Category Archives: Fort Scott

Halloween Parade Tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 26

Join us this Saturday!
Halloween Parade
Parade Starts 11am
Special Activities 10:30am
Spooktacular Photo Backdrop
Facepainting by FSHS Thespians
Fun Music by Hull Experience
Free Hot Dog Lunch to Kids in Costume
Following the Parade
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce
announces this year’s Halloween Parade will be held Saturday, October 26th, 2019 at
11:00 a.m. in Downtown Fort Scott.
Prior to the parade, starting at 10:30 a.m., there will be special activities including pictures with a spooktacular backdrop at the City Scales building on North Main, facepainting by Fort Scott High School thespians, and fun music by local DJ,
The Hull Experience.
The parade trick-or-treats merchants along Main Street, starting at La Hacienda, south to 2nd Street, crossing the street then heading north back to Skubitz Plaza.
Any businesses or organizations in the community, not located along Main Street, are welcome to set up a table on the sidewalk also providing treats, coupons, or other handouts for kids.
Children are encouraged to bring a sack or bag to collect treats along the parade route.
Following the parade, a free hot dog lunch will be served to kids in costumes.
Special thanks to donors 5 Corners Mini Mart, Bids & Dibs, The Hull Experience, FSHS PRIDE & Thespians, Walgreens, and all participating organizations and merchants offering treats.
The Chamber would also like to recognize the parade committee Darcy Smith, Chair, Crystal Mason, Vonnie Rickerson, and Angela Simon.
For more information contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 620-223-3566.

Adopt-A-Child and Elk Christmas Basket Sign Up Nov. 5-7, 12

The Beacon announces the Adopt-A-Child and Elk Christmas Baskets sign up it Nov. 5, 6, 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the Beacon, 525 E. 6th St. Ft. Scott, Ks.


Also, Tuesday, November 12, 2019, from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.


Bring your Beacon Card to sign up.


If you don’t have a Beacon Card

*We will need Picture ID for all adults in the household.

*Social Security card for all in household

*Proof of Bourbon Co. residency

*Proof of Income

* If you receive any service from DCF must sign a release for verification


Submitted by

Gary Murrell, Director

Contact for more information: 620-223-6869

Submit Questions by Oct. 28 to Chamber of Commerce For Candidate Forum

Join us for the
General Election Candidate Forum
This Tuesday, October 29th
We want your questions!
Submit your questions for the candidates to the Chamber by 8am, Monday, October 28th.
Click here to email questions.
Or, drop off in person to the
Chamber, 231 E. Wall St.
Candidates invited to this forum include:
* Fort Scott City Commission
There are 6 candidates for 3 positions,
constituents may vote for 3 or less.
Candidates include:
Harold (Pete) Allen
Kevin (Skitch) Allen
Cindy Bartelsmeyer
Josh Jones
Deb McCoy
Lindsey Watts
* USD-234 Board of Education
Candidates include:
Position 1: James Wood
Position 2 (Vote for 1):
Danny Brown
Michelle Hudiburg
Position 3:
Kellye Barrows
At Large (Vote for 1):
Lynette Jackson
Bill Michaud
* Fort Scott Community College
Board of Trustees
There are 5 candidates for 3 positions,
constituents may vote for 3 or less.
Candidates include:
David Elliott
Kirk Hart
Michael Hoyt
Curtis Lear
Robert Nelson
This Candidate Forum is co-hosted by:
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce
Young Professionals League
of Bourbon County

Chamber Coffee At Sleep Inn Oct. 24

Join us for Chamber Coffee
Thursday, October 24, 2019  at 8:00 a.m.
Hosted by:
Sleep Inn & Suites
302 East Wall Street * Fort Scott, KS 66701
Bill Michaud will be celebrating with the Chamber Members of Sleep Inn & Suites 5th Anniversary!
In addition, we will be enjoying an Anniversary cake, Breakfast items and a drawing for a FREE ROOM CERTIFICATE!
Chamber members and guests are encouraged to attend for networking, community announcements, and to learn about the hosting business or organization.
***Members may pay $1 to make an announcement about an upcoming event, special/sale/discount, or news of any kind.
Upcoming Coffees:
October 31 – Fort Scott Area Community Foundation (Landmark Bank)
November 7th – VFW @   1745 S. National Ave.
November 14th – Integrity Home Care & Hospice
November 21st – TBA
November 28th – No Chamber Coffee this day.

Main Street Gallery Expands Flea Market

Main Street Gallery and Gifts owners, from left Julie McClellan, Josh McClellan and Rechelle McClellan. Submitted photo.

The owners of Main Street Gallery & Gifts, 23 South Main, have taken the for sale sign out of the window.

Main Street Gallery and Gifts.

Although there has been a for sale sign in the business window for several months, the McClellan’s changed their minds.

“We took the building off the market,” Josh McClellan, one of the owners said. “I had it brought up to me that ‘Why would any more vendors come rent space if I was not investing my time into them?’ We decided to not sell it. We decided to have my wife come full time to assist with the store to help manage everything.”

Home decorations are sold at Main Street Gallery.

Owners of the business are Josh, and his wife, Rechelle,  and Josh’s mother, Julie McClellan. They sell home décor, flea market items,  custom picture framing, and brew supplies. They have been in business since October 1st, 2000.

“We are wanting to expand the flea market with more booth spaces,” Josh said. “In order to do so, my wife, Rechelle McClellan, will be there to help vendors and buyers, so my mother, Julie, can focus on her upholstery business. Rechelle started full time on October 19.

Booth spaces have been in the lower level of the building and now they are extending the flea market booths to the first level.

The homebrew supplies section of the shop in on the first level.
Booth rentals fill the lower level of the shop.

Booth Rental

The McClellan’s are taking names and phone numbers for a  booth rental waiting list.

Booth space prices are as follows:


Lower Level 4X4 feet=$20.00

Lower Level 4X8 feet=$35.00

(Expanding on the main level)

Main Level 4X4 feet=$40.00

Main Level 4X8 feet=$70.00


“We take a 10% consignment fee. This fee pays for loading items, bags, credit card fees, etc.” Josh said.


Penny Vote Contest

“Main Street Gallery and Gifts will be doing a penny vote contest with our three (Main Street) windows,” Rechelle said. ” I have four vendors decorating the north and south windows. The money we raise will be donated to The Sharing Bucket. Please feel free to spread the news. Penny votes start the first Christmas open house downtown.”

“We will have mason jars that people can put pennies, dollars, etc. in, and whoever that has the most money wins,” she said.


“We are very excited about what the future holds for our business,” Josh said.  “We are here to help the people and visitors of Fort Scott. We have something for everyone through all of our vendors. We couldn’t do it without all of them. We appreciate all the past, present, and future vendors of Main Street Gallery and Gifts.”

The phone number of the shop is 620.223.2210.

Halloween Parade Oct. 26 Downtown Fort Scott

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces this year’s Halloween Parade will be held Saturday, October 26th, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in Downtown Fort Scott.

Prior to the parade, starting at 10:30 a.m., there will be special activities including pictures with a spooktacular backdrop at the City Scales building on North Main, face painting by Fort Scott High School thespians, and fun music by local DJ, The Hull Experience.

The parade trick-or-treats merchants along Main Street, starting at La Hacienda, south to 2nd Street, crossing the street then heading north back to Skubitz Plaza. Any businesses or organizations in the community, not located along Main Street, are welcome to set up a table on the sidewalk also providing treats, coupons, or other handouts for kids. Children are encouraged to bring a sack or bag to collect treats along the parade route.

Following the parade, a free hot dog lunch will be served to kids in costumes.

Special thanks to donors 5 Corners Mini Mart, Bids & Dibs, The Hull Experience, FSHS PRIDE & Thespians, Walgreens, and all participating organizations and merchants offering treats. The Chamber would also like to recognize the parade committee Darcy Smith, Chair; Crystal Mason; Vonnie Rickerson; and Angela Simon.

For more information contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 620-223-3566.


Participants Sought For Veterans Day Parade Nov. 9

Veteran;s Day is fast approaching and Live Local Bourbon County is hosting the 2nd Annual Veteran’s Day Parade this year on Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 3 p.m.
We are looking for organizations, groups or individuals like yourself to be part of this patriotic event to help honor our veterans!
You don’t have to have a big fancy float to enter, you don’t even have to have a trailer – we want you to wear your RED, WHITE & BLUE, walk, ride, bring a friend just to be a part of something special!
See the parade entry forms  below or on  Live Local Facebook page, pick one up at the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, or BIDS & DIBBS. We would love to have as many veterans present as possible!!!
Thank you!
Live Local Bourbon County
Board of Directors

Trinity Lutheran Church Oktoberfest Oct. 27

Sausages. Submitted photo.
With the German heritage associated with the Lutheran Church, 23 years ago, Trinity Lutheran Church decided to host an Oktoberfest as a fundraiser for the church.
    In connection with Reformation Sunday, the members serve up some of their grandmother’s or great grandmother’s German dishes.
Three entrees are offered and you get all three — not a choice of one.
Bratwurst, bierocks and Reuben Casserole are the three entrees.
While the first two are traditionally German, the last one, the Reuben Casserole, is one of the most popular of the entrees.
Traditional German side dishes of sauerkraut, potato salad, and green beans accompany the entrees.
And what is a church feed without the infamous “church lady” desserts? Your choice of a piece of pie or slice of cake to end your meal.
Reformation Sunday and Oktoberfest fall on October 27, this year.
The church will serve the food from 4 to 7 p.m.
Tickets are $8.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door.
Children are $4.
For advance tickets call the church office 620-223-3596, 8 to 11:30  a.m. Monday through Friday.
In the spirit of giving, part of this year’s proceeds will go to Care to Share.


Turvey Promoted to Tourism Manager

Allyson Turvey,  30, is the new Fort Scott Tourism Manager at the Fort Scott Visitors Center, 231 E. Wall.

“Most of my past experience has been in customer service, but because I worked in the tourism department for two years before the promotion, I have gotten lots of on-the-job training,” she said. ” I am a certified Kansas Destination Specialist, a credential I received last year from the Tourism Industry Association of Kansas. I’m also a Certified Professional Travel Counselor, a credential I received from the State of Kansas Tourism Department.”

Turvey graduated from Sail High School,  Tallahassee, FL  and attended Fort Scott Community College for an associate’s degree before attending Missouri Southern State University for a bachelor’s degree in business.

Turvey’s duties include managing the visitors center,  and social media marketing.

“I also attend various conventions and trade shows throughout the year in an effort to secure group tours and conferences, for which I help plan itineraries and agendas,” she said.  “I work closely with the city and  county tourism assets in order to get more visitors to them, and assist in planning and marketing events.”

In addition, she handles the marketing program of the LaRoche Baseball Complex.

” The best part of my job is the people,” Turvey said. ” I not only get a chance to work closely with locals, but I also get to meet people from all over the world who have come to visit this little community. At the visitors center, I’ve met people from Mexico, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, France, and so many others.”

Many in the community often take for granted Fort Scott and its’ attractions,  but “Our visitors are always beyond impressed,” she said.

Her work is enjoyable in other ways as well.

“It’s also pretty awesome to work so closely with locals as well,” she said.  “This community is absolutely filled with great people who love this city and want it to continue to succeed. This makes my job a lot easier because someone always has a new idea, or event, or business they want to bring here. I love that I can use my job position to help out with some of the fun endeavors people come up with. ”

Turvey grew up near Tulsa, OK, and still has family there.


Fort Scott Convention & Visitors Bureau can be reached at

620.670.2750  or  [email protected]

American Legion Auxiliary Hosts Pampered Chef Fundraiser

Pampered Chef Party
Hosted By: Auxiliary President Sylvia Norris 

I would like to thank everyone for taking the time for supporting a great cause. 

The money we raise will be used to help support varies programs for our disabled veterans. Patriotism and veterans advocacy are so important to the American Legion Auxiliary that for more than nine decades, we’ve been serving, educating and giving to America’s finest—our servicemen and women. 

The American Legion Auxiliary answers the call of Service Not Self. 20 percent of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the various programs the Auxiliary supports, and for every party that is booked, 5 dollars will be donated to our Unit. So please help us to reach our goal. 

Here is the link to the pampered chef party     

American Legion Unit 25 President Sylvia Norris

FSHS Debate Takes 2nd Place in Tournament

Submitted by Angella Curran
This weekend Fort Scott High School debate traveled to the Olathe South Invitational Debate Tournament where they took 2nd Place in Sweepstakes.
In open division:
Zoe Self and Elizabeth Ngatia broke out of prelims undefeated as the top seed and ended up placing 4th after dropping on a split decision in quarterfinals.
Neil Gugnani and Shekhar Gugnani were also undefeated breaking out of prelims as the #2 seed but also dropped in quarters, to the eventual tournament champions, and tied for 4th place.
Madi Toth and Mark Adams had a 4-1 record coming out of prelims, won their quarter final round, but dropped on a split decision in semifinals, to place 3rd.
In the novice division, we medaled two teams: Lillian Collins and Kinsley Davis finished in 4th place, and David Jones and Christian Seals placed 5th.

Music Entertainment at Pioneer Harvest Fiesta Oct. 19-20

At the entertainment tent at Pioneer Harvest Fiesta, there will be music and events starting at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 19 through 4 p.m.

Mike Lundeen will be on the keyboard; David Prickett, guitar and vocal, The Carlsons, guitar, bass, harmonica and vocals;The Eastsiders, Steve Fortenbury on guitar and others of the Heritage Park Pavilion performers.

Sunday’s events will commence with a 9:30 a.m. church service provided by Rev. Paul Rooks and the Grace Baptist Church.

Following the church service, there will be an open mike period for musicians to gather, until 2 p.m.