep appreciation for these officers and their families – and on behalf of the State of Kansas, thank them for their commitment.” 


H.J. Res. 730, P.L. 87-726 designates May 15 of each year as National Peace Officers Memorial Day in honor of federal, state and local officers killed or disabled in the line of duty. 

Legislative Update By State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson


May 10, 2019

Veto Session, which is a time to finish up business, was a bit of a four day roller coaster.  Promises made, some kept and others – well it is what gives politics a negative connotation.

Budget:  Spending that was approved in Senate Bill (SB) 26 is approximately $7.7 billion for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, an increase of $600 million.  Since 2013 State expenditures have increased over $3 billion.  That is a 19% increase in less than 7 years.  There were some good things in the budget but I could not support this out-of-control spending.  The vote was 26 Yes to 14 No.

Tax:  House Bill (HB) 2033 was another attempt to pass legislation that would address the state income tax increases that occurred as a result of the 2017 federal income tax changes by allowing Kansas taxpayers the option to itemize and defining tax rates for money earned offshore and brought to Kansas.  Since the Governor vetoed the last attempt, the bill included other items to “sweeten” the deal.  Finney County would be approved for a sales tax increase, sales tax on food would be lowered by 1%, vendors would be required to collect on-line sales tax, and small business owner would be able to expense items at a rate similar to corporate expensing laws.  Similar, because corporate expensing law would be changed to restrict the deduction to 100% of the purchase price.  Currently, corporations can expense at a value greater than the purchase price.  HB 2033 would allow small businesses and corporations to only deduct 100% of the item.  The bill passed 27 to 13.  I voted Yes.

Transportation:  Several transportation topics were covered in SB 63.  The bill would allow a city to adopt an ordinance to allow Uber or similar company drivers to display a lighted sign so that a ride is easily identified.  Crimes have been committed when people got into cars they thought was their ride but it wasn’t.  The bill would allow All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) and Utility-Task Vehicles (UTV) to cross federal or state highways.  The bill would also authorize transparent material that blocks the sun’s ultraviolet rays on a vehicle’s windshield.  The Senate position would have had no restrictions but the House wanted a doctor’s signed statement saying there is a medical need for the material.  The House position was upheld so that if a person installs the material and is issued a citation, they have 60 days to produce a doctor’s statement.  The bill passed the Senate unanimously.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.


Gov. Kelly’s First Legislative Session

Governor Kelly highlights progress to rebuild Kansas
Outlines successes of first legislative session of her administration

Highlighting the significant progress made to rebuild Kansas, Governor Laura Kelly outlined the major accomplishments of her first legislative session as governor during a press conference this morning.


“We came into quite a mess in January. We’ve worked tirelessly to rebuild our state, so we can efficiently and effectively deliver the services Kansans expect,” Kelly said. “A lot of progress has been made, but we still have work to do.”


Kelly highlighted funding for public schools as her most notable accomplishment. The passage of bipartisan legislation resulted in $90 million more for schools, in addition to the $800 million added over the last two years. These investments have the potential to put an end to the cycle of litigation around this issue.


“As I’ve said, I will be the education governor Kansas deserves,” Kelly said. “This legislation represents a significant investment in the future of our students and our state.”


The governor also noted the steps taken to repair Kansas’ foster care system. The Legislature endorsed the governor’s budget proposal to align Kansas guidelines with the Family First Prevention Services Act, allowing the state to draw down millions in federal funds to help families before they need support from the foster care system.


“I’m pleased that the Legislature approved funding for 42 new social workers, so we can reduce caseloads and better serve vulnerable children and their families,” Kelly said.


Kelly also began the process of reducing transfers from the “Bank of KDOT,” the money from the state’s highway transportation program. Previously, this fund was used by the Legislature in past years to pay for programs unrelated to the transportation needs of the state.


“The State Highway Fund is one of Kansas’ most important job-creating tools,” Kelly said. “After years of fiscal crisis, we are finally using the state’s infrastructure dollars to fund infrastructure projects, instead of paying for failed tax policy.”


The governor also established the Office of Rural Prosperity during this first legislative session.


“Those are just a few of many highlights from this legislative session,” Kelly said. “And to top it all off, as promised, we accomplished all of this without a tax increase.”


The governor also noted key areas of concern during the press conference. She emphasized the importance of continued fiscal restraint, the corrections emergency left to address, and the disappointing lack of a Medicaid expansion vote.


“Because of Senate leadership, thousands of Kansans will go without healthcare for yet another year,” Kelly said. “For some, a year without healthcare can very well mean the difference between life and death. I want Kansans to know they have a champion in the Governor’s office who will keep fighting alongside them until we win this fight – no matter how long it takes.”

Plan Your Kansas Getaway


National Travel and Tourism Week is May 5-11


TOPEKA – When we stop at our favorite travel destinations in Kansas we may not think about how our visit supports our state. Our attractions, restaurants, hotels and historical sites are the backbone of Kansas and an important part of the state’s economy. They help define our state, provide our families with jobs and have given us and 35.5 million visitors a lifetime of memories. It’s so important to keep welcoming visitors to Kansas that Governor Laura Kelly has proclaimed May 5-11 National Travel and Tourism Week in Kansas.


Travelers in Kansas have a wide-reaching impact. Travel supports over 96,000 jobs in Kansas and it has an impact that we do not always see: travel can strengthen families, foster hometown pride, and build bridges that connect us with one another. Travel is a powerful economic driver and Kansas is no exception. In 2017, the total economic impact of travel on our state was $11 billion. Traveler spending generated $616 million in state and local government revenues. Without these travel-generated tax revenues, each household in Kansas would pay an additional $545 every year to maintain the same level of services.


Take time this week to plan your summer and fall travels in the Sunflower State. There’s no better place to start than by going online to where you’ll discover a treasure trove of ideas and information to chart your journeys. In addition –


  • Get social and engage with the #NTTW19 and #NoPlaceLikeKS hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Share with friends and family how travel matters in your community.
  • Contact your legislator and member of Congress and tell them why travel is important to Kansas.


Kansas Legislative Update By State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson

May 1, 2019

Kansas Farm Bureau Health Coverage:  While the legislature was on break,  the Governor signed several bills into law.  However,  The final version House Bill (HB) 2209 became law without the Governor taking action.  When the Governor does not sign or veto legislation within 10 days of receiving it, the legislation becomes law.  Interestingly, HB 2209 would amend the Insurance Code by adding Kansas Farm Bureau to the list of entities allowed to provide healthcare benefit coverage.   I voted Yes to provide health coverage options for people who cannot afford other health plans or health insurance.  The bill passed the Senate and House with veto-proof majority.  Therefore, it wasn’t a surprise the Governor didn’t veto the bill.

Pro-life:  It was disappointing the Governor did veto Senate Bill (SB) 67.  The legislation would require notifications regarding the abortion pill RU-486.  It is not always effective at ending pregnancy and it may be possible to reverse the abortion by not taking the second pill.  The legislation passed the Senate with 26 Yes votes and the House with 86 Yes votes. I voted Yes.  The Governor vetoed the bill.  The Senate picked up a vote to 27 for the veto override.  However, the House lost votes and the override failed by one vote.

The Kansas Supreme Court overstepped AGAIN!  In 2015 SB 95 created the Kansas Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act.  The Legislature passed with 31 Yes and 9 No votes.  I voted Yes.  The House passed it with 98 Yes and 26 No votes.  A supermajority of Legislators voted to stop this horrific practice to cause the death of an unborn child, “knowingly” dismembering the “child one piece at a time…” K.S.A. 65-6742(b)(1).  It was signed into law by the Governor.  However, the majority of our activist KS Supreme Court ruled it to be unconstitutional April 26, 2019.  The ruling reads at times like a fractured piece of fiction.  The Court disregarded the Legislature, the Governor, Kansas history, and our Constitution and again enacted its own agenda.  This is not the first time the KS Supreme Court has overstepped.  An egregious example would be the U.S. Supreme Court overturning three of the Kansas Supreme Court rulings on the death penalty,  most notably, the Carr brothers’ death sentence.

The ruling is a slippery slope.  The dissent in the Court’s opinion states it best, “Today we issue the most significant and far-reaching decision this court has ever made… Today’s decision is a textbook case of unexplainable results.  To be sure, the majority [of the KS Supreme Court] attempts a rational explanation.  To no avail.  The majority misunderstands and misuses history; bolsters its rejection of Kansas law with factually unsupported allegations of prejudice…”  Can you believe that when our Constitution, reads “equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, it’s used to support an argument to cut up our unborn babies?  The Court opinion can be found at

Going forward there are actions that can be taken.  The most talked about, at this point, is a Constitutional amendment.  The amendment must pass the Legislature by super-majority and then Kansas voters would decide.  I will fight for you to have an opportunity to send a clear message to the Kansas Supreme Court.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.



Governor Kelly: It’s time to expand Medicaid


The following column is from Governor Laura Kelly regarding Medicaid expansion:

With every passing day, more Kansans feel the impact of the state’s failure to expand Medicaid. It’s our neighbor struggling to get access to affordable healthcare. It’s a friend who works full-time – and works hard – but can’t afford private insurance or a doctor’s visit. It’s a working mother who can’t get mental health services to address her undiagnosed depression. It’s a young person with a disability who can’t get the health coverage he needs to continue working.

To date, Kansas has sent over $3.2 billion of our tax dollars to be used by other states to pay for their healthcare. That’s money that could go towards making Kansans healthier. It would also help Kansans who fall in the coverage gap – where they make slightly too much to get traditional Medicaid, but not nearly enough to afford private health insurance.

It’s not just patients who stand to lose if we fail to expand Medicaid. Our communities and local hospitals are struggling. According to some reports, 30 percent of our state’s hospitals are considered financially vulnerable. In small communities across our state, these facilities are at serious risk of closure.

Rural hospitals face numerous challenges and expansion won’t solve all of them. But all rural hospitals will benefit from Medicaid expansion proportionately, more than urban hospitals.

Many hospitals – both urban and rural – have high rates of uncompensated care. That means they are providing healthcare services for folks who can’t afford to pay. By expanding Medicaid, we can help their bottom line and infuse millions into our state’s economy.

Unfortunately, some Republican leaders still refuse to listen to the experts or acknowledge the success of the 36 states that already expanded Medicaid. They continue to ignore the resounding support voiced by Kansas families, businesses, child advocates and healthcare providers.

Expanding Medicaid is a commonsense, proven way to strengthen our state. We must move forward this year.

Last month, a bipartisan coalition in the Kansas House came together to pass expansion. It was a big step forward and I commend their courage and determination. But again this week, leaders in the Senate refused to allow a vote on Medicaid expansion.

Our friends, families and neighbors need Medicaid expansion.  Not only is it sound policy, it is the right thing to do. Call Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning and Senate President Susan Wagle at 1-800-432-3924 and demand a vote on Medicaid expansion.

Angel Investor assistance



Topeka, Kan. – The window for accepting Angel Investor Tax Credit Applications has reached its halfway point.

Applications for companies seeking investment through the Kansas Angel Investor Tax Credit (KAITC) program for 2019 will be accepted through Aug. 31. The program offers Kansas income tax credits to qualified individuals who provide seed-capital financing for emerging Kansas businesses engaged in development, implementation and commercialization of innovative technologies, products and services.

The KAITC Program is administered by the Kansas Department of Commerce and designed to bring together accredited angel investors with qualified Kansas companies seeking seed and early stage investment. The purpose of the Kansas Angel Investor Tax Credit act is to facilitate:

  • The availability of equity investment in businesses in the early stages of commercial development.
  • Assist in the creation and expansion of Kansas businesses, which are job and wealth creating enterprises.

Applications for certification will be accepted only for Kansas businesses in the seed and early stage rounds of financing.

Companies must meet the following criteria to be certified as a Qualified Kansas Business:

  • The business has a reasonable chance of success and potential to create measurable employment within Kansas.
  • In the most recent tax year of the business, annual gross revenue was less than $5 million
  • Businesses that are not Bioscience businesses must have been in operation for less than five years; bioscience businesses must have been in operation for less than 10 years.
  • The business has an innovative and proprietary technology, product, or service.
  • The existing owners of the business have made a substantial financial and time commitment to the business.
  • The securities to be issued and purchased are qualified securities.
  • The company agrees to adequate reporting of business information to the Kansas Department of Commerce.
  • The ability of investors in the business to receive tax credits for cash investments in qualified securities of the business is beneficial, because funding otherwise available for the business is not available on commercially reasonable terms.
  • Each applicant must sign a Qualified Company Agreement with the Kansas Department of Commerce.

Certification of companies must meet mandates established by Kansas statute to allow accredited Angel Investors to receive the Kansas Angel Investor Tax Credit. This year, the application fee has been reduced from $750 to $500.



Ryan Brinker

Public Information Officer

[email protected]


Kansas Department of Commerce

1000 SW Jackson St. Ste. 100

Topeka, KS 66612-1354

Phone: 785-296-4931

Cell: 785-276-9723

Small Business Procurement Day May 7

Last Chance to Register for 2019 Small Business Procurement Day


Topeka, Kan. – Registration for 2019 Small Business Procurement Day ends May 2.

The celebratory event will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Topeka, KS. This free event will provide an opportunity for small businesses to connect with federal agency buyers and contracting officers to determine contracting and procurement opportunities. There will also be a one-on-one Agency-Vendor Engagement Session and training session to learn about resources that will be helpful to the growth and development of small businesses in the procurement market space, including Contracting 101 and FedBid/GSA Purchasing.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bartruff, Commander of the 923rd Contracting Battalion (CBN)/Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC) will lead the morning welcome. Secretary of Commerce David Toland will join him in providing welcoming remarks.

“Small businesses are the heart and soul of the Kansas economy,” Secretary Toland said. “The Department of Commerce is thrilled to be able to help this state’s small business community grow. Entrepreneurship is alive and well in Kansas, and we’re proud to help foster that spirit across the state.”

Organizations planning to attend the event include Ft. Riley Contracting Command, Whiteman Air Force Base 509th Contracting Squadron, Kansas Army and Air National Guard, McConnell Air Force Base, the Kansas Department of Commerce, MICC Office of Small Business Programs, City of Topeka, U.S. Department of Agriculture, GSA Department of Small Business and the Small Business Administration.

The Lead Agency for this event has been the 923rd CBN/MICC-Fort Riley office headquartered at Fort Riley, KS.  Other partners and co-sponsors include the Kansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center (KS PTAC), Greater Topeka Partnership, GO Topeka-Entrepreneur Minority Business Development (EMBD), the Kansas Department of Commerce, Office of Minority and Women Business Development and Wichita State University.  This is a regional event that is open to all small businesses and contracting organizations.


All categories of small business are invited to attend. To register for Procurement Day, visit this link.


Ryan Brinker

Public Information Officer

[email protected]


Kansas $81 Million Above Tax Estimates

State’s April tax receipts came in $81.2 million above estimates

TOPEKA – April tax receipts came in $81.2 million above estimates at $1.2 billion; $256.4 million more than the same month last year.


Individual income tax receipts are $69.8 million more than the estimate at $808.1 million. Corporate income taxes receipts are $8.5 million above estimates at $104.8 million; $6.0 million more than April 2018.


“Increases in the receipts can be attributed to one-time tax payments on capital gains income and economic growth coupled with changes in federal and state income tax law,” Secretary Mark Burghart said. “While we are seeing our state begin to stabilize following years of turmoil, it’s important that we continue to be cautious.”


Retail sales tax receipts show $200.5 million in collections, a decrease of approximately $2.4 million, or 1.2% below April 2018.
