BoCo Inter-Agency Coalition Minutes of Dec. 4

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition General Membership Meeting Minutes, submitted by Chairwoman Billie Jo Drake.

December 4, 2019

  1. Welcome and Board update: Twenty-three members representing twenty-one agencies attended. Billie Jo announced that Nancy Van Etten will be filling the vacancy on the Coalition Board; Nancy will be replacing DeAnn Cambers who has relocated to Crawford County.
  1. Member introductions and announcements:
  • Billie Jo shared information provided by Kerry Pommier, Eugene Ware Counselor, regarding the Community Conversation on the effects of childhood trauma to be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 17, at Fort Scott High School. Guest speaker will be Monica Murnan, a member of the Kansas Legislature and Director of Student Support Services at Greenbush. For more information, call 620-223-3380 or email .
  • Michelle Stevenson, Fort Scott Pre-School Program, shared that the finance simulation organized by Lewis Dunkeson, FSHS, went very well.
  • Shannon Stancer, TFI Family Services, announced that they are in need of drivers.
  • Jean Tucker, Feeding Families, stated that the program is continuing to feed 135 – 200 meals every Wednesday evening.
  • Allen Schellack, Salvation Army, still needs volunteers to ring bells during the Christmas season. Last year over $7,000 was raised for use in Bourbon County; this year’s goal is $10,000.
  • Gary Murrell, Beacon, shared changes in Beacon hours for the holiday season: December 24 hours will be changed from the usual evening hours to 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Beacon will be closed on December 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, and January 1. Beacon will reopen with regular hours on January 2. Gary also reminded members that Beacon clients must be signed up in order to receive food in January. The only date left for sign-up is December 10 during the evening hours.
  • Caleb Smith, Kansas Appleseed, announced that he is planning a Hunger Action Summit on January 17 at the Pittsburg Library.
  • Steve Jameson, SEK-CAP, noted that he is working on guidelines to help adults with mental health issues.
  • Nancy Van Etten, American Red Cross, provided information on the upcoming blood drive: December 17 and 18 at Buck Run Community Center. They still need volunteers to help with escorting; call 215-9749 if you could help.
  • Jennifer Graber and Christine Abbott, Kansas Works, shared that the Annual Job Fair (all ages) and Youth Summit (16-24 year olds) will be April 2 at the Pittsburg Memorial Hall. Christine also shared copies of their new flyer.
  • Michelle Lyon, DCF, reminded members that LIEAP applications will be open January 21, the day after Martin Luther King Day, and will be open until March 31. She encouraged those that receive a denial to follow-up and provide what was missing in the original application. Many times making the corrections will result in an approval.
  • Sandra Haggard, RSVP, stated that she will be doing another Opioid Safety Seminar in the spring. Currently, Sandy has senior volunteers helping at the Beacon and with the veterans activities.
  • Robin Griffin, Thrive Allen County, is working on bike share programs, bicycle trail systems, and opioid prevention.
  • Barbara Longhofer, Kansas Guardianship Program, provided brochures about her program; she now has four volunteers working in the Fort Scott area.
  1. Program: Gary Miller, Angels Home Care Health. Angels Care Home Health provides services to seniors who are fifty-five (55) and older. Gary shared flyers listing all the services they can provide. He noted that they are beginning to see three generational homes and seniors who need assistance with rent and utilities. They do work closely with CHC; their program is covered 100% by Medicare. For those seniors who do not qualify for Medicare, Angels Care will work with their insurance or assist to find another home health facility that is affordable to the client. Further information can be found at or 620-232-2922.
  1. February program will be presented by MeagThe han Russell, USD 235. Meaghan will tell us about their Teammates program. Barbara Longhofer, Kansas Guardianship Program, will present the March program.
  1. Open Forum: Billie Jo reminded members that there will be no General Membership meeting in January due to the first Wednesday being January 1.
  1. Adjournment: Next meeting will be February 5, 2020.

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