Category Archives: Government

Jeff Fischer: Candidate for Bourbon County Commissioner, Advance Voting Has Begun

Jeff Fischer. Submitted photo.

Advance voting at the Bourbon County Courthouse, 210 S. National Avenue continues until noon, August 3.

The hours of the county clerk’s office are 8:30 a.m.-4:30 pm.  There is a plexiglass barrier between the voter and poll worker and employees are sanitizing after each voter, Bourbon County Clerk Kendell Mason said.

“Masks are not required, but we strongly encourage people to wear them to help keep everyone safe,” Mason said.” Masks and hand sanitizer will be available at all polling places.”

To view the Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on July 20, click here:


This is part of a series of features on the candidates running for offices in Bourbon County.  The Bourbon County Primary Election will be held, Tuesday, August 4, 2020.


Jeff Fischer

What position you are running for:

County Commissioner 2nd District


59 Years


Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering

Masters of Science Civil Engineering

Post Graduate Studies Civil Engineering


3.5 years of experience in the role of Commissioner

10 years of leading corporate and collegiate learning experiences

20 years of construction engineering experience

What skills do you bring to the position if elected or re-elected?

If my constituents re-elect me to serve again as their commissioner I bring the skills from the past as outlined in my educational background: Professional Civil Engineer, Experience with heavy construction, Experience speaking to large audiences on a wide range of topics from the medical service sector to roads and bridge rehabilitation. I am a skilled researcher and seek to understand complex issues by drawing from a broad band of knowledge, before narrowing down to reaching a decision for the good of the present with a look to future growth and development. I have the skills of a pastor who nurtures the flock in my pastoral duties in my church. As a leader in the ministerial community I have gained the skill of listening and the skill of humbling myself. I learn from my mistakes. I seek input from others and try to make amends for wrongs foolishly committed. I have a genuine love for the future growth of Fort Scott and Bourbon County. My public speaking skills at local, regional, state and national levels are a valued asset to our community. I can represent Bourbon County in the Committee meetings across the globe, if necessary, to gain access to outsiders planning to locate their businesses in rural America. I am skilled at financial planning and can assist in helping department heads when they seek guidance in yearly budgets. I have a unique skill in historical memories of Fort Scott, remembering what our great-grand parents envisioned for us and dreamed for our children. My skills are varied, yes, through years of formal education and also life experiences. My constituents afforded me an opportunity to serve Bourbon County four years ago. Thank you for your vote of confidence in 2016. Please review what the commission as a body has accomplished. I humbly ask your forgiveness for my stumbles. I seek the chance to continue in service to the community we all love.

What is your priority on day one?

  1. Listen carefully.
  2. Secure additional anchor tenants to realize the capacity and benefits of the Medical Mall concept.
  3. Develop and implement a strategic plan for county infrastructure.


Coronavirus Relief Fund Approved

State Finance Council Approves $254 Million of the Coronavirus Relief Fund


TOPEKA – Today, the State Finance Council (SFC) unanimously approved the public health, education and economic development proposals recommended by the Executive Committee of the Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce for a total of $254,444,911.


“I want to thank the State Finance Council for approving these funds that will provide aid to Kansans who need it the most, help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate our economic recovery,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “Both rural and urban areas of our state will benefit from these dollars.”


Executive Committee Chair Lyle Butler presented the round 2 proposals, which were crafted by the SPARK Taskforce with help from state agency working groups for the following amounts:

Public Health $100,909,138
Economic Development $78,600,000
Education $74,935,773
Connectivity $60,000,000


“SPARK identified public health, education, economic development, and connectivity as the top priorities for supporting the recovery of the state,” said Lyle Butler. “I want to thank SFC for their support addressing our most pressing needs.”


The SFC will reconsider the Connectivity proposals following the Legislative Budget Committee meeting on August 3, where stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide more input on the proposals.


“We’re committed to making the best investments possible, being accountable to Kansans and operating with the urgency necessary to utilize these funds by the December 30 deadline,” said Recovery Office Executive Director Julie Lorenz.  “We look forward to working with SPARK members, legislators and Kansans to ensure that happens.”


This is the second major allocation of the $1,034,052,049 the State received through the Coronavirus Relief Fund.  Previously, $400 million was allocated to Kansas counties.


KDHE receives grant for suicide care



TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has been awarded a grant to support safer suicide care in behavioral health and healthcare systems in Kansas. The grant, from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is for implementation of Zero Suicide in Health Systems.

Zero Suicide is a model and framework that believes suicide deaths for individuals under the care of health and behavioral health systems are preventable. For systems dedicated to improving patient safety, Zero Suicide presents a framework for system-wide transformation toward safer suicide care.

KDHE will work with key partners across the state, including Veterans Affairs and the 26 licensed Community Mental Health Care Systems that have more than 4,500 staff providing mental health services in every county (120+ locations) to more than 140,000 Kansans annually. Besides the policies, protocols and practices the Zero Suicide model supports, objectives include providing evidence-based trainings and practices to support a prepared, competent and confident mental health workforce and coordinated suicide prevention efforts across the state. This award will bring $700,000 per year for five years.

Suicide is a serious public health problem that has far reaching medical, economical and psychosocial implications for Kansas. Between 1999 and 2018, the rate of suicide deaths in Kansas increased 70% from 11.3 to 19.2 per 100,000 persons. The 2018 suicide rate was the highest in the last 20 years & is higher than the national rate (14.2 per 100,000 persons) which increased 35% during the same time period. In 2018, suicide was the 9th leading cause of death among all ages and the second leading cause of death following unintentional injuries for those age 15-34 years in Kansas. From 2016 to 2018, emergency department visit and hospitalization rates increased for suicide ideation-related injuries.

Interviews For KDA Executive Director/Division of Conservation Aug. 6-7

Division of Conservation Director Candidates to Share Public Presentations


MANHATTAN, Kansas — The Kansas Department of Agriculture will hold interviews for the position of Executive Director of the Division of Conservation on August 6 and 7, and the selection process will include an opportunity for public participation. The public portion will consist of a presentation and questions, which will be available to watch live online.


The public presentations for the six candidates will take place in three separate online meetings: August 6 from 11:15 a.m.–12:00 noon, August 6 from 1:00 p.m.–1:45 p.m., and August 7 from 8:15 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Individuals who would like to observe and provide input for the public presentations should contact Brittney Grother at 785-564-6797 or [email protected].


Kansas Water Authority Virtual Meeting July 30



The Kansas Water Authority (KWA) will have their meeting by Webinar on Thursday, July 30 starting at 9 a.m.


For additional meeting information or how to access the meeting, visit the Kansas Water Office website, or call (785) 296-3185.

The KWA is responsible for advising the Governor, Legislature and Director of the Kansas Water Office on water policy issues. They also ensure that water policies and programs address the needs of all Kansans as well as serve as advisors of the Kansas Water Vision and Kansas Water Plan. The KWA was established in 1981 and consists of 13 voting members who are appointed by the Governor or Legislative leadership. State agency directors serve as ex-officio members.

Note to Editor: The Americans with Disabilities Act, (42 U.S.C. 12101), requires the Kansas Water Office to print the reasonable accommodations messages.


KDHE amends travel quarantine list


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has amended its travel quarantine list. Florida as well as those countries with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice with restrictions remain, but Arizona, Bahrain and French Guiana are removed effective today. Those traveling internationally are subject to CDC re-entry guidance and protocols.


This list is effective for all persons returning to or entering Kansas on the effective dates. The state will review/update this list every two weeks. A comprehensive list of those individuals needing to quarantine for 14 days includes visitors and Kansans who have:


Traveled to:

  • Florida on or after June 29.
  • Arizona between June 17 – July 27.
  • Been on a cruise ship or river cruise on or after March 15.
  • International travel to Bahrain or French Guiana July 14 – July 26.
  • International travel on or after July 14 to countries with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice, including China, Iran, European Schengen area, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and Brazil. International travelers must follow CDC guidance and protocols.


Others needing to continue quarantining:

  • Anyone subject to a travel-related quarantine for a state or country previously on the travel-related quarantine list must complete their 14-day quarantine period.
  • Received notification from public health officials (state or local) that you are a close contact of a laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19.


“It’s important to remember that traveling comes with risks,” Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE Secretary said. “We encourage those thinking about traveling to review their options, determine its necessity and if choosing to go, remember to still take precautions: wear a mask, socially distance and avoid mass gatherings.”


States added to this list are determined by evaluating new cases in states over a two-week period, then adjusting for population size, giving a case per 100,000 population which can then be compared to the rate in Kansas. States with significantly higher rates (approximately three times higher) are added to the list. Kansas’ rate was 223 cases per 100,000 population; whereas Florida’s is currently 717 cases per 100,000 population.


Travel quarantines do not prohibit travel through Kansas. People from these locations may still travel through Kansas. If this is done, KDHE recommends limited stops, wearing a mask at rest stops or when getting gas and being six feet from others when doing so. If the destination is Kansas, they would be required to quarantine upon arrival to their destination.


Critical infrastructure sector employees who have travelled to these destinations should contact their local health department regarding instructions for application of these quarantine orders while working. Critical infrastructure employees, such as public health, law enforcement, food supply, etc., need to have the staffing resources to continue serving Kansans so the local health department may allow a modified quarantine. Please note the only exemption for these quarantine mandates for critical infrastructure sector employees is work – they are not to go any other locations outside of work.


For more information on COVID-19, please visit the KDHE website at

Bourbon County: 65 COVID-19 Cases

“This doesn’t affect most of you but in case you saw the numbers and wondered why the difference, I wanted to let you know,” Rebecca Johnson, SEK Multi-County Health Departments Administrator, said.

The local health office is at 524 S. Lowman,Ft. Scott, KS 66701

Contact info: (620)223-4464 work, (620)223-1686 fax, [email protected]

“Yesterday Bourbon County had a new case and it was listed as active and under the total positives,” she said.  “After the investigation, it was found that the individual doesn’t actually live in Bourbon County. They hadn’t visited recently either. So, this case was sent to the county where they reside.”


“Also, in Bourbon County, they have a new hospitalization as of yesterday evening. So, their total in hospital at this time is 2.”


SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, and Woodson Counties

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

July 28, 2020

Allen County

Current Positive Cases 6
Total Hospitalizations 2-1 remaining in hospital
Current Recovered Cases 8
Total Positives Since Testing 14-1 removed-out of state and to remain there
Deaths 0

Anderson County

Current Positive Cases 2
Total Hospitalizations 0
Current Recovered Cases 24
Total Positives Since Testing 26
Deaths 0

Bourbon County

Current Positive Cases 5
Presumptive Cases 3-1 listed on KDHE website, tested negative
Positive Out of State/County-staying in Bourbon 11
Total Hospitalizations 5-2 currently, with 1 of the 2 being new admit
Current Recovered Cases 60-includes presumptive cases
Total Positives Since Testing 65
Deaths 1

Woodson County

Current Positive Cases 0
Total Hospitalizations 1-0 remaining in hospital
Current Recovered Cases 11
Total Positives Since Testing 11
Deaths 0

Recovered cases are based on dates of onset of symptoms, not on day testing results are received.








Kansas Deadlines for Titling, Registration, Renewals

Some Vehicle Titling, Registration, and Renewals Near Deadlines 


TOPEKA – As the end of July approaches, deadlines near for vehicle registration renewals and extensions given for recent vehicle purchases. The following information outlines the deadlines for specific transactions administered by county treasurers across the state.

Vehicle Registration Renewals:
Vehicle registrations with an expiration date of March through June 2020 must be renewed by Nov. 14, 2020. Vehicle registration renewals from July 2020 forward must be renewed in the regularly scheduled month.

Recent Vehicle Purchases:
Kansas residents who have purchased new or used motor vehicles on or after Jan. 1, 2020, and are operating with a valid, extended 60-day permit, may continue to do so beyond the 60 days. Through Governor Laura Kelly’s Executive Order 20-55, the Kansas Department of Revenue is extending any temporary, 60-day Kansas permit for motor vehicles purchased after Jan. 1, through May 31, 2020.


The table below determines the deadline to complete the title and registration process for a recently purchased vehicle. Late penalties and loss of authority to operate motor vehicles on State roadways will be incurred after the deadline listed.


Purchase Date:  Title & Registration Deadline: 
Jan. 1-31, 2020 Monday, Aug. 31, 2020
Feb. 1-29, 2020 Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020
March 1-31, 2020 Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020
April 1-30, 2020 Monday, Nov. 30, 2020
May 1-31, 2020 Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020

Driver’s License Renewals:
The deadline to renew Kansas driver’s licenses and state identification cards with expiration dates of March 12 through Sept. 15, 2020, is Dec. 31, 2020.


Some county treasurer offices offer limited licensing services in which operations may vary.

While each county treasurer determines how its office completes these transactions, the Kansas Department of Revenue continues to encourage the online renewal of vehicle registrations and driver’s licenses. This can be done by visiting or by downloading the iKan app from the Apple App or Google Play stores on your mobile device. By statute, some restrictions apply.

State identification card renewals require a visit to a Kansas Department of Revenue Driver’s License Office.


If a visit to a Kansas Driver’s License Office is necessary, an appointment is required. To schedule an appointment, customers are asked to use the method listed at This site only lists state-run office locations.



KS Virtual Job Fair July 28-30

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Department of Commerce’s Third KANSASWORKS Statewide Virtual Job Fair


TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that the third KANSASWORKS Statewide Virtual Job Fair will be held today, Tuesday, July 28, through Thursday, July 30.


“We need to maintain a strong, healthy workforce in our state, and getting Kansans back to work safely is one of my top priorities,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The KANSASWORKS virtual job fair has proven to be a creative and effective way to connect Kansans with jobs opportunities, and will be important as our economy recovers from the challenges of COVID-19.”


The virtual fair will allow job seekers to easily live chat with employers from across the state through computers and mobile devices. This is the third KANSASWORKS virtual job fair so far in 2020, with four more planned later this year.


Click here to register.


The Department of Commerce moved its statewide job fairs online this year to eliminate the public health risks associated with mass gatherings, while continuing to provide job opportunities for job seekers and maintain a ready workforce for Kansas businesses.


“Increasing employment opportunities and keeping our economy strong is a top priority of the Department of Commerce,” Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “The need for both businesses and job seekers in our state is significant, but health and safety concerns mean it’s still not safe to hold in-person job fairs. The Virtual Statewide Job Fair system is a perfect example of how our KANSASWORKS team is continuing to provide Kansans access to employers in a way that protects everyone involved.”


This year’s second virtual fair in June was a great success, with approximately 165 employers and 1,497 jobseekers participating. Employers represented included:


  • KanEquip, Inc.
  • Foley Equipment
  • Fuller Industries
  • Johns Manville
  • National Beef
  • PKM Steel Service Inc.
  • Salina Regional Health Center
  • Cornejo
  • Russell Stover
  • Reser’s Fine Foods
  • Johnsonville
  • Dillons
  • Glassman Corporation
  • CivicPlus
  • ADT
  • Bombardier Aviation
  • Creekstone Farms
  • Southwest Medical Center
  • Farmers Insurance
  • Goodwill Industries of Kansas
  • Emprise Bank
  • Wichita Public Schools
  • The University of Kansas


As concerns for the health and safety of Kansans remain high due to COVID-19, the Department of Commerce will maintain the virtual job fair system for the remainder of 2020. Future statewide events are scheduled for:  


  • August 25-27
  • September 22-24
  • October 27-29
  • December 8-9


As these dates get closer, updates will be provided with employer and jobseeker registration links for each individual virtual fair.


Bourbon County Commission Minutes of July 15

July 15, 2020

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, the County Counselor the County Clerk and the Economic Development Director present.

The Commissioners continued the discussion from July 14th regarding hiring an administrator for the Spark grant funds.

Greenbush, the Southeast Kansas Education Center gave a proposal to the Commissioners to be a grant administrator for the Spark grant. The Commissioners all liked the Greenbush proposal, they felt they could offer more feet on the ground, the business would be local; they felt there would be easier communication and coordination and this would align with the regional development goal.

Jody Hoener said she would put together a steering committee for the Spark grant; all of the Commissioners preferred that Jody be a representative from Bourbon County on the steering committee. Jody and the Commissioners reviewed the names on individuals that they felt should serve on the steering committee.

Nick made a motion to approve the Greenbush proposal for the Spark grant and to allow Lynne to sign the Greenbush contract and to allow Jody Hoener to be the representative from Bourbon County on the steering committee, Jeff seconded and all approved.

Jeff made a motion to allow all of the Commissioners to attend a virtual award ceremony for the Pathways grant, Nick seconded and all approved.

At 1:51, Lynne made a motion to adjourn, Nick seconded and all approved.

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman
(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner
(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner
Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
July 20, 2020, Approved Date

Health and Economic Help From CARES Act Available in Bourbon County: Apps Due Aug. 8

The Bourbon County Commission received $2.9M in CARES Act funds through the State of Kansas SPARK funding.  This funding is designed to help the county with the health and economic emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic.  For more information about the funding, visit
The County Commission has created the following categories of funding requests:
Reimbursement-for COVID related expenditures from March 1-July 30.
Direct Aid-for COVID related expenditures from August-December.
Small Business/Nonprofit Grant Program-a formula grant program designed to support these two groups with less than 50 employees.
Applications for funding requests from Bourbon County businesses, government entities, schools, and nonprofits can be found hereAPPLICATIONS ARE DUE Saturday AUGUST 8 AT NOON.
There will be Zoom information meetings on Wednesday, July 29.  Register here to watch live or visit this link after Wednesday afternoon for a recording of the meetings.  Instructional slide decks will also be posted.
Call 620.724,6281 or email
Submitted by:

Jody Hoener, LBSW, MBA

Bourbon County Kansas

Economic Development Director

210 S National Ave

Fort Scott, KS 66701


1-620-215-5725 Mobile

KDOT: Minimum Railroad Crew Size

Kansas Department of Transportation Proposes Safety Rule Regulating Minimum Railroad Crew Size


TOPEKA—The Department of Transportation today proposed a new regulation requiring railroads operating within Kansas to maintain a minimum of two crew members in the control compartment of the lead locomotive unit of a train.


“Kansas has faced issues ranging from crew member fatigue to derailments which pose a threat to our safety and security – but by maintaining the current practice of requiring a two-person crew we can ensure the health and safety of Kansas workers,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “This proposed regulation is a commonsense, necessary measure to protect our state’s railroad crew members and keep every community along the tracks safe.”


The regulation reads as follows:


K.A.R. [36-43-1].  Crew Requirements.


  1. Railroads operating within Kansas shall maintain a minimum of two crew members in the control compartment of the lead locomotive unit of a train.


  1. Compliance with subsection (a) of this Section shall not be required during switching operations, brake testing, safety inspections, or while performing setouts in conjunction with road service.


The benefits of the proposed rule and regulation is railroad and community safety, including the role two-person crews can play in helping to prevent potential accidents or derailments and in emergency situations.


Other states that have enacted legislation on minimum railroad crew requirements are Wisconsin, Arizona, Oregon, California, West Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, and Illinois.


Nearly all railroads in Kansas are currently operating two-person crews and will have no increased labor costs from the implementation of this regulation.