Category Archives: Fort Scott

Rusty Spur Energy and Nutrition Opens at 9 E. Wall

Submitted photo.
The Rusty Spur Energy & Nutrition opened at 9 E. Wall on Dec. 14.
The owners are Kelly Perry and Chris Ames who is also the  operator.
“We offer one-on-one health assessments for weight loss or muscle gain with our products,” Perry said. “Our products include vitamin-packed energy and calorie-burning teas that taste more like fruit drinks!  We also provide complete meal replacement shakes full of protein and vitamins and minerals in over 60 flavors!
 “We have had a team of other entrepreneurs; Haven, Ashtyn, and Greg, in Ft. Scott (at a different location) since August 2020 helping customers with healthy shakes and teas,” Kelly said. “Previous health coaches have moved from the area and we felt passionate about keeping such a niche business alive and well in Fort Scott!  We hated to see it close when the others moved.”
Their passion stems from losing weight using the drinks they sell.
Both women have followed a number of fad diets and even resorted to surgical weight loss methods such as gastric bypass.  Short term, they had a tremendous amount of success but eventually, the weight came back, Perry said.
Kelly Perry. Submitted photos.
During the 2020 pandemic, Perry had gained over 80 pounds of her surgical weight loss back when she walked into the Fort Scott nutrition shop desperate to lose the 80 pounds, she said.
 She started the meal replacement shakes and within five months from December 2020 to May 2021, Perry lost all 80 pound swith shakes alone, she said.
 Perry has maintained her weight loss and coached others to do the same, she said.
Chris Ames has had a very similar story.
Chris Ames. Submitted photo.
“After (weight-loss) surgery, her weight loss was not significant and she continued to be stagnant in weight loss,” Perry said. “She started on the protein meal replacement shakes and the rest is history.  She is now a size smaller than she was in high school.  She too is working to help others to be the best that they can be and fully embrace health and nutrition rather than think of it as yet another diet.”
“We’re passionate about helping people and we really like this job,” Perry said.
“Each of our energy drinks is all custom-made for exactly what you need as an individual,  no two drinks are alike,” she said.  “You won’t find one main price because all teas have customization to them.”
“We hope that by being downtown in such a beautiful area we will be able to reach more people and help them with their health goals,” Perry said.
They have products for children as well, she said.
“We also provide probiotics and added hydration for all ages, so if you have a child that is dehydrated or has bloating, cramping or even backed up in the bathroom, we have items that we can add to their drink to help their tummy,” she said.
The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 5 PM and Saturday, 9 AM to 2 PM, Sunday after church from noon to 3 p.m.
The Rusty Spur, 9 E. Wall. The former dental office of Dr. Brown. Submitted photo.
The business can be contacted via Facebook Messenger, or Instagram  or email [email protected]

City of Fort Scott Admin Offices Closed Dec. 24-27

The City of Fort Scott Administrative Offices will be closed on Friday, December 24th and Monday, December 27th, 2021 in observance of the Christmas Holiday. The offices will reopen on Tuesday, December 28th, 2021.

The City’s tree and brush dump site located on North Hill will also be closed on Saturday, December 25th, 2021 for the Christmas holiday. It will be open again on Tuesday, December 28th, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

USD234 Press Release for Dec. 13

Fort Scott Middle School, 2019.


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at the Fort Scott Middle School Commons on Monday, December 13, 2021, for their regular monthly meeting.

President James Wood opened the meeting.  The board approved the official agenda.  The board also approved the consent agenda as follows:


A.    Minutes

B.    Bills and Claims

C.    Payroll – November 19, 2021 – $1,470,719.34

D.    Financial Report

E.     Activity fund accounts­­­­­­

F.     Donation of wrestling mats

G.    High School Swim Team fundraising applications

H.    Increase in adult meal prices for breakfast and lunch


Jamie Armstrong, outgoing board member, was recognized for her years of service.  There were no comments in the public forum section.  Brenda Hill, Fort Scott KNEA President, shared information with the board.  Principals from each building shared written reports.  Ted Hessong, Superintendent, gave a report.  In addition, Superintendent Hessong gave an ESSER III update.

Andrea Scott, Fort Scott Preschool Center Principal, gave a presentation on the Fort Scott Preschool Center.  Board members shared comments and then went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel and returned to open meeting.   The board approved the following employment items:

A.    Resignation of Kaytelynd Keller, Winfield Scott paraprofessional, effective November 16, 2021

B.    Retirement of Alvin Metcalf, Sr., middle school teacher aide and middle school coach, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year

C.    Resignation of Lacey Graham, bus driver, effective November 3, 2021

D.    Retirement of Pamela Milton, Eugene Ware paraprofessional, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year

E.     Resignation of Alexandra VanSickle, Winfield Scott first grade teacher, effective December 16, 2021

F.     Resignation of Maggie Johnston, high school paraprofessional, effective November 23, 2021

G.    Resignation of Annyssa Davenport, high school paraprofessional, effective December 16, 2021

H.    Resignation of Gregg Sweet, Eugene Ware paraprofessional, effective December 10, 2021

I.      Leave of absence request from Caitlin Shrewsbury, Eugene Ware third grade teacher

J.      Change in work agreement for Wendy Budd, Winfield Scott paraprofessional, from a 7.5-hour day to an 8-hour day for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year

K.    Employment of Judith Davis as a high school paraprofessional for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year

L.     Employment of Adrianne Wisdom as a high school paraprofessional for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year

M.   Employment of Charlie Hensley as a high school auto tech teacher aide for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year

N.    Employment of Jennifer Herring as a Winfield Scott 6.5-hour cook for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year; Employment of Jennifer Herring as a 2-hour bus driver for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year

O.    Employment of Shaunn Pytlowany as a four-hour bus driver for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year

P.     Resignation of Tyler Bell, high school assistant wrestling coach, for the 2021-22 school year; resignation of Abigail Duffy, high school JV volleyball coach, effective November 8, 2021; resignation of Kelli Davis, high school freshman volleyball coach, effective November 8, 2021

Q.    Employment of Brendon Blackburn as a high school assistant wrestling coach for the 2021-22 school year

R.    Employment of Tyler Ericson as a Winfield Scott first grade teacher for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year


The board adjourned.


Sleeping Pods Are Planned For Fort Scott’s Homeless

The Warming Hearts in Fort Scott Sleeping Pods will look similar to this one. Submitted photo.

A recent city commission meeting decision prompted action by a group of residents to help the community’s homeless population during the winter months.

Following the Fort Scott City Commission passing an ordinance to allow basic tents in designated camping areas for homeless people, the group of concerned citizens began conversations about helping the homeless in the wintertime.

The core group of Warming Hearts in Fort Scott, the name proposed for the group, is Tonya Cliffman, Anne Dare, and Sarah Maike.

“Our goal is to assist in winter with temporary shelter, clothing, basic essentials, and nutrition,” Tonya Cliffman, one of the organizers of the project, said. “We want to build relationships to provide basic needs in hopes we can move them into more traditional housing in the future.”.

Tonya Cliffman from her Facebook page.

To that end, work has begun on two sleeping pods which are four-foot by five-foot by eight-foot wooden structures. These are being constructed by a small group of men who are donating their skills for the project, she said.

“(Those sleeping in the pods) can sit up, but not stand up, that way their body heat will keep them warm,” she said. “It has no heat or water, just a wooden insulated structure.”

“They are $1,000 each,” she said. “We are building the first one now.”

They will complete two pods by the first of the year and as soon as they have an individual to utilize the pod, that person will use it for the whole winter, she said.

The group reached out to the owner of a vacant lot, a former mobile home park, Patrick Wood, who permitted use of the lot for the project pending approval by the City of Fort Scott. That approval came at the Dec. 7 commission meetings.

The area is located at 19th and Horton Streets, just north of Community Christian Church (CCC).

CCC already has programs in place to provide showers and basic hygiene needs, plus food and some clothing, she said.

“CCC is my home church,” Cliffman said. “This is not a CCC project but they are supporting us.”

The group set up a fund at CCC for receiving the donations to the project, she said. “This is for transparency, accountability, and stewardship. We felt that is a great partnership.”

Once the pods are in place, the individuals who will be using the sleeping pods will have portable latrines and trash service provided, she said, and be told of the regulations to sleep in the pods.

This initial part of the project will provide the sleeping pods until March 31, Cliffman said.

Cliffman was able to visit with 15 out of the 18 residents that are on the block where permission was given for the sleeping pods, she said.

“I know the Lord’s hand is on this,” Cliffman said. “Doors are opening: we’ve been blessed with a location and some donations to get started. I’m following the gifts the good Lord gave me to do this.”

Facebook page to follow along on progress:

A link to donate to the cause:[0]=AT0eZ_iOSWcNYAEGcJuoJuQ8KZz2CFqTEig36EFyTBI025cbPswq7KfMGW3AcYQXYsYXmJ-SzeajqZPxwBbF_P-XEiO6YD4W56OMFPllDu3Eq62zcD3fdup2rhA42XOZmHSTz5oAehpwZlDsTuzX-k1ftjVyi-8rj4Af2l8At9iKwPGznq2xzV2-4h_1StsBC7-9EJsZyhXp_MZvxuI





Holiday Youth Programs at the Public Library Are Offered

Fort Scott Public Library, National Avenue at 2nd Street.
Submitted by Valetta Cannon
Fort Scott Public Library
Youth Librarian & Assistant Director
For Kids: 
Teen party in 2019 at the library. Submitted photo.
Party: Meet Miss Val to pick up a holiday party-in-a-bag on December 17, 20, or 21. Miss Val will hand out bags to kids ages birth-5th grade from Noon to 5 pm on December 17 & 21 and from Noon to 4 pm on December 20. Come to the downstairs desk and ask for Miss Val! While supplies last; items are subject to availability. While there is no minimum age limit, the bags are designed primarily for kids ages 3-11. Each bag will contain:

Holiday Activities, Games, Gifts, and Treats. Kids can choose between a Cozy and a Chic party bag.

Letters to Santa: While picking up your holiday bag, write a letter to Santa and send it to the North Pole through the library’s Magic Mailbox.
Dec Our Walks: The library’s sidewalks (aside from the painted front walk) are bare. Bring them to life for the holidays! Ask for a chalk bucket at the downstairs desk and Dec the Walks. A laminated sheet of design ideas will be provided, and adult supervision is required.
Activities for ALL AGES: 
Go on a Candy Cane Hunt in the library! Now through the end of December, you may hunt for candy canes every day the library is open. Here’s how it works: Find a paper candy cane in a book from the children’s or young adult sections. Bring it to the front desk, along with the book so our staff can record which title was found. Get a real candy cane in exchange for the paper one! Limit 1 per day per person. No age limit.
Candy Guessing Contest:How many pieces of candy do you think are in this year’s Holiday Candy Jar? If your guess is the nearest to the correct number, you will win the whole jar! Share it with your loved ones or enjoy it all by yourself. In the event of a tie, the candy will be split evenly (as possible) between contestants. The contest will be open for entries from November 15 – December 15, 2021. Winner(s) will be notified within 2 days of the contest’s end. Entries missing critical information or made after the contest end date (Dec. 15 @ 11:59 pm) will be disqualified. Limit 1 entry per person. Must be able to pick up at the Fort Scott Public Library after the contest ends. Library staff and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate. Fill out this form to enter:
For 6th – 12th Graders: Our first indoor, in-person event at the library since March, 2020 will be this year’s Holiday Teen Party for middle and high school students!  The party will take place in the upstairs main room of the library on December 20, 4-5 pm. Pre-Registration is REQUIRED for all attendees. Go here to register: Due to covid concerns, we need to keep the crowd small, so registration will be capped at 25 people. Parents are encouraged to drop their teens off and pick them up at the end of the party, rather than stay in the party area for the whole event. MASKS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Saran Wrap Ball Game
Gift Exchange Game (we provide the gifts)
Scavenger Hunt
Handmade Gift Wrap Craft
Pin the Nose on Rudolph
Enjoy free treats

Other Youth Services the Library Continues to Offer:
Book Bags:Miss Val compiles book bags on popular topics for easy curbside checkout. Each bag contains ten books, plus some stickers and/or a bookmark. The drawstring bag, bookmarks, and stickers are free for the patron to keep, while books check out for three weeks. You must be a card-holder in SeknFind with an unrestricted account in order to check out a book bag. There is no limit on how many bags you may check out at one time. Order your bag using this form:, ask for one at our downstairs desk, or call the library. 
Current topics: 
For ages Birth – 1st Grade: Boys’ General Interest, Girls’ General Interest, Christmas, Construction, Cozy Books, Early Readers Level 1, Early Readers Level 2, Farm, Mystery, Silly Stories, Snow, and Winter
For Grades 2nd – 5th: Early Readers Level 3
Maker Kits: Make something cool with Miss Val!

To order & participate:
1. Choose which maker kit you’d like. Currently you may select from:
Kit #1: Paper Weaving (Easy/Preschool)
Kit #2: Yarn Bowls (Intermediate/Elementary)
Kit #3: Paper Cup Towers (Easy STEM)
Kit #4: Straw Structures (Intermediate STEM)
Kit #5: Pipe Cleaner Challenge (Intermediate STEM)
Kit #6: Garden in a Cup (Easy/Preschool)

Kit #7: Recyclables Challenge (Intermediate STEM)
2. Contact the library to order yours by calling (620) 223-2882, filling out this form,
 or emailing [email protected].
3. You may order 1 kit PER CHILD at a time. Once you have finished with the kit, order the same one again or a different one. Available while supplies last. Caution: Some kit items are not safe for young children. Parental supervision is strongly advised for children ages 3 and under.
4. Go to the Maker Kits Playlist on YouTube
to watch the accompanying video so your child can use the items in their kits right along with Miss Val.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: The Library offers a free early literacy program called 1,000 Books Before Kindergartenfor children from birth through kindergarten. Each complete reading of a book that the child hears counts toward their 1,000 books, and participants receive rewards for reaching each 100-book milestone. You may choose to track your child’s readingthrough the 1,000 Booksor the Reader Zone app (contact us for the code), on regular paper, or whatever works for you. Email Miss Val or message the library on Facebook with each 100-book milestone you reach, along with a photo of your child holding a printed or handwritten sign showing the milestone and/or a book, for the library to share your child’s success on their Facebook page (optional)If you choose the photo option, we will post it in our program’s Facebook album and print a photo for you to keep. Either way, we will also give them the sticker for that milestone and a free book of choice from a reward book list (you may get them through our curbside or in-library pickup). We do allow children below kindergarten age to continue on beyond 1,000 books for additional rewards. Visit this link: 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Signup Form to sign your child up online, or email Miss Val at [email protected].
Storytime: Order your bags for the remainder of December, and then join Miss Val online each week for another themed storytime! Watch the videos weekly on your schedule while enjoying the snack, and then create the accompanying craft with instructions from Miss Val. Current & upcoming themes: Holiday Music, Star Bright & Winter Lights, and New Year’s. To order, fill out this form:  Near the end of each month, we distribute the bags for the following month, so keep an eye on the library’s Facebook page or other social media for updates.
6-12th Grade Group: The self-named Dragon’s Nest Teen Group meets on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm. Most meetings are held online via Google Meet, but this week will be a hybrid Book Discussion meeting, held both in person at the Keyhole AND online on Google Meet. To register for December meeting bags, fill out this form. If your middle or high schooler would like to join the in-person meeting, they may show up at the Keyhole at 4:30, Wed., December 15 ready to discuss books. Next week’s (online only) activities will be Word Games and Creative Writing/Drawing, and the following week, we will create our own versions of “Wreck This Journal” for the new year. Necessary supplies are provided in the bags. ear the end of each month, we distribute the bags for the following month, so keep an eye on the library’s Facebook page or other social media for our new month’s registration form.

What’s Happening in Fort Scott Dec. 10

What’s Happening in Fort Scott!
December 10th Weekly Newsletter
So much holiday fun happening in Fort Scott,
share with your friends & family!
Cocoa and Caroling Late Night Shopping Event
Every Friday & Saturday!
50-minute narrated Trolley Tour
of Historic Fort Scott. Every hour on the hour. Departs from the Fort Scott
Chamber at 231 E. Wall St.
Friday hours: 11 am until 3 pm
Saturday hours: 10 am until 3 pm
$6 adults & $4 for 12 yrs. & under
12/10 ~ COCOA & CAROLING LATE NIGHT SHOPPING EVENT, 5-8pm, Downtown Fort Scott, stores open late and complimentary cocoa by Museum of Creativity in front of Sunshine Boutique. See graphic above for list of participating stores. Find the hidden mistletoe in each store to win Chamber Bucks!
12/10 ~ SUNFLOWER SPREADS CHRISTMAS CHARCEUTERIE WORKSHOP, 5:30pm, $45 per person, Liberty Theatre, click here for info.
12/10 ~ BOURBON COUNTY CASA HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER, 7-9pm at the home of Mitch & Colleen Quick, click here to RSVP (deadline December 3rd).
12/10-23 ~ CHRISTMAS LIGHT TROLLEY TOURS, kick off the 10th and run nightly at 5:45 and 7pm through the 23rd, except no tours on the 11th or 18th, book the whole trolley for $125 or individual tickets are $8 adults/$5 kids 12 and under.
12/11 ~ SANTA AT OLD FORT AUTO FOR PICS, everyone welcome, 3rd & Scott St., 9am to 1pm!
12/11 ~ THE LAVENDER PATCH EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS, 9am to 12pm, 620-223-1364, 2376 Locust Rd. See flyer below for more info.
12/11 ~ MUSEUM OF CREATIVITY HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE, 10am to 6pm, 102 S. National Ave., see flyer below for more info.
12/11 ~ CHRISTMAS IN GUNN PARK event nights on the 11th & 18th, Gunn Park, click here for more info, 5-9pm. See below or click here for event schedule.
12/15 ~ ROTARY CHRISTMAS SOCIAL, Crooner’s Lounge, 6:30pm.
12/16 ~ CHAMBER COFFEE, hosted by City of Fort Scott, City Hall, 8am.
12/16 ~ FORT SCOTT HIGH SCHOOL WINTER CHOIR CONCERT, 1005 S. Main St., 7pm, all are welcome!
12/17 ~ BLYTHE FAMILY BENEFIT AT LIBERTY THEATRE, chili feed tickets available at the Chamber for $5, evening will include a raffle, auction and DJ. Click here for info.
12/18 ~ THE LAVENDER PATCH EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS, 9am to 12pm, 620-223-1364, 2376 Locust Rd. See flyer below for more info.
12/18 ~ JINGLE BELL HOLIDAY MART, Bourbon County Fairgrounds, 9am to 3:30pm, click here for info.
12/18 ~ WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA LAYING OF THE WREATHS, 11am, National Cemetery No. 1 in Fort Scott.
12/18 ~ PAINT & PIZZA ART PARTY, 11am, by Happy Snappy Art, to be held at Papa Don’s, click here for info.
12/18 ~ CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK, Gunn Park, click here for more info, 5-9pm.
12/22 ~ BREAKFAST WITH SANTA AT DRY WOOD CREEK CAFE, 9am-1pm, click here for details.
12/27-31 ~ KID’S WINTER ART CAMP BY HAPPY SNAPPY ART, 1-4pm each day, $125 per person, click here for details.
1/5 ~ Dare to Dream Women’s Entrepreneurship Series Event, 5 to 7pm, dinner & childcare provided., click here for more info. & to RSVP.
1/9 ~ Bouquet making class at Sunshine Boutique, $10 per person – reserve your spot today! 620-223-6007
Boutiques-Antiques-Flea Markets & more!
Click here for Chamber member
specialty shopping & other retail in
Downtown & other areas of the community.
Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue
Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.
Many fitness options are available…
SPIN classesnow offered bySmallville Athletics, Tues & Thurs at 6 pm. $5/class or $50/mo unlimited
Total Body Fitness ~ M & W Karen Reinbolt at BRCC@
8:15 am $20/8 week session.
Zumba~ M,W, F @ 6pm Monalynn Decker at BRCC $40 for a 12-week session.
Indoor Fitness/Gyms at
I AM Rehab + Fitness, Smallville Athletics, and Buck Run!
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce
231 E. Wall Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701

[Message clipped]  View entire message

Christmas In the Park: A Fort Scott Family Tradition

Students working on decorations for the Christmas In Gunn Park event. Submitted by FSHS Building Trades Teacher Michael Casner.

A local group of people who love the community gathered in Gunn Park in April 2021 and together envisioned a Christmas event that they hope will grow each year.

The event has new leadership this year with many family activities.

Gunn Park is the largest public park in Fort Scott and is located on the west side of the city, off of Park Avenue.

This year Christmas in Gunn Park is Saturday, Dec. 11, and Saturday, Dec. 18 from 5-8 p.m.

A living nativity, Santa Claus, a toy drive for local children,  a chili feed, hot cocoa and coffee, kids crafts, a hayrack ride, trolley rides, music from local Fort Scott High School students, and some local vendors for shopping will provide a little something for everyone.

The event is free, Guns said.

“Goodwill donations are always welcome and will go towards expanding Christmas in Gunn Park next year,” she said. “We will be collecting new unwrapped toys for our “Fill the Truck Toy Drive” with donations going to Bourbon County Angels, Angel Gifts to fulfill Christmas wishes for kids in Bourbon County.”

“Everyone on the planning committee has a variety of reasons why they chose to join,” Melissa Guns, one of the organizers, said. “We want good things for Fort Scottians. We want to spread Christmas cheer and enrich the place we call home… Most of all, we want a place for both those who love Christmas …while offering a place for those who may struggle around the holiday season, a place to find a little peace and joy.”


Gunn Park will be closed for regular traffic during the event. Vehicles with handicap parking tags or window hangers will be allowed to drive into the park near the event.

Public parking is available on Burke Street in the Fort Scott Community College Nursing Building parking lot, north of the tall Fort Scott water tower, and also in the Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas parking lot at Ninth and Horton Street.

Busses to and from the event will bring guests in and out of the park from the parking lots.

Those who have helped:

The planning committee consists of Craig Campbell, Doug Guns, Melissa Guns, Bailey Lyons, Shannon Johnson, Josh Jones, Tom Robertson, and Devin Tally.

Shelter houses are being decorated by Niece of Kansas, Inc. (Shelter 1), Kiwanis (Shelter 2), Shannon Johnson/Clark Street Lights (Shelter 3), Shaunn Pytlowany (Shelter 5), and Bourbon County Cars (Shelter 4).

Allison Leach, Danyell Miles, and Susan Carrillo are decorating a grand entrance to the park.

Fort Scott Community College Welding Program and Fort Scott High School Carpentry, Welding, and Art Programs have each created festive displays.

“Mike Miles’ display is sure to please, and Robert Coon, with A1 Towing, is also providing us with a display anyone who grew up in the ’80s is sure to get a kick out of,” Guns said.

Buck Run Community Center is providing activities for kids.

USD 234 and FSCC volunteers are helping with shuttling people to and from the park, and the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce is providing the town trolley for moving people through the park on event nights.

Matt Harvey with Fort Scott Auto is running a hayride with his trailer.

Additionally, USD 234 is allowing the Fort Scott Police and Fire Departments to use their kitchen to cook up over 200 pounds of high-quality ground beef purchased by the committee at a special rate made possible by The Butcher Block.

Ward Kraft Inc. has donated the rest of the chili ingredients for a meal that is sure to give us all some extra warmth, she said.

Dollar General has donated bowls and spoons.

Ward Kraft Inc. is also helping folks to stay warm with coffee and Kathy Reed has donated hot chocolate.

Angel Gifts will be the recipient of the “Fill the Truck Toy Drive” and they have volunteered to help along with FSCC Cheer Team.

Skitch Allen is donating additional port-a-potties for the events.

“Finally, the guys from Fort Scott’s Parks Department are in full swing to help us get the grounds ready and the electrical properly connected,” she said. “Jeff Allen also helped consult on the electrical.”

“These groups, along with the City of Fort Scott and a grant from the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation have helped to make this year’s Christmas in Gunn Park possible,” she said.

Melissa Guns, center, representing the Christmas in the Park organization, received the grant from the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation on November 12, 2021. At left is FSACF presenter Gregg Motley, and Carla Farmer, right.

The vendors for Dec. 11 are Blessed B Creations and Hope Designs by Neen. On Dec. 18, Sparkle R Jewelry, Paparazzi Jewelry will be a vendor.

Vendor registration for December 18 is open through December 16. Interested vendors can sign up at

Schedule for Dec. 11

5 – 8:30 p.m: Angel Gifts Toy Drive, chili feed, hot cocoa and coffee, a vendor shop, kids crafts, hayrack ride, trolley rides, a live Nativity scene by Bethel Community Church, vendors selling items.

The chili feed will be provided until all the chili is gone.

All other events run throughout the evening.

5:30-6 p.m.           Music by the Fort Scott High School  Orchestra
6- 6:15 pm           Santa and a special guest arrive, tree lighting,  and sponsor acknowledgments.
6:30 – 8:30 pm    Pictures with Santa
6:15-6:45 pm       Music by FSHS Jazz Band
7- 7:30 pm             Music by FSHS Choir Ensemble
7:45 – 8:15 pm     Combined music performance by FSHS Jazz Band and Choir
8:30- 8:45pm       Event activities wrap-up

8:45 – 9 pm            Final hayrack and trolley rides to busses
9 pm                         All bus runs to parking completed and park gates lock for the night.

Schedule for Dec. 18

5 – 8:30 pm          Angel Gifts Toy Drive, hot cocoa and coffee, vendor shop, kids crafts, hayrack and trolley rides, and live Nativity scene by Bethel Community Church, vendors selling items.

5 pm – Until?      Food Vendors – Butcher Block & Tres Polito Food Truck
5:30 – 8:30 pm Christmas music performance by Bourbon County Revival
6- 6:15 pm          Santa and special guest arrive, tree lighting, sponsor acknowledgments.
6:30- 8:30 pm    Pictures with Santa
8:30- 8:45 pm    Event activities close
8:45 – 9 pm          Final hayrack and trolley rides to busses
9 pm                      All bus runs to parking completed and park gates lock for the night.








Bourbon County Local News