Category Archives: Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas

CHC/SEK welcomes Family Medicine Physician Sarah Bradshaw

Sliding fee discounts and financial assistance is available to eligible patients, as stated on the front door of the CHC/SEK Clinic in Fort Scott.

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas welcomes Family Medicine Physician Sarah Bradshaw, MD, who has special practice interest in allergy, allergy symptoms, asthma and rashes.

She will begin seeing patients on Thursday, June 17 in the Fort Scott and Iola clinics.
Dr. Bradshaw, who is originally from Kansas City and now a Moran resident, interest in medicine began while watching her father work as an allergist. That’s where her own passion in allergy began.
“I saw how he helped people improve their health and got to know families over time,” she said. “I decided I wanted to help people improve their health too.”
A Kansas University graduate, Dr. Bradshaw completed her Doctor of Medicine at the Kansas University School of Medicine and Master of Public Health at the Kansas University School of Public Health.
CHC/SEK’s model of the Federally Qualified Health Center, which provides comprehensive and affordable care for people of all ages regardless the ability to pay, sparked Dr. Bradshaw’s interest in joining the health center.
Dr. Bradshaw’s scope of practice includes all facets of internal medicine, pediatrics, and family practice, except for obstetrics.
Most importantly, Dr. Bradshaw believes in giving patients the tools they need to live a healthy and allergy-free life.
“I enjoy teaching patients how to take care of themselves to improve their health,” she said. “I see them from time to time – patients are with themselves always.”

CHC Update: Planning the Reno and Adding New Family Physician

Financial assistance and sliding fee discounts are available to eligible patients, as stated on the front door of the CHC/SEK Clinic in Fort Scott.

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, Fort Scott, is still in the planning stage of the new site they purchased, the old Price Chopper store at 2322 S. Main.

“Planning on the renovation of Price Chopper is going smoothly,” Krista Postai, CEO and president, said. “It will have walk-in care along with regular medical clinic space and diagnostic, including x-ray, CT-scanner and bone density diagnostic equipment, offices for behavioral health/addiction treatment staff and other support staff and a drive-through pharmacy.”


Krista Postai. Submitted photo.


“No start date for renovation, as of yet,” Postai said.

“To help offset the expense of renovation, CHC/SEK was the recipient of a $1.1 million federal grant through the American Rescue Plan,” she said. “A large portion of the diagnostic equipment will also be covered by an $11.3 million grant that CHC/SEK received through the American Rescue Plan for Health Centers program.”

New Family Physician Is Added

“Dr. Sarah Bradshaw, a board-certified family physician with additional training in treating allergies will be joining the Ft. Scott Medical Staff in June,” Postai said. “Dr. Bradshaw is a graduate of the University of Kansas School of Medicine and completed her residency in Family Medicine at the University of Missouri of Kansas City. She also has a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Kansas School of Public Health. She was formerly employed by Allen County Regional Hospital.”

“Her time will be initially split between Iola and Ft. Scott,” she said. ” Her schedule is now being finalized and more details will be available this week.”


Pfizer vaccine available at CHC/SEK for people 12 and older  

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, 403 Woodland Hills Blvd.

The only FDA-authorized vaccine for 12- to17-year-olds is now available at all Community Health Center locations by appointment. The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is a two-dose vaccine that is given 21 days apart.

Now, entire households can be immunized against COVID-19 where previously only adults are were immunized. The vaccinations make it easier for students to return to regular schooling in person, and removes issues to school reopening’s by reducing the threat of transmission in classrooms, and allows adolescents to safely attend summer camps, sleepovers and get-togethers with friends.

Parents or guardians can request a vaccine appointment for their child on the CHC/SEK website Click the COVID Vaccine Request button. After selecting the “first dose” button, there is an option to select the Pfizer vaccine. CHC/SEK representatives will contact the recipients to schedule a date for the vaccine. 

For those without web access, the health center has a toll-free number, 866-888-8650 and a second number for Spanish-speakers 620-240-8940 to make vaccination appointments.  

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also has endorsed the Pfizer vaccine for the 12-and-up group — and agreed that it’s OK to give more than one vaccine at the same time, especially for children who are behind on their regular vaccinations. More than 3.78 million children have been infected with SARS-CoV-2cases and at least 303 have died, according to the AAP.

Vaccinating children helps shield others in the community from the virus, including people who are not protected by the vaccine, such as cancer patients and those with impaired immune responses. 

Experts also believe the more persons who are vaccinated, the less likely the virus will mutate and continue to spread further.

As with all COVID-19 vaccines, there is no out-of-pocket costs to vaccine recipients.  

CHC Purchases Price Chopper Building

The Price Chopper building.


It’s official.

The former Price Chopper building on south Main will be developed for a new site of the Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas in Fort Scott.

CHC currently leases the former Mercy Hospital building at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd.


“The sale has been finalized including an outparcel that was once being held for another development that didn’t materialize,” Krista Postai, CEO of CHC said. “So the entire building and parking lot is ours to develop.”

CHC paid $3,625,000 for the former grocery store that sits on the main thoroughfare of Fort Scott.


Krista Postai. Submitted photo.

CHC Closing On Price Chopper Building April 9


“The outparcel was immediately off US 69, near the sign,” Postai said.   “A very large chunk of the current parking lot.”


The future site is in a high-traffic area of Fort Scott, on U.S. Hwy. 69, with an address of 2322 S. Main Street.


The medical center will be making a large investment in the community.


“We estimate that when it’s all complete, we’ll have a $7 to $8 million investment including renovation and diagnostic equipment,” Postai said.


The project will be completed in less than two years, with the expiration of CHC’s current lease with Mercy ending in December 2022.


“We have less than two years to get it done so we’re jumping into the design phase,” Postai said.


CHC will be combining the clinic, walk-in care clinic and the pharmacy into the new development at 2322 S. Main.


“We did invite Via Christi Ascension to join us in this project but they indicated – very graciously – that they would need more time and were opting to remain in the existing Emergency Room in the Mercy Hospital Building (at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd.) which is still owned by the Mercy Health System.:


“As they requested, we will be donating back the land and helipad Mercy gave us behind the hospital for new construction now that we have the Price Chopper Building finalized,” she said.


The former Price Chopper tenant was there for two years.


Barry Queen, Queen’s Price Chopper, is the former tenant of the building. The property owner was  AWG, he said.  “(The property) is 40,000 sq. feet. “We closed the store in January of 2019, we had opened in December of 2017.  However, getting all the equipment out, etc. all happened in 2020.”

Allergy Clinic Coming

Also new on the horizon is a regional allergy clinic CHC will be starting this summer, she said.

“We thought Ft. Scott would be a good location for access from throughout our north and south service area,” Postai said.



Johnson & Johnson vaccine available at all CHC/SEK clinics by appointment  

The one-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is now available and at all Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas locations.
Currently, the vaccine is recommended for people age 18 and older. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine offers two unique advantages. It is a single dose rather than the currently required two doses for Pfizer and Moderna. The single dose requires less of a time commitment and inconvenience than a two-dose regimen, and also eliminates the logistical difficulties of scheduling second doses.
To schedule a Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, go to the website, click the COVID Vaccination Form button and complete the form. After selecting the “first dose” button, there is an option to select Johnson & Johnson or Moderna. CHC/SEK representatives will contact the recipients to schedule a date for the vaccine.
For those without web access, the health center has a toll-free number, 866-888-8650 and a second number for Spanish-speakers 620-240-8940 to make vaccination appointments.
Various CHC/SEK Johnson & Johnson pop-up clinics will also be posted on the CHC/SEK Facebook page.

As with all COVID-19 vaccines, there is no out-of-pocket costs to vaccine recipients.

CHC/SEK to host Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine clinic  


FORT SCOTT – The Johnson and Johnson one-dose COVID-19 vaccine will be available to all adults on Wednesday at the CHC/SEK Fort Scott clinic.
The vaccine will be available by appointment from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Currently, the federally allocated vaccine available at CHC/SEK is recommended for people age 18 and older. There is no cost to vaccine recipients.
CHC/SEK created where people can reserve their vaccine by filling out a contact form online. Using the web-based tool allows CHC/SEK to plan better for vaccine distribution. However, realizing not everyone has web access, the health center created a toll-free number, 866-888-8650 and a second number for Spanish-speakers 620-240-8940.
To learn more about the vaccine:

CHC/SEK staff receive White House Commemorative Easter Eggs  

Submitted photos. The White House Easter Eggs.

President Joseph Biden and First Lady Jill Biden sent Easter greetings to the staff of Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas this week in the form of Easter eggs. 

“Your organization’s efforts are a testament to the hard work that needs to occur in order for our country to reopen safely,” read the letter from the White House.  “The health and wellbeing of Americans remain an utmost priority to the President and First Lady, and your efforts and dedication are truly appreciated. On behalf of the President and First Lady, we wish you and your family a safe and Happy Easter!”

The commemorative wooden eggs were originally produced for the traditional White House Egg Roll held on the White House lawn each year. However, with the ongoing pandemic the event was canceled this year. Instead, the White House decided to send the eggs in recognition of community health workers.

“We are honored to be recognized by the President and First Lady for our efforts to make our communities safer and healthier,” CHC/SEK President and CEO Krista Postai said.  

In March, the Biden Administration created the Community Health Center Vaccine Program and chose CHC/SEK among 250 Community Health Centers serving vulnerable populations in the country’s most underserved communities to receive COVID-19 vaccine directly from the government. 

 “With the Biden administration’s support, CHC/SEK has been able to distribute more than 22,022 vaccines to help us get closer to ending this pandemic, Postai said.  

CHC Closing On Price Chopper Building April 9

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, 403 Woodland Hills Blvd.


New buildings/expansions are on the horizon for the Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas.


CHC is working on the purchase plan for moving from its’ Fort Scott present site to the former Price Chopper building on Main Street at  23rd Street.


The present site is the former Mercy Hospital building at 401 Woodland Hills.


“We are… closing on our purchase of the 40,000 sq. ft. Price Chopper Building in Fort Scott on April 9,” Postai said.  “The plan is to combine our walk-in care and main clinic together. The renovation will start as soon as possible, with a goal of completion prior to the expiration of our current lease with Mercy in December 2022.”

Krista Postai. Submitted photo.


There is also a new CHC building in Pittsburg.


“We have scheduled our groundbreaking for our new Medical Education Building in Pittsburg which will be home to all the students we are/will be training,” Postai said.


The groundbreaking will be May 3 at 12:30 p.m. at the John Parolo Education Building, south of the CHC/SEK System Office.


“About $5.6 million in donations have been raised to cover the full cost of the building and its furnishings scheduled for completion in the summer of 2022,” she said. “In the meantime, work continues on the establishment of a family practice residency program in Pittsburg in collaboration with Kansas University Medical Center and Via Christi/Ascension; the application for accreditation has been submitted with a ‘virtual’ survey planned this fall.”


CHC is planning a clinic in Chanute in the near future.


“We also bought 10 acres of land in Chanute on which to build a clinic in Neosho County,” she said. “Given all our other projects, it will probably take us 3-5 years to get this done.”

Continue reading CHC Closing On Price Chopper Building April 9

CHC Fort Scott Offers COVID-19 Vaccine This Saturday By Appointment

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, 401 Woodland Hills Blvd.

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas/Fort Scott will be vaccinating against COVID-19 using Moderna vaccine on Saturday, March 27 at the 401 Woodland Hills Blvd. clinic.  All vaccinations are by appointment.


Individuals age 18 and older qualifying under KS Phase 3-4 include  persons with conditions that increase the risk for severe illness from COVID-19, including: Cancer; Down Syndrome; heart conditions; Type 1 & 2 diabetes; Pregnancy; Asthma; Cystic fibrosis; Liver disease; Neurological conditions like dementia; and other medical risks.  Non-health care workers in critical infrastructure who cannot work remotely, including: Agricultural and food workers not included in previous phases; workers performing in-person activities indoors; Utility workers; Social service and government workers not included in previous phases; Logistics workers, such as truck transportation workers and couriers; Water and wastewater workers; Shelter, housing, and finance workers; information technology and communication workers. Persons from previous phases are also eligible to be vaccinated.


Request an appointment by clicking the get-my-shot button at,  or by calling 866.888.8650.


COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective in reducing sickness and death from the virus. It is up to each of us to do our part to get life back to normal, schedule your COVID-19 vaccination today with CHC/SEK.


Area Residents Eager to Receive COVID-19 Vaccinations  


CHC/SEK creates  for vaccination appointment requests 

PITTSBURG — Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas is seeing a strong interest for the COVID-19 vaccine under phase 2 of the Kansas COVID-19 vaccination plan.

On Friday alone CHC/SEK had almost 9,000 phone calls to its 866-888-8650 number, not including additional vaccine inquiries from its general phone lines, and obviously many went unanswered. The number is still active for vaccination scheduling.

Vaccine calls are answered by a team of more than 20 people, 12 hours a day, seven days a week. The phone line itself only allows for 100 calls to come in at a time and last week after the vaccination number went live, it went down after callers overloaded the telephone capacity

To reduce some of its call center’s stress, CHC/SEK has created where people can send their contact information. There is a short questionnaire to type contact information and indicate which CHC/SEK location the recipient would prefer to receive their vaccination. There is also an option to select “first available” if they are willing to travel to the site of the first available appointment.    

CHC/SEK schedulers will contact people as soon as appointment slots become available at the preferred locations. Currently, CHC/SEK is booked out for more than two weeks in some clinics. 

CHC/SEK began receiving weekly vaccine allotments last week after President Joseph Biden announced the launch of the Federally Qualified Health Center program for community health centers to receive a direct supply of COVID-19 vaccine to ensure underserved communities are equitably vaccinated.  

To date, CHC/SEK has administered more than 6,300 first doses of the vaccine and 3,117 second doses across its service area. 

The health center has also begun to reach out to essential businesses under Kansas Phase 2 by taking vaccinators on site.

The purpose of going onsite is two-fold,” according to Dawn McNay, who’s leading the vaccination outreach effort. First, essential businesses need their employees at work, so going on-site is the most efficient way to get them vaccinated quickly and without business disruptions; and, by getting these employees vaccinated at work, it leaves more vaccination appointments available in our clinic locations.”

CHC/SEK is also exploring other avenues to speed the vaccination process.  

“Please be patient, McNay says, “We are confident there will be plenty of vaccine available in the coming weeks, however with more than 170,000 people in our service area, it’s going to take some time before we can get to everyone who wants to get vaccinated.”  

The complete list of eligible individuals under Kansas Phase 2 can be seen at

Schedule An Appointment With CHC For COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine has arrived! Please note the time, date and location of vaccine clinics. 

Reminder: people must schedule an appointment for the vaccine.

COVID-19 vaccinations clinics open Wednesday, Saturday

A shipment of 4,000 doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine has arrived at Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas clinics as part of a national effort to ensure underserved communities are equitably vaccinated.    

CHC/SEK continues to focus on vaccinating people age 65 and older however, the health center has expanded to the remaining categories within Phase 2 of the Kansas Vaccination Prioritization Plan. Any individual from Phase 1 that still needs a vaccine may also call.

Phase 2 includes people aged 65 and up, high-contact critical workers and congregate settings. High-contact critical workers include: higher education staff; first responders; judicial/court system participants; childcare workers; food processing including meat processing; grocery stores; food service to include restaurants; transportation organizations/suppliers; city/county public works; Dept. Motor Vehicles; U.S. Postal Service, home care providers, and supplier of critical infrastructure service/supplies.


Vaccines are already going into arms. On Wednesday, vaccines will be distributed from 1 to 4 PM at 924 N. Broadway, Pittsburg.  

CHC/SEK-Fort Scott will be hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at 9 AM- 3 PM on Saturday, March 6 at the clinic located at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd, Fort Scott. 
The vaccine appointment telephone number to call is 866-888-8650, which will be answered 7 AM -7 PM seven days a week. There is an additional line for Spanish speakers, available at 620-240-8940, answered from 7 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Friday.
Anyone listed under Phase 2 of the Kansas Vaccine Prioritization Plan is eligible to participate. Those guidelines are available at
There is no out-of-pocket cost to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccine recipients will not be restricted by county residency, nor do they have to be a patient of CHC/SEK.