Category Archives: Government

Home Ownership Month

WASHINGTON, June 1, 2021 – Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack kicked off National Homeownership Month, as part of a nationwide celebration to highlight U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) efforts to provide access to affordable housing for rural Americans.

Safe, energy-efficient, affordable housing is essential to the vitality of communities in rural America,” said Secretary Vilsack. “The American Rescue Plan is providing critical relief to rural homeowners and helping to keep more Americans in their homes. USDA is committed to using our resources to help support healthy, resilient and more equitable communities through homeownership.”

Since 1949, USDA has helped 4.7 million families and individuals buy homes in rural areas. USDA Rural Development supports rural homeownership through the following programs:

  • The Single Family Housing Direct Home Loan Program provides loans directly to families and individuals so they can buy or build homes in rural America. In its lifetime, this program has helped 2.2 million families and individuals purchase a home.
  • Through its Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program, USDA has partnered with more than 4,000 private lending institutions, backing their loans to help nearly 2 million families and individuals buy homes in rural areas since the program was created in 1991.
  • The Home Repair Loan and Grant Program provides loans and grants to help families and individuals repair and modernize homes, making them safer, healthier places to live. Since it started in 1950, the program has helped nearly 434,000 families improve the quality of their homes.
  • The Mutual Self-Help Housing Grant Program provides grants to qualified organizations to help them carry out local self-help housing construction projects. Through this program, USDA has worked with nearly 230 organizations to provide a unique opportunity for families and individuals to lower the overall purchase price of a new home by investing “sweat equity” into its construction.   

To learn more about USDA homeownership programs, please visit the Single Family Housing program webpage or contact a Rural Development State Office near you.

Under the Biden-Harris Administration, Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities, create jobs and improve the quality of life for millions of Americans in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural, Tribal and high-poverty areas. For more information, visit If you’d like to subscribe to USDA Rural Development updates, visit our GovDelivery subscriber page

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit  


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

Grant To Reduce Substance Abuse Available

— The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) announces a grant funding opportunity for communities through a request for application (RFA) process for the Kansas Prevention Collaborative-Community Initiative (KPCCI) to reduce and prevent substance abuse in identified communities and enrich prevention efforts across the state through the implementation and sustainability of effective, culturally competent prevention strategies.

Grantees will use these funds to create a comprehensive, community-based strategic plan to address the problems of underage drinking, youth marijuana use, or ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs), shared risk and protective factors, and produce sustainable systems change in their communities. Communities will utilize the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) model designed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to assess their local needs, build capacity and create an implementation plan.

“Community-driven grants are an important piece of our statewide prevention system,” said KDADS Secretary Laura Howard. “KDADS’ Behavioral Health Services Commission works directly with community partners who apply for and receive these funds to provide essential training and support. We encourage communities to apply for this grant opportunity and become part of the statewide team working to prevent substance use in Kansas.”

The KPCCI grant is funded by SAMHSA “to prevent and reduce substance abuse in identified communities and enrich prevention efforts across the state through the implementation and sustainability of effective, culturally competent prevention strategies. Through the advancement of technological supports, learning processes, technical assistance, direct consultation and other resources, grantees will be supported through each of the five steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF).”

The RFA is directed at newly established coalitions in existence for the past six months ready to incorporate the SPF’s sustainable guidance and evidence-based strategies:

  • The planning phase: determining what works to address prevention needs and how to do it well based on data;
  • The implementation phase: delivering evidence-based intervention as intended, supported by KDADS and its partners in the Kansas Prevention Collaborative (KPC).

Communities ready to start the process or who have already started the planning stage and are ready to progress to the implementation phase are eligible to apply for funding. KDADS strongly encourages those eligible to apply.

“The KDADS prevention team continues to support positive community outcomes with this grant. For many years the communities involved in this meaningful work have played a pivotal role in the state’s prevention efforts,” said KDADS Children’s Services Director Gary Henault. “Our grantees and community partners committed to serving others continue to have a positive impact on the communities they serve.”

About the Kansas Prevention Collaborative:

The Kansas Prevention Collaborative was created in 2015 to integrate and innovate behavioral health prevention efforts. A partnership of several different state, educational and provider agencies, the KPC’s goal is to expand prevention efforts to be more inclusive of mental health promotion, suicide prevention and problem gambling education and awareness, as well as to increase the availability of resources to adequately fund local-level prevention and promotion strategic plans. For more information, see

Bourbon County Commission Agenda For June 1


Bourbon County Commission Room 

1st Floor, County Courthouse 

210 S. National Avenue 

Fort Scott, KS 66701 

Tuesdays starting at 9:00 


Date: June 1, 2021 

1st District-Lynne Oharah                                                                Minutes: Approved: _______________ 

2nd DistrictJim Harris                                                                      Corrected: _______________________ 

3rd District-Clifton Beth                                                                              Adjourned at: _______________ 

County Clerk-Kendell Mason 






Call to Order 


  • Flag Salute 
  • Approval of Minutes from previous meeting 
  • Eric Bailey – Road and Bridge Report 
  • SEK Multi-County Health Dept – 2022 Budget Request 
  • Kendall Mason – Clerk/Election – 2022 Budget Request 
  • Elected Officials Comment 
  • County Counselor Comment 
  • Susan Bancroft, Finance Director 
  • Public Comment 
  • Commission Comment


Justifications for Executive Session: 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(2) For consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(4) To discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(12) To discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open me

Kansas Transportation Projects Announced

Governor Laura Kelly Announces $42 Million Investment to Support 30 Transportation Projects Statewide

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly and Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz today announced that more than $42 million will support 30 transportation construction projects across Kansas through an expanded list of recipients of the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Cost Share Program for Spring 2021.

Cost Share is a component of the Kelly administration’s 10-year, bipartisan Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program, or IKE. Cost Share is designed to help both rural and urban areas advance transportation projects to improve safety, support job retention and growth, relieve congestion and improve access and mobility.

“Infrastructure projects like the ones funded through Cost Share are a perfect example of how government can make smart investments that not only make our economy more dynamic and competitive, but also make Kansas a better place to live, work, and play,” Governor Kelly said. “Through this $42 million investment, 30 communities from every corner of our state will have safer roads, increased access to outdoor recreation, and the opportunity to modernize important historical landmarks.”

KDOT took advantage of 2020 federal coronavirus relief funds by doubling the available Cost Share funding for this round. Selection criteria was adjusted to take into account hardships caused by the pandemic and points were added to communities that endured above-average economic loss.

KDOT is investing $21 million in this cycle of Cost Share with recipients contributing a 50/50 match of $21 million.

Secretary Lorenz said demand for Cost Share transportation dollars remains strong, especially after the “long, tough year we’ve been through.” She said 117 communities requested more than $103 million in funding for this, the fourth round of the Cost Share program.

“Despite that tough year, I couldn’t be more impressed with the record level of local contribution – proving we are stronger when we work together,” Secretary Lorenz said. “Thanks to the KDOT team and our local partners, we are moving quickly to expedite the delivery of projects.”

Today’s announcement was made via video (VIEW HERE) highlighting the wide range of investments made possible under the IKE program.

The entire list of all 30 IKE Cost Share projects announced today available here.

View a map of Cost Share projects here. 

Bourbon County Positions Up For Election 2021

Voters at  Bourbon County Clerk’s Office in a prior election…

Next Tuesday, June 1,  is the last day for candidates to file for the upcoming Bourbon County elections. The deadline is noon.

“We have the paperwork for anyone wanting to file,” Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk said.

As of May 25, the following have filed to run:

For the Fort Scott City Commission – Matthew Wells and Michael Hoyt.

For the Bronson City Council – Clearsia Botts.

For Uniontown Mayor – Bill Marlow.

For Redfield Mayor – Wilma K. Graham.

For Redfield City Council – Kirby Martin and Michael Beerbower.

For Mapleton Mayor – Ronald B. Burton Jr.

For Mapleton City Council – Mike Blevins and Homer Wisdom.

For USD 234 Position #4 – David Stewart

For USD 235 Position #6 – Tyler J. Martin

For FSCC Board of Trustees- John Bartelsmeyer and Bill Meyer.

The following is information for the 2021 Bourbon County Election and the positions up for election supplied by the county clerk.

All the filing deadlines, for each entity,  is noon June 1st, 2021.

The filing location is the Bourbon County Clerk office, 210 S. National, Fort Scott.

The General Election will be on November 2, 2021.

In the city of Fort Scott, there are three city commission members, two of which are for four-year terms and one for two years. The filing fee is $20 or petition signed by not less than 25 qualified electors of Fort Scott and state filing fee of $50.

If more than 9 qualified candidates file there will be a Primary on August 3, 2021.


Up for election in Bronson is the mayor position and two council members, all four-year terms. There is a filing fee of $20 or a petition signed by no less than 10 qualified electors of Bronson for Bronson.

If more than 3 qualified candidates file for Mayor or more than 6 qualified candidates file for Council, then there will be a Primary on August 3, 2021.


Those positions up for election in Fulton are the mayor and five council members, all four-year terms.

The filing fee of $20 or a petition signed by no less than 5 qualified electors of Fulton.

If more than 3 qualified candidates file for mayor or more than 15 qualified candidates file for council then there will be a Primary on August 3, 2021.


For Uniontown and Redfield the positions of mayor and two council members are up for election, all four-year terms. There is a filing fee of $20 or a petition signed by no less than 20 (10%) of qualified electors of Uniontown for Uniontown.

A petition signed by no less than 10 qualified electors of Redfield for Redfield.

If more than 3 qualified candidates file for mayor or more than 6 qualified candidates file for council, then there will be a Primary on August 3, 2021.


For Mapleton, the mayor and two council members are up for election, all four-year terms.

There is a filing fee of $20 or a petition signed by no less than 2 qualified electors of Mapleton for Mapleton.

If more than 3 qualified candidates file for Mayor or more than 6 qualified candidates file for council, then there will be a Primary on


For the Southwind Extension District, there are 2 positions, both for four-year terms. There is a filing fee of $20.


For the Fort Scott School District, there are three positions, all for four-year terms.

The filing fee is $20 or a petition signed by no less than 50 qualified signatures of registered voters in the position for the USD #234 District.

If more than 3 qualified candidates file for any one position, then there will be a Primary on August 3, 2021.


For the Uniontown School District, there are three positions, all four-year terms.

There is a filing fee of $20 or a petition signed by no less than 50 qualified signatures of registered voters in the position for the USD #235 District.

If more than 3 qualified candidates file for any one position, then there will be a Primary on August 3, 2021.


For Fort Scott Community College there are three positions, all four-year terms. The filing fee is $20.

If more than 9 qualified candidates file there will be a Primary on August 3, 2021.



Any person wishing to file for any office must be a qualified elector of the corresponding city or school district.

If filing by petition, the petition must be turned in within 180 days after the first signature was collected, but no later than noon on June 1st, 2021.

Kansas Flags Half-Staff For Memorial Day

Governor Laura Kelly Directs Flags be Flown at Half-staff for Memorial Day

TOPEKA – In accordance with Executive Order #20-30, Governor Laura Kelly has directed that flags be lowered to half-staff throughout the state effective from sunup until noon on Monday, May 31, 2021, in recognition of Memorial Day.

“On Memorial Day, let us all come together to honor and remember the women and men in the U.S. Armed Forces who lost their lives protecting our freedom and our way of life,” Governor Kelly said. “Today and every day, we owe them our gratitude.”

To receive email alerts when the governor orders flags to half-staff, please visit:

FS Commission Special Meeting May 25 At 6 p.m.

The City Commission will meet for a special meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25th, 2021 at City Hall in the City Commission meeting room at 123 South Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas. The City Commission will meet to discuss the Taxable Industrial Revenue Bonds for Fort Scott Lofts, LLC. They will also discuss potentially amending the agreement that was previous awarded to Bettis Asphalt for the mill and overlay of National Avenue from 13th to Highway 69. An Executive Session for attorney-client privilege exception in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(2) will also be held.

After the special meeting, at 7:00 p.m. the 2022 Budget Work session will begin.

This meeting is open to the public.

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran Newsletter May 24

 If you are having trouble viewing this email, please view website.





To find further resources on how to protect you and your family, visit or the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website here.

Vaccines in Kansas

Visit for information regarding COVID-19 vaccinations in Kansas, including availability and FAQs.

To find providers offering COVID-19 vaccinations, use KDHE’s Find My Vaccine map tool. Enter your zip code or address to find the providers nearest you.


If you are a Kansas resident and you or your family needs assistance with matters related to COVID-19, please click here.

Kansas Informational Resources

Please visit the Kansas Department of Health and Environment here.

U.S. Small Business Administration Resources

For information regarding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), including second draw loans, please visit the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website by clicking here.

For information regarding Economic Injury Disaster loans, please click here.

Veteran Resources

For information on veteran and VA related topics, resources and contact information, please click here.


Phone Calls to Kansans

Brian Williams, Labette Health, Parsons

Keith Haberer, Russell County Emergency Management, Russell

Dr. Wayne Gilmore, Eyecare Associates, Parsons

Tim Cowden, KC Area Development Council, KCMO

Shawn Lancelot, Bank of America, Wichita

Bill & Cathy Hybl, Garden City Company

Allison Mazzei, Kansas Association of Broadcasters, Topeka

Dave & Janet Murfin, Murfin Drilling, Wichita

Kim Gish of Wichita

Andrew Nave, Greater Wichita Partnership, Wichita

Chad Austin, Kansas Hospital Association, Topeka

Dustin Roths, Diamond R Jewelry, Hays

Dr. John Tomblin, National Institute for Aviation Research, Wichita

Mayor Mike Boehm, City of Lenexa

Gavriela Geller, Jewish Community Relations Bureau, Overland Park

Stewart Horejsi, Boulder Funds, Salina

Dana Anderson, Macerich, Lawrence






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It’s Time to Reopen the U.S. Capitol to Visitors

On Thursday, Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and I urged Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to reopen the U.S. Capitol Complex to visitors. Since March 12, 2020, the Capitol Complex has been closed to Americans due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, COVID-19 is in retreat across the country thanks to widespread vaccination efforts and hard work by our medical professionals. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its guidance to reflect that Americans fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 are able to safely gather indoors and outdoors without masks.

The U.S. Capitol has long symbolized our American form of democracy and involvement from the citizens of this country is a key principle of our government. As COVID-19 subsides in America, it is important to remember why the U.S. Capitol was open to the people in the first place. American citizens’ involvement in government requires access to their members of Congress, making reopening the Capitol Complex an issue of great importance.

Our successes against this virus should be celebrated and reflected by welcoming Americans to the U.S. Capitol. The full letter can be found by clicking here.


Evaluating Flood Damage in Natoma

On Friday afternoon, I went to Natoma to see firsthand the damage caused by severe flash flooding. I met with members of the community to hear their concerns and the challenges they are facing as they begin repairing their homes and businesses.

I appreciate the hard work of the first responders and volunteers who have worked tirelessly over the past week to ensure everyone’s safety and provide hot meals or shelter for those in need. I want to thank everyone who took time to share their concerns with me. I will continue to work with local and state government officials over the coming weeks so Natoma has access to the resources it needs.




During the flash flooding in Natoma, the America Legion sadly lost many of the American flags they place at local cemeteries for Memorial Day. While I was in town, I had the opportunity to surprise the American Legion with 300 new flags to replace the ones that had been ruined. The American Legion continues to be a centerpiece of the Natoma community, and the legion will place the flags across eight cemeteries in the region ahead of the Memorial Day weekend to remember our nation’s veterans. I’d like to thank President Laah Tucker and Post Commander William Workman for their work ahead of Memorial Day and for all they do for the Natoma community.




Standing with Israel, Our Ally in the Middle East

On Wednesday, I joined my colleagues to call on President Biden to stand with Israel following the violence by Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization. It is important to send a message to the President and my Democrat colleagues in Congress that standing with Israel is the morally correct thing to do and is in the best interest of the United States. Most importantly, we must be clear to Israel that the United States will be a trusted ally as Israel faces challenges from Hamas, a terrorist organization masquerading as a supporter and provider for the Palestinians. The United States must be seen around the world as a trusted ally that supports its friends. If the message to the rest of the world becomes that we are no longer trustworthy, we damage our own country’s credibility and our own people’s safety and security.




Working to Stem the Rising Costs of Lumber

During my conversations with Jerome Powell, Chair of the Federal Reserve System, and Gina Raimonda, Secretary of the Department of Commerce, I urged them to take action to stem rising costs of products, especially for lumber. Record-high lumber prices are putting the American dream of home ownership just out of reach for hundreds of thousands of potential home buyers.

I’ve also heard from Kansans who need to make home improvements but the high price of lumber has made it unaffordable. By eliminating tariffs on Canadian lumber, we can help relieve the burden on American families looking to build new homes and create new jobs in construction.




Boosting Kansas Farmers and Ranchers By Lifting Cuba’s Trade Embargo

This week, I introduced bipartisan legislation to lift the Cuba trade embargo to give farmers, ranchers and small businesses new export opportunities. The Freedom to Export to Cuba Act would eliminate the barriers to Kansas producers selling into Cuba and pave the way for new economic opportunities by boosting U.S. exports and allowing Cubans greater access to American goods. Cuba imports the vast majority of its food, including wheat, soybean meal, corn and poultry. However, the unilateral trade embargo on Cuba blocks Kansas farmers, ranchers and manufacturers from selling into a market only 90 miles from our shoreline, while foreign competitors such as China benefit at our expense. This legislation will expand market opportunities for U.S. producers by allowing them to compete on a level playing field with other countries. Importantly, the bill does not repeal portions of law that address human rights or property claims against the Cuban government. I believe it is time to amend our own laws to give U.S. producers fair access to market to consumers in Cuba, and I will continue to advocate for Congress to pass the Freedom to Export to Cuba Act.


Read more here in the Kansas City Star.


Congress Combats COVID-19 Globally and Evaluates the CDC’s Budget Request

Sharing Excess COVID-19 Vaccines with Countries in Need
I joined Senator Tim Kaine to introduce a bipartisan amendment to the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act that urges the Secretary of State to immediately begin multilateral and bilateral talks to share excess COVID-19 vaccines with countries in need. Ending the global pandemic as quickly as possible should be a top priority for the United States. With millions of excess vaccines still available, it is vital that we save lives by providing the COVID-19 vaccine to countries suffering from this virus. America cannot afford to stand by as the pandemic continues while other countries, like China and Russia, gain influence by sharing their vaccines. Distributing excess vaccines will prevent new strains from forming, save American lives, open up the global economy and enhance America’s international standing. Not only is this the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.

Examining the CDC’s FY2022 Budget Request
This week, I welcomed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky and CDC Principal Deputy Director Dr. Anne Schuchat to a Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee hearing. The hearing focused on the FY2022 budget request for the CDC and examined the organization’s top priorities for the year, including fully recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and improving America’s health care systems. It is essential for the CDC to invest funding appropriated by Congress into research and prevention measures that will allow the country to better detect potential threats to human health, whether they stem domestically or overseas. The National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) in Manhattan is a perfect example of a state-of-the-art facility building our understanding of preventing and containing zoonotic diseases in the future.


Getting Kansans Back to Work

This week, I joined the Kansas GOP Congressional delegation in calling on Kansas Governor Laura Kelly to help get Kansans back to work by halting the increased federal unemployment benefits. This decision follows the release of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) report showing an uptick in the unemployment rate, creating a situation where many Americans are better compensated for staying unemployed rather than returning to work. I have heard from employers across Kansas who are struggling to meet surging demand for their services due to a shortage of workers—we cannot afford to have our state’s economic recovery stunted because employers have to compete with what was supposed to be emergency government aid.


Attending the Pittsburg Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner

On Thursday evening, I joined the Pittsburg Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner where I enjoyed seeing many familiar faces. Chamber President Blake Benson and his team work diligently to support local businesses, especially over this past year, and I’m thankful for their hard work.

There are also many dedicated business leaders and locals in Pittsburg that work day in and day out to make this community special for the people that choose to live in southeast Kansas. They have worked hard to make this a hub of economic activity, and good things continue to happen in Pittsburg as a result.

I also had the opportunity to surprise a member of my senior staff, Pam Henderson, with the Spirit of Pittsburg award. Presented each year by the chamber, this award is meant to recognize an individual that goes above and beyond, often working behind the scenes for events, boards and organizations in the effort to better the community. After a decade of working for Kansans on my team, it is clear to me every time I visit southeast Kansas how much she cares about making good things happen here. Congratulations, Pam! I’m thankful to have you on my team.


Read more here in the Pittsburg Morning Sun.




Before the event began, I also appreciated meeting with the US-69 Highway Committee members Ken Brock, Kevin Mitchelson and Blake Benson. The US-69 highway has been expanded south in all but two counties – Crawford and Cherokee – and I appreciated the update on their conversations with the Kansas Department of Transportation on the next phase of the project.


Infrastructure Investments Must Be Inclusive of Rural Communities

During Thursday’s Senate Banking Committee hearing on infrastructure investments, I raised concerns with Secretary Pete Buttigieg about transitioning our nation’s public transit to lower emission fuels while maintaining their effectiveness and reliability without political favoritism for certain fuel technologies. This transition must be inclusive of both rural and urban communities, and I will continue working with my colleagues to prioritize the needs of all Kansans. Watch the full hearing here.


VA Nominees Testify Before the Senate VA Committee

On Wednesday afternoon, the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held a hearing to take testimony from four nominees for key leadership positions within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Each nominee expressed their interest and commitment to service and the mission of supporting our nation’s veterans, including Donald Remy, nominee for Deputy Secretary, Maryanne Donaghy, nominee for Assistant Secretary for the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection, Patricia Ross, nominee for Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Legislative Affairs and General Matthew Quinn, nominee for Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs. The committee will review their testimony and written responses to questions from committee members and determine whether to report their nominations to the full Senate for approval. Watch the full hearing by clicking here.


Meeting with Military, Defense, Space and Technology Leaders in D.C.

General James McConville, Chief of Staff of the Army
This week, I met with General James McConville, Chief of Staff of the Army to discuss the Army’s priorities this year. Most importantly, we spoke about bringing new opportunities to Fort Riley and its growing prominence within the Army. We also discussed our mutual admiration for some of the Army’s modernization programs that will prepare the service and its equipment for a 21st-century conflict. The General and I spoke at length about the Future Vertical Lift program that is developing new helicopters for the Army that are faster, stronger and more efficient. Kansas manufacturers have a major presence on some of these helicopters, so I am eager to work with the Army as it develops them. We also spoke about General McConville’s effort to prioritize the men and women who make up our nation’s Army. Putting “People First” ensures our Army will continue to thrive and win our nation’s wars.




General Jay Raymond, Chief of the Space Force
Following my meeting with General McConville, I met with General Jay Raymond, the Chief of the Space Force. We spoke about his priorities to develop the Space Force and grow it into the world’s premier space defense organization. General Raymond and I agree that we should leverage our private sector space talent and the academic community – like those in Wichita –  to maintain dominance in space. As the co-chair of the Space Force Caucus, I am eager to continue working with General Raymond to support our nation’s newest military branch and ensure its success.




Dr. Richard Spinrad, NOAA Nominee
This week, I also met with Dr. Richard Spinrad, nominee to be Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere. NOAA provides critical weather information to Kansans, and those across the nation, and I was glad for the opportunity to finally meet in person. Dr. Spinrad was previously Chief Scientist at NOAA and has held ocean leadership positions in the U.S. Navy. I look forward to supporting Dr. Spinrad through his confirmation process, and continuing to work with NOAA through my role as Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee.




Brian Weaver of Torch.AI
On Wednesday, I met with Brian Weaver, CEO of Torch.AI, and other representatives from his company. Torch.AI is based in Leawood and produces artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. They recently announced that they will be expanding their footprint in Leawood with 500 additional well-paying jobs. They currently specialize in background checks and fraud protection and are working to modernize the National Background Investigation Service for the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency. Additionally, they are partnering with Wichita State University to develop deepfake detection technology. These are exciting technologies that will have great impacts on our national security, and I appreciate their Kansas origins.

Greg Thom of Ultra
On Thursday, I met with leaders from Ultra to discuss their Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) technology. It uses 3D imaging and correlation algorithms to analyze gun-related crimes for the federal government’s National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) system. We discussed the importance of expanding access to these types of public safety programs to rural and tribal law enforcement agencies so they have the tools to eliminate crime and keep the public safe. As the top Republican on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the Department of Justice, I have worked to expand funding for these programs and will continue to work with Ultra as they seek to partner more widely with law enforcement agencies.


Visiting Adaptive Training

On Monday, during a layover at Dallas Fort Worth Airport, I visited Adaptive Training, a physical rehabilitation facility that focuses on bridging the gap from basic functional rehabilitation to adapted sport. Founded by former NFL linebacker David Vobora and U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills, Adaptive Training helps those with life-altering injuries, including service-related injuries, find life-fulfilling adaptive performance training.

I met with Director of Development Tayla Moore and Chairman Jim Gardner, where we discussed rehabilitation for severely wounded veterans. I met with several veterans, and I had the opportunity to learn more about their rehabilitation program and process, and the way that Adaptive Training uses mindfulness or “recharge” sessions as a part of their recovery. Thank you to Tayla Moore and Jim Gardner, and to all the athletes who shared with me about their recovery journey.




Discussing Protections for State-Based Insurance

I met with Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt on Tuesday to discuss how best to protect policyholders and businesses in Kansas. We discussed the importance of protecting our state-based insurance system, the reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), helping businesses recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and lowering health insurance costs. I appreciate Commissioner Schmidt’s efforts on behalf of Kansans and look forward to partnering in the future to strengthen insurance markets and increase affordable choices.


In Person Listening Tour Stops Are Back!

Russell County
I was great to see familiar faces and shake hands with friends on Friday in Russell County as I hosted a Listening Tour stop at Meridy’s Restaurant and Lounge. It finally feels like we are approaching our pre-pandemic normal, and I appreciated discussing Russell’s infrastructure priorities, my work to address the record-high prices of lumber, and veterans’ experience with the MISSION Act and community care from those who attended. The feedback I receive at these stops guides my work in Washington, and I appreciated our conversation.

Thank you to Meridy’s for hosting the discussion, and thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to speak with me about the important issues they face as Kansans.




Geary County
I also had the chance to speak with Kansans this weekend in Junction City and provide them an update on my efforts to support Fort Riley. Fort Riley is a premier military installation and its expansion would benefit Junction City and the surrounding communities. Thank you to all those who attended to share your concerns and ideas, including Geary County Chairwoman Trish Giordano, Sherriff Daniel Jackson Jr., USD 475 School Board Vice- Chairman Jim Schmidt and Junction City Manager Allen Dinkel for the invite.


Read more from the Junction City Post by clicking here.




Remembering Floris Jean Hampton

Floris Jean Hampton was an exemplary community leader in Kansas. She was fiercely dedicated to Dodge City and was involved in dozens of projects, organizations and committees throughout her life that made western Kansas a better place to live and raise a family. Her leadership was also sought at the state level, receiving appointments to governors’ committees and advisory councils, extending her impact statewide. However, anyone who knew Floris will remember her passion for Dodge City Community College, and particularly the nursing program, where her legacy will live on in the recently dedicated Floris Jean Hampton Nurse Education Center.

Kansans like Floris make our state the great place it is, and I am grateful to her many years of service to our state. I extend my sincere condolences to her family, loved ones and the Dodge City community. Learn more about Floris’ life by clicking here.




Remembering Don Wilson

Don Wilson was a titan in the Kansas health care community. He served as the President of the Kansas Hospital Association for 22 years, leading the KHA through a significant growth period and was recognized accordingly by the American Hospital Association in 2003.

After I was elected to the Kansas Senate, he went out of his way to educate me on Kansas hospitals and our state’s health care system. Don realized how important hospitals are to our communities, and my efforts to support rural health care and Kansas hospitals are based on many of the conversations I had with Don.

He was an outstanding advocate and a good friend. Robba and I are sending our prayers to his family and all those he impacted throughout his life. Read more about Don’s life by clicking here.




Honored to Serve You in Washington
It is an honor to serve you in Washington, D.C. Thank you to the many Kansans who have been calling and writing in to share their thoughts and opinions on the issues our state and country face. I appreciate the words of Kansans, whether in the form of a form of letter, a Facebook comment or a phone call, who wish to make their voice heard.


Please let me know how I can be of assistance. You can contact me by email by clicking here. You can also click here to contact me through one of my Kansas offices or my Washington, D.C. office.


Very truly yours,

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Kansas Legislative Update by Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson

2021 Session winding down

The last day of the 2021 session is scheduled for May 26.  It tends to be ceremonial, but this year there should be an effort to override a couple more of the Governor’s vetoes.  I’ll let you know next week how that goes.


Below Are Several Bills Signed Into Law

House Bill (HB) 2079 transfers the registration of charitable organizations from the Secretary of State to the Attorney General.  It also enacts the Kansas Fights Drug Addiction and requires posting human trafficking awareness notices in certain businesses and public places.  It passed the Senate 39 to 0.  The House vote was 78 to 42.


House Bill (HB) 2026 creates a Certified Drug Abuse Treatment Program for certain drug offenders who have entered into a diversion agreement.  It also amends law to increase penalties for riots in a correctional facility and unlawfully tampering with electronic monitoring devices.  The bill passed both chambers unanimously.


The main focus of House Bill (HB) 2158 establishes a joint committee on child welfare system oversight requiring visual observation of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect.   The committee will monitor and recommend changes to DCF, KDADS, Corrections, KDHE, law enforcement, and the Judicial Branch on child welfare, especially foster care children.  The foster care system in Kansas has been broken for years.  HB 2158 is an attempt to protect children.  It passed both chambers unanimously.


HB 2187 enacts the First-time Home Buyer Savings Account Act, allowing an account to be opened at a financial institution specifically for saving to purchase a first home.  Up to $3,000 a year can be added to the account for an individual, $6,000 for a married couple.  The money can remain in the account for an unlimited time without interest or income being subject to penalty.  The amount deposited in the account each year would be subtracted from your federal adjusted gross income, possibly lowering your state income tax obligation.  Each account has a $50,000 cap.  The bill passed the Senate 35 to 1.  I voted Yes.  It passed the House 119 to 2.


Senate Bill (SB) 170 enacts an interjurisdictional authorization of psychologists across state boundaries.  Kansas has a shortage of mental health providers and this would allow telecommunication across state lines for therapies.  The bill passed the Senate unanimously.  The House vote was 119 to 4.


HB 2121 increases the penalties for mistreatment of an elderly dependent.  It is sad that we need laws to protect individuals from such abuse, but the reality is we do.  The bill passed both chambers unanimously.


SB 47 extends the Rural Opportunity Zone (ROZ) for two years and adds any county with a population of 50,000 or less to the program. The bill establishes the Tax Payer Protection Act, requiring a paid tax-preparer to sign any return they prepared and include their federal tax id.  The bill makes it clear that a person does not owe income tax on money stolen as a result of identity theft.  The bill passed the Senate unanimously.  It passed the House 107 to 14.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.


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