Category Archives: Fort Scott

Fort Scott City Commission Minutes of April 2



Minutes of April 2, 2019 Regular Meeting #6

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held April 2nd, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Adamson, Bartelsmeyer, Mitchell, and Nichols were present with Mayor Parker presiding.

INVOCATION: Pastor Norman Tillotson, First Baptist Church, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City, our Government and City officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Travis Shelton, Rhonda Dunn, Michael Mix, Paul Ballou, Robert Uhler, Dave Bruner, Chad Brown, Rachel Pruitt, Larry Gazaway, Norman Tillotson, Jeff Fischer, Bob Farmer, Diana Morriss, Darrell Parker, Clint Roberts, Brian Allen, Patrick Wood, Deb Needleman, Stewart Gulagher, Alex Swank, Chilia Swank, Michael Hoyt, Diana Endicott, Sharon Campbell, Deb McCoy, Bob Eckles, Lissa Gorman, Susan Messer, Lisa Walther, Valetta Cannon, Dustin Doherty, Lindsey Watts, Max Fanning, Kevin Allen, and Clayton Miller.


City Manager presented Bob Farmer, City Attorney, with a gift from the City of Fort Scott for his many years of service. He served as City Attorney for 45 years.

Mayor Parker thanked him for being a part for many years of the City’s journey.

Bob Farmer said that it has been a privilege to serve as City Attorney. He said he is not retiring and his law firm is still open. Bob thanked the City for the beautiful watch he was presented.

Fair Housing Month Proclamation – Mayor Parker read a Proclamation which proclaims April as Fair Housing Month in the City of Fort Scott.

National Safe Digging Month Proclamation – Mayor Parker read a Proclamation which proclaims the month of April as National Safe Digging Month and urged citizens to call 811 before they dig.

National Service Recognition Day Proclamation – April 2, 2019 – Mayor Parker read a Proclamation which proclaims April 2nd, 2019 as National Service Recognition Day and encouraged residents to recognize the positive impact of national service in our country; to thank those who serve; and to find ways to give back to their communities.

National Library Week Proclamation – April 7-13, 2019 – Mayor Parker read a Proclamation which proclaims the week of April 7th to 13th, 2019 as National Library Week in the City of Fort Scott. She encourages all residents to visit the library and see what’s new and engage with your librarian.

National Library Workers Day Proclamation – April 9th, 2019 – Mayor Parker read a Proclamation which proclaims April 9th, 2019 as National Library Worker’s Day in the City of Fort Scott. She encouraged all in this community to take advantage of the variety of library resources available and thank library workers for their exceptional contributions to American life.


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of March 19th, 2019.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1235-A totaling $373,328.77.

  1. Cereal Malt Beverage License – Hilltop Bait Shop – 2015 E. 1st Street

Mitchell moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.




Christa Horn – C.A.S.A. Funding RequestChrista Horn was not present, but Dave Martin, City Manager, asked the Commission to approve the allocation of $5,000 towards C.A.S.A. This amount comes from the Special Drug and Alcohol Fund. He will have Christa Horn come back at a later date to address the Commission.

Adamson moved to approve the $5,000 allocation for C.A.S.A. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


Rhonda Dunn – Requests for closure of streets for Good Ol’ Days event: May 31st & June 1st, 2019

Old Fort Blvd. from Wall Street to National Avenue

     Main Street from Skubitz Plaza to Third Street

     Scott Street from Wall Street to Second Street

     Wall Street from National to Scott

     First Street from National to Scott Street

     Second Street from National to Scott Street

     Use of Memorial Hall for Baby Contest and Talent Extravaganza and Concert on Friday and Saturday nights

     Heritage Park at corner of First and Main

     Parking lot behind Heritage Park

     Parking lot at corner of Third and Main – Close on Tuesday, May 28th for Carnival setup

     Parking lot at Second and Scott

     Parking lot at Wall and Scott

     Parking lot at Wall and alley between Main and Scott

     Parking lot between Memorial Hall and the Library

  Main Street – 2nd to 3rd – Beginning Friday at 8:00 a.m.

     Skubitz Plaza – Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Clark Street – Wall Street to 3rd Street – Beginning at 7:00 a.m. Saturday

Hill Street – North of Wall Street – Beginning at 7:00 a.m. Saturday

Rhonda gave the Commission an update on the activities for Good Ol’ Days this year and the changes. Instead of having two street dances, they will have two concerts at Memorial Hall. On Friday night, Restless Heart will be appearing and on Saturday night the Beach Boys Tribute Band will be performing. The carnival will be moved from Skubitz Plaza to the City parking lot at 3rd and Main. She asked to close this parking lot on Tuesday, May 28th so the carnival can set up. It will open on Thursday to the public. The food trucks will be located this year in the 200 block of Main. She asked for Main Street to be closed on Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. Velocity is also doing their annual event which is a car/bike show on Saturday. They had 80 cars last year and hope to have 150 this year. Tonto is coming back again this year and they are giving away a Harley Davidson motorcycle. They have asked to have Clark Street closed from Wall to 3rd. It will be monitored with barricades. They will have a burnout contest there also. They have requested the closure of Hill Street also from Wall Street to the North by the animal shelter. The City’s brush dump will be closed that day. City Staff is aware of these closings.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the street closures for the Good Ol’ Days event. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


EXECUTIVE SESSION: City Manager asked for a 30 minute Executive Session for matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency. There is no action anticipated. This is with the City Commission and City Manager only.

Parker moved to enter into a 30 minute Executive Session. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


Parker moved to come out of Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute

limit per citizen) – None



  1. Consideration to solicit bids for River Intake Project – Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, informed the Commission that he has heard from U.S.D.A. and the State that we have the necessary approvals to proceed with the project. He reminded them that the structure was first put on the river in 1883. It had a coal fed steam powered pump that was in operation until 1950. There was another update in 1980 but no updates since. This is the only way to move water from the Marmaton River to the Water Plant.

Mitchell moved to approve to solicit bids for the River Intake Structure. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.



  1. Director Updates:

EMS Update – Dave Bruner, Deputy Fire Chief, informed the Commission that the month of March was extremely busy. They had 218 calls for service. Out of those 218 calls, 164 were transports in general and 94 of those were transports to other facilities outside of town. They transferred to Mercy in Joplin, K.U., Overland Park Regional, Freeman, Olathe, and Via Christi. Out of those, 67 were transports to Via Christi. Three of those were medical transports from the E.R. to a nursing facility. The average last year was 160 to 170 so 218 is extremely busy. They are fully staffed. They are looking for an EMS Manager. They are looking to build up the PRN staff. The transit truck tags were received today so it should be in operation tomorrow. There are still a couple of items on the other transit vehicle required by the State. The renovation is going well.

Fire Truck Discussion: City Manager said that no truck has been purchased nor any decisions made.

Rhonda Dunn – Sales Tax Update – Rhonda stated at the last meeting Deb McCoy brought up about a ½ cent sales tax and where the money went. She was not aware of a ½ cent sales tax for a fire truck. She contacted Kansas Department of Revenue who also said there has not been a ½ cent sales tax for fire trucks. The City had a 1.0% sales starting January 1, 1984, and then the ½ cent sales tax for the pool and Buck Run improvements starting July 1, 2011. That is it. There was no special ½ cent sales tax for fire trucks. She also broke out the sales tax history for the City.

She also shared the sales tax of Fort Scott compared to some other larger cities in Southeast Kansas. She will share this with Deb McCoy since she had to leave.

Deb Needleman – Deb said that she was here to address the fire salary issue that was brought up at the last meeting. She said if the City had all the money in the world, we would love to give all of our employees more money. $8.75 is the bottom of the range for a new firefighter. Firefighter pay can’t be compared to other positions. Firefights work a 24 hour shift on and 48 hours off. Within a six week period, because of the way that cycle works, they end up with one, two week period with a mandatory 14 hours of overtime, the second two week period is seven hours of mandatory overtime and the third week period is zero overtime. They end up with 21 hours of overtime in a six week period. That needs to be factored in. They basically get 20 days off per month. She looked at actual earnings in 2018 for all of the hourly employees and Police and Fire were at 90% of the top half of the pay. They are higher paid even though the hourly rate may not reflect that. She said that our salary ordinance is comparable to Pittsburg. Their bottom pay is $7.79 per hour. When a new firefighter comes in, there is a lot of training that goes into that person. In 2017, additional levels were created in our salary ordinance to award different levels of firefighters. In the four years she has been here, there have been four firefighters leave with two of those retiring.

City Manager said that several years ago there had been a lot of turnover so they gave Public Safety employees a 6% increase.

Commissioner Nichols remarked that in addition to a high and competitive wage this is giving them the highest quality of equipment to protect themselves so they can do their job the best way possible.

Fire Truck PurchasePaul Ballou informed the Commission that Larry Gazaway put together a presentation on the fire truck purchase. That was shared with the Commission.

City Manager stated that we are not going to increase taxes. This amount has been built into the budget. The City is in good financial debt. The City is trying to stop all rumors.

Commissioner Nichols asked for a timeline for the fire trucks.

City Manager said that the Notice of Intent to purchase the fire trucks is for $1.9 million. There is a 60 day protest period. There has been no decision made about the trucks yet. We are trying to educate the public. We can’t talk to someone until we know we can pay for it. We have found out that we can apply for CDBG funding. If we get through the protest period, we will bid these out. We will probably put out the ladder truck for one year to see if we can get a grant. The pumper truck will be bid out. All decisions will be made by the Commission.

Mayor Parker thanked all the City staff for answering questions.

  1. City Commission:

Bartelsmeyer Remarked that City staff is always careful with taxpayer money. Snap decisions are not made. She said that we do what is best to serve this community and support the decisions that are made.

Adamson – Remarked that it was a great meeting. She hopes all the information shared tonight will go out into the community. She said she appreciated the work done by City staff.

Nichols Nothing to report.

Mitchell Said that she appreciates the work that went into the presentation and all the research that they were provided. She appreciates each and every one of you.

Parker – Said that she agrees with all the comments made by the Commission. She said that they are behind the manager and the staff and the employees. They have answered questions and researched and put together presentations. She said that they support the City Manager 100%. It is a 24/7 job and thanked the City Manager and Staff all for their hard work.

  1. City Manager:

  1. Closure of Streets: Lindsay Watts with Crossfit was present and asked if she could request the closure of a street for two events.

Lindsay said that the Wreath Ruck will be held on April 16th. She asked for approval to close the 100 block of South National from 6:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. that day for this event.

She also asked for the closure of the 100 block of South National for the Murph Challenge on May 27th, 2019 from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for this event.

Nichols moved to approve the street closure for both events. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Health Care Update: Dave said that he is scheduled to go to Via Christi on Thursday and meet with them. They will be on the Thursday morning radio broadcast. CHC has taken over the pharmacy at Mercy now.

  1. Western Building – Dave said that he heard some talk about the Western building and the $1 million the City gave for this project. He showed photos of the old six story tower building. This structure was full of mold and in bad condition. When the developer came in and wanted to develop apartments, the City’s part was $1 million to remove this structure as part of this development. The structure was demolished and this is now a parking lot.

  1. Municipal Court Judge – Dave announced that the Municipal Court Judge has decided to resign. We now have three openings: City Prosecutor, City Attorney and now City Judge.

  1. County Survey – Dave said that he is getting questions about the survey that is out by the County regarding economic development. The City had concerns about this survey. The City tried to reach out to the County, but was told nothing could be changed. It is causing confusion with business owners. The City can’t answer questions about this survey and doesn’t know what the outcome will be.

  1. Upcoming Meeting – Dave said that tomorrow evening the administrative staff is meeting with a group of individuals who asked to meet with the City regarding economic development, the fire truck purchase and other items they are concerned about.


Bartelsmeyer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. Mitchell seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on April 16th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.




Fort Scott City Commission Agenda April 16






APRIL 16, 2019

6:00 P.M.




III. INVOCATION: Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director

IV. PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITIONS: Triple AAA Award – Police Department – Presented by Dave Corp


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of April 2nd, 2019.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1236-A totaling $318,453.17.



Lindsay Watts – North side of Riverfront Park – May 4th, 2019

Next Steps Presentation – Diana Endicott

B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute limit per citizen)



  1. Consideration of Service line warranty program

  1. Consideration of Hay Bid – Airport

  1. Consideration of Airport engineering agreement to conceptual roadway study with Olsson Engineering

  1. Consideration to hold auction to sell off old City equipment

  1. Consideration of life insurance proposal


  1. Director Updates:
  1. Commission:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


David Brown: New Fort Scott Middle School Principal

David Brown. Submitted photo.

David Brown, 55, was recently hired by USD 234 to be the Fort Scott Middle School Principal.

” My wife and I will be moving back to Fort Scott in June into my childhood home,” Brown said. “I look forward to the opportunity to once again serve my community. Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger.”

Brown is a Fort Scott native.

He is a 1981 Graduate Fort Scott High School, 1982 Graduate Fort Scott Community College, 1985 Graduate Baker University Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and History,  and in 2015  he graduated from  Pittsburg State University with a Master of Science in Educational Leadership.

“I started my teaching career at Raymore-Peculiar High School and after a year I was fortunate to return to Fort Scott and assume a teaching position at Fort Scott Middle School where I taught Math, Civics, and History for 13 years,” Brown said. “I then transferred to the high school teaching history and PE. I coached football, basketball, wrestling, and track at the middle school during my time there and coached football, wrestling, track, and softball at the high school. I was head wrestling coach from 1995 until 2016. In 2016, I became assistant principal at Chanute High School and have been in that position until now.”

Brown’s first love was coaching and to coach is to teach, he said.

“I had siblings who had entered the field of education,” Brown said. “I could see how their influence on students inspired learning. I saw the joy that came over both student and teacher when that spark of learning and success took place. I knew I wanted to have that impact and that experience.”

“I believe every worthy educator has been inspired to teach but seldom is the inspiration singular. We educators are inspired by our own teachers, our family, and our friends. ”

“The joy of being in education is knowing you have a tremendous impact on the future. What we do every day in classrooms directly affects the lives of the children, families, and the community we serve. ”

He believes education is facing a challenging future.

“The children we are teaching today are experiencing access to information at a rate unseen in history,” Brown said. “The skills we provide them with are preparing them for careers and jobs that have yet to be invented. The ten most in-demand jobs today were not even in existence ten years ago. Our challenge is to equip our kids with the tools to achieve their dreams whatever that may be.”

Brown is married to Stacy and has four daughters: Cori, Morgan, Addi, and Riley.




Piano students of Carolyn Tucker will present their annual recital, Friday, April 26, at 7:00 p.m., at Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church, 1818 S. Main.

The following students will perform: Benjamin Banwart, Josiah Banwart, Noelle Banwart, Abbigail Collins, Abigail DeLoera, Hannah Peck, Austin Sinn, Garren Tucker, and Gregg Tucker. Former students Kelcie Bailey and Breisen Keller will also perform as guest pianists.

The students will present pieces composed by Brahms, Burgmuller, Clementine, Dvorak, Elmenreich, Haydn, Schumann, Sousa, and Strauss. The recital presentation will also feature the following student/teacher duets: Stars and Stripes Forever, Love Me Tender, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Dixie, She’ll Be Comin’ ’Round the Mountain, and Lean on Me.

Guitarist Ralph Carlson and Carolyn will perform a musical duo at the conclusion of the evening. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

FSHS Students Compete in Personal Finance Challenge

On April, 10 Fort Scott High School Seniors Jenna Grado, Braden Shelton, Tyler Martin, and Shaylee Terry competed in the Kansas Council for Economic Educations “Personal Finance Challenge.”

These students were among 18 other teams competing for the opportunity to represent Kansas at the National Completion in Lincoln Nebraska.

Students had to first complete a preliminary test.  The top 20 teams in Kansas were then invited to Wichita State University to compete in the state championships.  Once at the tournament, students competed in three individual and one team test.

While not qualifying for Nationals, the FSHS team was in the top five teams across the state.

This activity was part of the Personal Finance class taught by Bert Lewis at the High School.

Combat Warrior Convoy in Fort Scott May 1

On Wednesday, May 1st, starting at 1:30 pm, the E3 Foundation and Combat Warriors, Inc. will be having their 2nd Annual Warrior Convoy through Fort Scott. They would love your help again by showing your overwhelming support of these soldiers – by simply standing by the street somewhere along the route from Fort Scott Municipal Airport to the E3 Ranch. Feel free to make a sign, wave a flag, salute, or simply wave as we honor these brave men and women.

Route: The convoy will start out east on Lake Road, then north on Highway 69, then left on National through town, then right onto Old Fort Blvd., then left on Wall St. traveling east all the way out of town.

The LaRoche Family thanks you for your support!

Local Librarians Honored During National Library Week

Fort Scott Public Library
April 7th through 13th is National Library Week.
Libraries are at the heart of their cities, towns, schools and campuses, providing resources and programs that build strong communities. Today’s libraries strengthen their communities and transform lives through education and lifelong learning by providing access to the programming and services to ensure the community’s needs are being met. Be sure to visit Fort Scott Public Library during National Library Week, or anytime you need us.
Established in 2003 and held annually during National Library Week, National Library Workers Day celebrates the contributions of all library workers, including librarians, support staff and others who make library service possible every day. National Library Workers Day is a time to recognize library professionals for their expertise and leadership skills in transforming lives and communities through education and lifelong learning. The day also reminds the public that Libraries = Strong Communities, and provide users with endless opportunities for engagement, enrichment and development. 
We encourage everyone to take a moment and thank our library workers for the services they provide and to remind all who depend on them that our city works, because our Fort Scott Public Library workers do!
In celebration of National Library Workers Day, the Board of Directors of the Fort Scott Public Library treated the staff to lunch on Tuesday, April 9, National Library Workers Day.
On Tuesday, April 2, Mayor Jeanie Parker issuedtwo proclamations.   One to commemorate National Library Workers Day on April 9 and the second to commemorate National Library Week, April 7 through April 13.
Submitted by Martha Scott.

FSHS Prom is Coming: New Venue

Fort Scott High School Homecoming 2019 candidates are front: Kelcie Bailey, Rebekah Sweyko, Shaylee Terry, Karli Wright;  back row: Johnathan Gauthier, Nicholas Krebs, Gage Lamb, and Alan Santana.

Fort Scott High School Prom 2019 is this Saturday, April 13 at the River Room,  3 West Oak Street where it intersects with North National Avenue.

The public may view the prom site indoors from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.

“Great Gatsby is the theme,” Bert Lewis, FSHS teacher and sponsor said. “Cars and vehicles will drive north on Judson and drop off at the corner of Oak and Judson. Valet parking is available. Oak Street will be blocked off at 2 p.m. Saturday through 12 a.m. Sunday morning to accommodate the walk-in.”

“Parent parking will be allowed in the public lots behind the old Downtowner (Currently the Boiler Room Brewhaus),”  Lewis said. “Please refrain from parking behind or east of Sharky’s and Nu Grill to respect these businesses.”

“Parents will be able to set up chairs, or watch from sides of the street,” she said.

The promenade walk-in is from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

The prom is from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m.







Door Prizes Sought In Support of Early Childhood Progam

The Fort Scott Preschool Center / Fort Scott Early Childhood Program
is seeking door prizes for their Early Childhood
Family Night
We are reaching out to local businesses in Fort Scott, to acquire door prizes for our early childhood Family Night.
We would like to have a drawing for the participating families that attend.
If you are interested in providing an item or gift certificate, we would greatly appreciate it.
(This would encourage them to visit your place of business and promote shopping local.)
If you feel there may be other businesses interested, please have them contact us:
Fort Scott Preschool Center
409 South Judson
Fort Scott, KS 66701

Youth Summer Jobs At The Fort

Summer Youth Employment Opportunity at Fort Scott National Historic Site

Youth Conservation Corps program

FORT SCOTT, Kan. – Fort Scott National Historic Site is looking for 6 energetic and outgoing teens to participate in our 2019 summer Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) program running Tuesday through Saturday from June 18 through August 10. This eight-week long program is for young people between the ages of 15 and 18 years of age. Shifts start at 8 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. with a one hour lunch. Salary is the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

For more information and to download your application, go to, or pick up an application from the Fort’s Visitor Center. Applications must be received by the park on/or before Friday, May 10, 2019, to be considered. You may hand deliver your completed application back to the Visitor Center or mail to:

Fort Scott National Historic Site
ATTN: YCC Coordinator
PO Box 918
Fort Scott, KS 66701

No previous experience is required, but a willingness and ability to work in a physically active outdoor program, get along well with others, and maintain a positive attitude are essential for success. YCC participants will learn teamwork and leadership while working in a variety of weather and conditions, participating in resource education, recreation, and NPS and other agency career orientation activities. Activities may include: ranger-led programs, Living History programs, being guest speakers, enrollee and staff presentations, assisting field rangers and/or scientists, and trips to other parks, businesses, and throughout the area. Enrollees will also spend time completing projects which may include: fence and bench building; repairing/rehabilitating historic structures; general maintenance work; painting/staining; and exotic plant control.

Fort Scott Family Dental: In Historic Downtown

Fort Scott Family Dental, 2 N. Main.

Fort Scott Family Dental moved from a residential neighborhood to the corner of Wall and Main Streets in the historic downtown district earlier this year.

“We moved in officially January 30th, 2019,” said Dr. Timothy P. Crawford DMD. “My staff pulled together a crazy two-day move!”

” We needed more space and operatories to grow business so we chose to move downtown and restore an amazing historic building,” Crawford said.  “We are thrilled to be here.”
Dr. Timothy Crawford’s new dental office. Submitted photo.
The dentist office is located at 2 N. Main.
Fort Scott Family Dental, as viewed from the front door of the practice.
“We have five employees at the moment, and are looking at adding one more employee either PRN for on call when we have a call-in, or just as additional help because we have expanded our patient data base so much after we moved,” Crawford said.

The office hours are Monday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Contact the office at 620-223-4448.
Fort Scott Family Dental is located at the corner of Wall and Main Street.

The following are services Dr. Crawford and his staff provide:

  • Composite Fillings
  • Extractions
  • Cosmetic Bonding
  • Tooth Whitening
  • Clear Correct
  • Crowns and Bridges
  • Laser Tissue Surgery
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Partial and Complete Dentures
  • Tooth Replacement Implants and Implant Supported Dentures
  • Bone grafting
Fort Scott Family Dental
The old office, at 1115 S. Main, was sold to a family who is transforming it into living quarters, Crawford said.
Crawford owns the whole building at the corner of Wall and Main Streets.
Currently, there are five tenants on the third floor including the doctor Crawford himself, who stays in town two nights a week.