Category Archives: Fort Scott Community College

FSCC Trustees Agenda for June 15

The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday,
June 15, 2020. The meeting will be held in the Heritage Room at Fort Scott Community
5:00 p.m. Dinner in the Heritage Room at 5:00 p.m. followed by regular board meeting at
5:30 p.m.
5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Chair, 4
A. Approval of Agenda, 5
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on May 18, 2020,
C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims, 7
D. Approval of Personnel Actions, 5
A. Consideration of 2020-21 Meeting Dates, 38
B. Consideration of Revised 2020-21 Calendar, 39
C. Consideration of Kansas State Department of Education Migrant Education Project State
Level Activities Application, 41
D. Consideration of Proposed Continuation Agreement Between Iowa Dept. of Education
(IA DOE) And Fort Scott Community College, 52
E. Consideration of KASB Worker’s Compensation Member Participation Premium
Agreement, 53
F. Approval of Consortium Memberships and Dues, 57
G. Consideration for Disposal of Property, 59
H. Consideration of Tech Grant Purchase, 60
I. Approval of Panopto Video Platform Renewal, 67
J. Approval of CAMP Laptop Purchase, 70
A. Administrative Updates, 95
• June 15, 2020: Board Meeting
• August 7, 2020: In-service
• August 10, 2020: Fall semester begins
• September 2, 2020: Labor Day – Campus Closed
• November 19-24, 2020: Finals
• November 21, 2020: Graduation
• November 25 – 27, 2020: Thanksgiving Break – Campus Closed
• December 16, 2020 – January 4, 2021: Winter Break – Campus Closed
John Bartelsmeyer, Chair
Alysia Johnston, President

1) Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on May 18,
Attached are the Treasurer’s Report and the Bills and Claims Report.
1) Additions
a) Chris Riley, Assistant Football Coach, effective June 1, 2020
b) Jesse Herd, Assistant Football Coach, effective June 15, 2020
c) Elizabeth Cazares, MEP Advocate, effective July 1, 2020
d) Paulin Conde, MEP Advocate, effective July 1, 2020
e) Mayte Fuentes, MEP Advocate, effective July 1, 2020
f) Melanie Stuart Campbell, MEP Advocate and Instructional Specialist, effective July 1, 2020
g) Janet Reynolds, National PASS Coordinator and MEP Advocate Supervisor,, effective July 1, 2020
h) Yazmin Batch, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach, effective July 1, 2020

2) Separations
a) Tabitha Stults, Endowment Assistant, effective May 20, 2020
b) Michael Reynolds, Assistant Football Coach, effective May 31, 2020
c) Makaihlah Gibbs, Spirit Squad Coach, effective May 31, 2020


To view the full package:

FSCC Trustees Minutes of May 18

FORT SCOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of the Board of Trustees Training, May 18, 2020

PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Jim Fewins (via Zoom), Dave Elliott (via Zoom), Kirk Hart (via Zoom), Bill
Meyer (via Zoom), Robert Nelson (via Zoom)
ALSO PRESENT: Alysia Johnston, President, Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, faculty, staff, and community
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chairman Bartelsmeyer said he was glad the Board could continue to meet
through Zoom, and is looking forward to having a regular in-person meeting in June if possible.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
approve the consent agenda and addendum provided.
A. A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the core
values, mission, vision, and updated strategic plan.
B. A motion was made by Elliot, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Collection
Exhibit Loan Agreement Policy for the Gordon Parks Museum.
C. A motion as made by Hart, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to remove the item of
Greyhound Dorm replacement windows from the agenda.
A. ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard reports from the Student Services,
Athletics, Academic Affairs, Finance and Operations, and the President.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
6:24 p.m. by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote.

Open Letter from FSCC President Alysia Johnston


Dear Fort Scott Community College Family;

I feel compelled to say something concerning my thoughts on the tragic and senseless death of Mr. George Floyd. I watched the video of his homicide with a since of disbelief, anger, and sorrow. I could not help but think of how difficult this must be for our FSCC family members of color that have undoubtedly endured racial injustice. Racism and prejudice are not experiences I can speak to from my life experiences; however, I can listen and learn from the experiences of our students, faculty, and staff of color on how to help ensure all individuals are valued and can reach their goals at FSCC. I plan to assemble a task force consisting of FSCC individuals who can speak from experience and guide us on strategies to address racial inequities at FSCC.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” –Martin Luther King, Jr. stated this more than 60 year ago, yet we still have systemic injustice based on the color of skin. We do not all share the same backgrounds, and we have walked many paths to FSCC, but we must respect others diversity and learn from cultural differences if we are to have an institution that attains its mission of diversity and inclusion.

If you need emotional support or just someone to talk with, please reach out to our advising office [email protected] and they will direct you to resources that will allow you to address your concerns and feelings. It is important you take care of yourself and acknowledge your feelings in these uncertain times.

As your FSCC College President, I am committed to our Core Values that include providing opportunities in a supportive, safe environment, and a focus on relationships and experiences that value

students, community, and employees while fostering an inclusive and diverse environment. I am passionate that my job is to help ensure everyone in our FSCC family has an opportunity to achieve their goals.

I encourage all of us to speak out against racism, injustice, and individual wrongs when you encounter them. We must take care of each other to achieve our individual goals and dreams.

“Achievement has no color.” –Abraham Lincoln

Be safe and stay well.

Alysia Johnston

Cinema Saturday and Summer Hours at the Gordon Parks Museum

The Gordon Parks Museum will show the films of Gordon Parks on every other Saturday this summer starting on June 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the museum on the FSCC campus.

This free event will feature Mr. Parks’ films.

“This is a good way to spend a couple of hours on a Saturday morning and come watch some of Gordon’s films” said museum director Kirk Sharp.

The schedule is as follows: June 13-Leadbelly; June 27-Shaft (1971); July 11- Shafts Big Score; and July 25-Learning Tree.

The Gordon Parks Museum summer hours will be Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. starting June 6 – August 1.

For more information contact the museum by email at [email protected] or by phone at 223-2700, ext. 5850.

JUNE 13: LEADBELLY, (1 hour, 38 minutes)
SHAFT, (Directed by Gordon Parks) (1 hour, 40 minutes)


JULY 25: THE LEARNING TREE, (Written, Directed, Music Score, Screenplay by Gordon Parks) (1 hour, 47 minutes)



FSCC Is Adapting Due to COVID 19 Pandemic

Fort Scott Community College President Alysia Johnston.
Fort Scott Community College employees have been working on how to provide an education safely to all involved during the pandemic that has played havoc across the world.
“We have been working with local, regional, and state health officials to determine how best to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 for our students, employees, and community,” President Alysia Johnston said.  “We want to meet the unique needs of our students while keeping everyone safe.”
Schedules have been changed.
“The June summer schedule has been changed to an all-online format with the exception of John Deere,” she said.  “The classes will be split so there are not more than 10 students at one time.”
Adam Borth. Submitted photo.
“Currently, John Deere has two classrooms and a total of 15 students will be on campus in June,” Adam Borth, vice president of academic affairs, said. ” This will allow us to utilize both classrooms and appropriate distancing requirements. We will also be cleaning and sanitizing surfaces to exceed recommendations. We are hoping and planning for all of our technical classes to begin in August 2020, just as they did in 2019. While we prepare for this, we also will likely need to be prepared to have quite a bit of hands-on training in the first portion of the classes, should we need to go back online again. Our plan, at this time, is face to face courses for fall.”
“We are looking at a possible change to our fall calendar schedule that would have students finish the fall semester before Thanksgiving,” Johnston said.  “We believe this would help mitigate the spread of the pandemic as we would not be bringing students back once again from a wide geographical area.”

“We are discussing the idea of moving our start date up for fall classes, to begin on August 10,”  Borth,  said.



“We have tentatively set the commencement ceremony for Saturday, November 21, 2020 for graduates from spring 2020, summer 2020, and fall 2020,” he said.



“This would allow us to end the week of Thanksgiving, and hopefully minimize exposure during the fall semester. Our spring 2021 semester has not changed at this point, although this could change, given the fluidity of this situation,” Borth said.



“We are still evaluating courses which begin in July, and will continue to do so while the situation evolves,” he said. “The primary changes will be the amount of students in a classroom at any given time. We will ensure 15 occupants are in a classroom during this phase of reopening, and also ensure social distancing is occurring. This may mean significant changes to how our courses are scheduled by the time August rolls around.”


Some students will be tested for COVID 19.
“We plan on bringing back some student-athletes in July and have been working with Community Health Center of SEK to perform COVID-19 testing for the students,” Johnston said. ” We have procedures and protocols in place if someone tests positive for COVID-19. We are extremely grateful to CHC of SEK for working with us to establish best practices and administering the tests at no cost to the college or students.”
Budgets are revisited.
“We are currently developing the 2021 fiscal budget and analyzing available data and information to determine the best budgeting solutions,” she said. ” We know our state funding will be lower and we are making adjustments – keeping in mind the critical needs of students and all stakeholders must be met.”
Safety is a priority.
“Making sure students, employees and the community are safe is our greatest concern and we are working every day on best practices to make sure we meet all our stakeholder’s needs,” Johnston said.
On-campus classes for the fall semester are planned for students.
“The students, faculty, and the staff have done an amazing job adapting to online classes and working remotely,” she said. “However, we are all looking forward to having students on campus for the fall semester.”

Parks Museum Reopens May 27

COVID-19 Update: Museum Re-Opening with Safety Protective Measures

The Gordon Parks Museum will re-open to the public with normal business hours.

Safety measures will be implemented for the safety of our visitors, students, community members, and employees effective Wednesday, May 27, 2020.

The following safety protective measures are as follows:

•Any visitor that has a fever or exhibits any signs of COVID-19, please do not enter the museum.

•At this time, the maximum amount of 15 visitors or less at a time will be allowed in the museum to practice safe social distancing under the This may change according to each phase that is issued. Visitors will maintain six feet between patrons throughout the museum.

•Interactive touch-free exhibits and play areas are closed to help maintain best practices for health and safety.

•Hand sanitizer will be available

.•Staff will use PPE as deemed necessary and will continue to clean extensively and frequently in the high-touch areas within the museum.

Thank you for your continued support and patience during this time. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, 620-223-2700 ext. 5850 or email [email protected].

FSCC Livestreams Trustees Meeting This Evening

To access a livestream of tonight’s regular monthly Board of Trustees meeting, follow the youtube link currently posted at the top of the Board of Trustees page on FSCC’s website found here  The youtube link will provide a live feed of the meeting.


Once the meeting is adjourned tonight, Zoom will process the cloud-based storage and provide a link that will provide a replay version of the meeting.  The replay link will be posted to the same place on FSCC’s website by noon tomorrow.


Hannah Reel Is FSCC’s Outstanding Sophomore 2020

Hannah Reel, FSCC’s Outstanding Sophomore 2020. Submitted photo.
Hannah René Reel, 20, is the Fort Scott Community College Outstanding Sophomore for 2020.
She is the daughter of Jeff and Andrea Scott and Jon Reel, and hales from Fort Scott.
While at the college, Reel was involved as Presidents Ambassador, Vice President of Greyhound Student Government, Christians on Campus, TRiO, TRiO tutor, Phi Theta Kappa and in addition she is involved as a Make-A-Wish Ambassador, American Heart Association Ambassador and children’s teacher for Fort Scott Church of the Nazarene and its’ Vacation Bible School.

What are the most important things you have learned while at FSCC?

“How to be a good leader, learn how to prioritize, and that relationships with people are everything.”

Any life lessons learned?

“Not be afraid to be who I am..found my passion in teaching.. faith is the greatest path you can find.”


What is your major?

“Associates of Science  at  (FSCC) and gain a Bachelors in Communication with an emphasis in Communication Education for Secondary Education at Pittsburg State University.”


What is your ultimate career goal?

“Get my masters to become a Speech teacher at a community college.”



Tell about your experience getting your education online during the pandemic.

“My experience of education online was very difficult, but it taught me to rely on my knowledge and understand I had teachers and staff that were there for me to help in any way possible.”

FSCC Board of Trustees Agenda For May 18 And Minutes of April 20

The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday,
May 18, 2020. The meeting will be held in the Heritage Room at Fort Scott Community College.
5:30 p.m. Regular board meeting at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom link
5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Chair, 4
A. Approval of Agenda, 5
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on April 20, 2020, 6
C. Approval of Bills, and Claims, 7
D. Approval of Personnel Actions, 5
A. Approval of Core Values, Updated Strategic Plan, Mission, and Vision, 38
B. Consideration of Collection Exhibit Loan Agreement Policy, 54
C. Consideration of Greyhound Dorm Replacement Windows, 59
A. Administrative Updates, 60
• May 18, 2020: Board Meeting
• May 25, 2020: Memorial Day – Campus Closed
• June 15, 2020: Board Meeting
• December 11, 2020: Graduation
John Bartelsmeyer, Chair
Alysia Johnston, President

1) Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on April 20,
Attached are the Treasurer’s Report and the Bills and Claims Report.
1) Additions
a) Amanda Johns, IA DOE Regional Recruiter, effective April 1, 2020
b) Gonzalo Gonzalez, Assistant Baseball coach, effective May 1, 2020
c) Kendall Smith, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach, effective July 1, 2020
d) Troy McCloughan, English Instructor, effective August 1, 2020
2) Separations
a) Lance Barkley, Assistant Baseball Coach, effective April 30, 2020
b) Hanna Bacon, Admissions Representative, effective May 8, 2020
c) Kenton Matkin, Custodian, effective May 20, 2020
3) Transfers
a) Kevin Thomure, from Adjunct Instructor to History Instructor, effective
August 1, 2020
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Meyer Nelson
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Training
April 20, 2020
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Jim Fewins (via Zoom), Dave Elliott (via Zoom), Kirk Hart (via Zoom), Bill
Meyer (via Zoom), Robert Nelson (via Zoom)
ALSO PRESENT: Alysia Johnston, President, Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, faculty, staff, and community
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to
approve the consent agenda and addendum provided.
A. A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the
purchase of 250 mattresses from Ruddick’s Furniture for $39,625.
B. A motion was made by Elliot, seconded by Meyer, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Great
Western Dining contract.
C. A motion as made by Nelson, seconded by Hart, and carried by a 5-0-1 vote to table consideration of
Greyhound Dorm replacement windows until the May meeting. Elliot abstained.
D. A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Emeritus
Staff Policy as amended to include an option to participate in FSCC graduation ceremonies.
E. A motion was made by Elliot, seconded by Meyer, and carried by unanimous vote to approve Emeritus
Status for retiring faculty members Ronda Bailey, Art Houser, and Larry Shead.
A. ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard reports from the Gordon Parks
Museum, Miami County Campus, Student Services, Athletics, Academic Affairs, Finance and Operations,
and the President.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
6:19 p.m. by Meyer, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk

To view the complete board agenda, click below:

5.18.20 Consent Agenda

FSCC 2020 Graduation

black and white picture of a graduation cap offset to the right with the FSCC seal on the left

Fort Scott, KS–Fort Scott Community College is proud to CONGRATULATE our 2020 graduates! FSCC has over 382 graduates this yearlaugh How amazing is that?! Unfortunately, we are unable to celebrate together. BUT we will celebrate together in December (more details to come). Our Greyhounds had to endure so much change this semester and they did an awesome job, you all should be proud of yourselves.


We also wanted to announce our Outstanding Sophomore is Fort Scott native, Hannah Reel! Hannah has been very active on campus through President’s Ambassadors, Christians on Campus, Phi Theta Kappa, and so much more!


Hannah’s future plans: “I plan on moving to Pittsburg, KS this fall to began my bachelors degree at Pittsburg State University. I will major in Communication with an emphasis in Communication Education certified in Secondary Education. I will eventually like to go back to school after bachelors to get my master’s degree to work at a community college as a Speech teacher. I am truly grateful for the professors and staff I was able to create a close relationship with especially through Christians on Campus, TRiO, & Ambassador Program.”


Congratulations Hannah!!


To all graduates, we look forward to seeing you in December for our big graduation celebration!! Congratulations to you all, GO GREYHOUNDS!!


For a full list of graduates and to watch the graduation video, please click below:

2020 Graduates 


2020 Graduation Video

FSCC COVID 19 Update

picture of the FSCC administrative building with a red tint over the picture and the phrase "COVID-19 UPDATE May 4, 2020" written in the middle.

Date: May 4, 2020

Time: 12:15 P.M.

Fort Scott Community College  novel coronavirus, COVID-19 update


We are beginning to phase in our new normal at FSCC and I want to say thank you to our students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders for your efforts, expertise, patience, and dedication transitioning to online learning and remote work. I truly appreciate all you have done to meet our FSCC mission that provides affordable, academic, technical, and occupational programs.


Regardless of what our new normal looks like, I am confident we will continue to meet student needs with high-quality educational programs, as well as robust athletic and co-curricular programs. The good news is we have become better at delivering education in an online format and have developed critical policies and protocols on how to help keep our college and community members safe and healthy.


The June 2020 summer school session will change from face-to-face classes to an online format, with the exception of our John Deere Technician Training program. The determination to move classes beginning in the July 2020 summer session from face-to-face to online will be made in the next couple of weeks. We will update you as soon as we have more information. If you have questions concerning summer school, your schedule, or would like to schedule an appointment to enroll please contact [email protected]


Fort Scott Community College students who are currently enrolled for the Spring 2020 semester may qualify for COVID-19 emergency relief funds. The Federal CARES Act may provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations and ensure students are able to continue their education. To apply for FSCC Emergency Relief funds please submit the application at FSCC COVID-19 Student Emergency Relief Grant Application


If you have any questions regarding the FSCC COVID-19 Student Emergency Relief Grant, please contact us at [email protected]



Updated information:


  • Continue remote work through May 17th.


  • Begin our summer work schedule (minimal staffing on Fridays). Our first Friday of summer hours will be May 22.


  • Allow student tours by appointment only on June 1.


  • Our goal as of today is to have face-to-face courses, and also have students in the dorms when the fall semester begins. However, we continue to evaluate both fall and July courses to determine the appropriate modality.


  • June summer school classes will be moved from face-to-face to an online format (with the exception of John Deere Technician Training)



  • The last day for withdrawals has moved from May 1 to May 8.


  • Enrollment is open. Please encourage students to contact advising to schedule an appointment to enroll [email protected]


  • Online tutoring will be available for students via Zoom or email. Please contact Susan Benson at [email protected] for any tutoring needs.


  • Students desiring to setup a payment plan for an outstanding balance, need to access their Gizmo account and click the link located in the “Account Balance Information” section.


  • We are developing a plan to recognize graduates from this spring at a special fall commencement ceremony. More information regarding this will be released at a later date.





For students without readily available internet access, please contact your local area internet service and cellular service providers. Many companies are working with students during this time to ensure access to internet services. If this is unsuccessful, please contact Janet Fancher ([email protected]) or Adam Borth ([email protected]).



Updated Closures


The Bookstore, Library, Computer Labs, and Student Success Center will be closed until at least May 18.



Advising and Enrollment:


Fall enrollment is open and advising will be assisting students via phone appointments and email. To schedule an appointment please contact via email:


·         Russ Souza ([email protected])

·         Ashley Keylon ([email protected])

·         Quentin Choice ([email protected])


You may call 620.223.2700, ext. 3630 and leave a detailed message, including name, student ID (if applicable), and contact information.




Stay safe and healthy,


Alysia Johnston, FSCC President