Category Archives: Health Care

Learn How to Be Fall Free

Tara Soloman-Smith, Family and Wellness Agent, Sunflower District of Kansas State University’s Extension Office. Submitted photo.


Every 11 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury.  Falls threaten safety and independence and generate economic and personal costs. However, through practical lifestyle adjustments, evidence-based falls prevention programs, and clinical-community partnerships, the number of falls among older adults can be reduced.

Falls are not a natural part of aging.  Even if you are healthy, it is important to check your risk.  You may answer 13 short questions to learn yours at

There are many steps you can take now to prevent a fall, here are six to get you started!

  1. Find a good balance and exercise program

Look to build balance, strength, and flexibility. Contact your local Area Agency on Aging or K-State Research and Extension for options. Find a program you like and take a friend!

  1. Talk to your health care provider

Ask for an assessment of your risk of falling. Share your history of recent falls.

  1. Regularly review your medications with doctor or pharmacist

Make sure side effects aren’t increasing your risk of falling. Take medications only as prescribed.

  1. Get your hearing and vision checked and glasses updated

Your eyes and ears are key to keeping you on your feet.

  1. Keep your home safe

Remove tripping hazards, increase lighting, make stairs safe, and install grab bars in key areas.

  1. Talk to your family members

Enlist their support in taking simple steps to stay safe.

Here’s to healthy aging and being fall free!  For more information, contact Tara Solomon-Smith, [email protected], or call 620-244-3826.


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Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director of K-State Research and Extension, Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts.

KS To Promote Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health

Governor Kelly Announces Kansas to Receive $10M to Integrate Behavioral and Primary
Physical Health Care

~~Expands Kelly Administration’s Efforts to Provide Care to the Whole Person, Reduce Stigma~~

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) is receiving $10 million as part of a five-year federal grant to promote the integration of primary and behavioral health care. Integrated care recognizes the impact physical health can have on an individual’s behavioral health needs and is developed to manage whole-person care.

This project will serve an estimated 8,850 Kansans over the five-year project span, with an estimated average of 1,770 Kansans annually.

“Mental and physical health can’t be separated, and neither should mental and physical health care,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “With this grant, my administration will work closely with partners across the state to improve our health care systems so that they serve the whole person.”

KDADS, in consultation with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and Community Care, will partner with four Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) or FQHC look-a-likes and one Rural Health Clinic (RHC) to integrate behavioral health care with primary care services.

Partners include the Atchison Community Health Clinic, Konza Prairie Community Health Center, Mercy & Truth Medical Missions Inc., Hunter Health, and Greeley County Health Services, Inc. The main behavioral health conditions to be served include adults with serious mental illness (SMI), children with serious emotional disturbance (SED), persons with substance use disorders (SUD), and persons with co-occurring SMI and SUD.

“Expanding programs and introducing new programs to fund and support the mental health needs of people across the state has been a top priority of the Kelly administration since day one,” KDADS Secretary Laura Howard said. “Investments like these from federal grant opportunities help us meet the needs of both adults and children where they are, and oftentimes that is the first person we turn to and trust – a primary care physician. This project will allow us to marry mental health and primary care health and open more doors to services.”

This project will address the key needs for integrated care and implement goals to achieve the following:

  • Reduce barriers to accessing integrated physical and behavioral health care.
  • Increase the capacity for integrated care by implementing evidence-based practices to reduce the proportion of adults and youth with nicotine use disorder and other SUDs.
  • Decrease the frequency of suicidal ideation through collaborative supports and services that address physical, behavioral, and health-related social needs.
  • Improve access to oral health care services through screening and referrals.
  • Develop a robust state infrastructure to implement and establish an integrated care model across Kansas.

Each provider organization’s service area reflects a high need, defined geographic region, and provides or coordinates services to individuals experiencing both physical health concerns and behavioral health concerns. These regions span urban, rural, and frontier areas across Kansas, representing a diverse set of opportunities to advance integrated care and reduce the stigma associated with behavioral health.

What Participating Organizations Are Saying:

“This grant will not only support the much-needed integration of behavioral health and primary care services within our clinic but also facilitate collaboration with community providers. Community health centers are positioned extremely well to identify patients in need of behavioral health services, and this grant offers us the ability to expand our ability to provide and coordinate care for some of our most vulnerable citizens. ACHC is excited to demonstrate the positive impact that integrating services has on our patient’s quality of life.”
– Steve Durkin, CEO, Atchison Community Health Clinic (Atchison, Kan.)

“We’re so pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the Promoting Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care grant as part of Community Care. We welcome the chance to improve services to the rural residents of far western Kansas and work with our fellow clinics across the state.”
– Chrysanne Grund, Project Director, Greeley County Health Services (Tribune, Kan.) 

“We are honored to be a recipient of the Promoting Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care grant. This is an incredible opportunity for Hunter Health to join with our partners across Kansas to support the improvement of integrated care models statewide. We look forward to working with SAMHSA, KDADS, Community Care, and other community health centers to promote integration and collaboration between primary care and behavioral health care in community health centers.”
– Amy Feimer, CEO, Hunter Health (Wichita, Kan.)

“What great news! There is so much need in the communities we serve. No one organization can meet them all; it takes collaboration.  As a community health center, Konza aims to reduce barriers to health by providing as much care as possible for the patients we see. Meeting patients’ needs by integrating behavioral health services in the medical exam room, in the dental operatory, and throughout the various patient support services available at the health center not only reduces stigma but it improves access and embodies what we believe- health care is for all, and that includes behavioral health.”
– Dani Hallgren, CEO, Konza Prairie Community Health Center (Manhattan, Kan.)


Kansas Prevention Conference on October 12-13 in Wichita

Kansas Prevention Collaborative logo
6th annual Kansas Prevention Conference: Different Paths, One Kansas. Graphic design with text inside the outline of kansas with a blue dotted line curving around to point to Kansas.

Join us for the 6th Annual Kansas Prevention Conference on October 12-13 in Wichita, KS

The Kansas Prevention Conference provides educational opportunities to increase awareness of emerging trends, build skills and knowledge to prevent suicide, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug misuse, and advocate for best practices.

The KPC Conference hosts state and local professionals from the various facets of the substance misuse prevention field and related disciplines.

The Pre-Conference will be held October 11, 2023.

You’ll be able to choose from a long list of evidence-based sessions as well as learning from our two keynote speakers, Monty Burks and Dr. Fred Rottnek.

Dr. Monty Burks

Dr. Monty Burks, CPRS, PLC, Ph.D., serves as the Director of Faith-Based Initiatives for the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, where his role is engaging and connecting Tennessee’s faith communities to the behavioral health care system, with the goal of expanding addiction and mental health support services across the state.

Opening Keynote: Building Blocks – Faith, Prevention, Recovery

Dr. Fred Rottnek

Dr. Fred Rottnek, MD, MAHCM is a Professor and the Director of Community Medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine and the Program Director of the Saint Louis University Addiction Medicine Fellowship.

Closing Keynote: The Intersection of Substance Use and Trauma on the Path to One Kansas

Sessions will focus on a variety of topics including basic theory and practice, building knowledge, skills and abilities, prevention workforce development, keeping current with prevention science, best prevention practices, innovative partnerships and capacity building, and new to prevention. Keep an eye out for the icons as you browse available breakout sessions.

Connect With Us


Copyright © 2023 Kansas Prevention Collaborative, All rights reserved.

Suicide Prevention Month

Clara Wicoff. Submitted photo 2023

Southwind Extension District


September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide is an alarming health crisis across America and an ongoing issue in Kansas. In 2018, suicide was the 9th leading cause of death in the State of Kansas, and the suicide rate increased by 70% from the year 2000 to 2018. In July 2023, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment released an alert to notify healthcare providers of increased emergency visits related to female suicide attempts. In July alone, there were 162 suicide-related occurrences among Kansas females. These eye-opening statistics testify to the importance of observing Suicide Prevention Month and illustrate the urgent need for community action in addressing this health crisis.


Many myths surround suicide, such as the belief that it cannot be prevented. This myth is false. Many suicides can be prevented through asking questions, open conversations, proper mental health treatment, and reducing access to fatal means. In challenging myths like this one, we set the stage to look at the signs and symptoms of suicide, a critical part of suicide prevention.


Paying attention to the warning signs of suicide is the first step in saving lives. A few warning signs include, but are not limited to, isolation from others, engaging in risky activities, changes in sleeping or eating habits, giving away personal items for no reason, and talking about not wanting to be alive. Upon noticing warning signs, early intervention and support are needed.


Fortunately for those in need of support, there are many resources available.

  • 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, available 24 hours a day, can be reached by calling or texting 988 or chatting with a counselor online by visiting
  • NAMI Helpline is available Monday-Friday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CST. The helpline can be reached by calling 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), texting “HelpLine” to 62640, or emailing [email protected].
  • Crisis Text Line, available 24 hours a day, can be reached by texting “HOME” to 741741 or visiting


Although there are ways for those contemplating suicide to get help, they may not seek support due to stigma. Some ways to help reduce the stigma of suicide include using respectful and mindful language when talking about suicide and showing compassion for those struggling. By fostering an environment of understanding and providing support, we can encourage others to reach out and seek the help they need.


Suicide Prevention Month is an opportunity to spread valuable information and resources while working to destigmatize suicide and mental health conversations. Join in engaging with the K-State Research and Extension Stress and Resiliency Team’s Suicide Prevention Month campaign, beginning September 1st, by visiting Together, we can make a difference.


This article was adapted from an article originally written by the K-State Research and Extension Stress and Resiliency Team. The main sources of information came from the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Mayo Clinic Health System, Heartland Community Health Center, and SuicideLine Victoria. For more information, please contact me at [email protected] or 620-365-2242.


Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Sinus Surgery – An Option for Chronic Sufferers



Dr. Nathan Box, Otolaryngologist, recently expanded his services at NRMC to include sinus surgery.


Chronic sinusitis, or recurrent sinus infections, tend to cause a blocked, congested nose.  Patients may experience headaches, pressure in the face and sometimes the sense of smell will be impaired.  An additional unpleasant side effect may be post-nasal drip – mucus that drips down the back of the nose/throat.  For those that suffer from these constant sinus symptoms and conventional medicines have been unsuccessful, this surgical treatment may be an option.



The goal of sinus surgery is to remove swollen and infected tissues, widening of the nasal passages to increase air flow and remove any potential growths or polyps.  Recovery varies by patient and severity of symptoms, but most can expect to fully resume normal activities within a couple weeks.


Dr. Box provides Ear, Nose & Throat services every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

His offices are located on the 2nd floor clinic of the south tower at NRMC.  Appointments can be made by calling 417-448-2121.





About Nevada Regional Medical Center
Serving a six-county area since 1937, Nevada Regional Medical Center is a 71-bed acute, intensive and skilled care hospital. Nevada Regional Medical Center has earned recognition as a respected regional medical center for its comprehensive health care services, skilled and caring employees and state-of-the-art medical technology. Staff represent more than a dozen medical specialties, including family practice, women’s services, neurology, urology, psychiatry, wound care services, and general, vascular, thoracic and oncological surgery. Additionally, consultation clinics are held regularly by specialists in pulmonology, podiatry, ear, nose, and throat and cardiology.



Clinic Care Starting in Legacy Health Foundation Building

Legacy Health Foundation, Fort Scott.

There is clinic health care beginning once again out of the former Mercy Hospital building at 401 Woodland Hills.

Ascension Via Christi Emergency Room continues its needed services to the community in the south facing side of the building.

Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center and Legacy Health Foundation announced  an agreement to secure  office space in the former Mercy building in May 2023. The building was acquired by Legacy Health from the Bourbon County Commission in October 2022.

To view a prior press release:

Legacy Health partners with Southeast Kansas Mental Health to Expand Services

The SEKMHC is working towards a move to the building, with work being done on the site.

“We do not have a move date confirmed yet for SEKMHC employees as work continues on the suites B and C,” Dawne Burchett, SEKMHC Manager of Prevention and Promotion, said. “(The)Ashley Clinic currently sees patients in suite A.”

Suite B and C are being made into offices for the SEKMHC.

Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center (SEKMHC) and Ashley Clinic joined in a partnership in May 2023 at the former Mercy building.

Prior to this, Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas leased the site for a clinic from 2019 until this year, when they moved to 2322 S. Main.

To view a prior press release on the new partnership:

Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center and Ashley Clinic Unite

The same services that are currently offered at the SEKMHC State Street location in Fort Scott will be offered at the new site, Burchett said.

SEKMHC is currently hiring in all its locations in this region, to see the list: (

Urologist Dr. Jason Robinson is seeing patients from Suite

“Dr. Robinson has been seeing patients in Fort Scott since 2016,” Burchett said. “Starting in August, he will see patients on the first Wednesday and the second Friday of each month.”

J. Jason Robinson, MD is a urologist, according to Ashley Clinic’s website.

Undergraduate Education

University of Kansas – 1991

Medical Education

University of Kansas School of Medicine – 1995


Surgery at St. Luke’s Hospital, Truman Medical Center – 1997; Urology at University of Kansas Medical Center – 2000

Board Certification

American Board of Urology – 2002

Practice Locations

Chanute, Burlington, Fort Scott, Iola, Neodesha, Eureka


“Dr. Yi Ying Law ( will start seeing patients this month in Fort Scott,” Burchett said.  “She will be there in the afternoon on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Her contact information is the same, 620-431-2500.”

Yi Ying Law, MD is a general surgeon, according to the Ashley Clinic website.

Undergraduate Education

Imperial College, London, United Kingdom

Medical Education

Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota – 2018


Houston Methodist Hospital Program, Houston, Texas – 2022

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota – 2018

Board Certification

Board Certified

Practice Locations

Chanute and this month Fort Scott


Ascension Via Christi-Pittsburg recognized for commitment to high-quality stroke care

Ascension Via Christi in Pittsburg has received its 2023 American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines, Stroke award for demonstrating its commitment to up-to-date, research-based guidelines in treating stroke.

Ascension Via Christi received the Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus, the highest recognition available. It also met the American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines criteria for inclusion on its Target: Type 2 Diabetes honor roll.

“This recognition is a testament to the high-quality care our team provides every day,” says Drew Talbott, hospital president. “I couldn’t be more proud of their efforts in providing life-saving stroke treatments to our community.”

Get With The Guidelines puts the expertise of the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association to work for hospitals nationwide, helping ensure that patient care is aligned with the latest evidence- and research-based guidelines. This ultimately leads to more lives saved, shorter recovery times and fewer readmissions to the hospital as studies show that patients recover better when providers consistently follow treatment guidelines.

According to the American Heart Association, improved patient outcomes, fewer readmissions and lower mortality rates represent a win for healthcare systems, families and communities.

“Community is very important to us,” says Naomi Powers, who leads the stroke team at Ascension Via Christi in Pittsburg. “Receiving this award calls attention to the dedication and hard work from our team in providing the highest standard of care for our stroke patients.”

Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke or heart attack, and heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 5 causes of death in the United States, respectively. To learn more about care at Ascension Via Christi, go to





About Ascension Via Christi


In Kansas, Ascension Via Christi operates seven hospitals and 75 other sites of care and employs nearly 6,400 associates. Across the state, Ascension Via Christi provided nearly $89 million in community benefit and care of persons living in poverty in fiscal year 2021. Serving Kansas for more than 135 years, Ascension is a faith-based healthcare organization committed to delivering compassionate, personalized care to all, with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable. Ascension is the leading non-profit and Catholic health system in the U.S., operating more than 2,600 sites of care – including 145 hospitals and more than 40 senior living facilities – in 19 states and the District of Colu

CHC/SEK Fort Scott Offers Mammograms to Women at Open House on August 2

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas at Fort Scott, June 2023


FORT SCOTT – Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas (CHC/SEK) invites women to celebrate their health at its 3D mammography event. “Celebrate You” will be from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Wednesday, August 2 at 2322 S. Main St.

For women age 40 to 74 years of age, it is recommended to have a screening mammogram every one to two years. CHC/SEK is proud to offer 3D mammography services to area women. According to the American Cancer Society, several studies have shown 3D mammograms provide more detailed imaging and can detect up to 40 percent more cancers than 2D mammograms.

No appointment or referral is required to attend the event. Most insurances are accepted however, no one is denied care. Those who attend will receive free refreshments and a gift. For information about this event, call 620-223-8484.